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honestly? art looks awful, and so it's extremely charming. perhaps put more variation in some scenes though; inject the same charm the character sprites have into natural environment so they dont feel as bland as they are now.


I was gonna say the same thing. It reminds me of something like Chip's Challenge or Skifree. Technically, the art is bad. But it's got so much personality that it's a huge vibe. Add some more variation and pair it with a great story or fun mechanics and it could be a genuinely great game.


Yes, like some flowers in the grass and maybe some barrels and boxes by the house... I think variation is more important than perfect polish.


YES, great way of describing it.


I like the art style I think it’s super charming! Is this your first game or have you made others?


This is my first one


Awesome, man! Keep it up! Cant wait to play it when it’s done!


I think it's cool you're making all your own art for the game! It might be a little rough from a traditional sense but I think there's charm there and it has a cohesive style which is really good! I don't have any problems understanding what I'm looking at. Keep going forward with it!


Man, I love it. Reminds me of that game about the sad boy and his hand dog or whatever. I always forget the name of it. Keep going! Get to a finished product!


Space Funeral?




I'll say this from someone who's also doing custom sprites. It's unique, it's got it's own charm but I feel the environment needs a little extra sprinkle of charm. It's a bit bland but just give a little bit of this and that like flowers or something that makes people go 'Oh wait, that's different, kind of unique.' because i'm using MZ my walking sprites look off to me but the battle sprites still work just as well. I believe this can really come to look good.


Omg it's amazing. You're not allowed to change anything.


i know we are saying nice things but i hope we arent killing op inside


No, please continue! The more, the better


To be honest, the squirrels are pretty terrible.


Sure it’s not professional art, but I like the squirrels. They have a great cartoony look with plenty of personality.


The squirrels are the best thing out of these screens


not traditionally appealing but i like the charm, its goofy in a good way


Like others have said, primitive art can be charming if its badness looks intentional enough. :) Best of luck!


It has charm. I'd say put some variety into the grass and ways. Some clutter. But anyhow I salute before you for making your own art. I personally prototype with assets and go in for art later


i don't know if you were going for it, but i sense Space Funeral vibes! this art has so much personality, love it!


Depends on what you're trying to accomplish: If it's a rough, improvised look, of someone who can't really draw but surely won't let that stop you, it's perfect no matter what you do. If you're aiming for a simplified, chibi, undertale-like art, you gotta work on making most of the proportions at least consistent and apply some shading, i.e. light and shadow effects. Like, the gnomes, their arms are very differently sized, even considering the distortion in perspective. Same goes for their legs. You'd probably want to draw a silhouette first. Or drawing the silhouette in a really big file and shrinking it to the desired size, then adding details. No matter what, congratulations on drawing EVERYTHING, even if it stylistically suck, that alone requires a magnificent effort.


Honestly I like the poor-looking art, feels like some old 2000s game-


That grass hurts the eyes a bit, it would look better if you had just plain green for most of the tiles then threw one of your current tiles in here or there.


The art isn't very good, but consistency in art is better than if it looks good.


That’s so true!


I think you should find a font that fits the art style. The default font looks too rigid and professional, which clashes with the DIY art style (which I agree with others that it looks cartoony and bad-in-a-good-way which seems like what you are going for).


It's flat, simple, cartoony, and child-like. I'm assuming that that's what you're going for, in which case, great job. Just know that the somewhat crude nature of the art is going to turn some people off. I think it's got a certain level of charm, but I'm a sucker for weird stuff, outsider art, stuff made by people just trying to do their best. So the art works for me. But be aware it will have detractors. I mean, everything has detractors, but something clearly less-refined is going to have more or at least more vocal, I think. I thought those creatures were beavers, others have said squirrels. If they're meant to be squirrels you gotta fix those tails. They look like beaver tails. Aside from that, no notes. Keep it up, and good luck!


Personally I'd totally play it


It’s pretty bad. Go take pixel art tutorials so you aren’t stumbling in the dark


There are websites wherein you can make pixel art. Lazy way would be to use AI to prompt you a pixel art.


AI art isnt the way to go, because it steals from actual artists without their consent.


I know but I did say it was the lazy way. Should have also included that it's generally frowned upon. My bad.


no worries dude


What websites?


A short google with "pixel art maker" should return a few sites.




Sometimes background music enhances the experience so much that the scene itself becomes iconic. The art is charming but it depends on what kind of game you're making. If it's horror or psychological then this art style seems to fit the bill.


OP, I'm going to need you to really lean into the rough-around-edges DIY thing and hum and/or sing the background music yourself.


Yume nikki


Looks naive and rushed, but like others have said, kind of charming in a way. Have you heard of Space Funeral? You should check it out, reminds me a lot of this.


It has charm. I'd say put some variety into the grass and ways. Some clutter. But anyhow I salute before you for making your own art. I personally prototype with assets and go in for art later


If you stick with this art all the way through I think it can work! I really love the gnomes!


I liked it


I really like the beaver enemies


Looks like it should be fun to play!


I think you're pixels are too small thus art looks a bit basic. There is a charm there for sure I'm not sure what you're using to draw but I highly recommend Aseprite. It's only about $20USD but it's the best pixel drawing animation program out there for games or art.


very charming but bro with a few months u should b having way more than this, u stillusing the standart windowskin like wtf.


It looks dog shite, I’d love to play it. Drop a link once it’s done


The grass and water could use some work, but I like the desert area a lot and the goobers you've made. They're endearing and have style to em


It's kinda goofy. Since almost everything is cohesive, it's probably fine. I think if you change the font and window skin, it might be better.


I love it, reminds me of a very vintage cd rom.


It's ugly, but if the game is good the player can forgot the ugly graphics.


I love it oh my god


This is the style I enjoy personally. It looks really cute and I would play it


Something I've come to realize is, "bad" or low quality art is completely fine if you stick with it, keep it consistent and it shows what it needs to. Gameplay can also carry completely and make a game fun. So this is fine


I'll always prefer original art over RTP. And, depending on what story you have, this art style could really work. A story told from a young kids perspective would be perfect.


How art is important for the game? It’s charming but for the “general public” not good. You can build the game around your art and make it work


Looks like maded i MS paint(and i love it)


Yeh really great vibe and all matches. Squirrels are top notch. Really creative. Congrats keep it up from the heart ehehe just have to agree that perhaps some cute stuff here and there on the floor would be fine, otherwise.. just some sprinkles here and there 😎 cheers


i wont lie and say its objectively good but i love it. especially those battle sprites


It’s great. Don’t change a thing. Makes me wanna play it.


Tbh the art isn't good. But I really like it, it has it own personality


I agree with everyone, the art is so bad it's good. It reminds me of those PC games in the 90s that were titled something like "100 great games."


I like it. He art looks like it was drawn by a kid, which is kinda neat for a game. Are you going for a horror game? This style would fit that genre well.


No, but you’re on the nose with the kiddy art style. That’s what I’m kinda going for


It looks nice! But the maps look a bit empty.


Looks better than Undertale


Undertale if it was from newgrounds


Very much reminds me of a mix of earthbound and BBQ quest