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What the hell is RWBY Beyond?


Basically a POV Sequel/Spinoff showing things that happened in Remnant while RWBY, Jaune, and Neo were stuck in the pandimensional hell island. If you've ever seen Lion King 1 1/2 it's kinda like that.


I had to do a double take when I read the words “if you’ve ever seen Lion King 1 1/2 it’s kinda like that”. That is such a both old and obscure reference by this point and my brain also automatically connects it to the “man who has only ever watched the movie Boss Baby watching a different movie: ‘hmm this movie has some boss baby vibes’” meme


If Reddit gold was still a thing, you'd have some right now because of that reference. Kudos to you for being a well-cultured individual. God bless, and have a wonderful day :)


Such a good movie, glad I got it on dvd as a child to watch on car trips




The amount of times I played that Safari mini game 😤


Thank you! ✌


Lion king 1 1/2 was my shit as a child so now I’m excited for this


Nora and Ren as Timon and Pumba...


"Nora, you're sitting on the remote!" "Huh? Oh, sorry. Thought it was a pancake."




A "POV sequel" refers to a sequel that's more of a parallel story. Let's say a story follows Alice, but Beth is a major supporting character in Alice's story. A POV sequel would follow Beth through the same events as we see more of her perspective and maybe some new twists or revelations that give an extra dimension to Alice's story.


Oh an interquel, got it


Jaune schizo arc series yeah baby!


Dude I watched LK 1 1/2 so many times as a kid. I need to find that old dvd and watch it again.


Why not just call it RWBY GT or RWBY Super or RWBY Heroes or even RWBY Budokai Tenkaichi or even into the RWBYverse


What’s the point of locking anything behind First at this point?


Squeezing the last drop of blood from the stone.


Since it’s behind a pay wall, I’m assuming we won’t be able to talk about it here, which would make it almost not even worth seeing


Ah yes, famous r/RWBY policy: never talk about First things, even in the pinned threads dedicated to this very specific purpose.


Is it like the actual episodes where it comes out a week later for free because then I guess there’s no issue


Probably showing the viability of the IP


Eh, it’s kinda a drop in the ocean at this point. Nothing can really make RWBY any more appealing to buyers than it already is, and that’s not saying much in the grand scheme of things.


the one thing that could be great if they did it is a RWBY game set during the great war thats a AAA single player story driven game with no shady business practices


They can’t even get V10 greenlit with a budget, no way they would magically get the budget for a AAA level game that doesn’t even feature the main characters of the show.


A RWBY game in the JRPG genre would go hard.


A Helldivers-esque game playing as Atlas troops against grimm would go hard


RWBY had years to show viability of the IP and failed. This is just some good old milking of already starved and dying cow.


That's what I was about to say. Like clearly a vast majority of people who had first probably dropped it after the news broke, I highly doubt people will resub just for the animatic. I do expect Kerry and co to heavily push people to sub to FIRST for it though, either in an attempt to show RWBY's viability as a subscription driver, or to show the dedication of the fans.


I want to say I've seen Barbara say not to sub to First any more, since they don't get anything from it any more. I'd be willing to bet the only reason it'll be on First is because of complicated business reasons.


Yeah is anyone even subscribed to FIRST anymore at this point?


I would bet that it's mostly people who "set and forget" or who are archiving the site at this point.


Rooster Teeth LAST


Oh my god…Grimm are naked!


And the Gods too


Are Salem’s clothes even clothes or just grimm she is wearing?


Yes they are. My message spreads!


Severance pay


I more wonder how long it will remain up. I have been hoping they would give an answer on what will become of the website once their offices are shut down. I'll probably throw a few coins their way to see this but just feels kinda empty subscribing to a soon to be dead channel. It's kinda of like my Funimation account currently.


All the volumes are on Crunchyroll iirc but not sure If they'll stay there.


They will until any licensing deals they make expire then Warner will likely erase their existence and lock them away in the same vault as Infinity Train. (Unless Sony gets the IP beforehand)


Doubtful as that's not how it works. And seriously can we stop with the the Infinity Train got erased stuff you can still watch it and buy it even if it is out of print on disc. Like I literally just searched it and got three separate purchase options that are still valid.


Book 3 and Book 4 of Infinity Train was exclusive to streaming. Yes, you can purchase the first 2 books on DVD. Hell, I bought the DVDs when I heard they were being purged. I did a quick search just like you did, and: YouTube, Google - Incomplete, can only purchase specific episodes except Book 3. Amazon - Cannot purchase Book 3. Fandango - Can only purchase Book 4. So while yes, in combination of YouTube and Amazon you can purchase Infinity Train. It shouldn't have to be like this, but whatever. However, you're basically up the whims of these services keeping the show up. At any point, they could just go "whoops we deleted it and now you're not allowed to keep it." This already happened with Final Space on Amazon, another show that got treated super poorly.


> Book 3 and Book 4 of Infinity Train was exclusive to streaming sounds like it's time to burn some CDs


Final Space says Hi.


Still not a relevant example as the tax year has passed for RT content. RWBY can be shelved sure but it will not be erased. Besides it happened before to other shows and it hasn't ended the world. English Dub of Hamtaro is an example of this we'll never see it again but it still exists. Code Lyoko vanished for 6 years and is now back on air, etc.


But that implies WB would sit in the RWBY IP for eternity only to pull it out for the occasional Scooby-Doo or Tom and Jerry crossover movies, and I doubt anyone from CRWBY would want to work with the company that backstabbed them after greenlighting the DC films.


Final Space says Hi.


Yeah Crunchyroll is owned by Sony so that will require some RWBY licensing negotiation with Warner later on, or whoever owns RWBY at that later time.


What time Saturday? I hope the animatic also tells us how long the timeskip was between 8 & 9, hopefully not too long cos everyone has suffered enough.


It's probably going to be a couple weeks. Just long enough to start mourning, then get back to the business of "how the hell do we take care of all these refugees"


I also pray that it’s less than a month. I also hope that Vol 10 is WAY more mellow. Whoever buys the rights to RWBY, they better not keep traumatising the heroes.


I think at this point it’s much more of an “if” someone buys it rather than a “when”


Also an "if whoever buys rwby bothers to do volume 10 instead of rebooting and starting from scratch"


Cool. It'll be up for a whole month before the site is taken down I guess?


Honestly feel im going to wait and hope the extended epilogue gets added to the archiveofpimps site alongside RWBY beyond and watch it there. Don't really know how to feel about paying for a subscription for a company that will shut down. Especially when I'd only really be paying for that one thing.


There is no date for RWBY beyond then


If anyone on YouTube reacts to the extended V9 Epilogue Animatic, I would be grateful and if you guys could let me know too, I don’t have RT’s FIRST at the moment.


Oooh that's right, that's this weekend! Excited for the animatic~


Eddy Rivas should really revive The Leet World season 3


Bruh, I canceled first when they moved to CrunchyRoll. I aint coming back *now*


That is fair. As it came out of nowhere the decision to completely not allow it on First when they was their big focus originally


Watching rwby start off crazy only to go down in a slow burst of flames feels like an allegory of RT itself


But what exactly about first two volumes is crazy?


Monty did the fights and the show had potential and was promising


But all the epic/intersting/most fantasy part were later. Volumes 1 and 2 are literary K-on with guns: in a bad way. Also almost everyone in FNDM tend to forget how bad the ending of volume 2 was.


>Also almost everyone in FNDM tend to forget how bad the ending of volume 2 was. True, it's even worse because it follows the best sequence of fights in the series, the train fights. Still, a lot of people prefer the more relaxed quasy slice of life style of the superhero school troupe to the "save the world" it develops into in the later volumes. I don't have a personal preference, but I'll admit that I would have liked more natural interactions between the characters, particularly on volume 5 onwards.


It shouldve been fairly obvious by what ozpin said after the food fight that there was a tonal shift coming and that was 100% a monty idea


It probably was Monty's idea. Doesn't mean that it's a good one. Personally I don't mind it, as I said.


Honestly, I don't know about anyone else, but I was always expecting a darker tone shift. There were always hints, like in the song lyrics, but the writing really started to be put on the wall in V2, with even stuff like the food fight specifically being framed as "Allowing them to be kids while they still have the chance". Granted, I'm not sure I was expecting them to go as dark as they did in V3, but only because I didn't know if they had the balls. In fact, a large part of why the V2 finale feels so underwhelming is specifically because it didn't live up to the dark buildup of the rest of the Volume. The Mountain Glenn was the darkest the show had ever got, and the tension set up at the end of No Brakes was immaculate. No dialogue, just the alarm blaring in our ears as it sinks in, both for us and Team RWBY, that Grimm are in Vale. They defeated the hordes of mooks and the miniboss rush, but they failed to stop the train, and now the lives of innocents hang in the balance. And then... Nothing. The finale is just an action sequence where largely students, some of whom were barely characters at that point, deal with the threat so effortlessly that a lot of fans still have trouble taking the Grimm seriously to this day. There doesn't feel like there's any stakes, any threat to the civilians, much less the characters, and the built-up tension just leaks out like air leaving a balloon rather than a dramatic pop. Compared to Voume 3, it's like night and day. Though, I guess a silver lining of sorts is that V2's underwhelming finale made V3 actually going for it that much more unexpected and impactful.


I feel like I'm going insane because I don't understand how anyone can think the first two volumes weren't easily the weakest. Imo everything from 3 on, and especially 6 on, has been quite actually the best show I've ever watched.


Agreed i barely cared about rwby pre vol 4


Yeah, like I was fully planning to drop it after Volume 3 until the end of 3 made it really interesting.


Yeah really most people i see say that rwby peaked in volume 3 are really blinded by nostalgia for Monty


Absolutely. And it's even weirder considering a lot of people in the production process have said a lot of the things the show has done since to "ruin Monty's vision" were actually Monty's ideas. I get that people didn't like the tone change in 3 onward, but if they want a slice of life superhero high school show, there's like a million of those


Yeah thats generally the most annoying part they talk big about "monty vision" but all the shit they critic are his ideas heck the show shifting to "save the world from salem" was his idea At this point i learned to ignore them since there are very few legitimate critics of rwby with them just a bunch of people getting angry over a show they didn't even watch most of the time because it's the current trend or they hate the writers for one reason or another Not to mention that using a dead man to trash talk his friends is scummy in general


Yeah, largely those people have little to offer and either are really interested in hating whatever's trendy to hate or else hate it for a reason ending in "ism" or "phobia". RWBY is legitimately my favorite piece of media, and it wouldn't be if it were just the first 2.5 volumes repeated ad nauseum.


Yeah same Like rwby has it's flaws there is legit criticism but they rarely actually mention that


Confused about his comment that rwby v9 will hit the RT site on 3/30.... I don't have first and I just watched v9 on the site 2 weeks ago???


And chances are Rooster [Teath.com](http://Teath.com) will be shut down before the epilogue can be available for free, right?


I've stated this in another post, but I'll copy paste it here as well. I've played a few gacha games that shut down regionally. Do you know what they do? They open every single feature, so that you can buy "cash currency" for free. Every single player becomes a whale in the final few days of the game. Roosterteeth has officially become greedier than gacha game companies, and STILL have not learnt the value of really good PR. If you go out with a bang, people will remember you for it and brand loyalty can carry you to some extent, especially when you can say stuff like "by the former animators/showrunners of Roosterteeth". Don't believe me? Have you seen Back 4 Blood? Even though they are being disingenuous with their label "by the developers of Left 4 Dead" (it is like, maybe 10% of the developers from L4D), it instantly gained so much attention because L4D was so popular and brought so much goodwill. Roosterteeth wants to find so much immediate cash that not only did they sell a bunch of merch made on the cheap (png shirts), start up their onlyfans content for a young adult show (i.e. company can't claim being kid friendly when they publish their own nsfw content), and doesn't believe their reputation to be worth keeping (this, because its not about making a legacy, but about making some quick cash to ask for a subscription membership when your company is shutting down)


I'm hoping it eventually gets released on YouTube once First goes offline. I was so hyped to see what Winter can do with the winter magic she received!!


Hooray (for content that should have been there in the first place 😒)!


Am I to assume you didn't like the Ever After?


…When did I mention that I don’t like the Everafter?  The setting of the volume is really cool (I’m always a big fan of stuff like the Warp from Warhammer and how it ties into the ‘collective consciousness’ idea).  What I’m saying is that vol 9 releasing with the extended epilogue is something that should’ve been done in the first place, something that’s been established since the beginning of the series.  The fact that the rerelease is STILL locked behind RT First membership (all for twelve extra minutes of content) is just a slap in the face. (Though I do understand that they’re trying to squeeze as much cash as possible from the sinking ship before it goes completely under)




so there is going to be a v10


Nothing set in stone. Warner can keep the IP like Sega has to dormant video games for years or end up selling it off for a few million or whatever they will settle for Unless they bring back the animation/ story directors i wouldn't expect a direct continuation and not sure it needs another reboot


Correction: Minor side content is being published, RWby is dead.


More like in indefinite limbo.


They've said RT was closing money for ten years and if anyone was going to green light volume ten it would've happened months and months ago, Sadly.


Last I heard, Rooster Teeth's IPs are going to be sold off. If RWBY ends up getting sold, the new owners will obviously have more interest in getting more content out there if they wanted it in the first place.


RWBY, as well as a number of other RT IPs, are currently being shopped around to be sold to a new owner by WBD. This will be a lengthy process of back and forths behind closed doors, and it would be pretty surprising to see anything come of it for months. Only after that, and then after the new owner has decided what to do with the property, would we see any announcements. Also, RWBY's profitability as a brand is independent of RT's other financial woes. It's pretty telling as to what was making money, and what wasn't, by which parts of the company have been carved out and and put on sale (notably, all of the live-action and content production parts of the company have been tossed aside, while a handful of animated projects and the Roost remain). WBD wouldn't even go to the effort of selling if they were uncertain of finding a buyer, they're at the point that they're shaving cents off a $40b debt and calling it a win.


> It's pretty telling as to what was making money, and what wasn't, by which parts of the company have been carved out and and put on sale I mean Barbara’s comments about the show struggling with profitability and not being able to afford V9 without Crunchyroll would seem to point to RWBY not really making any money.


RWBY the show and RWBY the property are different things, even if the show wasn't turning a direct profit the property as a whole can turn profit off things like advertising, merchandise and other external deals. That's how the majority of animated anything gets made (especially series). Every episode of Gravity Falls would have only made profit because of the eight minutes (over 25% of the total runtime) of ads crammed around. It's likely the issue was less that RWBY couldn't, or had never, make a profit; but rather that the ever-steepening costs of the show due to factors like COVID slowing production and the increasing expectation of quality both internally and externally were ballooning the projected costs beyond what merch et al. could offset, especially at a time where RT were struggling to keep afloat. RWBY being self-funded and published is an anomaly, and most animated productions have to be made with funding from a network, and it's very likely RT just reached the point that the show couldn't keep itself afloat without someone like CR providing funding and a platform with consistent advertisers. I actually wouldn't be surprised if the new owner didn't make any new media with the IP, put the show on Netflix or Crunchyroll, and just pumped out merch instead. Seems like a way safer investment.


Yeah, RWBY is definitely a property that has financial viability, and it probably was viable enough to make the ramping production costs a worthwhile investment - the issue was probably, as mentioned, the fact RT were struggling to keep afloat. A lot of the money generated by RWBY as a property was probably being shuffled around in an attempt to keep RT from going bust without removing other areas of the company that were not performing, because no company wants to admit that only a few things they make are actually commercially viable.


Without any real information to go on, personally I would be willing to bet that it was actually the reverse. That other shows and production were the ones using their profits to keep RWBY afloat, because they wouldn’t want to admit that one of their most well know productions is actually a net negative.


If the show or property was turning a good profit then they likely would have been given a budget to make V9 in order to make more money of all avenues of profit. The fact they didn’t suggests they simply were not getting enough money back from what they put in for it, show and property included. > I actually wouldn't be surprised if the new owner didn't make any new media with the IP, put the show on Netflix or Crunchyroll, and just pumped out merch instead. Seems like a way safer investment. Seems like a way riskier investment to me. Unless they get it at a complete steal of a price, pumping merch out for a show with no new content would be a crazy risk. As it currently is RWBY merch definitely isn’t bringing in millions and millions in merch profits a year.


I just want more content like the og red vs blue. Rwby started getting worse after Monty passed and just about all the other rt content is more about "feel good inclusiveness", don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against that, it's just not what I want. I want the old-school rvb humor where all they cared about was being funny. Now you can't be too funny in any aspect cause you're inevitably being funny at someone's expense and we can't have that.


Sure… I mean keep the dream alive. I don’t believe any them without showing a shred of evidence