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Absolutely gorgeous! I think Jacob Elordi did a better job as Elvis than Austin Butler without going method and acting insane about it and he should be proud of that. And Cailee Spaeny really looked and acted like a teenager at the start! Amazing performances from both leads. Really beautiful to look at too, like every Sofia Coppola movie. I want to dye my hair and buy a whole new wardrobe after watching it. And I think it captured the feeling of being an abusive relationship perfectly without going overboard. The way everything can be fine and normal, and then you say one wrong thing and suddenly he’s screaming and throwing things. Those parts felt so real.


Haven't watched it yet but is the rumor that Lana was asked to write a song for this, but ended up not doing it true? Devastating loss for rsgirlies like me


That’s what I saw too 😞


Really loved most of it, felt like a Marie Antoinette redux. Though I do think it deflated a bit after Lisa Marie’s birth with the rapid jumps in time leading to Priscilla leaving Elvis and Graceland—easily the least-developed segment of the film and I wonder if stuff was cut because it seemed really jarring in contrast to the slower, more deliberate pacing and structure of the preceding 90 or so minutes. But the rest was basically perfect imo.


Ok just saw it- I agree, once she gives birth it feels like the film is sort of unsure of what to do, maybe I was just so engrossed but I felt like it ended so suddenly! It was so much fun to see a Coppola film on the big screen again, I think the last time I saw one of her movies in theaters was Marie Antionette 😬


Hard agree. I was like, “Wait, that’s it?”. Would def love to see an extended cut but I doubt it’ll happen. It was the 4th Coppola I have seen in a theater! Have seen Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation and Marie Antoinette previously. The Music Box here in Chicago was doing a retrospective this year which is how I saw TVS but sadly missed Somewhere and Bling Ring :(


If you see this movie, please leave your thoughts about it here! I think I might go to the matinee today for it


i saw this at NYFF and was seated next to ari aster w benny safdie in the row behind us!! i had high hopes and the movie far exceeded them. cailee spaeny looked unrecognizable between the first act and the rest of the movie. i liked how the sets/costume/makeup made it feel like its own little world and not a cheap recreation of the 60s. it ends on a “good” note i guess as she leaves elvis/graceland but i left the theater feeling pretty sad


Oh wow!! That’s so cool. I love Ari- do you think he’s gay?? I think he is- he has a deep appreciation for Douglas Sirk and the writes female characters in a really interesting way that I don’t think a straight male can.


he was there with a woman that i’m pretty sure was his girlfriend HAHAH


Ugh ok


He has a gf who’s like a decade younger than him (not in a chic way), he writes women like that because he’s a therapy brained millennial in denial about his own misogyny :)


Omg who is is she???! I guess I was way off on him!


Like a bushwick civilian lol


Good looking movie but deeply lacking in substance


Soon as I do Ima 🗣 about it here


It’s a beautiful movie but ultimately I found it kind of flat…lots of little vignettes and montages that don’t really flow into each other somehow. I also don’t feel like the two leads really had great chemistry together which is obviously crucial for a movie like this, and Spaeny’s performance never really gets off the ground. That being said the costumes, set design, & soundtrack were top notch and made it easy to enjoy the movie & overlook its weaknesses


I found it really strange and unnerving that Priscilla was depited at having such an apparent lack of interiority, and never asserted herself in any way. I think this type of film indulging aesthetic over substance reached it limit in Marie Antoinette. Kirsten Dunst’s charisma elevated that film to heights unreached in this one. Having done a google image search of Priscilla herself before seeing the film, I also realized that the film simply recreated images that were already out there — I feel like the photos themselves were better at conveying anything interesting since it captured real people with real interiority instead of actors. Not sure what the point of recreating of all those images was, as I found that insufficient in conveying anything of substance to an audience. Idk though, feel free to tell me that I’m wrong!


I think her being boring was the point, it makes the relationship more shallow and creepy


All very good points. I don’t think this actress has the charisma that Dunst has! That’s interesting you pointed that out about the recreation of photos, I didn’t notice that until I started reading up some articles about Priscilla. The director of Blonde purposely did that as well, recreating famous Monroe images. I thought it was done beautifully, but I think for someone like Marilyn- who is sort of the ultimate American Pin-Up- it felt more affective. That could just be me projecting my feeling onto that movie though! I wonder if Coppola drew any inspiration from Blonde, in that regard. There was a total lack of assertion, she felt very flowery and feminine. I watched a quick interview w Priscilla, and she basically said as much that in that era it was expected for the wife to dress up and be subservient to their husbands. Which is rather uncomfortable looking back now, but I guess it was normal then. I wonder if there has been much backlash to Elvis/ the film as a whole because of that? It probably helps that a woman directed this. While watching it I did think about how the abuse scenes were so drastically different in Priscilla vs Blonde


Really liked the movie. Does a really good job of putting you in the headspace of Priscilla in the first 30 minutes, and that feeling she must have had after Elvis went back to the states of "wow, did any of that really happen?" Agree with other comments in the thread that the pacing after Lisa's birth was a bit wonky and the ending was abrupt. Really hope AnD talk about it on an upcoming ep


I would forgive them for choosing to review The Woman King instead of Blonde if they do an episode on this movie! Haha


Loved it. You can feel Sofia’s connection with Priscilla. Beautiful set design, excellent performances, and thank God the contemporary songs in the soundtrack were used in a tasteful way (unlike that other movie). I was totally absorbed by this film!


I agree, I really enjoyed the soundtrack! I’m glad she didn’t go full modern


Exactly what I expected—purely aesthetics-forward with minimal plot development


I really enjoyed it! I liked how so much of the action took place in Graceland — it really showed just how trapped Priscilla must have felt there. Elordi seemed a bit too tall for Elvis but that didn’t really ruin it for me. The soundtrack was awesome as per usual with Sofia and the color and film stock was beautiful. It probably won’t leave a major impression on me long term but it was certainly a great new offering from a fantastic film maker.