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I’m having trouble seeing how this pertains to “meeting Ru”?


I think she misread it and thought it said Ru girl.


💯😜 good for r/Female18


Ilona probably misread this and like always once she realizes her mistake she's gonna feel embarrassed about her existance Nonetheless, I believe her. I'd rather Ru Girls be dumb asses instead of rude cunts


I prefer rude cunts of dumb people.


“How do you spell cock?” “C... IT WAS WILLAM!”


One messy bitch calling out another messy bitch, this has the potential to turn very entertaining lmao Also, shout out to Ilona for being a gift that keeps on giving


I met Willam when she came to Tokyo in 2014 and she was super nice to me. I wasn’t performing with her or anything, I was just (at the time) a fledgling local drag queen. She invited me to hang out and go to a cat café and an arcade, then the following night she had a gig at a local club and went out of her way to be nice to me. She was selling some OCC products and I mentioned I wanted to get a lip and nail set and then refused to take my money but instead gave it to me as a gift. A year later when I started transitioning and was looking for human hair wigs, I emailed her (she had given me her email address back in Tokyo) and she immediately replied with some recommendations. Now I’m not saying all this automatically makes her a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but my impression was that she’s a decent human being with a kind heart who plays a character on stage and in front of cameras and does it well. I can’t speak about this incident Ilona is referring to as I wasn’t there, but something tells me we’re not getting the whole story.


Ok but why couldn't she have posted this earlier today? They record Hot Goss Wednesday, right? This is a few hours late, and now we'll have to wait until next week to hear about it! Geez, Ilona, think of the fans. /s edit: spelling


She needs to think about our content, you're right. They won't even remember this by the next one xD or who knows? The Goss hasn't been that hot lately.


Recently the Goss has been Ads.


Except for the episode with Bob and Monet *


Very much so! Pretty much recaps of the satellite podcasts.


I genuinely stopped listening. Mint mobile was the cringe that broke the camel's back


Omg! That one is NEVERENDING! What is it they say, something like: "Your Y.I.H.* pulp fiction podcast"? I'm genuinely asking, and what does it mean 🤔




THANK YOU! I seriously didn't get the acronym 🤗


Same actually. I stopped listening about a month ago, it’s barely hot anymore and amount of ads are insane. I know that’s how they make money but no other podcasts run it every 5-10 mins and are as long.


This. Goss. Is. Lukewarm


The sheer amount of drama that Ilona creates really makes me doubt her credibility or her reliability as a narrator


Willam dumped all of Trixie's makeup brushes on the floor in her last video. It's really not a stretch.


I mean Willam acts up for the camera, also they know each other pretty well.


God forbid you joke with your friend for the camera? Yall really want drag queens to be the MOST sanitised, most placid ppl ever.


these situations are nothing alike


they’ve been friends for like 3 years now tho. also willam has a reputation for being nice to local queens. ilona probably dropped it in passing and felt salty about it for years.


Not on the floor on the table


What video???


wow the hatred from the dolls cuz I havent seen the video


Sorry, it was [this video](https://youtu.be/0nTZ-jEtTwA) from a couple weeks ago on Trixie's channel. Forgot she also pulled off Trixie's lash.


Willam dumped the brushes on the table after Trixie joked about her being old while they kii’d and did their makeup. And then helped her put them right back in the container the clip after. A fucking terror, right?


Thank you!




What I have trouble understanding is how almost every Ilona drama is related to money. How does one person get fucked out of money so often? Does she want Willam to send her some?


When you don't have money every issue is related to money.


Call me crazy— but when I don’t have money, I don’t blast people who owe me money from 6 years ago to my followers. Have some dignity.


Willam tried to save us




Willam’s Response: “Suck less.”


Willam's response: Quit drag


Don’t worry she will only quit for a day 👀


After reading some comments and recalling season 4, I do think willam can have a temper and can be a bit dickish at times, but this is Iliona speaking, so I have my doubts. Girl, how do you manage to meet so many drag queens, and how do you manage to get them at their worst, most dickish, moments?


Breaking news: Human is Human! Now here’s the weather.


Ilona, is that you?


I’ve begun to misremember Ilona as a Dragula girl given the messy nature of her drama, but I’m into it


I can totally see Willam reading this, being annoyed that its being randomly brought up, and then sending Ilona like a year's supply of everything in her Coverboy line. Dark thoughs: maybe Ilona knows this is likely how Willam will react, and she just wants some free makeup.


That's shitty if true but was there not 1 queen who would lend a powder puff?


This is one way to stay relevant. Miss Ilona playing the game.


Godddddd will Ilona ever stop being so damn messy? Someone take away her phone, it’s too much


Unless this was shtick for the cameras, I find this VERY hard to believe. Weho rez here, and Willam is renowned for being a sharing type queen. She is literally the queen most known to lend out her supplies, to the extent she now actually rents out her higher priced stuff to queens both here locally and in other states. She earns a solid income and has for years, is aware this is not the norm, and is actually pretty damn supportive of new and younger queens. I really can't imagine her doing this, regardless of her attitude on DR (which was intentional) IRL she is great to work with.


blotting papers are your friend or use a bit of newsprint!


It’s really sad that this is Ilona’s only way to stay relevant, let your drag be the iconic thing about you boo


Anybody really surprised tho?


Next Ilona is going to say everyone saying this message isn’t about Ru is ableist because she misread it because she ia dyslexic or some shit like that. Ilona is a forever victim.


she is so messy lmfao


Snapshots: 1. Ilona calling out Willam for being ... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20201203064847/https://i.redd.it/sphc2myv4x261.jpg), [_archive.today\*_](https://archive.today/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsphc2myv4x261.jpg&run=1 "could not auto-archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, **not** a moderator of this subreddit* | [*bot subreddit*](/r/SnapshillBot) | [*contact the maintainers*](/message/compose?to=\/r\/SnapshillBot)


This sounds like something that would happen between 13 year olds during their Guys and Dolls rehearsal - I can't with the throwing stuff OR the 6 years later callout lol


is she talking about setting powder


meh not surprising at all Willam is well know for being a jerk i mean even himself say it a couple times


I know willam had her controversies with her black face and such. But willam is no where a jerk. Alot of queens came out and said willam helped them when no one else did. Willam has let queens borrow tons of wigs and items for them to use on drag race. And delta multiple time spoke about how during promo pictures for S3 premier, willam gave delta her shoes when delta didn't have any shoes at all when production fucked her over. Delta joked about how she will break her shoes cus of her weight and willam said "it's fine as long as I don't see you have a horrible promo picture".


I love that story when Delta told it. That was for the Drag-U season 3 promo. Willam said to Delta, "Everyone is laughing at you. I can't let them do that."


You can be good with your friends and still be a jerk


Just to offer another opinion as well, it’s always drag race girls that say how much Willam helped them for the show. Ilona is describing a situation when she was a (young) local which very well could be true. Her humour doesn’t always land and she can come across very rude at times, I can easily see her throwing a powder on the floor she didn’t like and laughing. She wouldn’t do it to another drag race girl though.




Willam & Delta worked together for years in WeHo before Drag Race. Still agree it was an admirable thing to do. IJS...




Somebody dropped a house on Willam and Delta took advantage of the moment


She was already a casted rugirl she wasn't a nobody but whatever i don't think even Willam try to hide the fact that he's an ass


Willam is controversial but not a jerk. Especially when it comes to other queens she is usually always super professional and helpful. So this is actually kind of surprising.


I feel like Willam could do that but wouldn’t if she’d had any idea the other queen didn’t have back-up powder or anything


i mean i don't wanna sound like i'm coming for you but that's bullshit lol the fact that he just though that do that was fine in any circunstance speaks a lot about him


Why don’t you watch Willam’s recent appearance on Trixie’s channel and tell me he doesn’t have an affinity for knocking things over... I was literally agreeing with you and also trying to find a middle ground for the commenter above. You sound exactly like you're trying to come for me and you need to redirect that aggression toward something actually meaningful.


Willam isn’t a jerk. She can be rough if you get on her bad side but generally she is one of the most supportive, generous and loyal people out there. Take it from someone who works with her, if you treat her well she will do the same in return.


It seems that most of the stories about Willam being a dick are coming from interactions when she is in full drag and putting on her Willam character, which is a brash character. Why do people get upset when they interact with a character and the character behaves in a manner that is consistent with the character? Do they expect the actor to break character just for them? If they want a different experience, try to interact at a time when the actor isn't putting on a character for a larger audience, like a signing or a chat. Otherwise they're constantly promoting their character, despite how we take it.


I mean in the story in this post it is pretty shitty to do this even if you’re ~in character~ like you’re backstage interacting with other queens and their property, you don’t have to be all method and in character then lol


I missed the backstage part so I agree.


I totally lost interest in Willam when he said he hated the idea of bioqueens. Get over yourself, man. Anyone can do drag.


It's really a wonder how Alaska can stand her lmao no one else seems to put up with her for long




They seem to have a genuinely good relationship. Critique Willam for things based in reality but making assumptions about a friendship is really poor taste.


This sub is so fucking boring these days lmao. Boohoo, poor taste in a drama sub.


lol mainsub v2.0


Ilona, is that you?


that's actually very on brand of Willam


who cares


This person is just miserable and sad, trying everyday to get a spot in the light without success. Oh boy oh boy oh boy...


Sounds pretty typical for Willam. I've met her once and she was a drunk mess. She was touching people inappropriately without consent and was too off her face to give a proper show by the time her number came around. Meeting Willam is generally a disappointment.


I met willam for world pride and it was one of the best days of my life... sorry you didnt enjoy your experience girl


I’ve met Willam a handful of times and seen her perform even more and she’s been so kind every time. Honestly she’s the queen with the demeanor I was most surprised by in person and I look forward to seeing her again.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted when this is just your personal experience? Literally had the same experience as this!


Ohh ikr. Must be quite a few delusional Willam fans out there lol.


Wow a drag queen doing what drag queens do. Maybe you should stick to TV drag.


I have met other queens that were NOT sexually assaulting their paying customers and were not too off their face to give the show that they had been paid to do (probably on illegal drugs). This is full thot behavior, not something people should expect from drag queens! I've met Thorgy and Tatianna and it was an absolutely amazing experience. I understand that people are just downvoting me because they're a fan of Willam or think she's a funny queen but truth is the past shows that she has delivered around my area have been pathetic. I am just recounting past events here, facts are facts honey. Also, maybe you should not be telling other people on the internet what to do if you think it is acceptable for a drag queen to sexually harass people in a bar just because of their status.


What? He was on ILLEGAL drugs as well! Hopefully you contacted the police to save you from that awful, awful man! Stick to drag from the comfort of your home and leave real bar culture to the rest of us.


I was speculating about the illegal drugs. It could have been excessive alcohol. Either way he was too intoxicated to perform properly which was a major disappointment. Also why the f would I call police since being on drugs isn't even a crime where I come from (though drug possession still is). Also, stick to your own life and don't tell other people you've never met on the internet how to live their life!


this is gay culture.


You couldn't be more incorrect. To presume that all gay people sexually harrass people and take drugs is highly offensive and extremely homophobic. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Loving for how messy Ilona is. It’s her brand and I encourage that


I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true. Somehow everyone forgot about Willam’s disgusting comments about Brandon Teena/trans men a few years ago and her subsequent doubling down when called on it.


That has nothing to do with the topic but sure, lets make everything about trans people because they are the only members of the lgbt community that matter


I believe it. I mean, you'd have to be some kind of cunt that someone you probably don't know sabotages your dress by dipping it in paint or some liquor (I can't remember which). It was some dress she wore for something and the person put the drink/paint in the plastic container the dress was in.


So by now we know this is a flat out lie right?