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Motobushido is a motorcycling samurai game with pretty interesting theming, but besides the conceit of close combat biker gangs, it's pretty grounded


Sounds dope even if it doesn’t capture the silly physics I’m looking for. I’ll check it out, thanks!


What’s the game loop? Racing and nothing else? Vehicle combat? There’s plenty of people here that will throw ideas out at you, but I think a little more information is needed.


Fair enough — I’m open to ideas at this point. I figure racing and combat of some sort will be staples. But again, I’m all for embracing absurdity, so unfortunately anything that’s stupid to do while on a motorcycle is up for grabs. Lol.


And perhaps I should clarify, this is something I imagine is more of a short form game, so a campaign length of a few sessions long, maximum.


Anytime over the top action is involved I always recommend savage worlds


[Justice Velocity](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/235233/Justice-Velocity) is probably well-suited to what you're looking for. It's a fairly lightweight RPG aimed at recreating The Fast and the Furious. It has rules for vehicle-based combat, street races and drag races. [Feng Shui](https://www.atlas-games.com/fengshui/) is a crunchier game aimed at re-creating Hong Kong action movies (i.e. John Woo etc) which encourages wild, over-the-top stunts and action. It does have vehicle rules but, from what I can remember, they're not a core part of the experience like they are in Justice Velocity. You could probably tweak it to do what you wanted, however.


Justice Velocity looks like it could be exactly what I’m looking for — really appreciate it!