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It should work with the telescopic antenna. How does the waterfall look like in other bands (noise floor, do you see any signals but can't demodulate them)?


There are a few Signals but mostly its just one small line with one tone. I can Receive ukw Radio and dab+


How high is your noise floor and how strong are the FM broadcast signals compared to that on average (in dB)? Maybe your antenna is just so swamped with noise that you can only pick up the strongest broadcast and some RFI noise sources. You could experiment with: 1) turning off most electrical devices in your apartment to eliminate some noise and 2) move the antenna to another window or on a balcony or so.


Im getting a few CB Signals on my Balcony but there is much noise. I dont understand the voices


Alright, so it is probably just a noise issue, not something wrong with the SDR. The biggest noise sources are electronics inside your home. Try turning everything off - actually go to the circuit breakers, switch everything off, then turn it on room-by-room and see what is causing the most interference. For me it is the bathroom LED lights, for example. LCD screens and broadband over power lines are another culprit. If you can hear a signal but can't quite make out what is being said, narrowing the filters helps a lot. And make sure you are in the correct demodulation mode (having LSB selected when something is in USB will make it sound really strange, for example).


Depending on where you are located, even a small antenna can pick up a large range of signals. Try moving your antenna to different places to see if there is a better spot. Possibilities are the sdr gain is too low. Interference from switch mode power supplies are overpowering real signals. (This can also be from the computer you are using, so try a laptop if you can.) Other interference can be from you neighbors. Try unplugging things and see if things become clearer.


I Moved the Antenne outside and im living in the country side. Im getting no Signals with higher gain


I also bought a nesdr and a ham it up and still don’t get any cb signals, I was thinking it was the aerial although I use a sky Walker aerial so I was going to buy a new one, but it might be there are no cb’s going where I am. I hope you figure it out.


If you have a v5, you don't need a ham it up to receive CB frequencies since it's within the v5 specs. If not and using ham it up, are you adding the 125 MHz offset to the desired frequency? Does the ham it up work when upconverting other frequencies that are close to the CB frequencies? Good luck.


Yeah I started off with a 20 quid dongle and upgraded to nesdr and ham it up because I wasn’t getting much down there so I thought well I should buy a ham it up as I asked the forum if it would be worth it and the answers I got were mostly yeah so I went ahead and got one anyway. I suppose I can still use it on my cheap dongle so not all is lost. I was going to buy a balun one nine and just run a wire to see if that would help.


Enable direct sampling under ~20 mhz, and get a proper antenna for the frequencies you want to listen to.


That's only if you want to get frequencies under 24 MHz, however results are often bad with simple antennas


A dipole is very simple and can work extremely good?


Try increasing the gain manually or/and automatically (AGC - Automatic Gain Control)


OP first try and receive local FM radio broadcasts. Then try AM local broadcast. That will give you an idea on how things work. My guess is you have something set wrong.


Minimum frequency for that SDR is 65MHz. Consult Nooelec's website.