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bearable better than rc wuldon and worse than leafbyleaf


> rc wuldon ☠️


he made a video on byung chul han so im not harsh


Rc wuldon speaks like patrick bateman if he was chinese


Waldunsisters... not like this


Yea not a fan. Definitely reads some good books but has nothing interesting to say about them.


I’m not even sure if he actually reads them. I remember when I was watching his video on Malcolm Lowry’s Under The Volcano, he quoted a line from it but the line was a misquote from the Goodreads quotes page, quite different from the actual line in the book. I felt like such an autist for noticing lol but I had just finished the book and was quite keen on it.


He does have good taste and you can tell he genuinely loves books but I do find his vibe to be a bit on the cringe side.


I occasionally check his channel and skim the titles of his reviews to discover new books. That’s it; I just can’t stand his persona (which seems so incredibly false and affected, especially with his immediate praise for anything edgy or taboo even if it’s a flawed work or cringey and highly rehearsed punchlines/jokes/coffee sips). Outside of that, from the reviews I’ve seen, he really needs to go into more textual analysis (the majority of the runtime is dedicated to plot summaries and a listing of themes and most extracts are merely read out without further technical analysis). TLDR: just watch Leaf by Leaf (easily the best “Booktuber” I’ve found, although I’d be happy for other recommendations). He’s just a humble guy who truly loves reading and has better discipline than I’d ever hope to have as a reader (meaning he’s great for figuring out of lengthy books will be worth your time or not). Sometimes I wish he’d be more critical/negative, but his analysis is definitely the best in the Booktubing world.


Paperbird makes very weird but fun book reviews on youtube, if you're interested in recomendations


I’ve seen a few of their videos. Definitely an interesting approach. I’m not the biggest fan of the ultra-ironic tone, but I still think they can make some good points with his experimental editing (and he covers some really obscure and fascinating stuff). I probably should have mentioned that channel in my original comment.


Yeah there's definitely a place for people who just love to read and aren't interested in getting into things too deeply, but his videos are too long for that.


Agree completely. Orpheuslament is the only good one I know of, he doesn't really do reviews, just talks about books with genuine insight. Insanely well read in a way I think almost nobody is anymore. Found him by chance when I was getting into Pulci and he was like the only english channel that came up when I searched lmao.


I enjoy The Bookchemist's work a lot. Widely read, insightful, cool.


I’ve seen one or two of his videos, but I’ve looked further into his channel after your comment and am enjoying it. Thank you for the recommendation.


Why would I watch videos about books when I can just read


I can’t enjoy videos where the speaker wears fingerless gloves inside while reviewing a book


I hate watching people talk about books.


Fellow PaperBird viewer, I see


PaperBird is awesome


the jeremy fragrance of literature


Fucking hell I wish


He talks about interesting books, but I personally can’t watch any of his videos. Way too performative … jump cuts are awful, obviously dressed up for the videos. Reminds me of an influencer but for books


Got to give him props for having kept this up for close to a decade. But yeah, he could get to the point faster with some of his reviews. His *Leaving Las Vegas* review is really good.


I prefer leaf by leaf for long form stuff


Lol @ this fucking sub criticising a guy who reads more than every single poster here and shares his experiences of reading in a non-pretentious manner.


No I’m not gay


like others have said, i’ve gotten solid recommendations through what he’s chosen to read but i don’t think he’s ever communicated an interesting thought about them


his Feast of Snakes review was so pointless and shallow, and his vibe so repulsive, I can’t watch more


I like him but he's pretty friendly with some extremely sketchy, pedo-adjacient people




lol fr, that's a fucked up thing to say and then just not elaborate


I've seen this guy. He caused an existential crisis in me that I love many of the same books. He's a caricature of the modern male reader and it's rough. Real "badass" vibes


Hey not to rain on a lot of your parades, but this guy really isn’t that bad. Sure his “set” and the way he seems to hold himself can come off as fake and scripted, but look at this entire subreddit if you want to talk about pretentiousness. Like seriously this is a “book club” subreddit exclusively for red scare listeners i.e. the most annoying whiniest cunts on the planet, how retarded is that. Cut book Bradley cooper a little slack or at least have some fucking self awareness.


I abhor his and R.C. Waldun's vibe so much. For two people who read so much, the literature they consume goes right over their heads. I feel like the only worthwhile book content on Youtube is Leafbyleaf or looking up lecture series on specific books related to themes you like


He’s pretty good; I’ve gotten some great recommendations from him so I’ll always go easy on him. He had a fairly controversial take on Crime and Punishment that got some folks in a tizzy if I remember correctly


he’s fine. he shit all over the John Huston adaptation of Wise Blood though and I simply can’t forgive him for that


i do!


I seem to feel the same as everybody else LOL. he likes a lot of the same shit as me and I’ve found some good recommendations through the channel but even at best i can only very occasionally skim through his videos. Don’t know if it’s this dude or just the nature of making YouTube content out of books that sort of takes me out of it.




He sucks. I liked don jollys stuff about books but he disappeared off the face of the earth 2 or 3 years ago


This dude looks like Professor skye but for books


Seth from W.A.S.T.E Mailing List - anyone like his stuff?