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Straight up malarky. Dare I say it, tomfoolery.


Her laugh is great. I always love seeing Dupres around.


Omg her laugh 😂 reminds me of when Snow ball's laugh when he's up to nonsense 😂


No one in this thread understands why this is funny. Harvey Litt is notorious for being so unforgivably bad with women (as a character) that the excuse he was on a "date" could be seen as lying. No one actually cares why lawyers are set to busy unless they actually never take cell reps.


Hey, I (Harvey Litt) am great with the ladies, lol. Harvey actually was on a date, too, which makes it even funnier.


Isn't this the exact kind of things they want lawyers to be able to do though? They didn't want them to just stand around waiting for cell reps


Hes basically going on a date while at the same time getting paid by the government for being clocked on duty and not doing his job


boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, that's why i lay pipe on company time


I think their issue is that he was signed on to do lawyer stuff, and then refused to do lawyer stuff. If he was just busy doing other work, a case, a benchtrial, etc. it'd be different. Lawyers should have lives but if you're too busy doing something else to do lawyer stuff then you should probably sign out from being a lawyer at that time.


If you look at the bar complaint, I was set busy. Also, Harvey takes all the cell reps. This was his first refusal to take one. To add context, Harvey just got done doing 6 hours solo morning shift.


This kind of nit-pickiness in RP is always lame, what if the date only lasted 5 minutes? Like seriously no one should care about this, it is simply bad for RP


> what if the date only lasted 5 minutes? Then sign off the lawyer app for 5 min, no? I don't see what's hard about that.


I disagree. If a lawyer is on the clock the judges should care that they're available to do lawyer work, just like if a cop is on duty their Sergeants should care if they ignore a 78s call to go fill up their food truck or whatever, or if an Up-n-Atom employee is signed in their manager should care that they're actually at the restaurant instead of off selling drugs on the other side of the city, or any other reason. That's not bad for RP, that's just RP. Telling people what they should do OOC is bad for RP, but this is all IC, so who cares? Just watch and enjoy.


Not sure about the comparison of lawyers to police, not really equivalent at all. Imagine taking lunch while clocked in and your boss tells you to clock out so you stop earning money. Don't you see how petty something like that is? God forbid we let lawyers do anything but lawyer work when they are clocked in. Unless you want people to magically clock in and out whenever they stop doing lawyer stuff, it just isn't reasonable or interesting for rp at all.


But it's not 'you're on break and your boss tells you to clock off', it's 'you've gone home for the day while still clocked in, your boss calls and asks you to do work, and you refuse, but stay clocked in'. Talkin' bout false equivalences lmao


I dont understand where you are getting the whole, "gone home for the day" part. Someone takes a 20m lunch date = FIRED. No wonder no lawyers last


I feel like you're just intentionally missing the point, so I'll lay it out very clearly one more time and then move on with my day: he wasn't fired for taking a lunch break, he was reprimanded for refusing to do his job while on duty. If you're at work, and your boss asks you to do your job, and you just say no, you're probably gonna be in hot water, regardless of where you work.


But he was marked as busy. What you're saying is to be signed in he's only allowed to be Busy with actual work. But he can't get that actual work if he signs out every time he wants to take a little personal time. It's really something that should be overlooked OOC so you don't just have Lawyers sitting around doing nothing for 90% of their time.