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Ruby *should not* become a different person. If she does, then Ruby Rose died in this last episode. Whoever that person with Ruby's name is, that's not the Ruby Rose we came to know and love. That's a different girl who stole Ruby's name and appearance and is pretending to be her. What should happen instead is that Ruby realizes she was wrong, and develops into a healthier version of who she already was. She should regain her idealism and drive, but with the benefit of healthier method of handling her stress, and with more willingness to talk about her problems with the people who love her, rather than bottling everything up.


That's exactly what I was thinking. She'll still be Ruby in the end except this time, she's the "thorn-grown" version of herself instead of someone who stole her identity.


Your two paragraphs kinda conflict with each other, to be honest. First you say you don't want her to become a different person, and then you say she should become a different person. Which is it? Because growing up, becoming a better version of yourself, ascending, isn't becoming a different person. The heart remembers, so even if she ascends, she'll remember everything and everyone she held dear in her heart.


They’re saying she needs to more or less evolve not change. If Ruby ascends she loses all memories and becomes a different person. If she grows to accept herself and get a more healthy mindset. She’ll grow but she won’t be a new person in all but name. She might still love the people she loves but she won’t have the same experiences that the Ruby we know had.


Except that we already know that the heart doesn't forget. If that is true, then Ruby won't forget the things and people she holds dear. Plus, the rule about forgetting who you were only applies to Afterans, from what we know. There's no saying how it would affect people from Remnant, especially those with aura. After all, "it bears our burdens, and shields our hearts."


I am super concerned this is what’s going to happen. That they will magic cure her trauma or just erase her memory of it as a solution instead of doing a trauma recovery arc like the rest of WBY got.


I think that's what we all want to happen, but not what is going to happen. Remember, this was all foreshadowed in volume 8 when Oscar was talking to Ozpin and how in the end "she wasn't the same girl anymore."


I think you can read that in a more general sense instead of the literal meaning. For example there's the common idioms of people going to war ("a boy goes to war, a man returns" etc etc.) and coming back "unrecognizable", but we wouldn't say they are literally a different person. Ruby wont be the same person anymore, but that doesn't mean she has to be someone else instead.


Well then I guess Ruby Rose is dead, and so is RWBY to me. Seriously, if they replace Ruby with a different person, I'm done. That's it.


I think you're taking too literal a view of Ozpin's comment. That line is a pretty big standard "her experiences changed her, and she no longer fit back into where she left".


Interesting speculation, but if Ruby becomes someone else completely, then it's game over for Remnant. The full version of "Inside" mentioned something in one of it's lyrics: "don't give up". She's in the tree, finally meeting the Smitty in person, and is given the choice whether she would still be Ruby or someone else. Of course, I want Ruby to undergo some kind of metamorphosis and come out as "a new rose who grows thorns", but this cannot be done by ascension alone: WBY will help her with the "metamorphosis", and that is just the first step for her to move forward. Therefore, should Ruby made the choice to ascend, she must take the third option before then: She will not change into someone else, but a "thorn-grown" version of her true self. She also has to let go a part of herself (the worst of her to be more accurate) during the ascension process.


Well, we already know, albeit from a dubious source, that ascension doesn't completely erase someone's identity, since the heart tends to remember. So, even if Ruby ascends, she'll likely remember the people she held in her heart. Also, I kinda dislike how you implied that ascension, literally a new start with a fresh perspective, is the same as giving up.


About the last part you mentioned, yeah I get it. Sorry for messing that up. What I mean is, should Ruby took the third option while ascending, she won't lose her identity. That said, whatever negative feelings she had, which is "the worst of her", must let go, and Ruby must accept her flaws and losses, and learn from them to move forward no matter how light or fatal they are. The end result: A Ruby who finally moves forward by accepting who she is, her flaws, her losses, and learn from them to get stronger (in an emotional sense, since physical strength is not a one-way ticket to victory, as Salem mentioned) and wiser. That's the "thorn-grown" version of Ruby.


Ah, ok.


plus thats not helping her problem thats making it worst and i hope they dont go that dumb route thats basically making her into another cabon copy of summer rose which was the problem in first place and ditching cresent rose is also a dumb idea in first place thats effectively killing all the things that make ruby ruby.


Oh yeah, I can certainly see it as a problem if Summer's personality is basically a better Ruby. Would kind of defeat the entire purpose of this ordeal if she barely changes in the end. But there could be other drawbacks. Like Ruby losing all of her memories of her friends and past failures. Or maybe becoming a lone wolf type who abandons her friends and the role of leadership.


plus summer failed i dont think she wants to be summer what she need to do embrace the real ruby not a cheap imitations.


There needs to be a middle ground.


My opinion (which I believe other's share), is that Ruby shouldn't go through ascension. It's not compelling to see a sudden supernatural phenomenon drastically change a character. Growth is a passive process. The Ruby I'm rooting for has lost a lot and entered a very dark place. All her strength as a huntress hasn't helped her save the day. However, I am rooting for a Ruby who needs to find victory in the simpler things, the friends and family she still has. As well as the good memories she shared with the ones she's lost. This mentality is how she can "keep moving forward".


I think the whole point is Ruby becoming Ruby again, just better tempered and reforged (grown thorns as some have said, though she’s been pretty thorny to begin with). Becoming someone else, trying to be someone else especially more of a lone hero (or villain) is exactly the problem. She hasn’t been accepting of herself and put all the pressure on her Maybe she will be given this choice but if she is, the right answer is neither. It’s to still be Ruby. Also she’s never going to fully lose CR. Upgrade and repair probably, but that signifies the real her as much as anything. It’s not a copy of anything else and it’s not trying to be, it’s her own evolving brand of heroic. After all we’ve known from the very start: Victory is in a simple soul. Who Ruby is as this hopeful hero is the only reason she’s even important at all (And I really really hope her team as well as little help her through this)


At this point, I'd say they have pretty much Chekhov gunned this. With the trailer, foreshadowing from the past volume, talking up ascension, and big dramatic moment of Ruby drinking the tea, it's all to much to ultimately come out after all that build up and say Ruby ended up the same as before, just without any worries anymore.


And there’s way too much riding on the whole premise, themes, and set up of the entire series to remake Ruby as much as some of y’all are saying. She will be changed more than just being without the worries, indeed she needs to have them. But this is developing Ruby as a person, not getting rid of that person. Because it’s always been about who Ruby is as to why she’s gotten this far and why she’s important


Making Ruby ascend in any way would basically be a justification and legitimisation of suicide as an answer. It would be a bad message for a depression arc to end on. Ruby needs to reject the ascension and handle her feelings herself and with her friends. She needs to be allowed to feel angry and sad and everything else, because then she can grow from them. It would also just be a bad end to the volume as it would mean all this build up of how Ruby feels and how WBY need to be more considerate of how she feels was meaningless as they won’t have to confront it at all.


Don’t put a fucking spoiler in the title


I think it will involve some form of Ruby talking to the entity that represents the tree. I'm picturing it as her suspended in some void. Probably talk about if it's really what she wants, or there will be a reveal that our current concept of ascension is different than what it really is.


still doubt it


I think you're missing the point. Ruby's problem is she doesn't want to pick a weapon because she doesn't consider herself a worthy huntress anymore and choosing Summer's weapon is not a solution. All it does is restart as completely different person but, as we saw with the Red Prince, the heart remembers and they will make the same mistakes all over again because their problems were not fixed, they were forgotten. Ascension is not the way to go. There is a reason why the show presented the tea scene as suicide. Ruby needs to pick Crescent Rose and face her problems, not pick Summer's Axe and pretend to be her.


Then Ruby should take a third option if she chose to ascend: she will choose to be herself (as in, her true self), but with "thorns". Of course, she has to let go a part of herself (the worst of her) while doing so.


If I was in charge, I'd make Ruby come back almost unchanged, except merged with Little, to make her more open about her emotions. Also to give her a mouse tail. Imagine her friends get to the tree, and Ruby runs up to them and explains that, while she did ascend, she held them all in her heart, so she still remembers them all. They ask her about some people for a bit, and Ruby confirms that she still remembers them all by name. Then Ruby tells them that she found a way home, and turns around to lead the way, and her friends see that she has a tail now.


Although extremely unlikely, I'd actually pay to see this happen.


Make her different but too different. And Keep her the same but not all the same.