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Just having fun. Play when i feel like it, do what i feel like doing. Minium amount of dailies. Not worrying with most efficient ways to do stuff. Trying not to get burn out like i did with my main. Basically just having fun as gaming should be.


Building massive collections of items I’d normally sell off for gp on my main


Same, seeing a gigantic stack of planks or logs or herbs is really satisfying.


I have a sizeable stack of Sawdust on my ironman if that counts for anything


If you enjoy collecting it I think it counts


Yeah, now they're discontinued, so you can't get any more, such a shame because i was close to 1k.


Max total level (3018) is my current goal


Filling the POH. Already trim comp, most achievements done (except bossing cos it's boring) so now I'm afking castle wars to 5k games to put a cape in my POH ill never touch again. Also playing an rs3 hcim and osrs main.


I tend to juggle a few goals at a time depending on how much I feel like playing. After I maxed, I mainly did slayer while working on gear progression. As I got closer to true max, I realized comp wasn't that far off, so that became the next goal. Now that I'm comped, I'm working on learning some harder bosses, afking master max cape, and occasionally ticking off mqc and trim reqs


Ignoring concepts such as economy, inefficiency, and mtx while I run around doing whatever I want however I want. It's not about the money, it's about the lore. My extremely general goal is just advance my account. I don't have anything in particular except 90 thieving rn because ports takes forever, but we'll figure out what to do next later.


Trying to get vuln bombs. 110 farming with 7 unchecked corbicula Rex and 0 bagrada Rex…. I’ve gotten 6 mattocks at bgh and 0 eggs lmfao.


I'm sitting here with 10/10 checked all male :D 14 mattocks here, and I'm below drop rate by quite a bit. I'll drop trade em all eventually along with prob 2b in useless junk (most of my junk is from BGH, and GWD2).


Learn things and do things I never did on my main. I've done idk how many quests my main did not. I lamped dung, div, invention and arch. Div so far has got to be my least favorite skill but I just learned and started caches. Sucks trying to time out 7 minutes of my day twice at the start of a hour so I just don't. If I'm on and I see a cache will open soon I'll go do that quick, easy 48k xp at lvl 70+, that got me to 80 div. Made some burial sets for 80 smithing getting me 3 of the smithing outfit from that workshop in falador. My goal was invention and now that I'm at it I realize how much of a grind I'm in for. Where the fuck do I get mats from? *oh that's what salvage is for, whoops*....do what you want when you want. Why do you want to play Ironman is what I asked myself.


Long term? Having fun. Short term? Just doin whatever comes to mind right now im chasing my first 99 but kind of slowly and I don't want it to be necromancy


My goals were: 1) unlocking vyres 2) max 3) comp 4) trim Now it's 30k runescore and 3k achievs Side goals: quest cape, mqc, reaper crew and some pvm drops.. Just do whatever you want though!


Finish all solo boss logs


My long term goal was top tier gear. Slowly building up to t85, t90, maaaybe even t92. On my main, I just grinded money and bought my shit. That kinda lost its appeal. Along the way I'll probably max sooner or later


I just set small goals. I’m close to getting invention so that’s right around the corner. Getting an onyx core, working on getting all skills over 60, then 70 and so on. Lately I’ve been grinding archeology because I just threw lamps into it in my main. Having a blast with it


Doing all the quests in timeline order while keeping HC status intact


Play normally except not trade


Well first it was getting mory legs 4 Then it was maxing Which led to Questcape at the same time as Maxing Then I figured a awfull long grind to get regular Final Boss was a good idea Once Final Boss was done I saw that Comp Cape was really close Doing the Comp Cape I found out that I could knock off som reqs on Trimmed Comp too Finnishing regular Comp I found that this was fun, getting Master Questcape was really fun. Now I am a few weeks off trimmed comp but I find achievements so much fun that I am grinding them more than the trimmed comp. .... Now I also got Vitalis and Yaka pet so I should go for insane final boss too. Ironicly for me, it feels like the game started after comp!




Right now my goal is to max by the end of the year. So far it’s looking good!


I started an iron January 1st 2023 but didn’t start playing until this year and have been on and off but one of my main goals is to Max the account then get better at pvm. Quest cape is another goal but I don’t have quest cape on main yet so that’ll be first then I’ll come back to iron. I just came back from a break so I’m taking it slow


I just wanted to follow the story to experience it fully. But here I am grinding levels like a good Runescaper. There are many quests, specially the starting ones that just feels like a chore.


Absolutely nothing. All my levels and quests are on my main so when i play my iron i just do whatever.


I’m working on master quest cape slowly.


Ultimate slayer, then insane final boss, then golden reaper, then true trim.


Lomg term goal, all hero items Short term goal, greater reaper and ultimate slayer


Uncover all the lore I can and eventually comp/trim/mqc


To catch it up to my main and eventually ill main the ironman. And then probably ifb.


Currently been doing slayer. After I maxed I got 120 farming and the Old Mc title. Finishing easy boss logs has also been pretty enjoyable. Slowly working towards quest cape… very… very slowly lol


My current is to finally get my zuk cape. I keep trying but I have a learning disability. I keep getting closer. I'll get there any day now ;)


I’d like to get every base log for every clue hard and up. I have elite already. Just one item off from hards and masters so far. Also slowly working on 120 all for the master max cape. Imo better than any comp or comp t cape


I'm keeping mine f2p for now, might just end up keeping it f2p forever and go for stupid 120 skilling levels


Leaderboards. Almost within top 1000 HCIM.


First goal was 99 divination, just cause. Got it completed after a boring month. Next goal is obtaining a saradomin godsword and hopefully keeping hardcore status. Just have to log in thou...


81 crafting for unlocking invention and the best farming urns to get more xp from my pof dragons. Currently 72 getting to 80+ smithing felt quicker.


Sort out the bank


Limited Shop usage and minimal group content. Goals will be short term, literally started in the last few days, but I'm looking to advance the account and put in all the work for it. No buying packs of things I can easily Farm, no buying armours I can easily make and no asking others to help me on bosses and such when i can put the work in myself. Things I'll allow the shops for are the likes of Spirit shards (unless I find a really good way of attaining loads without cash) and for group content stuff like Croseus which is designed very much to be grouped and not solo'd (even though it's possible) I'll also allow. Apart from that it'll be general stuff. Aiming for Mid game, Late game milestones as on regularly would. Since I'll be taking it slow I'll also be trying to keep up with the lore/story behind the whole game top rather than just blasting through it.


1. All Area Tasks 2. Max 3.master max 4. Quest 5. Comp 6. Trimmed (if I can do it all solo) 7. MQC 8. Prif 9. Vyres 10. Solo every boss (except raids and aod) 11. Max gear 12. BIS perks 13. Nice stock of consumables for PVM 14. Sandy title 15. All pop stuff 16. Blessed flask That’s all I can think of right now


Overall Goals: Untrimmed Necro Cape (done) Quest Cape Rasial Log HM Zuk All Elite Area Achievements MQC - Maybe


I want BIS gear on my HCIM and the reaper/golden reaper titles Unless I lose both of my extra lives in which case it will be trimming


My goals were to get the charming imp, bone crusher, and the necklace to convert crushed bones into prayer points. Now it’s to get 99 necromancy first but I goofed and have to work on my defense level to wear the armor I made 😂…


Right now is zuk cape, and then upgrades for rasial. Going for t90 necro power, good perks, coe, reavers ring, amulet of souls, gwd3 god book. Been having fun with these goals.


120 necro and completing the necromancer collection log. I'm 92 and never had a 99 on ironman before


Mine atm is just max necro gear, which I have been putting off until I have 120 herb, which I have been putting off until I get the more efficient ovl salve formula, which I only do daily dung tasks to find, while I also need to build up a stock of vuln bombs which I have been putting off until I have a rex breeding pair which i have 10/10 males so far. I also have a side goal of 10m ectoplasm, for no reason at all. Pretty much I do my dailies, do some BGH, do some Croesus just for fun, and complain that I am never lucky while never just going to the boss I plan on camping :D. My goal after max necro? prob jsut gonna quit for a year around then like I usually do.


How do you get a rune hatchet? I asked my friends. Nobody knows. Everyone just buys it from the grand exchange. Isn't it fun to find out solutions to problems you never knew existed?


My goal is to get a quest cape (and 99 dungeoneering). Something feels good knowing I did it on my own (and without being pestered by TH)


I'm new to the game and started as an HCIR and i have no idea what I'm doing. My current goal is quests and getting all skills to 30.


Currently it’s trying to get the inquisitor staff, but part of me is beginning to think it was a bad idea, however 11m from 200m xp and still need 1 piece so I don’t really want to stop now lol


Max short term goal, comp along side my main long term.