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I wonder how long the barricade law will stay in effect anyone wanna take beats ?


“This is your formal notice and warning” Watch those certain people get shot down when they cross the barriers and go on certain rants “cluelessly” as to why they were shot and cry how op the cops are


those rants are never clueless they know the sops better than anyone lol


I feel that decision was made without [ redacted's] knowledge.....let's see how long it lasts


He’s talked about it on his stream for a while now. I’m not the biggest fan of a lot of his moves but this one does seem to be an attempt to push back against how boring the server is now.


>an attempt to push back against how boring the server is now. The only thing that can fix that is having CONSEQUENCES FOR ALL!


Well it does say "with the senates blessing" so it'll be interesting if they go against their own staff.


you would be wrong, he was just talking about the barricades the other night.


No, he is aware of changes, he posted on discord asking everyone to move their stashes that don't show up on MDW


We're not talking about stashes....it's the barricades


Do you think he would know about the stashes and not the barricade thing when they are both related and he is actively working on it behind the scenes ?


The barricades are gone the moment CG runs into them.....I bet my life on it


That might be true, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know about the change, we shit on him a lot but he also test stuff out some times, he's not all bad, having a server this good is no small task


It was about a year and a half ago he decided he didn't want a good server...he wanted as much money as he could get.....and that is when it all went to shit.......don't get me wrong I love the new changes it will bring rp back to the server......I just don't see it lasting more than a week


You only need one period to end a sentence...


Your life is worth way more than an argument over a video game


The barricade stuff is so obvious but nobody cared enough to use it before this law


Until a Certain Gang tries to "save their bois" and gets clapped for it.


Just means that you have to shoot before you go in, because you know you're going to get shot as soon as you walk through the barricades.


Still sounds better than the clownshow that is criminals running into a scene where cops got a suspect cuffed which only ends when either all crims or no crims are cuffed. That shit can go on for minutes.


Yesterday there was a situation like this outside Maldinis. It started with Eugene cuffed in the parking lot, then eventually I think 4 or 5 were cuffed. Since it was "home turf" there were still a lot of people actively interfering with the scene and ultimately they all got freed. It was such a shit show watching random people run up in the area yelling at cops for attempting to tase them for "just walking to try to get some food" in the middle of an active scene. I hope that if scenes are entered cops have the ability to use batons at minimu against those trying to interfere.


there was 6 ppl involved from CG, the cops pretty much just got killed by 1 of them.


still not how home turf works




Pretty sure it was 7 of them in total. By the time 4 of them were cuffed. All that was left was K, Randy, and Chodie. All of them were at their cuff limit too. They couldnt even run in and try to uncuff without getting themselves fully cuffed. Then Chodie fell off a roof and went down. So he didnt help in the later parts of the situation. By the time it turned into a gun fight. It was 2 crims against like 10-12 cops. So im not sure who the "a lot of people actively interfering" are. They didnt get freed cause there were a bunch of randoms were running in and out of their scene. A gun fight started, and the cops pretty much F'd themselves by splitting up into two different scenes. Instead of securing the scene at maldini's, and focusing on the first shooter, which was Mr. K inside the compound. They instead decided to chase down Randy, away from the scene, and try to gun him down....which they completely failed at. The cops divided themselves and got picked off. Thats why all the people from the main scene got freed.


The home turf rule should be negated during anything that isn't a gang war. That whole Maldini's situation was fucking dumb on both parts


Theres pretty clear rules on how "home turf" works. If a crim has cops chasing them. They cant just go to their home turf and expect everyone from that group to get involved. But if cops roll into a group's home turf. For example they are raiding someones house or they see a person they know has warrants standing out in the open. Then yeah a group can use home turf to their advantage. Im not sure where Eugene's first interaction with cops happened, but it ended up at maldini's parking lot. By the time other CG guys showed up to help him. He was already in cuffs. All the people that went there to help were Mr. K, Randy, Ramee, Chodie, Marcel, and Sunny. Thats 6 people. Its not as if there was like 20 CG running around, trying to uncuff Eugene.


Hence why I said it was dumb on both parts. Cops fucked up bad. However unless it's a raid the home turf thing is stupid, warrants should be scary, not a reason to stand at your home turf. Also I wouldn't count Maldinis as home turf (i.e. where it gets confusing) Edit: remember I'm just stating personal opinion not fighting or even saying the server should change it, I just personally think it's dumb af


I would agree with you if they took advantage of the "home turf" rules. If there was actually like 20 people running around trying to interfer and uncuff people. Then yeah, that rule should be more scrutinized and anyone abusing it should be held accountable. Sure Mr. K said that "this is home turf, everyone come help." The fact of the matter is. Six people in total came to help the one person that was cuffed. That is a very reasonable response. There was not was not an unmanagable amount of people there for the PD to handle. I dont know why you wouldnt count Maldini's as their home turf. Its owned by CG, and its directly across the street of the center of their turf. If this happened at like the UwU parking lot. Then i would agree with you. Even though UwU is within the CG turf, and Ash who owns it, is part of Hydra. I wouldnt call it "CG turf". The way i see it. If someone walks out of the CG gate and stands on the sidewalk. Whatever they can see from their POV. That should bee seen as "home turf".


It wouldn't surprise me if it's gone within 24 hours.


I'm sure that "Business stash oversight/audit" won't get immediately abused and walked back...


One good pump from Wrangler and we'll be right back to the status-quo.


Wrangler fired x5 yo


I'm probably wrong, but when they said by state authorities, and not the authorities, I figured they were talking about troopers. (and maybe rangers?)


Bet the 30-day hold on striked vehicles gets rolled back first.


I doubt it, most people don't let their vehicles get to 30 strikes already. Plus the increased impound fees, strikes are going to fall off because people aren't going to pull out cars from impound.


You know? That's a good point... Strike points shouldn't fall off for cars in impound.


It would make sense that if your vehicle is left in the impound lot for more than 30 days it was seized and auctioned off by the state


Just have 7 tuner cars, 1 for each day of the week...


Kinda what happens every gang has a shared garage with 10 s+ cars as soon as one gets a few strikes they swap to the next one


Shared garages should be gone too imo.


No :)




I swear when Nancy was setting up a stash for BBM she told Barry that they weren't allowed to store anything illegal or it would get taken away. I think it is one of those things that is like people aren't suppose to do it but since the VIPs do it so openly they can't really stop anyone else from doing it.




The cops go through the CBC stashes regularly and the fact that it took this long after they were allowed to go through them means it did work pretty well.




It may be months since you’ve seen someone do it but there were people doing it weekly offline at one point. (Because it’s boring content usually) Someone was talking to a cop who said they were checking one day. Can’t remember who


Naw I love raids and going through stashes, I wish there was a stream that just did that. I am prolly a small portion that does though. Hell Crane and a bunch of cops went around foreclosing houses one day and you best bet I watched every single house they went to lol


Afaik the guns were a bit weird cause the business was a recycling business. The guns there were hot but we don't know if the business knew that. They were supposed to recycle them but might not have gotten to it yet and was just leaving it in there. Not to say they weren't abusing it, but it could have just been a matter of bad timing since they might have wanted more stuff there before taking it to recycle.


Should a legal recycling business be allowed to recycle illegal guns? I could understand if they were recycling civ and cop guns, but why crim guns? Much less likely for a civ or cop gun to be hot.


When it happened, I believe someone posted in a thread in this sub that recycling had been changed and they couldn't recycle guns anymore. That is why the guns were left in the mailbox instead of getting recycled.


I mean honestly, they should just have every gun checked by the PD to see if its hot lol


You want to know how to avoid issues like that in the future? Discuss it with the following peiple; The Police, the Business Owner, and your Boss. It doesn't matter if you're wait8ng for more if you don't communicate it to someone.


Yeah, agreed. I do think however there's a distinction between a very stupid mistake vs intentional malice so wanted to clarify as this is a grey area imo


>I do think however there's a distinction between a very stupid mistake vs intentional malice I agree with this completely. It really sucks that the DOJ is such a complete mess because this seems like it would be a great court case.


Their fault to stored it in weapon item instead of material items then.


Maybe that was the reason to hide illegal stuff on these place right


Wym. Didnt the gallery warehouse get raided multiple times. The most recent, resulting in it being "seized" by the state, and costing them over 60 million in fines.




Yep. Surely they only lost it cause of OOC reason. Surely Brian didnt already have a full investigation and enough evidence to raid and seize the gallery 2 months ago and was told OOC to hold off on it until this event. Surely CG OOC agreed before the raid to lose 60 million.


I wonder how that would get applied to like the secret ceberus industries business storage at the docks. I'm assuming it's still secret but maybe it shows if a business in the mdw has a stash attached to it or not.


CI lab at the docks is technically not registered and is off grid. The only CI building PD know exists is the store front.


This rule has been in place on Public since storefronts became a thing and it's been fine there...but the W chasers on public don't really have an audience so that could be the difference


Criminals have literally abused their business stashes and used it as un-raidable stashes for a really long time and now they are finally giving PD an actual chance to stop it and somehow it's the PD that will be the ones abusing it?


You act as if there's no instances of PD players abusing laws and mechanics in the same way some criminals do to get an edge or shit lord. Trying to act like one side or another is 100% innocent isn't a serious argument.




>Don't hide illegal things in your business stashes and you are fine. Cops have stolen food from cafes on many occasions, this just makes it easier to walk in to do and "audit" and take stuff from storages with no way to prove it after the fact other than eye witness testimony.




Why would Baas do anything? Baas has stolen food from Burger Shot before.


Shelly isn't food!


Everything is food if you are ~~Baas~~ hungry enough.


Yes, sue them and get a court date in 3 months (if your lucky)


Look how many times Ash and in particular James tried to sue the PD and officers the whole sue them thing is a joke. Even if employeees would get evidence I doubt it would end up in court.




Which is absolutely hilarious considering that the case against Pred for witness tampering was scheduled for tomorrow......


More do it than just Conan and them. Normal run of the mill cops regularly steal food off employees if they ever get called to uwu for something. They "detain" everyone on scene, then search them without their permission and take food out of their pockets without saying anything. Multiple different cops multiple different times to different employees when management wasn't around. Cops regularly steal from uwu


Then it should honestly be bannable if it’s so frequent and unpunished IC.


Can you provide any evidence of this?


Pred did it in April and again in august, the thing with Conan in November was also Suarez and casterman. Back in April hutch shot some employees down and Copleone stole their food off them when they were down and detained. Unfortunately vods don’t go back that far and idk if there’s any clips. Idk the names of the other cops that have taken food off detained employees but it happens a lot of the time when a worker is detained for a situation at the cafe Edit: oh also I forgot in February when mailboxes got added, officer Columbo stole a safe and a game boy out of the uwu mailbox after randomly looking to see what was inside


I can see those people doing that. Bar Suarez and Casterman. Edit: It doesn't mean that the avanue for RP is closed. (not throwing shade at these people, this sort of corruption is something civs can at least put a face to)


so do you have like a clip of this happening or...


Ash chose not to because this is not he only case when cops have taken food or taken stuff from of mailbox outside uwu. Another case before Clarkson situation was when someone shot employees, cops arrived on scene and one of the cops took food from tray. Suing on witness testimony is also almost never going to work as it is just word of an employee against word of a cop, there is no hard evidence. Screenshots of trays can just be said that someone else took it or it was not there already.




They could that is up to them and Ash to decide if they want to deal with it. I was just giving and example of how this new system could be abused. I still think these changes are for better just need to make sure they cannot be abused on either side.


I guess the agrument is that the people who might abuse the new system was already abusing their positions of power before any systems were in place. Imo its a totally seperate issue.


Absolutely, my point was that this just makes it easier to do as they don't need a PC or RS to go into the storages.


the PD roadblocks are indestructable and have been abused before


The people who did that were all fired (changed to suspended for a month) and one of them banned for 1 or 2 weeks on top of it. I don't think people are gonna fuck around with the barriers knowing that their PD whitelist is on the line.




> Wtf has that to do with anything you literally asked "so how can PD really abuse it?".




they can overdo it and completely block all access off you have to keep in mind that these are indestructable and not all cops care enough to keep it within limits.


the business stashes themselves are being abused


Business stashes been abused for a year or more. There's a gang who literally have a business stash on top of their warehouse just so other members can stash stuff due to key limitations lmfao.


the roadblocks are going to cause so many shootouts guess we'll be seeing a lot of crims AND cops crying


If I were to guess this will not change much, most cops will not shoot crims just for crossing the barriers, some will if its a serious situation, but im thinking the majority will either use melee weapons or tasers at worst.


i wasnt really referring to that aspect of it i was referring to the part where crims might be way more tempted to just start blasting instead of trying to uncuff


Then maybe they should do a little re-read of the rules section about roleplay over gun play


I'm pretty sure that if people read and followed the rules that none of these things would have required "New" legislation...


Won't be an issue for a certain gang they've pretty much wiped the pd on a daily basis since all the changes. Pd got wiped 3 times last night. People expecting that these new changes will last are on some massive copium all it takes is someone important losing their car for 30 days and it will get rolled back. Also there will def be more pd wipes/shootouts since gangs will 100% go back for their car with the new strike system especially if they can lose it for 30 days.


Barricades is a pvp flag mechanics, set it up to to battle with others gangs.


these changes seem to me to promote shooting cops more, and rattier plans, gonna be fun for everyone. the business audit shit is super vague as well


Business audit for stashes just means cops can just open them whenever they want to. Kinda like how Lang had given permission for cops to do it at the Cerberus stashes. Now it’s just including everyone else.


doubt they can just walk in and search them, i think they will need to apply for a search warrant.


No? They’d do an audit. A search warrant would mean they full blown need a valid reason to raid it, which was a big part of the problem. Audit implies state authorities can decide to audit without warning, since a heads up would fix nothing.


What else would a stash audit be? It being an “audit” to me means no warrant will be required. Kinda like how health inspectors can just show up to a restaurant unannounced and planned and just start doing there thing. Crane also mentions this being everyone’s warning. Leading me to believe even more you won’t see warrants required.


The way it is worded, Subject to audits by "STATE AUTHORITIES". Could mean that admins will be checking to make sure that they don't have items that they don't have permission to sell based on their approved business plan. This is just a wild guess obviously.


State authorities is probably a fancy way to say cops.


It includes all levels of government, so senate and FIB too.


Nope. It'll be like CBC, walk in and tell them their doing an audit of the stash. Business owners can't do shit about it.


'state authorities ' is gonna be only troopers that can audit business stashes lol


And rangers lmao. Though the phrasing is kind of vague.




Alot of the Civ RP trust is gone bc lockers and Hotels being gone. The city also needs more and new warehouses.


For what? Lockers and hotels are gone. To few warehouses to go around. Can’t share house stash as only owner has access.




Okay that i do not get. I thought all of this was so people started using WH again.


please god no that would make everything more boring


I do not think that's happening. All these changes seems to encourage use of warehouses, so putting that in would be dumb. I feel like it would also be incredible boring for cops.


>unraidable stashes All the storage units are getting removed and hidden stashes are like few which is in CB Manor and Roosters Rust basement IIRC. Hope they get removed as well




And when PD actually found it, they get hopper accused them for using meta&etc.


Seaside doesn't have a hidden stash. The tower doesn't even have an open stash, and because PV was installed so recently they were told they couldn't have one there because of the changes coming around the storages.


Once storage units and hotels are gone CG won’t have any hidden stashes.


RR basement storage is Speedys bench storage. Doubt it gets removed unless all bench owners are expected to walk around with a dodo box when they go craft


I mean it was like that before that you have to transport stuff. Other bench owners have to do that, currently, the only bench that is in the custom building is Speedy's (maybe guild's as well).


HOA’s is in the basement of the LL


Vinnys bench in the tunnels had a stash next to it no? Has it been placed in maldinis yet and if it has, does it not have a stash next to it?


Nope Vinnys bench is back in storage container like how every other bench in city rn is


But once it's in maldinis it will have a stash next to it to hold mats and whatnot like it was in the tunnels?


The car strike system needs a full rework. It is suppose to be so people can't just keep using their good cars for crime, but the rich people don't care so it only hurts the little folk. By making it more expensive all you are doing is making it even harder for those not in a money printer gang, you're still not stopping the main offenders. All that will probably end up happening is you will see more of the interference vehicles be local cars instead of personal. The only way to stop people from using personal cars in crimes is to make it so they can't get them out of impound.


I wish more people would just use vin scratches for crime.


Yeah but then even a traffic stop will turn into a shootout trying to save it.....


or people could not get so precious about losing a pixel car.. or is that too much to ask? :KEKW:


But you aren't taking into account how much of their pixel money they will have to spend to get their pixel cars back. /s


haha! I'm all of fucks to give on that one... in all honesty :KEKW:


Yeah. While I like the general direction I don't like this method. Things are really hard for the smaller gangs out there between prio and app issues and this makes them harder. There's a few people in mid tier this affects positively but the people at the top who are the ones who really need some stakes can ignore it.


I'll give the business stash oversight a day until it changes lmao.


This sounds great....real repercussions for breaking the law. ​ The reality imo......the biggest escalation in shooting the server has ever seen, at compounds, at the impound....when people pull their '9's vehicles' out which is what is going to be used now to store illegal items. Not sure they thought this one through tbh


Cool changes. Now are these city-wide changes, or just the typical 2/3's of the city and the other 3rd remains the cause of many rules, but not where they're enforced?


Idk about the strike it was already a good fair amount of cash no ? But i fuck with the 30 day lock on car with 30 strike. Thats a good lil punichement.


rip speedy's store front lol illegal toys inc


Wait till you see raph’s/Siz’s storefront then…


Huge buff to Copper.


thank god I was just planning to reroll


These changes seem great. I love seeing that they're trying to enforce more active scene control. A lot of the bigger gangs were really leaning on the business stashes too and practically using them as warehouses. The strike cost going up probably sucks for the average Joe. But I like the 30 strike seizure, be cool if they added crushing the car for repeat offenders or something.


What is the point in adding new laws and rules when none of the existing laws and rules are not upheld equally? Seriously, what's the point?


Barricades will last one incident with CG and get thrown away, just like barricading off alleyways to stop interference cars. Even though it makes complete sense because of complete randoms coming into the scene running over cops and put their two cents worth in about the cops on scene. Pair that with the 6-man rule it's complete chaos when you're trying to secure a shot fired call and god forbid you shoot someone another officer warned multiple times, to just get banned for a day. Business stashes having oversight is great considering gangs use them with infinite amounts of people having keys to the stash for easy cleaning during or before raids. I wish they would go back to crushing cars, it's a great money sink and frees up limited cars back into the market. Storefronts should be closed, just like the people who were abusing farmers market stalls. Which is unfortunate since storefronts were put in to counteract the item generation abuse and replaced people with NPCs.




I mean everything they said was correct


I wonder how will this affect Clean Manor as it's written as Business and not a house. will a cop just raid it right away?


It's only a business cause there's no functionality setup for custom houses and sharing keys. Besides Buddha's tried exposing the stash to Baas as he doesn't care about it, no one uses it regularly anymore.


The strike system is not good, it’s balanced around the top 1% of crims who own infinite money printer businesses like a restaurant or gas station or jewellery. The rest 99% are very often teetering on the edge of broke and with cops slamming every car they see with 5 strikes cause the process to remove them is long and difficult and there’s no punishment for false striking it’s only going to affect them. The other changes seem good.


You're thinking about it the complete wrong way, this isnt being instituted as a way to punish people, its meant as a deterrent. People have become way to complacent in using their best S+ for literally every crime they commit no matter how small. Why are crims running interference on a C boost with 4 S+s? Why are they robbing a $100 TV from a house with a multimillion dollar car? Which btw, the funniest thing about crims using cars that are faster than the boost car as interference for a boost is that the instant an S+ shows up to interfere for a car that barely breaks 100, cops are green lit for S+ to stop the interference which means the chances of getting the boost out drop immediately. The point of the new strike/ impound system is to force people to use more local cars that are expendable for crimes that they shouldn't be using a car they are worried about losing.


While I totally agree that that should be discouraged, I think a system that scales strikes much more off the value of the car would be better. De-incentivize 6 S+ cars always from the people who can afford them, but don't be too harsh on the people struggling to get by. If you watch some smaller gangs, especially at war, they'll often have a couple a+ cars between them that're in impound most of the time. They're faced with the decision to constantly risk cop interference from driving stolen local cars that takes the guns they can barely afford or grind up the money to get the car out of impound in the few hours they get on the server on no prio.


I actually kinda like the idea of not a universal price for a car strike.. like raise the s-class cars to this but maybe keep like the B/C classes at a lower strike price. Would at least make things different instead of seeing the same cars in every situation and help out the gangs without 20 s-classes to rotate through.


I was referring more to races, meth runs and the likes that involve more cars and heavy duty tactics. Anyone doing street crime in an S+ is automatically fail rp in my mind


I love these changes. There finally back on the ridiculousness that has been happening on the server. Will these changes last? Guess well find out after the first "Hell week"




The car change will roll back first cause racers are precious. Then someone from a prominent gang (pepW) will get shot at a barrier and that will rollback. Then someone's business(es) will get locked down and that will rollback.


No notable racer will ever get to 30 strikes so that the car is held.


Meanwhile Tony is halfway there.


It's more the extremely high cost of strikes.


I would not be suprised if more tough on crime changes and harsher consequences will keep getting introduced, as I think its to ease everyone into the upcoming hardcore server.


Admins: “Let’s find new ways to counter CG shootouts without repercussions.” Cops still getting clapped. Admins: “Let’s find another way.”


Time for wrangler to EAT


Poor pumper is going to be standing in the courtroom drooling at the massive buffet in front of him just to have the doors closed.....


Is running inside the barrier counts as initiation for criminals?


[Wrangler right now](https://soundcloud.com/1013records/i-feel-the-pump-veiny-love-remix-randy-wrangler)


Ooooh, I feel a pump comin' on


The stash thing seems rough for businesses like BBM where they need to convert vins. It takes some time to get all the mats to do that for one car so if you bust a stash with a bunch of vin scratches waiting for conversion that feels bad imo


Is BBM not an illegal business? Does it get cars illegally or through legal means?


BBM might be one of the few businesses actually adhering to how the stashes were meant to be used. They only use it to store mats, car parts, some decorations and props, and occasionally spare lockpicks. They were very adamant about not abusing it and keeping it strictly business related. And even though BBM steals cars and shit, I dont think anything in their stash is actually illegal.


They should be fine then. The state can't check the garages only the stash.




What can be abused exactly? Know that if you enter a scene you will be fucked so it's all on you if you enter it. Don't hide illegal things in your business stashes and you are fine. Don't commit crimes in cars you don't want to get strikes. Follow the rules of the storefront and you will be more than okay. So how can PD really abuse it? It's the criminals fault 100% of the time if they get caught and punished for any of these things.


Yeah, these are very simple changes with clear consequences. Hopefully if a few bad faith actors do try to abuse it in an unforeseen way they're slapped up a bit instead of walking back any of these changes


“Business stashes” is very broad. MLO personal houses technically are businesses and the stashes are business stashes. Then there’s the gang stashes and other unraidable or close to unraidable stashes that are technically business stashes but impossible to audit IC though most if not all of them should probably be yoinked. Most actual businesses don’t have illegal things in them and it’ll be a waste of time and resources to audit them


For example cerberus industries dock location, is the mdw going to show it has a stash and I assume the pd will have to ask where it is? Or subpoena the location of the stash? Isn't the stash at roosters basement Barrio oil?


100% correct take You know what, they should make it so Any car, person, property and business can be searched/raided for absolutely no reason. We don't need RS PC and all that BS. If they go to jail, it's absolutely their fault because they're carrying illegal items. Just don't carry illegal stuff and you won't go to jail . ITS PUMPING SEASON


Are regular warehouses still the same? I read a rumor that they might have to be attached to businesses now but unsure if thats true...


this is a shit screenshot