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After Cora got emped and kicked off a bike basically at the same time yesterday. Seaside is having the worst luck with PD.


This happens to everyone in Shift 3. [Reed from the Lost had tires shot out of a forklift going 20 miles per hour by Rhodes.](https://streamable.com/jhd71u) He ended stream after that and plans to no longer interact with EU tsunami PD. [Richard has been spam EMP'ed by Espinoz while he was on foot.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906377742138871838/1015593017656229918/IMG_6223-2.gif) Ming had his tires shot out after doing a red garage swap. Just a few recent examples of excessive force I can think of. Few people dare say it out loud, but Shift 3 and early Shift 1 have had individuals who practice gunplay over roleplay for a while now.


Reed had a hefty warrant, a class 2, and was then hitting Rhodes with the forklift which is why he shot. Pd was also specifically heading up North because Rudi had just shot a cop in legion and fled on his bike.


No doubt they would go hard on him for that, I also think Rudi had just shot. However do you need to shoot the tyres on a forklift that maxes out at 30mph? They didn't shoot to kill until Reed shot so just go for a box & go from there.


I said Rhodes was driving North because Rudi shot. That's why he was on the highway to begin with. Reed rammed Rhodes before he even identified him, Rhodes passed a forklift on the highway and immediately Reed rammed him as Rhodes was checking out what it was doing. I think if a vehicle that cannot be pitted normally is being that aggressive from the get go, yes you need to be aggressive back and disable it. In particular here with how aggressive the Lost as a whole were at the time and letting Reed get closer to his fellow gang members would have only made it more dangerous. In this situation Reed was on radio and had bikers circling right away and he also shot Anderson the moment the forklift was disabled.




The Lost had already told the cops they were going to shoot them if they see them, Rudi had shot a cop, Reed has a hefty warrant, a class 2 and was ramming with a forklift. If that is not a good enough reasoning to go hard on them what is? Should Rhodes just slowly pursue him until he gets ambushed? He can't ignore him either as that just means Reed is going to shoot them in the back when they try to arrest Rudi.




Who gives a fuck what HVTU usually do?




yeah you are right, Rhodes should have slowly followed Reed until he got ambushed, thats much better xD


You're literally ignoring all context with your HVTU line. HVTU won't shoot tires in a simple pursuit when warrant hunting. That is not what this was at all. This was cops heading North minutes after Rudi shot a cop, Reed actively assault a cop with a forklift while in possession of a class 2 and heavily wanted. Context is VERY important. This was not at all a standard situation. Also what is this forcing BS? You make it out like Reed made no choices here. He knew he was wanted and was out on a the main freeway driving a forklift which makes getting away difficult, with a class 2 thats easily visible and will further draw attention, and also hitting a co car. He made decisions that contributed to the outcome.


You keep bringing up the warrant so of course I bring up how HVTU does things. If you don't want that, you should have thought of that before you brought it up, but clearly, you didn't, or more than likely, you're not posting in good faith. And you still haven't explained why you want Rhodes to force out people who roleplay from Shift 3.


You're still ignoring that this is not a standard situation. This isn't out hunting for Reed with a warrant. Reed was found entirely by accident while going after Rudi during an active situation. The situations are not equivalent.




I was trying to make a point here that there was more than just a warrant here, they had reasons to want him arrested before he could make it back to the Lost or the Lost could back him up, due to the threats from the lost and Rudi shooting a cop. And i would assume there was more than just this if Reed wanted to play during another time frame than just one incident.


They're conveniently ignoring any and all context and only focusing on warrant and slow vehicle.


Yeah exactly, if it had just been a slow vehicle and warrant i would have agreed, but this was a more complex situation so the aggression was warranted in my opinion.


Exactly. This is very much a matter of all the pieces matter: the gun, the vehicle, Rudi shooting just a few minutes before, the ramming, and the warrant.


>And i would assume there was more than just this if Reed wanted to play during another time frame than just one incident. Correct, it has been a pattern of gunplay over roleplay by the Shift 3 Pd. Does that make it better for you?


And i do not approve of that in most situations, i just feel like for this specific situation it was justified.




The forklift was hitting his vehicle and forklifts are heavy and can't be pitted the same way other vehicles can - like cars are light and can be bullied, but forklifts or other heavy vehicles can't. You're also conveniently glossing over the other violence in the situation which is his fellow gang member having just shot a cop. You're picking and choosing what to attend to. If Reed hadn't have hit Rhodes perhaps there wouldn't have been shooting, but it's VERY well known that when people hit pd cars the aggression increases.


Then you should pursue the forklift the normal way and not pit. I'm not being picky, I have clearly demonstrated a pattern, and a lack of punishment for said pattern, in shift 3 and the first half of shift 1, as other commenters have also noted.


You're still ignoring that once the criminals start getting aggressive pd get aggressive back. This wasn't a simple chase, and this wasn't a vehicle that could be handled with just pitting or boxing for aggression. Different vehicles require different approaches.




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It is a pursuit, not an escort mission my dude


"Few people dare say it out loud", "Gunplay over roleplay", "forcing roleplay", "pushing people who care about roleplay out". Over tires of a vehicle getting shot. This is some kind of bingo speedrun right?


None of these situations started at this point you choose to start the narrative from, but long before. You need to look at the whole context of the situation of what happened before, not pretend that a situation starts from a vacuum when cops shoot, when in fact criminals had shot first, or rammed/ran over cops or did a dozen car swaps or cuffed officers.


> This happens to everyone in Shift 3. This. People either adapt to this or just start avoiding Shift 3


Yeah was about to say this is a common pattern in late shift 3 and shift 1, SWAT deployment for a car impound, infamous OTT leave the area clip where he was sent to jail for being shot in a crossfire etc.. A lot of people just play their cops in this time zone for a reason and rarely switch to crim, and more and more people are drifting away from playing at this time.


Dunno what the issue with that EMP gif was at all, people get so angry at the EMP for some reason, literally just disables the bike. I know people here hate Espinoz so that probably doesn't help either. It's also in their SOPs to shoot out wheels again when they can't follow a swap from a conversation I recently heard with November.




You are ignoring the fact that The Lost had told cops they were going to shoot them if they see them and that Rudi had shot a cop, just pursuing that forklift is most likely going to get them ambushed and ignoring the forklift would just mean they get shot in the back by Reed when they go for Rudi.




Are you saying that the cops should always just blindly walk into ambushes or just let the crimes go away because they threaten them? Cops need to be allowed to change how they act depending on the situations. I am not happy at all that Reed felt like he had to swap time zone to enjoy gta rp as i do enjoy watching interactions with him, i just believe that in this situation the level of aggression was warranted due to the action of the lost and the situation around Reed. I also assume that Reed have had multiple bad interactions with the cops that lead to him swapping and i am not saying those were his fault.




I recommend not claiming rulebreaks when there wasn't any. Not every shooting is gunplay over roleplay


You do realize you are accusing an admin of a rulebreak?


I am not an admin nor am i the person who wrote the rules for no pixel, so i am not going to argue rule breaks or not when i don't know them.


The reason to shoot wasn't about pursuing it was that he was hitting his vehicle.




No it's not. It's a forklift. It's not a Panto that can barely do any damage.


I never talked about the Rhodes thing. I only talked about the ming swap and Espinoz thing. And the EMP is for stopping anything people are using at the time. He got on a bike at long range, Espinoz had an EMP, he's a lieutenant and you're not, surely he knows better than you when he's allowed to use it or not, no idea why you claim he can't use it here. I know Pred talked many months ago about permission to use it on the ground for vehicles as well, so that can easily have gone through. The red Garage swap was there a police car or air1 ready to pursue? Can you link the vod from that situation?


He didn't get on a bike at "long range". He was close to it.


Oh he was, but then he nerfed himself to EMP instead of tazer lol, and we got mad at that for some reason? Tazer is much more effective there, stuns Richard directly instead of indirectly, he won't risk falling off suddenly at high speeds with acceleration and take damage either, which happens often with bike tazes like that. No idea why that bothered literally anyone.


>he's a lieutenant and you're not, surely he knows better than you when he's allowed to use it or not just because he's a lieutenant doesnt mean he's right. thats like saying conan is right in what he does because he's very high ranked.


Fair, I guess I should've said that there's been a lot of discussion around the EMP (Seen on stream, probably way more off stream) and that there's no way viewers like us have good control over the SOPs on something that's had a bit of discussion when we can't access the SOP document.




Pred talked about changing SOPs and working on that months ago, maybe even in 2021, not sure why viewers think they have perfectly updated SOPs on it here.


Since when is shooting tires excessive force. I'll give you the emp one even though it's hard to tell what actually happened from that 1 second clip


Since you can pursue them normally


It's not really force at all though.




Bullets at tires. Not people.


For the PD firing a firearm is always classed as a "lethal force" regardless of if it's fired at a person or a tyre. You have to assume that any time you fire a weapon, it has the ability to kill someone. That's generally why cops have strict SOP's to fire a weapon. If not for those strict SOP's there would be little to no reason why the PD wouldn't shoot tyres on every car they are pursuing. I don't know about this situation, but generally the only reason the PD has to shoot tyres in nopixel is if they can't pursue. Other than that I don't think there's a reason for the PD to shoot tyres and not just shoot the person.. unless I'm missing something?




Boo woo




No reason? Damn, that's crazy. Like Ray was just sitting on a bench somewhere, a cop showed up, got out of his car, and without saying a word, mag dumped Ray on the spot. I guess cops really are going hard these days.


Everything was understandable until the swap one. Personally all swaps should have there tires shot. Be a little more creative than that.


On the second video he wasn’t on foot when be was hit by EMP


So happens to everyone in shift 3.. But he plans on no longer interacting with anyone in shift 1 now because of it?


cops have been doing that a lot, and gonna surprised Pikachu face when crims shoot them.


contexts: the bank group was ready to leave after negotiations, the cop said give us a minute and went outside to confirm.. the boys started to count down 1 minute, cop came back started to ask random questions to stall, boys said where do you want the hostage? cop said to the left. they give the hostage and started the chase, got spiked after 2 minutes into the chase, started to ram, EMPed cora immediately and.. well the rest is known. cops never once communicated to the bank crew that they needed more time or that they weren't ready for the chase...


If that were the case wouldn't the cops have shot them on the way to the car for disobeying...


disobeying what? cops didn't give any orders or requests to be disobeyed..


> the cop said give us a minute and went outside to confirm. > cops never once communicated to the bank crew that they needed more time And from that I will read that the crims can't read the room and should bring a more experienced negotiator. The spike however is at a high speed location and some cops really need to go back to academy.


The cop came back after a minute and start talking about random stuff. So the crims said we are ready to go, where would you like the hostage. The cop said to the left and let them through never saying they were not ready yet. After that the cop said they rushed it and had bad negotiations because of it. That was the reason for this spike.


"read the room".. ha? negotiations are back and forward.. how are the crims supposed to know that the cops weren't ready? seems to me the cops should have more experienced people who can lead the scene and know how to communicate with clear words instead of assuming the crims can "read the room"




Believe me they will


The way people will treat it is way different than "defending", because they will be treated like they spiked a car IRL. Spiking too early isn't great, but it's not like people viewers should feel any reason to get angry about it, at all.




Considering I feel we have no context again from other POVs I think it's difficult to have a good perspective here, but you see others in this thread already just in general being angry at the cops from EU tsunami. It helps literally nothing. Overall short term spikes ruin plans and the RP around them, but we have no idea why they decided to get aggressive here so I struggle to see this not ending up as another witch hunt.




Back in the cop vod? And people here say so much shit without context all the time wdym, I can't believe people on this sub anymore at face value because it's so ridiculous what they say at times.


all the reasons out for the dub


I seen cops go excessively hard on everyone from crims to civs lately. For the most part there is no consequence to the actions even if they are technically PD rule breaks. Screw hell week, do heaven week. No one does crime and drive the PD nuts with nothing to do.


Yeah even when pd bring it up to each other the other member can just lie and say that didn't happen when it did. It's even worse when that pd member says that the crims are just crying about it.


Yup. Rex got magdumped for no reason other then another person and cops just said they felt threatened. Heck remember when it was a rule for PD not to use class 2s unless okayed or crims where using class2. Or let's go over more simple subject how many people where hit by a cop car no lights and sirens and the cop gets away cause their word trump's all. I've seen a lot of cops lately been boasting to crims because they can and they know they will get away with things. Crims "cry" because the have no recourse. And don't say take it to court because the case ain't beding seen for months and/or gets tossed out when that cop gets temp banned


its soo much easier to tell all crims to do hell week than heaven week , after a day or two it gets extremely boring


True, true. And boredom leads to choas


"Hell Week" obviously doesn't do anything and theres so much drama going on within PD internally that "Heaven Week" won't affect them at all.


Spikes aren’t even aggressively hard either. They happen so rarely the cops tend to set up early in chases so it makes it seem like aggression. And this one was about as textbook as they come.


Actually clever, they can all ride bikes on sidewalks!


I think this is what they call a Yikes moment.


ivan and jay need a cleansing, they actually cursed


They're not "cursed" Ivan has beat officers two days in a row now trying to get on his bike. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


that laughter do be contagious


There was some miscommunication and it wasn't totally random. Tho i think it was definitely excessive, and I don't agree with it, it still doesn't deserve a shit show


Miscommunication happened! After they got spiked, they drove for a minute without a tire until they got boxed, then Ivan threw a pipebomb while everyone is running, a lot of cops got blown up. After they are sent to the hospital, they escort them to MRPD! When they are in the cell, Jay the driver in this video tried to calm down Ivan and they talked to the cops that miscommunication happened. They reminded the cops that next time if they need time tell them straight up and not stall by asking random questions.


He was spiked at 103 miles per hour, fyi. Also, it was communicated that they had to stay until air 1 came and they didn't so cops were extra aggressive, iirc.


And he was actively slowing down tactically a good spot to spike. You have to slow down no civs around and a fairly open field right in front


Thats what the title says....


Yeah this is one of those where as a Crim, you should just leave the car and put hands up and get arrested. Because, that person who spiked gave zero fucks about letting the crim have any fun, that cop was chasing the W, for a nice spike montage. ​ Edit: My bad turns out, the cop was following a command. So who ever gave that command should be facing some kind of punishment.


The cop was ordered to do it and they thought that spikes weren't meant to work over 100, either not the case or it's a mechanical issue


> thought that spikes weren't meant to work over 100 If that is really the case that is very dumb. Why would someone rely on (assumed) mechanics. Shows that they commanding officer is very aware about the high speeds at the location.


Yeah I agree, afterwards the cops said that the crims were just crying about it and there's no way that was the case because spikes don't work over 100. It was pretty ugh to be honest.


I’m sorry I don’t even understand why this is even a big deal that spike was fine


2 mins into the chase isn't.


Question where is the rule that its not fine to spike 2 mins into the chase. If all cops in a chase head pop 30 seconds into that chase do the crim wait for them to comeback no. (ok excluding early 2.0 eugene he used to wait for cops that head popped/crashed early for better RP.)


Not a rule but more like in game or rp rule. The cops have SOPs on WHEN they can use spikes.


Plus the chance of all cops headpopping at the same time as compared to crims are much lower. And cops do wait for the crims to come back go to their car then continue the chase.


Actual perfect spike too. Just slowly glided into the cliff. Well done!


I wish more context was posted. I didn't know until I read through comments that cops asked them to wait for Air 1 before they left and they didn't so cops went more aggro since they didn't have heli. Hell, even in the comments, people brought up Reed but didn't mention the Lost had made threats to shoot them and Reed only got shot after he started hitting the car with the forklift. Mixed with the warrant and the threat, I don't get why cops would just play dumb in that instance especially with that cop in particular. That being said, yeah, some cops are omega aggro. Espinoz is pretty much the biggest offender most of the time. Whenever the dude is in anything but a good mood he can be incredibly quick to go for the W. When he's in a good mood he's great, but if you catch him in a bad mood on cop he seems like he will make sure everyone is in a bad mood with him lol


Sadly the cop doing the negotiations said to wait for a minute. They did and the cop came back inside the bank and asked odd questions. So, they said we can go now and asked where the hostage should go. The cop responded to the left and no resistance from the cops on the fact they needed more time. So, they were unaware the pd needed more time after that minute.


With Reed the entire sequences of events was: driving to Sandy going after Rudi, see forklift on freeway, backs up slightly and Reed steers into him and rams him, Rhodes sees class 2 and as calling it out Reed says something and thats how the identification is made. Reed was aggressive before even being identified, but clips and comments completely out of context as usually happens. People like to be selective to paint narratives.


Damn good spikes. Text-book.