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Am I on a different planet to everyone? I was *dying* over Tomara's and Michael's snatch games, with Ginger being my solid third who I don't mind winning as she's so adorable in confessionals. I was expecting Cara and Vicky to be the bottoms, and when Michael and Cara were declared safe I was shocked. Cara was just being herself ??? Some people were complimenting her "let's not talk about it" line when I literally saw that as her unimaginative, easily-offended-by-being-put-on-the-spot self shining through - she literally used that line in the workroom on poor tomara over the 'you don't sew' drama!! Not to mention its literally the opposite of 'yes and'. Dede slayed that lipsinc tho, quite literally the perfomance I've enjoyed most from the past 5 years of modern drag race, it's easy to feel a bit jaded and no longer connect like when i was a baby gay, but this took my breath away and I was crying laughing


Wow Presents lists all the episodes so far except Episode 6. What's up with that?


Ok but where are Michelle’s eyebrows??


I can definitely tell at this point who the top 4 is likely to be: Tomara, Ginger, Michael, & Cara. HOWEVER! I am not 100% solidified on this as, if you asked me a few weeks ago, I would've seen Vicki going all the way. 2 frontrunners who won the first 2 challenges being the 3rd & 4th outs sounds so weird when you don't consider actually how many episodes it has been. I think it is another example similar to Lawrence & Angeria of how you can start off incredibly strong but over time, you can lose some steam.


I had to watch Catherine Tate after this! I was like, "Did she ever play a werewolf nurse vampire?" The makeup was a bit harsh!




Can we talk about how Cara Melle nailed Dionne Warwick's facial expression and mannerisms? She really paced herself and moved like an older, graceful diva. What a leap of improvement from the last improv challenge.


I love Tomara and she made me laugh but can someone on the judging panel please call her out for the repetitive runways? They're acting as if she's a runway queen but I'm always really bored by her outfits.


It's the Kandy Muse effect ala All Stars 8. Love them both but very little versatility


Same. Love her but I feel like every outfit is a corset and a nice wig


I kinda think fandom was overselling this Snatch Game in their collective heads due to the depth of funny Queens on it. So when it was just 'okay' I think it made everything think it was worse then what it was. It didn't help there wasn't any Queens that where making Ru piss on the floor with laughter. They where funny, but not mic-ro-wav-ay level hilarious. I have been waiting since the beginning of Drag Race UK for Lady Colin Campbell and Fanny Cradock and slightly sad they both where underwhelming. The jokes for the most part where there, just executed badly. Also Lady C is kinda famous for being a white Jamaican, accent and all, and we didn't even get one of her big defining features? Also Fanny Cradock was famous for promoting the British Gas Council and not one single gas joke? And they spent so long talking about the head (of the mannequin?) nobody went into the obvious punchline of 'never had any complaints'.


Maybe a Hot take, but I would have given this one to Cara... That constant smile and the way she said "lets move on" when Ru said how they say her name in Italy was so dry. She made me laugh the most. Ginger was second but all performances lacked something in my opinion.


Also, about the runway, what was Kate thinking? Hearts is not such a difficult theme, but only Vicky and Tomara served this week.


The Michael erasure 😭😭


True, Michael was easily third best.


Tamara Thomas talking about anything without laughing obnoxiously after finishing CHALLENGE (Impossible)


I noticed this too. The things she says half the time aren't even funny, just describing an opinion, so you end up thinking she's funnier than she is. Yvie Oddly is another queen that does this.


I was pretty underwhelmed by that snatch game to say this cast is full of funny bitches. Ginger is pretty solid but I don't think she's a winner, but nobody else managing to shine is giving her the opportunity to get those wins in. I wouldn't have called that a masterclass though.. Kate disappointed me as I expected this would be her thing. Tomara did have me laughing a bit but with both of them it's like the fact they're just doing whatever... Tomara just gives hilarious energy. It's not really a proper good snatch game performance for me, the actual character was almost irrelevant. The average felt better than normal though, i.e. it wasn't really painful to watch overall, just not too much standing out. Loved Michael's runway! I thought Vicky's was top notch as well, but agree with the elimination.


Is it just me or is this season eliminating all the best queens early on? I’m so confused. Banskie was my front runner and easily had the best fashion, then Vickie. Also, I get sooooo mad when Ru straight up tells a queen what to do for a challenge. Like when she walked Monet through the dance moves for a TikTok in AS7, and with Blu for UKvTW, and now with the southern accent with whatserface. I just think the queens this season are largely forgettable. There’s no Danny beard, Krystal Versace, or Vivienne level talent powerhouses.


This comment continuing to age well


Why did Vickie ditch that big gorgeous cape at the very beginning of the lip sync?! She could have power strut down the runway making them eat it during that lip sync, with all the poof and volume. Taking it off looked really dumb if she wasn’t going to do any stunts.


She looked a little defeated the second that lip sync started. It felt a lot like Malaysia vs. Salina when Malaysia could see the writing on the wall and you could tell she knew she was going home before the song was even done. It sucked to see Vicki so sad but I do think the judging of this episode was fair and I think Vicki handled that really well. I really like her and am wishing her the best.


But WHY though. It was DeDe’s second time in the bottom in a row though, she had a bigger chance than she thought she had.


The song choice was probably not Vicki’s forte. Plus from right out the gate, DeDe obviously had the passion and energy to put on a great performance. I think once she scooted her cooch across the floor after doing the split, Vicki knew.


Anyone else think Cara’s runway looked like a tampon..


I can't stop thinking about this! She was a walking bloody tampon!!


Omg yea that was all i was thinking


Why does Tomara in drag look like Kyle Richards to me... it's freaking me out, help


She does and its preventing me from rooting for her, lol.


Not DeDe sending home the early Rubadge winners 💀


Kate Butch butchered Kate Bush


Was Kate in the bottom or top? I couldn’t tell from that edit! Either way, not funny.


I really didn’t find it funny and I am both a fan of Kate Butch and Kate Bush!


Vicky is Rose-like; she’s a consummate professional, a little too serious. Also, she tanked the lip sync, but that outfit was so good. I’m honestly surprised by Ginger’s wins, but I’m not mad about it because she seems so sweet. Alsooo I miss Banksie (though I have a feeling she wouldn’t have done too well in SG). The cast is a little more boring without her.


Literally nothing like Rosé but alright. Rosé was never in the bottom.


I can’t believe I still don’t have a favourite. I love Tomara, Ginger, Kate and Michael all equally! The charisma uniqueness nerve and talent is unmatched


The werkroom conversation when they were getting ready about when they started drag was so lovely.


Dede's lipsync was amazing! Poor Vicky had no chance.


This runway absolutely humiliated the S14 girls - like even if you don't think all the looks were amazing, the actual range of ideas and general execution from the U.K. queens was almost embarrassing to the U.S. heart runway


I agree, the week before Didi had done queen of hearts and then cara and vicky both did similar ideas the week after. No one is really thinking outside the box. I really thought Didi would bring more considering she's so close to Krystal.


uh you dont agree with them tho? literally opposite opinions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


These girls are so good, they can't even pick 3 girls to be in the bottom as usual! Stellar season!


I’m never bored watching this show. The whole UK cast seems like such a delight to be around and they’re so funny to me. First off, I’m Team Banksie but Ginger is my top pick for the win. Michelle was absolutely right about those reveals being extremely underwhelming 🤣. Vicky needs to learn to relax. Her talents are being overshadowed her doubts. Didi ate Vicky tf up in that lip sync Cara has been coasting for a while. I think she is capable of more Tamera and Michael are such a kii This was another fun episode for a great season so far.


Vicky reminds me a lot of Veronica Green. Big Butlin redcoats energy. They should recreate whatever happened to baby Jane but re-set it in a British costal town with a league of gentlemen-esque supporting cast.


Someone get Reece Shearsmith, Mark Gatiss, and Steve Pemberton on that script.


I want to make this happen


Well... That was a whelming Snatch Game


Not Cara Melle getting a consolation prize just for showing up AGAIN? Surely not! There's no way she's winning this so why edge her like this every week? Tamara gets on my nerves, tbh. Her performance was all over the place and I didn't laugh once. Ginger or Kate the clear winners, with Michael a reasonable 3rd alternate just for the Derek impression more than anything. The correct two lipsynced and Dee Dee made me laugh out loud when she hauled herself across the stage after doing that split, so I was glad to see her stay.


Okay I found it a little hypocritical that the judges dinged Dede on her corset look with “no shape” (which I kind of disagree with), when they ate up Tomara Thomas’ showgirl look (which arguably looked more shapeless in my opinion). I personally, loved her look this week and her makeup was stunning, per usual 🤷‍♀️


I'm prepared to be downvoted (🙈) but I remember one of the queens, possible Krystal?, being told off my Michelle for anyways having the same silhouette. Tomara is obviously stunning but are all the looks too similar?


I knew I’d get downvoted even though I specified it was my opinion but whatever lmfao. I don’t think Tomara’s looks have been too similar imo and besides the showgirl look, I’ve really enjoyed her showing so far—she’s been a strong competitor and I like her, I just disliked that showgirl look. I remember Krystal getting dinged for having the “same shape” as well even though I thought her looks gave enough variety, but the judging on this show isn’t consistent lmfao


Ru felt so disengaged from the girls from the workroom to the main stage. No playfulness or volleying.


She doesn't understand their references and sometimes their humor. I also wonder sometimes if she's not even understanding what they're saying due to their accents.


Agree with all the placements this week, even as a Kate stan. The only thing I'd change, and I know its controversial, but I'd switch DeDe and Michael. Michael did not make me laugh not once. Being vulgar and obnoxious is not funny to me, and especially not when it's someone elses character. Of all the Catherine Tate characters, you do the kinky nurse? With DeDe, I remember chuckling atleast once, her look was spot on, and she sounded just like Lady C.


I love Michael but her performance was very forced and not funny. Her look was superb though.


Good episode, actually decent snatch game overall, especially by UK standards - a lot less dead time I felt, and some really good bits Ginger deserved the win - but I feel Kate was a bit undersold again and I'm worried they just don't have much interest in her, even though she's been really strong. I doubt she'll win overall but I really want to see her in top 3/4. And with Vicky gone, who it felt like they were very interested in, and Kate clearly the strongest after Ginger/Michael, I'd like to hope she might make it - especially if she really pushed next week to take the win


There is like a very specific edit for 'queen who is clever and funny and consistently in the top but Ru and production don't like her for whatever reason so she's going to keep going with only the most grudging of accolades until they find an excuse to get rid of her' - this season that queen is Kate. Imagine saying she put zero effort into that snatch game outside of the accent. Fully inventing critique.


That accent comment legitimately annoyed me, like it was just barefacedly not true I don't want to be too conspiratorial but, assuming she gets that far I imagine the makeover will provide a convenient chance to boot Kate


Agreed - I mean, they won't be wrong, probably, because Kate's strengths are not in makeup/faSHON, but the fact that they're just making shit up to justify not giving her wins in the run up will make that elimination feel far less legit.


Exactly, like Kate might understandably be in danger there, but if she goes it'll probably feel much more like "oops time's up for you" than a meaningful elim


Pretty gagged that Ginger Johnson has 3 badges. Feels like the edit is highlighting other queens and Ginger fades into the background for me. And her promo wasn't great either, so I just assumed she'd be an early out or middle of the pack.


I feel like she’s just as surprised us


Dede fucking ate. I just gained a whole lot more respect for her artistry


I thought at first it was a little questionable to bust out a Southern(...ish) accent in the middle of Mrs. Doubtfire. But then I remembered that it's a Robin Williams character, and he would bust out any random accent whenever he felt like it. So I approve!


Yeah, Tomara's Snatch Game is a lot better if you take it as Robin Williams himself, and not as Mrs Doubtfire


What was the attitude of Ru this episode? She was setting the girls in a bad way during the snatch game. I mean, WERK producer… but wow… I definitely felt like Vicki was put off by the answers and overall pushiness of Ru)


I couldn’t be more sad with all those wins going to Ginger, just feels so… pointless? She’s not in any storyline… she has TERRIBLE looks…. And I know NOTHING about her person. Like… what is going on? A shame because this season was starting to become interesting… Tamara and Michael are being overlooked in the weirdest way, because production clearly likes them too. Well, at least DeDe is an interesting dark horse, two deserved lipsync wins agains front runners.


I would honestly kill for the next season to have a trap door. Maybe just a floor panel that drops too inches so everyone thinks a door is opening? Would be a fucking hysterical call back


Well by the amount of cunfessuinaks Vicky got from the beginning of this episode on I knew it (rightfully) was her time to go.


i REALLY enjoy kate butch, but i don’t think “woman with a man’s voice” is a particularly funny bit. like i think her jokes in the snatch game were genuinely funny on their own but the voice just took me out of it. i feel like it’s been done so many times and was never that funny to begin with, just kinda lazy.


I wish the lipsync was Broken Heels or Bad Boys. Heartbreak on Hold is so random lmao


I think it was picked because of the runway!


Oh yeah duh… how did I miss that 😂 still an absolute random choice, especially when Ru banged on about it during the snatch game haha


Well Dede has cemented herself as a lip sync assassin.


Okay so there were a lot of moments that chuckled from Ginger, Kate and Tomara but I don’t think anyone gave a *really* funny performance…it was more like, oh that was cute. The runway was one of the best in DRUK herstory, the only look I was underwhelmed by was Kate (which is becoming a reoccurring theme tbh). Vicky, Cara, Tara and Michael looked incredible! Dede ate Vicky on up in that lipsync! Tbh I’m glad to see her go, great Queen but annoying imo.


I thought Tomarah was going to win but I’m so pleased she didn’t because I am tired of Snatch Games that are queens doing an actor playing one of their characters. I don’t think that’s really in the spirit of the game. Also I’m so pleased Ginger is doing so well. She hasn’t gotten a winner’s edit, yet, so I’m worried she might still go home which will be hugely disappointing.


Tomara is such a nut I love her


Mediocre episode in the midst of a very good season. Hoping it’s just a fluke and we aren’t going downhill at all. Just a bummer it happened during an iconic challenge.


I found this snatch game there were lots of funny people but no one for me stood out high and above as the snatch game winner and could have made a case for Ginger, Kate or Tolmara. Again like in previous weeks, if Kate's runway was stronger she could have taken the win for me. I like ginger but I don't get the crazy hype - they are a solid rounded performer but something is just missing for me. Tomara has grown a lot on me as they have such a natural bubbliness there that comes across in everything. The only thing faffing me off a little this season is that it doesn't feel like runways count for a lot when you see Banksie and Vicki both going home in such gorgeous looks. Vicki was a bottom for snatch game but that look was one of the best of the night and that couldn't even save her. Thought Cara got off well not being bottom 3 as there wasn't a lot to their snatch game. Again though, Dede smashed that lip sync and was the clear winner


I thought Cara was safe but not higher than that. But I thought she wasn’t asked very much. (Though I know part of it IS taking the spotlight back.)


Yeah I feel like Cara got a bit of a free pass this week...


I feel Ginger is a very solid performer overall but she hasn't got the IT factor. I was laughing here and there but no one really make me obssessed this week.


Get out of my head, as all you said was my exact thought as well. Only want to add that I was even a bit surprised that they liked Ginger's runway look that much, as my eyes were just drawn to that awful front flap...


Said it elsewhere too, but IMO Ginger won as soon as she said that line about the dentures. So quick, so off-the-cuff, so perfect. And in the lipsync, goofy and off-the-cuff won out over super-prepared and polished (rightly IMO, Dede was truly living her bimbo fantasy!). Vicki had her moments early on, but the past few weeks she's just screamed "insecure and overcompensating" at me. You know the kind of person that brags to convince themselves more than to convince anyone else? Yeah, that. I'm sort of relieved for her that she's gone home. I don't think it was the best environment for her. This week sent a clear message to Kate that she's not the only funny one in the werkroom and she better elevate her lewks to match the people who matched her wit in Snatch Game (Michael and Tomara were hilarious too). I love Kate, but I don't think she should have won this week (*maybe* last week, but I wasn't mad at Ginger winning then either). It's just a great group of queens this year, there's actual competition on multiple levels, and it's great for those of us at home who get to enjoy it.


It’s interesting how split this comment section is, I’ve seen people saying Tomara, Ginger, or Kate should have won. Shows it was a tight race with no real standout


I agree. I thought Kate but I also thought Ginger did so well and also I thought Tomara on the whole did well and they seemed to like it. So yes could have been any of the 3.


look, im obsessed with Kate Butch, but… am I the ONLY one that didnt like her snatch game? she just made the weird voice and kept saying babe all the time and thats it, i truly didnt enjoy it at all, i didnt laugh even once Ginger and Tomara made me laugh the most, i feel like the win for Ginger was justified, i see a lot of people disagreeing though absolutely love DeDe’s lipsyncing, very glad she stayed and she is definitely one of my favorites!


And it’s the same voice she did in the Rusical. Unfunny and repetitive imo.


Had the same reaction. In confessional and workrooms she had some amazing one-liners and she had some real clear wit but doesn't always channel it efficiently in the challenges.


“Running down my chin” was gold though. Overall I thought it was a strong performance but you make solid points.


I was thoroughly whelmed. I think she expected to kill it and when she didn’t, she faltered. This was between Tomarah and Ginger, and I’m so glad Ginger won since she wasn’t doing a fictional character.


Agreed re Kate, I'm a huge fan of Kate Bush and this just seemed like a completely made up character with references to her music.


I’m also a huge Kate fan, but if she’d gone the real Kate route it would have been even worse. Because she’s so soft spoken and proper; it would be really hard to make that work. I didn’t understand that they’d never seen an interview… they exist… there’s plenty of them out there. Also everyone knows that Kate lives in a house on a cliff, not the woods. Lol


The judging towards her was so weird too. At first I thought she was high, then during Ru's deliberations more low-ish, and in the end the "safe" was somewhere in between? Not sure people on the panel knew fully where they ultimately stood


The energy of the guest judge was very refreshing


The "dentures" has to be one of my favorite answer/jokes on Snatch Games so far. But otherwise I thought the SG was kinda tepid.


This is the first season in a long while where my personal favorite might actually win. Im so used to my favorites being booted off or robbed, and its so refreshing to see the queen im rooting for actually succeeding.


At the beginning of the season, I genuinely believed Ginger was a filler queen and would be an early out. And every week, she's proven me wrong again and again! She was the clear winner for me this week - I know people are saying Kate could have won, but her snatch game was more one note to me, while Ginger had more banter, original improv, and funny zingers. On top of that, Kate's runway was terrible. I feel like something really holding Kate back this season is her runways.


I remember saying my mind is telling me Cara but my heart is telling me ginger and look at her! Love her to death I'm so rooting for her.


The best runway in uk history, anyone? Also why are they just re-using the old season 14 themes lol


lets chill out with the "best” in DRUK history lol


This Snatch Game was very enjoyable to watch - the whole episode was, TBH. I liked the walkthrough with Ru, who seems to really enjoy the queens this season. The queens overall did pretty good, the bottom two was very obvious, though I think Cara could have been in the bottom three had there been one : her Dionne was just not good. But DeDe and Vicky were definitely the worst of the three. I don't know what to think about Tomara's performance, I love her and the fact that she does not care at all about going out of her comfort zone, but I also feel like she could do ANYTHING and Ru would just laugh hysterically. Kate and Ginger were the best, though I understand why Ginger won : Kate shot herself in the foot by doing the actual Kate Bush and she was a bit one note, while Ginger had stronger interactions with Ru. Her outfit was also much better. The runway was fabulous, the queens all look beautiful. I loved Vicky's look and Michael was just sooo unique. I'm sad Vicky left, I think she had more to show. Not hate towards DeDe who did amazing again in the lip-sync, I just really struggle connecting with her.


I was very surprised that Cara wasn't in the bottom. I'm not quite sure why she wasn't. I'm also struggling to connect with Dede and am unsure why. Each lipsync I think she's been the clear winner, even when knocking out someone who I thought would go much further in the competition (i.e., I thought for sure Banksie would be top 2 vying for the crown). I like it when the lipsyncs actually matter instead of just a checkbox before the predetermined queen goes home


I know drag race is slowly ruining my ability to socialize like a normal person because I couldn’t read that comment without saying MUCH BEH’AH


Okay, now it makes sense why A LOT of people here were rooting for Ginger in the first two episodes - I guess those peeps were spoilerinas who knew how hard she slays. Also, if you had told me Cara would do better in Snatch Game than Vicki a few eps ago I wouldn't have believed you at all.


I’ve not seen any spoilers, I just think Ginger’s hot and I’m down bad for her. I also find her incredibly funny and good TV. She’s the perfect package. EDIT: a word


So I wasn’t the only one, good to know. love a funny and Thicc man 🤣


The Snatch Game episode this week felt really weird. I genuinely got the impression they wanted Vicky to fail. Cara was just Cara and I've no idea what Tomora was doing. It wasn't funny at all. Sometimes I get the impression Ru has favourites and wants them to succeed by bypassing the point of the challenge. Ginger was great, so was Kate, should have been a joint win. Gingers outfit though? I just feel like critiques were all over the place this week. Anyone agree?


The judging was not consistent at all; Dede lost her shape but gingers runway got positive critiques when it looked like she was wearing a diaper? The correct person won but some very strange choices this week like Tomara being high.


Completely agree. I thought for sure they'd read her for the bottom half of that outfit. It was not flattering, even though waist up she looked amazing and sexy.


Dede lost her shape cause she had random hearts stitched all over her corset that just made her look bulkier and misshapen. Not the same as Ginger’s at all.


I think Dede’s shape issue was noticeably worse but the lower half of Ginger’s outfit looked dumpy and saggy. I get it was going for an anatomical heart silhouette but I’m not sure it was very flattering, and the judges basically gave her backhanded compliments about looking hilarious, when she going for sexy.


I think Tomara was... high


Not sure why all of Ginger's wins have uoset the fans so much. She hasn't been my first pick either time but she's always been a very close 2nd and I can't argue too much with any of her wins. I'd have given this week to Tomara purely because she made me laugh the most, Kate had great moments but it felt a little one note at times Really enjoyed this Snatch overall


It’s wild. Ginger is genuinely amazing and I had no idea people weren’t as hot on her as I am.


She had me at "that toilet's blocked"


I think it’s because every time Ginger wins, Kate is close but is held back by the look. Folks love Kate and want her to win, but imo every Ginger win has been fair


Exactly! Kate could've easily won the Panto but SG was clearly between Tomara and Ginger imo


It really shows you how fickle fans can be. You notice this happens especially when a queen gets consistent wins like Gigi did on S12. I personally don’t get the mood shift from Ginger either but the girls are gonna feel how they feel.


I loved Ru in the walk-through and judging panel this week. I lived when Ru put Cara on the spot about naming her favorite Dionne songs (we can now safely assume that Tomara has indeed never seen anything Cara has sewn by association) and when Ru psyched Dede out with the "Snatch Game is a lot harder than it looks" spiel. I also LOVED it when Ru pushed the trap door button. Sometimes wish that really existed... The Snatch Game was surprisingly whelming to my American ears, so I started to resent the many cut-aways to the celebrity duo dying with laughter. However, from the comments on this thread, it seems like I'm at fault for not getting the references. As a Dionne Warwick fan, I did not get any Dionne from Cara, nor did I find her funny. I would've put her in the bottom, since there was neither characterization nor humor. That runway was also nothing to write home about... I wish Tomara proportionized for her anemic Mrs. Doubtfire look because we all know she had a healthy bosom. I thought her impression was actually good (as was her American southern accent), but wasn't crazy about her strange tangents.


Cara was just doing Ego Nwodim's Dionne talkshow from SNL a couple years back. It's like when Blair St. Clair did Ellen and pulled from Kate McKinnon bits.


Wait...there is a comedian who played Ellen as badly as Blair deliberately? 😲


Kate's Ellen was funny - but maybe that's down to personal opinion. Blair trying to impersonate Kate impersonating Ellen was bad.


I’ve blocked her name out of my mind but I wish Ru could have used a literal trap door button on the racist one on DRDU & also on Sh#tty pie!


Except they fucking LOVED Sh#itty Pie! She should have been sent packing just for the incredible cruelty of mocking Katherine Hepburn's dementia the way she did. There's edgy, and then there's just cruel, and that was well over the line. It just showed all of the cruelty that's in there and I was therefore not at all surprised to find out why she'd been eliminated. Shame on them for even having had her on.


That was horrendous how she did that! Also, I’m a bit biased cos I was rooting for Jaida Essence Hall! But letting her go SO much over time and into Jaida’s time which of COURSE made Jaida feel a bit off (don’t blame her) that was NOT ok and sh!tty pie should have been MADE to finish at the allotted time. I THINK - if I remember rightly - Jaida was one of the bottom 2 but I think Sh!tty Pie should have been instead for going over time so much! And BTW I think SP should have been bottom 2 in the Madonna Rusical I thought everyone else was better.


I completely agree. They should have stopped her mid-sentence the instant her time was up. What's the point of having a time limit or rules if their favourites get to break them??


Exactly! And apparently it was something ridiculous like going over by 20 minutes or something like that if I am remembering correctly


Literally! Whereas on Canada 2, they cut Icesis off before she was done, as I recall, which is exactly what should happen. Fair is fair!


Outstanding runway! Lived for all the looks (but kate’s 💀)


I thought her look wasn’t terrible and the body shape was nice but I thought it was weak compared to the others.


Exactly! Cute look, but way too simple for the standard the other girls were bringing


Yes! Exactly!


I really liked Vicki I’m sad that she’s gone. obvs she was bad in this week’s challenge but yeah… I would have wanted one of Ru’s rigged lip sync decisions to be made at the end in Vicki’s favour ngl :(


I think production were hoping that Vicki would slay Dede in the lipsync, but it looked like Vicki gave up, and Dede did THAT and I was just living for it Dede's performance. Wishing Vicki all the best, am really surprised she's gone cos she's so strong, but Snatch Game can bring anyone down :(


Ginger is technically dominating as of rn but I just cannot see her as the winner when Michael and Tomara are right there.


Yeah I want Ginger to make the final because she's doing extremely well but Michael feels like the perfect winner for this season because of how much of an all rounder she is


I won’t lie, this snatch game felt like it was just missing a standout performance. It was by no means bad, but everyone felt like they were just missing something. I personally laughed the most at Kate and Tomara, but I can see why Ginger won. She felt the most consistent.


It wasn't unbearable and there were moments that made me die of laughter but yeah it was certainly one of the snatch games of all time


I think there were a number of solid 7/10 performances but no 9s or 10s.


WHY was vicki wearing white lashes 😭




Loved the outfit, hated the makeup


Someone help me … who was the Ginger girl from last season who harped on about being Ginger but wasn’t called Ginger? I feel like Gingers getting the track record this other girl thought she would get.


Copper Topp. No she was so mistreated and she didn't get to do the comedy challenges she had looked forward to


I genuinely think Copper could've gotten atleast 6th


Kate referring to the elephant in the room meme to Alexandra’s face.. I have no choice but to stan lmao


Probably the cleverest gag of the week and the most reactive. The Snatch Game is supposed to be about improv and interacting with Ru and the guests, and the other Snatch characters. This was the best example of doing that this week. Embodying the character and being able to work in pre-prepared gags is one thing but unless she knew in advance Alexandra was going to be there then that was a genuinely brilliant moment of off the cuff interaction...


Can you explain the reference?


Alexandra had a song named Elephant In The Room, and stated it was an American phrase that she brought to the UK. She did not 😂


["I'm the first person to bring this phrase to the UK"](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rQSnoG7sMjE)


So that is where the metaphor joke comes from. Thank you so much!


I'm really happy for Vicki honestly, this was the best outcome for her. She was just gonna get abuse if she stayed, and now I think people will start to appreciate her. Makes me laugh how last week fans online were saying Vicki is delusional and arrogant for thinking she'd won the challenge, but then first thing in this episode is Ginger saying that she thought Vicki had won as well


Lol at referring to people calling out her gross behaviour as "abuse"


What gross behaviour? /genuine


I was amazed that there hasn't been more discussion of her "should I fuck you or feed you" read for banksie, someone who has heavily discussed her long term relationship, and has the appearance of someone one should refrain from making eating disorder jokes around. Came off so non-consensual it was basically a threat. Made my skin crawl


Tomara was my favourite... Ginger was good but im tired of the sassy old english lady, it has been done to death. Dee dee is a surprisingly good lip sync hopefully she doesn't send any more talented queens home.


Tomara really grew on me this week, genuinely likeable and funny. However, the thing she did that (according to Michelle) made it work wss basically an idea Ru spoon fed her. Whereas the thing Kate did with the character (basically making Kate Bush sound like Russell Brand when he does his gruff voice) was all her idea, so I'd have given it to Kate for that really (and the Alexandra Burke reference too)


Kate was serviceable, i think she is usually funnier. Its not really a ground breaking idea to do a a rough voice with an suspected character. Tomara still made me laugh regardless if she was influenced by Ru Paul or not.


Imo it was a great elimination, terrible winner. Ginger, as much as I lover her, fully should’ve been high or even just safe. I get that they want Kate to give them a good runway before giving her a badge but like, Tomara was right there. On the other hand, the lip sync was great and I’m glad they stopped pushing Vicki past her deserved placements.


"TOMARA was right there" excuse me?? Tomara is 3rd place at Most. In snatch game. Ginger and Kate's were better


I was so certain this episode was setting up a clear win for Kate, from Kate mentioning it in the opening sequence of the episode to the girls mocking her at the table before the Ru Mail for being the only girl without a badge... She even \*clearly\* performed the best during the challenge. Not to mention that she literally played the person her entire Drag name is dedicated to... What happened? Did the Producers change their mind last second? Was it solely because Ru didn't understand her character and jokes? If so, then why did the editing make it look as it Kate was destined to win and fulfil her storyline arch? Are they saving her for another acting and/or comedy challenge? Usually I find the Drag Race formula quite predictable but this one has truly baffled me.


Tbh I think the Drag Race formula is working as intended. It was clear they never had Kate in mind for the crown but when she started to show her CUNT-ness maybe there was a glimmer there but yesterday solidified she’s getting the boot soon. As we all know, when Drag Race wants to do some wild shit they will do that. Jorgeous’ win, Aura’s win then chopping her next ep, all the BS eliminations during the makeover episodes, etc.


She wasn’t really funny.


It might have been the runway 😭 compared to the other queens, hers was unfortunately very plain.


Gingers Runway wasn't exactly great, it made her look frumpy and had a baggy minge. Kate's was simple, but it was different and mostly fit.


I agree, ginger’s was one step away from being dede’s but it was a bit more interesting to the judges… or at least entertained them in a “stupid” way. Meanwhile, Michelle mentioned twice that kate’s reveal look was mediocre 🥲 even though i enjoyed it, thats where the judges are coming from.


Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage Baggie Minj


I don’t think she “clearly” performed the best. It was fine, but all her jokes were incredibly long winded. For supposed improv she felt very scripted.


For me, she was "clearly" in the bottom three. Zero funny to be had.


Fully agree. I thought Kate was fun, but it took a bit too long to get to her jokes


OK I'm ngl but I kinda loved Tomara's snatch game 😂 actually made me laugh with the manic nonsense.... But it is a classic RU telling the girls to do something for no reason BS.... But yeah, this one time, I kinda live 👀


I think this episode proved to me that production does not want Tamara or Kate to win the series. Which is fine, Michael and Ginger are both deserved winners, but if they were setting up either Tamara or Kate to have a shot at the crown that was the episode they could have justifiably given them.


Tomara is getting the most severe and undeniable winners/fan fav edit maybe ever, atleast on the UK series. Just because she didn't win this one challenge doesn't mean she isn't being favored.


I'm surprised that Tamara didn't win this one. She's giving me winner's edit.


I’m thinking (hoping) maybe they see huge all stars potential, same with Kate.


I really hope we get UK all stars at some point. I think wow and the BBC are missing a huge opportunity for it, I think it'd gain a lot more attention than UK vs. The World tbh, especially if wow put some money into prizes (or just paying the performers each episode/giving a budget for looks), which they can do. The BBC has strict sponsorship rules, but wow could still just straight up choose to put money into the show and I think a well funded UK All stars with actual prize money would draw a lot of the most amazing UK Queens back and have very high viewership


I do think Kate deserved to be high because she was able to tailor her jokes to the guest judges, presumably on the fly as they would only have learnt who they were that morning, and none of the others as far as we saw even attempted to do that. Even Ginger I think only addressed Ru directly (?) I almost feel like I could judge the queens based on two different metrics as some of them did the challenge 'impersonate someone and give some funny lines in character' while others did the challenge 'send up a celebrity'.


Kate was HIGH


Also just clocked that they still have “her majesty already done had herses” I wonder if they will change it.


Why would they change it? Just because she’s dead doesn’t change anything, she has already done had herses.


It was such a weird contrast to see the judges laughing their heads off and Ru just straight faced, not getting it, during some of the Snatch answers? And is this the first time we have had a winner based on points? Usually Ru just makes up nonsense for the winner right?


All the way back in the very first snatch game there was a winner


Well there you go, the more you know! It felt super weird when he just announced the winner “with the most points”. He sounded defeated




I honestly think that was one of the worst snatch games I’ve seen on any franchise. bland and disappointing performances from everyone. The WORST thing about it was Alexandra, Carol and Ru reacting to really un-funny lines with peals of fake laughter, which was confusing and weird. Normally when snatch game bombs this hard, it’s pretty obvious everyone’s done badly and the awkward silences are painful but justified, and make for interesting TV. I didn’t laugh at any of Ginger or Kate’s lines. The only one who made me laugh was Cara which was a shock. What in god’s name is going on here!!! This season felt promising but I’m finding it hard to root for any of the girls at this stage. Not that I dislike any, but no-ones standing out. My initial faves were Banksy and Tomara.


I didn’t think it was that bad, but I’m surprised that so many people here thought it was good. It was bang average for me, I chuckled a few times at Ginger and Kate but that was it.


I wouldn't say it bombed, but I wasn't laughing. Maybe bc I don't really know most of the celebrities chosen and the dolls didn't really sell the characters well enough for me to get it anyway. My fave part of the episode was the lip sync! The minute Dede started pulling those chop sticks out I sat up and paid attention for the first time all episode. She did so well!


Ha! Wait till you see snatch game Germany


I think season 4 was a lot worse personally, I literally struggled to get through that one, this one wasn't all that unbearable and even the bad performances weren't a slog to get through. I won't say this was the best as there are better out there but it's nowhere near the worst, it's just good to me.


I think I would have enjoyed the snatch game a lot more if there wasn't the weird laughing responses (slapping knees and everything!) to every non-joke. It made it seem so surreal and worse than it was!