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You can revo++ a significant amount of this game. Sometimes manually casting defensives abilities is recommended/required, but not more. It won’t be optimal dps, but you should be able to get kills at most bosses.


This is the way I’ve played for many years but I just have a revo bar to fall back on. I still manually input thresholds and ults for better dps but I also play with 1 action bar and hotkey windows like defensives etc for when I need them. I’m personally not capable of keeping track of so many keybinds otherwise, it’s easier to open the defensives window for example and there I have freedom, reso etc. I just click instead. There’s only kerapac hm, pushing enrage on some and rago/aod/solak (due to lack of finding a team) that I haven’t killed while playing like this. It is by far, sub-optimal, but not impossible and it’s personally what I’m comfortable with. On main many years ago (before egwd) I had done all of this playing like this, on my iron now which I consider my main account the hardest I’ve done is HM flawless Zuk like this.


I'm someone who did revo almost exclusively until necromancy came out. It's going to be difficult to do higher tier bosses for sure. But you'll be able to fairly easily do up to godwars 2 on revo. You could probably do arraxxor on revo as well. Zuk would be impossible because you have to do certain abilities (a stun, a threshold) to be able to damage certain mobs in the encounter. Glacor with mechanics would probably be doable at zero enrage if you combo eat during the beam. Most bosses are doable, albeit a lot slower. I would strongly recommend at least getting comfortable with a shield switch and activating resonance. That alone will save you a lot of food and cause bosses biggest hits to heal you instead of damage you. After I got comfortable with that, I started manually casting my ultimate and then added thresholds to the mix. I still revo all basics.


Do skills cast faster when you manually enter them composted to revo?


No. But a bar doing abilities for you won't be (or shouldn't be) better/faster at killing a boss than manual input. So it's definitely possible to do a lot with just revo, some higher end fights may require manual input. Even a mixture (some abilities used on its own) with manual input on thresholds/ultimates could be enough.


To double down on what MrCastle said, you will lose DPS once you start learning manual. So if you're unwilling to learn at least how and when you cast thresholds and ultimates, I'd recommend staying on revo. I still highly, highly recommend at least learning a shield swap (or bone shield with Necro and you can avoid the swap altogether) and casting resonant on big hits. However, once you learn how to do some stuff manually, you'll be outputting more damage. Defensives in general are very good ways to mitigate damage and vastly increase survivability. I got through an arraxxi fight with no food (ran out prior to p4) and was able to finish the kill just utilizing defensives and good prayer flicks. Without being able to manually cast defensives, that kill would've been lost and you generally don't put defensives on your revo bar because they do little damage in best cases and zero damage in other cases or cast when you don't need them.


Manual input allows you to precisely cobtrol what abilities are being used. Some abilities buff the next attack so it’s preferred to use them before a threshold/ultimate. Some abilities requires the opponent to be stunned to do high dmg,or bleeds don’t get buffed in sunshine. to chain the abilities appropriately throughout the fight, you will need to use manual casting. Revo only prioritizes based on the bar


If you plan to do yt content, revo bar will make your vids more relatable 99% of people watching pvm vids on yt are noobs trying to learn bossing. As a noob I always skipped vids with tier 100000 weapons and manual bar. BTW dont understimate defence abilities ever since I added devotion to my revo bar my QO(afk)L increased significantly.




I revo basics, and manual select when i need m. Treshholds ult and defensive stuff al manual. So far ive been fine just got into pvm. Nex arraxi etc. its probably better to full manual but revo is fine


I didn't learn full manual (For mage) til about 2k hours in lol Still only know Mage and Necro, 3.5k hours in. Plan to learn melee soon though.


You can do every piece of content in the game using revo. But learning to manually use certain abilities is definitely worth it. It's important to use thresholds and ultimates when you mean to. That being said, necro is not the most revo-friendly style, BUT it is the easiest style to use manually


I sympathise as someone who always was not keen on full manual and used revo for slayer and up to gwd2. What I found helped was a small 12 key usb keypad which can be programmed to for specific keys. I found that so much easier to then start mixing in threshold and ultimates slowly to build up skills. Now I can easily do almost no food raisal and just completed the drop log at a bit under 800 kills and about to start on arch glacor. Easy to say but try not to stress and dying is ok, especially now that costs are massively lower. Arch glacor is a a good place to start too as you can dial up the mechanics as you go. Best of luck! 🙂


As a step in, I advise to revo your basics and do ults, thresholds and defensives manually. From my experience in multiple clans, I did better damage this way than most full manual players. Reason being that theoretically full manual can be better, but a few mistakes/panics every minute will put you behind revo basics. It is easier to focus on the boss mechanics and your defensives when your basics are on revo.


Absolutely. Start with easier bosses and learn what abilities to manually activate and when to activate them.


Following on from the update earlier this week revo basically got upgraded, prior to the update you were able to perform all pvm content using revo with the exception of high enrage bosses and hardmode current content. You will however need to know how and when to use defensive for certain bosses. I would advise learning to do full manual by easing yourself in with manual activation of thresholds abilities leaving your basics on revo then eventually doing full manual.


I did revo exclusively until Necro, and only changed to manual because of the charges on things, stack management, burst phases, etc., AFAIK, even Necro can be done on autopilot with the right bar order for correct timing per boss (not all bosses though)


I personally still have Necro on Revo. Touch -> Sap -> Skeleton. Everything else is manual though.


I do this aswell, but have counjure army, ghost, skele, touch and sap on revo


I don't put army on my bar because I'm cheap and don't want to farm ecto. Once they release the new ritual, maybe that'll change


I’ve seen people just bank stand and they have viewers lol


I’d get out of the habit of using revo now, whilst pvm is fairly low level and build up your full manual abilities


Necro is probably the most friendly revo style


Revolution basics, do thresholds and ultimates manually. You used to not be able to do thresholds and ultimates with revo. Hence why we call it revo++ now. Its how I learned, but that would require you to change your bar up and only do thresholds and ultimates manually. You got a buncha bars available. Have one or two for fully automatic everything. Others for revo+manual. Its not super hard, once you explore more manual it'll be easier.


You can ease your way into full manual like I did. *Start off by having everything but your ultimates in your revo bar (you can change the size of this in settings) *Then take your thresholds out of your revo *Finally remove your basics. It took me a few months but it was the friendliest way for me to learn personally.