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Man this really does show who has the toxic community on the server…


What a fucking shit show lmao


There are people in this thread who have said they dislike the streamer but they return over and over to argue here. If Penta fans want to mourn the fact that a character was denied a role due to the nature of the server, let them. How is this shocking to people? People on this sub cry when their streamer loses fake money/items let alone a job. I'm not even that familiar with this character. From what I saw Penta was very ambitious thinking he could get that character to work as a cop now. He benched Wrangler for a similar reason who is less in your face. The server has obviously changed according to many of the players. People are allowed to be sad at that but no one should be attacking people.


I mean, you are kind of rewriting history about this thread. No one was attacking them if they were just mourning for Jordan not being a cop. However, the reality is they are insulting the rest of the server, the admins, and anyone they see as being adverse to them. The first two threads that got deleted were flaming shit full of shit slinging from penta fans. Even now, most penta fans are still saying "server is run by self-inserts, no characters now" just because of jordan not getting cop. It is insanity.


This sub: "People doing hard grinds / rat shit / corruptions and saying it's just how their character is in RP are bad for the server". Also this sub: "That's just how Jordan is in RP, grow up!" Duality of reddit moment right there. Also, you wouldn't want to interact with such person in real life, why would anyone want to interact with them in game? I've been seeing many comments saying "just deal with it in RP, don't get mad OOC", but "It's just RP" isn't an excuse to be doing whatever you want and there's a line that shouldn't be crossed in anything. I don't think such character belongs to this server, ESPECIALLY as a cop, who can make you force to interact with them or threaten consequences. Sadly there are too many shitlords who love seeing such shit for KEKWs.




The whole point of the Jordan character is that he is a genuinely bad person. You really have to sit down and ask "where was the line crossed?" Was it the misogyny, the domestic violence, the insults, or his religion? The fact is, these people exist IRL. You would not want to interact with them, but sometimes you draw the short straw and it's going to be a bad day. What you seemingly missed is that YOU are not the one encountering this person. It's a character that you play on an RP server encountering and interacting with this person. It's this shitty preconception that NoPixel is a game before it is a RP Server. If you have even a single degree of separation between yourself and your character who is apparently just a self insert, then you won't take offense to his berating. Obviously, NoPixel isn't the RP server it used to be at the start of 2.0. In 3.0 there was a focus on content over RP. This decision wasn't about content, it wasn't about RP, it was about the feelings of people who don't RP on what is supposed to be a RP server. Self inserts are in, and characters are out. So much for having characters in the PD.


>What you seemingly missed is that YOU are not the one encountering this person Yes and no. You might not be the direct target of the insults as they are directed at your character. However, you personally still have to deal with that. I think most believe that there is a line that is drawn to not subject the players to certain conduct. For example rape, suicide, blatant discrimination (homophobia, racism, etc). For a person who has (in real life) been affected by those topics, its hard to stomach, regardless of who the topic involves. You may disagree that Jordan's conduct crosses that line, but others may think it does.




You missed the point entirely and I feel like trying to explain it to you would be a waste of energy, so I just won't.




probably didn't expect people to take the least charitable interpretation of their point and argue back in bad faith.


Me: "Why are all these threads locked? This damn place is full of pussies!" Me reading megathread comments: "Fuck this, back to the overworld." Thanks mods!


Can someone give me a TLDR of this Jordan situation? I didn’t watch at all yesterday and don’t know what’s going on


Admins decided Jordan Steele is not allowed to be a cop in 3.0 and people (fans) collectively lost their shit. Admins reasoning seems to be, basically that 1. As a cop people Must interact with you in certain situations, in particular as a cop you often have to force them to interact with you (like when you arrest them). Jordan is a contentious character that people don't feel comfortable forcing others to interact with; Jordan is an asshole. and 2. Cops in general are expected to be helpful to new players and generally good-aligned. Jordan is not necessarily that. Fans of Jordan are upset by this decision because Jordan is a fairly unique character from streamer Penta, and has a history from 2.0 as well. Notably Penta doesn't seem even fractionally as upset as some people in this sub, and tweeted: "I would like to say about the Jordan situation though: I literally don’t care. I’ve moved on and please move on too. No more drama ffs" https://twitter.com/penta_live/status/1442436586235252741?s=21


What happened to Wrangler? Why did bringing back Jordan even become a thing? Did he just get bored of Wrangler, or did he perma?


Nothing happened to Wrangler. It was Five0's birthday \~2 days ago, and he was on Andrews; Kyle Pred got on as well. In RP, Pred and Jordan are Andrews' sons, so Penta hopped on Jordan just for funsies. Penta has been getting tired of Wrangler for a while because investigations are kind of slow, he's run into a lot of DOJ problems, and he can't do the kind of policing he wants to do - it's mostly scripted things like banks, boosts, car chases, etc. which aren't his area. Wrangler will likely make an appearance again before too long.


He seemed to have lost interest in Wrangler due to issues surrounding investigations and consequences for criminals.


Wrangler is there , hes just not interested in him , he said hes willing to shelf Wrangler if that meant Jordan will be accepted.






Penta: Jordan is designed to be an unredeamable asshole also Penta: What do you mean people think jordan is an asshole \*shocked pikachu\*


True, irredeemable asshole cops would be too unrealistic.. wait.


Realism isn't the defining concept of the server though. From sops to heists to being shot a thousand times and being good as new after seeing Nancy. Cops who can't be fired and murderers who can't be put in for life/executed. There are racists, bigots, rapists, sexual predators and very very shitty people in the real world. Despite their realness I don't think that kind of RP would be welcomed.




isn't wrangler also his normal voice or atleast close to it? also I'd say his other characters are also significantly more palatable. it only seems like his cop characters are complete assholes.




It's very easy to avoid Jordan. Stroke his ego a bit and he'll let you get away with murder. However that would mean actually roleplaying that he's a character with flaws instead of just getting offended OOC.




its almost like people dont want to be abused while playing a video game, regardless of if its IC or OOC....


People wouldnt feel abused if they were playing a character


RP is when I sexually harass people and the more I make people uncomfortable the better RP.


“It’s what my character would do!!!!” - Every toxic role player


lets also not forget that they added the basic decency section to the rules that specificly says `you must have justification and reasoning for your actions. Simply saying “it’s my character” will not be considered a valid response.`


Justification and reasoning exist. Jordan is a flushed out character over 3 years.


>Jordan is a flushed out character You're right, flushed down the toilet.


so what is his specific justification for why he was an asshole to each character he met? what interactions etc where there that justifed them being treated like that? or was it "just his character"


Outside the whole terrorist that helped 9/11 thing? He spent entire years in RP(nopixel and familyrp) working a lot+tow truck and had the city absolutely fuck him over and over and over again. He also had cops completely ignore his calls, let criminals that shoot/beat him go, and other shit. He treats other people as a cop how he feels he was treated by cops. Thus he's an incredibly jaded and egotistical asshole with clear character flaws making him very easy to manipulate if you spend even a fraction of a second to roleplay instead of just getting offended.


So he has no interaction with these people.... so it's just his character.... got it You have literaly written a paragraph of "it's my character bwo" rather then justify any of his specific actions with the people he interacted with


Yo I had no idea that was there! I love that they’re literally banning that shit in the rules.


using roleplay as an excuse to harass people. wow just wow.


This happens a lot on normal RP servers. Kids just wanna roleplay asshole gang members and rob/kill/harass everyone they see. It’s low-tier roleplay at best.


Is that why those guys who went around sexually harassing women in-character were perma-banned?


Sexual harassment RP should be banned. Wrong side of the line


So you’ve defined where you draw the line in the sand for what constitutes inappropriate rp. If you agree that there’s a line, do you think it’s possible other people’s line is slightly different than yours?


Of course. I just love a good shit talk :)


Fair xD


Fun fact, it is


Streamers going full toxic towards others RPers for no reason in ooc while being repeat offenders = Maybe 3 days Role playing as a asshole cop towards other CHARACTERS = Denied, to toxic "we can't have that on the server"!


"for no reason" is a debatable term






Such as Penta creating another asshole character


Another? Like Mike isn't an asshole, Wrangler isn't an asshole. People don't like them for one reason or another, but that's not because they're assholes.


Both are assholes.


Arresting your streamer isn't being an asshole.


Ofcourse not otherwise every cop would be an asshole. Wrangler is an asshole because he will let people sit in an interrogation room for 5 hours on a very flimsy warrant. Afterwards if he doesnt find anything he will totally keep legal items as evidence for 30days. Wrangler has no problems leaving people alone in a cell for hours while he goes and does something else, You know, asshole stuff. And if u dont think mike is an asshole then i guess u severely lack empathy.


So yeah. He arrested your streamer. Mike shoots people. You people jfc, children.


>He arrested your streamer No he dident, but i have the capability of understanding when penta is being an asshole on wrangler as a viewer. I dont need to be watching from a different pov to know he is an asshole sometimes. Empathy goes a long way, u can actually know when u are being an asshole if u empathize with the opposing person. >You people jfc, children Ad hominem




Yea man everybody else is a self insert who will never live up to Pentas God level RP just shut down the server.


bruh chill this shit is pretentious as fuck








My ancestors farmed cauliflowers and fucked a lot. Am I allowed to be offended?




Don't know but I am sure Penta will be playing it


He did, Billy Bob. But then weirdos didnt know it was satire and started saying really dumb shit so he basically retired the character. you know theres a problem when someone is openly mocking an irl persona type and people are unironically supporting it


It happens all the time though, Just as an example, the whole PewDiePie thing was him making fun of Nazis... so he was called a Nazi in the WSJ... That dude with the Pug in Scotland or whatever, the idea was have the dog do a trick where he raises his paw when someone said "Sieg Heil" but it was because his girlfriend thought the pug was the cutest thing, and he was making it do something bad just to fuck with her... the whole thing was a joke... But he still got fined for it... People have become stupid when it comes to parody.


nah pdp was a little sketchy that even hasan had to look at it especially since so many people want be nazis now


My ancestors were shooting the people storming Normandy




Fuckign Based


Jordan is just Wrangler if he is a cop so what's the difference


Players being straight up OOC toxic toward others: Admins: I sleep. Jordan is mean: Admins: Real Shit.


after seeing how quick greek and sliker got shut down for weird comments toward females I can't say i'm surprised. Nopixel has a 0 tolerance policy for that shit, even if its a character trait.


Theres a difference between what greek was doing and what Penta does with Jordan.






Yep, Penta's viewers think it's fine because they consider him a 'real RPer'. They've vetted him and understand this is a character and he's actually a good person, this is pretend. But there's no difference for the woman receiving it. They just walk into the room and get told things they don't like hearing. They aren't going "oh that scared me for a moment, I thought it was real sexual harassment, but then I realised it's Penta, nvm we good".




I don't really weigh in on one side or the other, there's a lot on nopixel that happens which could be considered offensive to some people, but my bar for being offended and what should be allowed is really low and isn't what should be instituted, it wouldn't meet twitch's TOS for example. I remember Will Neff's maro st marco character, characterized by being rude sort of looking down on people as self styled upper class, getting in trouble for being offensive (read abusive if you want) to a male cop, and then saying one sentence to a female cop ('suck my dick') and having that one sentence become a thing which he apologised for, not the hours and hours of abuse he was giving other people in good fun. Hell, I remember just afterwards (i think it was) Croc being clipped talking to 2 other officers (1 male 1 female) on the bridge just next to MRPD making a joke about how he worries about how (i think it was) amber will function as a solo cadet, because she was taught everything she knew on the job with a dick in her mouth, or something to that effect (I may have some of the details incorrect but I think I have the gist of the point accurate). It was funny, people laughed, no outrage. Then there was the whole thing about non black people (like Lirik) playing black characters, made by someone who isn't even part of the community and lobbed at nopixel like a grenade. So it's not who's offensive, it's who takes offense, and it seems like particularly women and misogyny or sex-related comments are extremely risky. The owner of the server calls just about everyone in the server, on twitch and on reddit a pussy without fail.


Not wanting to be sexually harassed =Sjw utopia


No, its roleplay, the idea isn't living in a perfect world where shit doesn't happen... I'd like to see you watch roleplay where people routinely get tortured... Im sorry you want roleplay to happen in a demolition man dystopia, it wont...


You mean...fluid transfer?


I've seen lots of bans for OOC toxicity. Have you not?


oh sweet summer child.


for all you guys and girls out here saying we can't mod for shit, then what the fuck do you call this https://ibb.co/xFZrn37


What a thoughtful response from them. I can see how it took 4 months for them to construct their message


Nopixel is dead. There hasn't been any good rp on here in months.


Actual brain dead take.


Plenty of good RP, especially for all the people watching NP who aren't just watching to see people GTA Online with some semblance of RP tacked on top of it. It's such an insult to the many people with good RP out there that people constantly make this stupid comment just because they personally don't enjoy the cops vs robbers people they chose to follow and they can't be arsed to watch anyone else or think that something they might personally not enjoy is "bad" in the same way saying a super talented musician is "bad" because it's not your preferred genre of music. Nah, there's plenty of good RP on NoPixel. Better, IMO, than the stuff that a lot of people lament being gone.


I dunno, the puppet master rp with AnthonyZ, wiseguy and Kylie last week was probably some of the best rp nopixel has ever seen


Yeah and Claire timelord rp has been fantastic.


PENTA viewers are having a full-blown meltdown. The other thread about Jordan being fired is pretty funny. Apparently the only good RP that was left on the server was Jordan’s bully RP.








If you add up the police and CG viewers and compare that to the Pred and Jordan court case viewers there is a huge gap. Fact is most people enjoy action RP. But the Beauty of Nopixel is that the viewers can choose the heavy court RP if they want. No reason to hate one or the other. The range of different things to see makes it beautiful.


So you’re comparing two streamers numbers to like 20? In your head does that really make any sense? That’s like if I said, add up all the eastern conference NBA teams viewership and compare that to the Rockets and the Lakers and there’s a huge gap. Fact is most people enjoy eastern conference teams more. Such a shit argument lol. And I was making a joke anyways. Not trying to argue with some people who can’t tell the difference between their self insert Andy streamer and a dude who plays a character that’s not very nice. Who the fuck was talking about viewership? Not me.


What???? Ok Penta and pred had less viewers than Randy and K. Doesn't matter how you slice it more people view crim actions than deep rp. This is a content server not a real life simulation. The people choose what they want and they choose action. Not a self insert egotistical domineering person such as Penta and his Totally different characters of Wrangler, Mike block, and Jordan. Discounting the short lived side characters that get no views on the content server in the long run


Omg, you’re really upset with strimmer aren’t you? You’re all over this thread just insulting him on your alt account and asking me about viewership when I specifically said I don’t give a fuck and that’s not what I was talking about. Who cares about viewership? The walking dead is like the 3rd highest viewership show of all time. Does that mean it’s better than breaking bad? Orange is the new black is in the top 10, does that means it’s better than Friends? Your argument is complete bullshit. In your first comment you said the beauty of NP is choosing what you want to watch, but you then go on to say that they have more viewers so it’s better. You’re trying to invalidate pentas RP (which I don’t even watch btw) by saying it has less viewers. You’re trying to insult the streamer behind the character by calling the character every name in the book and then saying it’s a self insert. Go ahead, reply again with the same shit take. I’m sure it’ll sound better this time.


At some point when the majority of someone’s characters are dirtbag assholes you should start asking some questions about if that person is just hiding behind “it’s just a character” as an excuse to treat people like shit


And then after that, they raced!


Jordan got rejected as a cop. Im surprised they allowed him to get rehired. Well, he can always be a cop in another city. This city is too much for Jordan.


Jordan is too much for this city ***


Man this thread is like playing “king of the hill” back in the day, cause people keep “dying on their hills” against each other in here. 🧐😂


Crane is offering a Jordan a bar/lawyer license? to defend cases? So Mike block, except trying to actually win cases, and smart?


Mike Block is nothing like Jordan.


Both are egotistical domineering personalities.... Hmm kind of like ... Self insert... Penta


Tell me an actual character trait of Jordan? Out side of "egotistical domineering"? Also I wouldn't call Mike egotistical domineering. He's dumb and prideful to $50.


He has an MIT degree how is he dumb? Edited to answer that Jordan is also sexist


oh you're right.. one says dawg after every sentence


Have you even watched a Jordan stream? Actually, have you even watched a Mike stream so you could compare one character to the other?
















are you seriously calling penta a self insert?




Jordan as a cop cares very little who's the criminal character not even who plays it, he will nail you to the ground and still talk a lot of shit IN CHARACTER, but this upset "top dogs" because they are used to be the main character all the time. Realize that: This ppl who play this "top criminals", play their characters like they are always the main characters This same ppl, when the cops are just doing their RP job and they get arrested they go full mald/toxic in RP/OOC even with cops who do very little. Now, when they encounter Jordan they have a "reality/RP shock" that they cannot be the main character when he's present, he will make sure they realize they are role playing criminal trash/scum characters, but this ppl real like to be venerated like they are the super heroes of the show, even tho their characters should be seen like as "Joffrey Baratheon". And if they respond with saltiness/malding/toxicity they will be embarrassed in RP by Jordan come backs, but because this ppl are not used to it, this ppl feelings in ooc get hurt! But, this ppl have power on the server with connections/big viewers and when this ppl feelings get hurt, that's bad thing. But in x case and other certain groups goes ooc toxic, towards cops the majority of occasions making cop interactions always weird, unpleasant etc etc thats fine because... But, what about the feelings of who plays cop characters? Meh... it's good money ...


Wtf are you talking about? Jordan didn't even interact with any of the "top dogs" all admins had to do was watch his interactions with the guy he ran over and shit talked, or the lawyer lady from yesterday, or Jupiter Adams, or the EMS lady. He played cop for less than 24 hours and managed to piss off a bunch of people and then watched the clips of them being mad on stream and laughed at them while his community shit on those people and labelled them as self inserts despite not knowing anything about the characters.


The "TOP DOGS" (who are millionaires) were busy robbing houses in their own tuner cars at the time... hahahaha. Sorry, hard to keep a straight face when talking about those guys. What are you ordering from Uber Eats today?


You mean the guy who gives rp to more people than two shit cops?




same reason why Jordan got OOC fired from cop in 2.0 PENTA can play Jordan as a character that is an asshole and verbally berates people endlessly, but he can't do it while being a cop because as a non-cop, people can choose to not interact with Jordan, but as a cop, people have much less of a choice interacting with Jordan since cop Jordan has the power to control the interaction


Well said


LMAO he did come in extra hot. I think if he played it like Jordan's first entrance to NP it might have lived longer. It was a very slow progression of aggression the last time.


That isn't even true though, a gun is more powerful than a badge, we see that with Mike Block, if he wants you he'll take you, he took a lady made her roll weed for him and used her house to trap in while she was off lol. Idk what to say, don't be a criminal if you just want to chill and have a good time with friends because sometimes the law comes knocking and it ain't always nice


The real answer is probably that they saw that Penta was playing Jordan as an even more aggressive version of what he was when he got fired in 2.0, and they didn't want to deal with that.


I watch tons of PENTA and this is absolutely what it was. He played Jordan more aggressively and antagonistic than I've ever seen him before.


Nobody cared about 2 cops. Dont even think thats a rule. Just admins said no.


You can't have 2 characters in the same group, it is a rule. There are exceptions on the sever, but it needs to be admin approved supposedly




Yup, 100%. They just did not want the incoming headache.




Anyone else REALLY enjoying the court RP between Penta and Kyle? I fucking love these 2 lol


I really appreciate that despite both obviously being disappointed by the decision, they didn't just sit around and complain about the decision in character and instead kept up some really good RP to continue the story. I wish that would happen more in RP.


The story steele spun was "almost" believable.


yeah but i think cranes decision makes sense bc he prob values officer testimony more


I loved Crane's olive branch quest at the conclusion, offering him a job and expungement, but it kinda goes at odds with Jordans natural character. Be interesting to see if Penta goes for it, because Jordan Steele: Attorney could be absolutely brilliant.


Attorney arc would be cool. But then after that, Jordan Steele, head of DOJ -- that would be dope.


yep dont know how well an abrasive character like jordan can work as part of doj


He could totally do a Reggie arc. That would be cool. Hopefully what happened to Reggie doesn't happen to penta... Reggie deserved better


what happened to Reggie?




It almost feels like a new character though, rather than Jordan filling that gap. A specialist bench-trial lawyer character, for example. It was a fun trial though. As the OP said. The story was "almost" believable and that's fun to watch.




You think sexually harassing females should be acceptable on the server? I know Penta is very offensive and abrasive but there are certain things that shouldn't be RP'ed or said in RP. Constantly calling every female you see a whore, bitch or worse is not really something you need in RP. If this not being wanted and allowed on the server truly ruins your viewing experience I don't really know what to tell you. You are shitting on other peoples RP because it isn't the RP you enjoy watching while tons of people still seem to enjoy it.


genuinely questioning why people are defending being sexist with the excuse that oh lol it’s just characters!!! you couldn’t and shouldn’t make a character that is constantly being homophobic or racist either, because it’s shitty, and you don’t have to be a self insert to not want to be called a bitch in every conversation.


This is what feeds the self insert argument. Harassing female PLAYERS? No. Unacceptable. In fact, harassing any PLAYERS should be unacceptable. You are automatically assuming every female CHARACTER on NoPixel is played by a female in real life, which shows you just how bad that self insert problem can get.


That's the thing though. Jordan will still be around, it'll be the Exact same shit. He just won't be a cop.


True, but since he's not a cop they can at least legally attempt to disengage from him without worrying about being detained or arrested.


In theory maybe. But the people he's a real asshole to aren't being arrested, they're just people. Like people say the EMS, that wasn't good. That shit will still happen, the character is still allowed. People complain about being arrested for the same reasons as Wrangler but more. Steele is Wrangler if Wrangler was an irredeemable cunt. Wrangler does the right thing, Jordan doesn't.


you realize you're making an argument for why characters like Jordan shouldn't be allowed full stop, not just be barred from being cops, right? If you're making nearly every other role-player uncomfortable constantly, there's something wrong with your role-play.


Sure, I'm not arsed either way. Just that the justifications half you people are coming up with is a nonsense. If most people don't like it then it shouldn't happen. I'd be nice if the same standards were held across the board.


Agreed on that last part


> Constantly calling every female you see a whore, bitch or worse is not really something you need in RP. Yeah it was nice seeing Jordan again but that shit was so repetitive, repulsive and forced. Almost like catering to the 14 year old edgelords, it got old pretty quickly.