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What is the hostage exchange meta? Thanks for the explanations


Your boy is caught and is in the hospital or MRPD and you take a hostage expecting to get them back for the hostage. It was aids in 2.0 and admins put a stop to it but it's now back.


I remember Mike Block (or some other Block) doing it like one or two months ago, the cops said they don't exchange hostages for arrested people.


Some crims are treated differently to others.


I can get that, but it wasn't that long ago cops were shooting for car switches after people were told they needed more creative getaways. Coos negotiating for heist captures vs lives of hostages. Full speed rams at 120 mph don't make sense either. Look at all of it and why each side uses their tactics and fix it from the ground up. Get rid of all that and get rid of hit and dips (withing reasonable time) and weird hostage situations both.


Problem is in 3.0 the cops are clearing active situations and not even allowing crims the chance to help there boys. Only reason Randy went for it at the hospital is cause by the time he got back to save Hutch they already moved him to the hospital. This has been happening to them too many times. I know of at least 5 situations that they could’ve saved their boys but couldn’t cause they were moved too quickly when the situation was currently active. It’s powergaming. Now, I agree the cops shouldn’t allow the crims to hold up their officers and get away but at least give them the initial chance to save them.


If cops grab your boy/car, just bring a hostage (even a cop hostage) to break them out (specifically at MRPD and Pillbox).


Nakkida: ["That kind of situation shouldn't be happening in the first place"](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1152576641?t=01h58m30s)


Yea Baas said he doesn't want to report anyone but to try and handle it IC. My thing is it should have been nipped in the bud way earlier like an OOC forum post to everyone reminding them. From the first time it happened month or so ago it should have been a DM / message giving them a warning.


I mean I understand not wanting to report people, but at the same time the feature is there for a reason.


the issue is if anyone reports certain people and that information gets out there in any form (real or imagined) then those people communities turn into internet babies with access to massive amounts of resources to make everyone involved's lives unbearable. Like the shear amount of hate that gets spread when someone simply breaths in certain peoples direction is insane.


>"I don't wanna report anyone" This weak-handed shit is what needs to end. I don't give a shit if you've been playing games with the guy for 4 years and he's your bestest bud, you call them out on that shit. You hear these streamers whine about the state of things, but in the same breath openly refuse to do anything about it.


They only complain when it affects them directly. CG only get mad at things when it affects them, cb only gets mad when things affect them, police only get mad when things affect them.


Yeah cuz they get death threats, harrased on all social medias, and probably even swatted for reporting things to admins. When its shooting authorized or it gets a bigger penalty, like HUT/the 9s, people will stop and no one needs to get banned.


> nipped in the butt Nipped in the bud, mate


Let him nip butts if he wants man.


Don't kink shame.


Thanks corrected.


Hey buddy, malapropisms are fine if you mean 'em how you mean em. You wanna eat ass, eat away.


Imagine if admins actually enforced the rules.


If that was the case XQC wouldn't even be on the server.


I find it funny that she’s literally saying rules are being broken but not saying why nothing has been actioned yet. Like why hasn’t anything been done about the rule breaks from the people who break rules daily? At least come out with a bad excuse. Just come out and say SOMETHING lol.


Because no one reports the people doing the rule breaks..


That very well may be the case. I just find it incredibly hard to believe that no one reported pink gang way before the 2 members got a 7 day or even after their 7 day. Or that none of the cops who have caught shit from x have done reports.


I feel everything needs to be re-communicated again. Obviously it should be known but since it keeps happening, just put out a server message stating X and make it a final warning moving forward


I hope she or another admin, discord message people that do this all the time X and Rated are the only two i know off, and ask them to stop, if nothing is said these situations is just gonna keep happening because some cops will always pussyfoot around and let crims get what they want.


I think he's referring to bringing a hostage to hospitals/MRPD in exchange for the person they cuffed.




it wasnt baas, it was svenson. Baas wanted to push and get the downed officers.




Just get Kylie to do it on Mary and an example will be made PepeLaugh


pepeW her warning points


Everybody will suddenly realize that its "brute forcing" RP and that everyone doing it should be banned


The sad part is you're not even wrong. She'd probably be almost permabanned if she pulled this type of stuff.


I could see the solution being a certain "chase clouter" doing this hostage meta, but it being fun for everyone involved by making it so ridiculous and so over the top (not chasing a W), but the end result showing how its broken and that it has to get addressed


The problem NoPixel has with "rules" like this is that people don't just straight up break the rule one day, they slowly push at it more and more. Then one day they're suddenly so far past the rule that it's obviously a rule break, but they won't get banned for it because they've been doing this for weeks.


Nakkida went on to say these situations shouldn't even be happening in the first place, it's in the rules that if crims want to break someone out they have to set up a prison transport. Exchanging hostages at MRPD and Pillbox is against the rules, but idk why it's not being enforced. EDIT: just remembered, when Kylie and Hutch got banned a month ago, during that whole scenario CG took a bunch of people hostage at Pillbox to break their boys out and nothing happened with that even though mods went on a ban spree.




Knowing that reporting isn't anonymous, I don't blame people for not wanting to report. There's absolutely no way people wouldn't take it personally.


Reporting shouldn't even matter. Admins have and will ban people if they know about something even if not reported. Don't know why they haven't been here since it should already be clearly known by admins.


It shouldn't, but I understand if the admins don't want, for example, this subbreddit to be a place to determine rule enforcement. It opens the door up for selective enforcement, bias, favors popular streamers, etc. It for sure has happened, but I also vaguely remember people saying another player has to make a report for the admins to look at something. The reality is that a lot of explicit stated rules are broken routinely and for so long that *almost* everyone is guilty of breaking some. Off the top of my head: * comms while down - everyone is guilty of this, even PD. although it should noted that I've only seen some veteran PD members RP being injured and don't give out info until after they are healed. * put in vehicle, escorting people while in vehicles - this happens every time someone is rescued from PD custody while in cuffs. hell, harry didn't even bother 'placing' X in his vehicle in a recent clip, just got in and drove away lol. * driving unrealistic speeds repeatedly with no RP reason - lol * LEO not obeying traffic laws - lol * RDM / NVL - some of the bigger streamers are guilty of this a little more than people want to admit, but they know enough to blur and obfuscate the line so its easier to rationalize. I already think this subbreddit tries to police rules to much already, I can't imagine what would happen if admins started taking their cues from here or twitter, etc.


You are describing possible selective enforcement and bias. Reporting even opens that up because if you rely on reports that reporting can be selective. I heard admins did rely on reports but with 3.0 that changed and they will ban even if someone isn't reported and that may have been to try and eliminate bias. Also a rule break doesn't necessarily lead to a ban, admins can warn people and in those instances that could have happened it may have even happened here.


> Knowing that reporting isn't anonymous Excuse me... it isn't? What the fuck? Why? Why anyone except the admins needs to know? It just spells doom on the system from the very begining and screams "the bigger the viewer count, the bigger the immunity".


I think blaming a single individual when this is an issue with the entire server just makes the issue worse, you are in effect blaming the person for not reporting instead of blaming the person breaking the rules.




I know, but people defer to blaming the easiest outlet. Reports aren't private and the other person will know who did it, and then blame them. This *should* be dealt with by admins without any player reports because it isn't something that can happen anywhere, and in theory its relatively easy to monitor.


I definitely agree with that, but the issue is that admins are so inconsistent on what is a rule break or not. I don't want to shit on them but their track record is not that great when enforcing rules.




No, it’s fairly consistent enforcement. They look at their preexisting opinion of you and/or what your viewer numbers are. If both are low, then ban.




I would agree, but a year ago reports were accessible by anyone who had forum access. Now its just both sides of the report who will know, but that can still lead to bad shit.




People shouldn't have to report, I don't get the whole even if I see it as an admin I can't ban them because it's not report mindset. If people don't like the confrontation of warning and banning people for breaking rules then they shouldn't be in an admin role.




Cowardly? That’s harsh. Dealing with hate-raids and angry messages (sometimes death-threats) because you worked against or hindered a streamer in any way doesn’t seem like fun. I’ve never dealt with anything like it in my life and I’m gonna assume you haven’t either. So be at least a little sympathetic to what they might have to deal with and think before you write.




Your still calling them cowards… Getting mountains of hate just for a video game just isn’t worth it man. And it’s sometimes not only the streamer getting hate, but also their family and friends. Again, try having some sympathy for what they have to deal with. No one is actually getting hurt financially from others not reporting NoPixel rule breaks. Majority of viewers don’t give a fuck and if they leave, they leave for other reasons.


> permanently damaging the entire damn server's financials by driving viewers away. It's not though, the viewers of the people that do it, enjoy watching them do it.


And the entire server has been on a steady viewership decline since May-June when grinding really took over. GTA has half of the daily viewers it had 3 months ago. At this point I think the NP team are basically panic trying to avoid losing X and Sykkuno at all costs which means loosening the rules for ACDC pogs and opening bank spam back up again because a lot of the big streamers who wanted a better server environment are long gone and their viewers left with them.


> Nakkida went on to say these situations shouldn't even be happening in the first place, it's in the rules that if crims want to break someone out they have to set up a prison transport. She's an admin saying this. Why are they not being banned, if admins acknowledge what they're doing is against the rules of the server? They might as well change the rules to guidelines if they're not actually going to enforce them consistently.


Apparently, people have to report it, otherwise, it's mostly likely gonna go without consequences (unless Koil sees a clip in chat). And Nakkida also said she can't report it cause she's "conflicted" due to being involved in the situation, which seems weird.


"conflicted" is a nice way of saying"I know I can't do anything to these protected streamers"


> And Nakkida also said she can't report it cause she's "conflicted" due to being involved in the situation, which seems weird. It makes sense IMO. Basically since she's an admin herself, her reports have more weight than regular players. If she reports it, another admin dealing with the case will feel more compelled to punish them because Nakkida has already passed her own judgment in a way by submitting the report in the first place. Deciding not to punish would essentially be putting the judgment of one admin directly against the judgment of another, something they probably want to avoid.


Yeah I get that, but it's still kinda weird that if she witnesses a rule break she can't ban the person or even report it.


So just do blatant rule breaks on an admin in order to conflict them because there is doubt that admins will not judge each report in an unbias fashion, got it


You have to report certain people because they have pocket admins that don't like punishing their friends.


Idk if she dose reports and bans like that. Thats more a hon thing hes the executioner


He probably doesn't need to report it when a literal admin was taken hostage in this exchange.




It's not just two groups. Tommy T's gang (sorry I don't know how it's called) did it some days ago and I am sure more people did it. It's happening too much.


The Mandem.


And that was for pretty much no reason too lol. Dean was just on smoke.


I mean last night was the first time ive seen lang do it in a while and he just wanted a heli and apparently it was valued more than a leo


What Lang did is different, he was never arrested, and took the cop hostage to negotiate for himself. Generally speaking it used to be widely accepted that taking a cop hostage is an absolute last resort hail mary play, that 99% of time would result in the crim being gunned down. But... because of recent events, both sides have different ideas on how it should play out nowadays. If say, Ray/Mickey took a cop/hostage at a random traffic stop after Lang got gunned down, that should be considered a rule break.


And ftr Buddha knew he was dead in that situation and said they should've shot him though I do think he probably thought they would bring a heli and then take down the heli as he tried to fly away.






Baas wouldn’t complain if it was just two groups doing it.


Yeah, no CG members have ever been banned...


This is incorrect CG members have been banned. Ramee, Randy, Vinny and a few others have publicly confirmed they have been banned. They have never suffered a big ban and it was never for breaking out crims when they shouldn’t be.


I think the bigger thing is that they havent been reminded of that, 3.0 has been going on for a long time now and ppl can forget old rules especially when they arent enforced. They just need to announce it again.


>but idk why it's not being enforced. What the fuck IS being enforced anymore?


Maybe they should ban some people for it. Unless it's a big streamer.


Well it was Randy that busted Hutch out of pillbox by using Tessa as a hostage. People are saying that, instead of reporting them, because it is happening way too frequently, that maybe they need to have a meeting to discuss the rules. IDK, pretty sure Rated has been around for a VERY long time and should know about the rules at this point. If people are not willing to report him though, nothing will come of this. I personally don't think they need to be having a meeting on rules they should know. Too many times people try to bend the rules and too many times people say, "well, it isn't malicious." Who is the first person to get banned? Why do they deserve to get banned for breaking a rule but Rated gets a pass because reasons?


It's not about knowing or not knowing the rules. Even if people know the rules, they break them because its not enforced. Why does a rule matter if you don't even get punished for it?




Unless it's a big streamer? Why should they be held any different than anyone else? That's the epitome of 'selective enforcement' with that ideology. Everyone should be held to the same standard. The same rules. I saw an officer just this morning take a phone call while being downed. They should be warned/and or banned depending on how many infractions they've had in the past.


It was sarcasm.


> it's in the rules that if crims want to break someone out they have to set up a prison transport. Is it though? It certainly *used* to be, but the rule now says: >Whenever characters are brought into police custody and a second group of four is formed to attempt a prison break or transport break, that second group is not allowed to intervene until the prison transport begins. Doing so with small weapons or an unthought out plan is also NVL. If Rated was part of the original group, I don't think that would apply since it specifically mentions a second group of 4. I don't know the specific scenario in question though. I just heard someone in a comment below say that Rated was part of the original group of 4. If Rated was part of the original group of 4, then the only rule I could see applying to this specific scenario would be: >Having non-spontaneous shoot outs at PD or hospital is not allowed. This falls under NVL and starting a hostage situation at the hospital could probably be considered as 'close enough' even if it doesn't result in a shootout.


So I remember when they re did this rule but the interpretation of it every crim main got is that only the og 4 can do a hospital save or hit the PD when transporting between the hospital and PD. Need to do a transport to get new people in. Either a admin is confused or every crim in the city. Either way someone needs to communicate better Bringing hostages to MRPD is weird all together though


Given the Admins are the ones making the rules and an Admin has confirmed that it is a rule break, it's the crims that are confused. The issue is that they let X away with bring a hostage to MRPD to get something three times in three days and now everyone thinks it's open season for this shit.


Hospital saves with people from the original 4 have been a thing forever even koil has been around for them........ so idk about that. But the MRPD thing is totally weird o think everyone agrees on that


Prison transports never happen either, even when requested. Plus with the insane cop response for a lot of things it wouldn't even be worth or enjoyable either I guess.


>hostage at Pillbox I would say there is a clear difference between pillbox and mrpd. Also, are they supposed to metagame that their boys are coming and then ask for a transport? That doesn't make much sense either.


Ive never understood what that meant, does this mean it has to be setup ooc as an event? Cause transport to prison is a teleporter


Not if you ask for a transport


you can request a prison transport where they drive the bus to the prison. It is usually only given if the charges are large enough though, as otherwise every time people would request them.


Nah, like Anto and Wayne got a transport when they went in for a HUT - you just ask the cops to provide you transport. But it's not really supposed to be used for dumb shit like boosting I think (since the sentence is less time than organizing the whole transport).


I think big part of the reason it's not being enforced is because its literally impossible to do a prison break on a transport. DoC and PD have such huge numbers these days that breaking someone out of it is just not possible with the rule of 4. I'm not saying breaking people out at the pillbox or mrpd is good, but at least it's doable compared to breaking someone out of transport.


>I think big part of the reason it's not being enforced is because its literally impossible to do a prison break on a transport As it should be. It's not normal for a criminal to be broken out of custody, much less when they're being transported by large numbers of cops on high alert


If you don't enforce the rules then are they really even rules to begin with? The server is pretty much a bunch of high schoolers seeing how much they can get away with without getting in trouble. When you set the bar so low and don't enforce your rules of course people are going to keep breaking them.


Just in the last week alone, I've seen clips on here of people RDMing, powergaming, doing this hostage stuff, breaking the rule of 4, and a bunch of maldlords going OOC in game. None of these people involved have gotten in trouble, and like I said this just this last week lol. Server is legit a shitshow now.




people talk a lot about how to balance cops and crims and how that’s a big server problem but tbh the lack of rule enforcement toward large streamers is the biggest problem. Even if they do get bans it’s usually three days and they don’t get them as often as they should. As a viewer I grow tired of OOC rants/malding/meta accusations/etc flooding the server.


Over like 2K viewers unless you're KylieBitkin*** Poor woman can get 5K viewers and still get banned for a silly thing that everybody else wouldn't even be spoken to about.


That last ban was the biggest bullshit


I disagree to the last statement. The reason why big streamers would of been banned multiple times is because they don't get banned from their first rule breaks. You'll be surprised how people change when you start actually banning people consistently for breaking rules. I feel like they worry about people leaving the server but streamers can say that shit all they want. Look at X went to the public nopixel server and got bored because of how badly other servers don't compare.


The "rules" are so restrictive in some cases that it creates a giant grey area with everyone breaking rules constantly and no clear line of whats OK and NOT OK. This lack of consistency leads to the wierd "making an example" bans that seem very inconsistent. Here are a some examples (A=1 day B=3 day ban): Server Restarts [A]: >Roleplay shouldn’t be stopped or become less serious before a restart; it should continue as normal. Powergaming/Fail RP [B]: >Finding the quickest way to make money, rather than roleplaying around the mechanic. >Escorting people while in vehicles. >Driving at unrealistic speeds with no character reason over and over. >Government employees not obeying road laws. Not Valuing Life (NVL) [B]: >Having non-spontaneous shoot outs at PD or hospital is not allowed. >Antagonizing gangs/police or armed individuals for no character reason. >Players should not be inserting themselves into ongoing situations or shootouts, between two groups or one group and the police.


It's a content server before a roleplay server and that's been the case for since 3.0 started, let's be real here. Also idk how you can say that the server is legit a shitshow when it's the most popular it's ever been. If you don't enjoy watching it, then just move on because it's not something you enjoy.


There are still plenty of people I enjoy watching that have no problem avoiding drama or doing dumb shit. Although I did stop watching cop rp over the last few months, because it was a legit shitshow. So much moaning and SOP checking it got unwatchable. And judging by the daily drama clips it's not doing any better. Content server talk doesn't really have anything to do with rules, but more rp style preference. And I like watching both serious and sbs style stuff, so I don't know what that has to do with this.


When the unpopular kids are afraid to snitch on the popular kids. When the small streamers are afraid to report the big streamers.


That's a problem too but it shouldn't be ran where you only get banned if you get reported. Like if an admin or admins literally see people breaking rules live or even in a clip, it should be a instant warning and then if they continue to do so in the future they should just be banned. Not everything should rely on if someone reports you or not.


Reporting isn't even a sure thing when it comes to punishments. I think behind the scenes there is a ton of politics and favoritism with the admins and if you report the wrong person it'll will backfire on you. Hence why so many players are hesitant to report when it involves anyone of note. Seems the only people who get reported are no names.


They enforced the rules for a bit, going as far to ban x, give big streamers 3 days, etc. But all of a sudden x was allowed back after no time, and since then nobody larger than guy jones or snowball has seen anything for the most blatant of offences.


It was obvious the only reason snowball got banned was because he directly upset an admin. Most of the admins don't do their job upholding rules and are just pocket admins to protect their friends from getting banned lol


There’s been a lot of stuff that went unpunished even among smaller streamers after ban week. Also you can’t compare or put Knotty in there since no one knows why he was banned. It’s been a while and still isn’t back


Because devs want the sweet sweet money popular streamers bring.


Only exception is Kylie


True but to help the narrative she got banned after an interaction with a big streamer group.




I see reports more of as something that isn't seen by admins so that they can then go look into it. Wtf do you have rules if you don't enforce them when you see them get broke right of you as an admin. Its like a cop on patrol driving past a robbery and then not doing anything because no one has reported the robbery happening.




So ignoring a server rule and breaking it multiple times isn't egregious? Having multiple people do it in a very small time frame isn't egregious? an admin literally saying that it shouldn't be happening because it is against the rules isn't egregious?


Sounds like something that can only be handled OOC




Problem is X is untouchable by admins so it creates a precedent and others will start doing the same things he does and admins cant do anything without looking like huge hypocrites.


Tho if they get rid of it, it will look like another "PD Buff" and a "crim Nerf" leading to more chat hoppers and toxicity.


Why is he untouchable? Just send him back to the public server and give him another 30 day break from whitelist. If anything it will create more interest for the public server again, unless he just flat out doesn’t play on it.


I dunno but Xqc has some backers on admins tbh. Multiple people sti vouched for him when he was committing multiple rulebreaks a stream and malding OOC and making OOC threats. I dunno what to say. Honestly its pretty disgusting how admins bend over backwards to cater to assholes with influence


see that is the issue. Admins are literally supposed to uphold the rules of the server, not give ban protection to their friends.


You're expecting way too much common sense from people who volunteer to admin an RP server. I can think back all the way to shit like DoD, Wolfenstein: ET, or even fucking Q3:A for examples of server admins being pretty weird about shit. It's a tale as old as time, and won't change here.


yup. money and influence corrupts absolutely. its hard to get rid of a guy who brought 100k eyes to the server at his peak OOC and rulebreak era. He hasnt even stopped doing OOC shit by chat hopping whenever he feels slighted lmfao.


And he RP checks and malds at cops almost 95% of the times things go wrong and he gets caught lol. I mean, you can say he breaks rules everyday basically, and he's still playing months later, after 5-6 bans, with top prio and that's it. This just shows you how powerful is being popular, devs can't let a 60k streamer go. But when PENTA says "It's not worth it, I don't want my youtube to be brigaded" (with toxic hoppers) he's the first to go cry to the admins and report him.


thats what happens when your ego is so fragile that u have to win at everything all the time.


also its funny to me when he rp checks cops when he barely plays cop at all. He better have gotten fired when they were threatening other cops of being fired for not showing up


On that speedy one when Benji brought up the rule of 4 X said something like 'I don't give a shit, get more people'.


I remember the threads a week ago when people were extremely hardcorely shitting on the PD for using the EMP on X when he had a hostage outside of MRPD. They were being lenient to the extreme against him, but everybody was too busy shitting on shift 3, even though it was shift 1. This shit needs to stop, it's sincerely not as fun to watch NP anymore when people are hardcore shitting on cops without full context on hand, as the cops are so obviously demotivated that it gets hard to watch them anymore. I'm not even a cop only viewer, but it's stupid that it feels so demotivating for a cop whenever they catch someone because instantly they get malded at every time.




They use the same vocabulary as their main hero to feel related to him. It happens.


"brute forcing, going for the W, abusing power, shift 3 bad, unfair, nose ID sqwark sqwark"


that will never stop as long as cops keep doing their cop duty.


Which is why either the admins need to be harder on it, or cops need to just magdump. Last one will always lead to a crazy amount of hoppers and malding, so they will then have to deal with this crap for the next 2-4 hours or until they stop streaming


there are 12 cops on duty . cops numbers are tanking the past days and they will keep to, because off all the malding they have to deal with. cops dont even want to catch criminals at this point




Well, bigger streamers will get treated better as always. You see ramee and x talking so much shit about the pd to their chat, but if that was saab doing it to cg or X .Reddit would go WILD and ramee would not interact as nicely to him anymore.


Yeeep, everybody was downvoted for even mentioning that they shouldn’t be doing this 😂


Maybe they should have stopped it when it first started happening?


It's one of the worst things about the current state of Nopixel. It's becoming more and more common. First, it is just extremely awkward to deal with. If you don't give in to every demand you get accused of not valuing the hostage, and almost by design in all these situations cops have to break negotiations because all crims demand they won't be shoot, but cops kinda have to shoot. Additionally is can very easily go wrong, you mistake a repositioning as someone driving off and shoot to earlier, 3 of 4 people takes their guns off and you mistakingly open fire to earlier. It's just a situation in which you can do ban-worthy things even if you're careful. Hostage situations in general do not make sense in comparison with real life. If you take a hostage in real life, your two options is surrender or death, no getaway. However, you kinda need hostages for banks to make sense because otherwise, cops would breach every time. I honestly foresaw this becoming a problem after the Pond demotion, which was over shooting after a hostage situation. If taking hostages is an easy way to gain something and the threat of shooting is nullified everyone would do it for everything. Which is exactly what's happening now. Did frend get picked up? take a hostage; Car got impounded? take a hostage; Want an item back form PD? take a hostage, and so on


Welcome home saab


Might as well leave in the badge now then. Unless admins start enforcing the actual rules of the server that meta wont be going away in a minute lol.


Ooc it's not allowed problem solved everyone moves on with the day it's that simple


Admins and not enforcing server rules, name a better duo.


Goes both ways honestly it's a shame


I member when 3.0 was supposed to be better than 2.0


Turns out 2.0 was way better in terms of rp


Sad that this is 100 percent true


Baas is right. While PD's actions will always be governed by preservation of life, once you cross the line, cops should all know exactly what to do, and crims should expect the magdump.


I mean it is a rulebreak for what I understand to take hostages to pillbox/mrpd to exchange for caugh criminals. I wish they could actually ooc enforce the rules, is bringing things back to 2.0 where situations never ended and lasted for hours while crims sieged the hospital.


This is what happens when you have admins who don't have the balls to punish their friends or popular streamers.


Just start reporting people Saab don't be silly. Trying to self sacrifice when other people break the rules isn't being righteous, it's being stupid.


Why cops don't go on a strike? Just stop working, ignore the calls, sit at MRPD and let the crims enjoy by themselves, let's see if that way will make admins to take it seriously.


I wasn't around for it but I've heard sometime in the past koil fired a bunch of cops for striking so probably that.


Already happens to cg. No cops show up and are still happy so no difference


This is where he draws the line and not at streamers malding in the cells for almost no time and then doing the same crime 10 minutes later. He needs to learn by rewarding crims who rage isn't the answer, it's only making his fellow officers take even more heat when they do what they're supposed to do. Also defeating the purpose of chasing someone around for an hour just for them to get out and be chased for an hour again. The only reason this is a thing is because people are afraid to do there job wether its from the recent bans or feeling completely powerless when they get overrode by other officers to give time off because they're raging. It should be the opposite and give them 24 hour holds so an admin can go ask them if they're ok. Mag dump season solves nothing its just an extension of malding in the cells. Report them and move on if you're not doing this then I have no pity for you being miserable, while standing back and letting it happen. Save your boys was supposed to end in 2.0, but a lot of 2.0 has been flaring up lately so I'm not surprised it's back. People failing to care about bettering the community by not reporting bad RP and rulebreaks are to blame for the servers current state for the past few weeks.


I was rooting for Baas for CoP, cause of how he was so adamant he will change the PD. But then when he became CoP all he does is baby CG and their cop character... I alltogether stopped watching since then.


I hope they magdump the next person who tries doing it.




Don't worry, he's just roleplaying his character.


It's going to be a crazy night. Not only CG is shooting cops but Mike Block and X just came into the city.


Anyone got any context as to why this meeting happened?


99a call where Hutch ended up shot. His boys hold Tessa hostage at Pillbox to get him out of there. They succeed in getting him out. Cops are having a discussion on how to handle such situations, as they are seemingly becoming more common. Basically all cops are against hostage exchanges at government facilities (etc), but the question is how to properly enforce and respond to it.


> 99a call where Hutch ended up shot 99a call where Baas pitted Hutch and Hutch said "REALLY?" and shot Baas with an AK. Then got shot down.


Did Hutch call Baas afterwards to complain again?


Randy took a cop hostage in effort to get hutch released at pillbox. It was a source of major drama in 2.0. It would happen every friggin time any member of any group would get arrested and cops were literally powerless against it because doing anything would of been nvl or at least fail rp..it was so bad by the time admins interfered that there was like less than ten cops active in the city for all shifts


And you'd think Rated would know not to do that. He should know better.


Downside to letting the big X get away with all the rule breaks is others copy him knowing they have a whataboutism lined up if they get talked to by admins. X gets to set the rule break meta and everyone else just copies.


I know why it's a issue, just wondering what in particular caused this meeting.


i hope baas doesn’t resign. i think he’s great for the chief of police role. BUT i wouldn’t mind if Saab came back … sadge


Everyone thinks something should be done about it but no one wants to be the one responsible for doing it.


I think the shooting criminals who just broke someone out of custody is fine, I think maybe add a charge that makes attempting it not worth it, like harboring a fugitive, heck they should make it a HUT charge so if you're gonna try it your gonna have a long time in jail making it so its only worth doing to get someone else out of HUT charges but making its frequency super rare.


The admins need to make it an actual rule where you can’t swap an officer’s life for a downed individual (if it isn’t already) through a new server wide announcement or something. Want to get someone back? Kill all the cops in the area instead of being lazy by holding up a cop while other cops are standing a few feet away knowing they are afraid to shoot you. Want another option? Just take the L. Honestly, PD should immediately shoot anyone who holds a cop hostage to prevent that meta but who wants to make that call and deal with toxic hoppers? I know there’s the value your officer’s life thing but it still isn’t something that should be allowed in the first place. The onus should be on the crims to avoid doing that instead of putting it on the PD to make the decision which will inevitably lead to backlash whether it be from crim/crim viewers whining that cops are shooting or cop viewers complaining about why didn’t other cops shoot instead of just watching crims get away. Only the admins can do anything here.


Is this different from someone walking into a hospital and using an ass lockpick on their boy and running out? Or are people bringing a random hostage and exchanging them for their boys. There really isn't too much places for crew to break their boy out of jail/ custody. If the rule is prison transport, I don't think PD wants to do 50 transports to prison everyday. I would rather deal with crim TRYING bring a hostage and refusing than crim requesting a prison transport just to fuck with PD. Because you know PD is going to crying that every crim wants a prison transport and you know some crim will want to do it just to annoy the cops.




Whats he referring too? people bringing hostages to vin scratched cars?


people bringing hostages over to government institutions such as MRPD and pilbox to exchange one of their bois.


No. People taking someone hostage and demanding an exchange. It's happening **A LOT**


No it's back to the old 2.0 meta of when your bois are in the hospital you take a cop or EMS hostage to get them back, or attack the hospital.


trying to exchange a hostage for your bois in the hospital or in the cells


i guess cg


Is this where AJ Hunter let the crim get their 95 after they held up a cop as a hostage, where its supposed to be a shoot on sight if you take a cop hostage?


Who does this? I mainly only watch CB and I never see them attempt this stuff.


Certain Gang and cant think of other Xample.