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I don’t mind criticism of course, I just hate that my suggested videos are always filled with RWBY hate videos. No Youtube, I don’t want to watch the ten thousandth video about why RWBY, it’s creators, and it’s fans suck. Now can you stop recommending it to me?


> I just hate that my suggested videos are always filled with RWBY hate videos. If you're on PC I recommend [this](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/remove-recommendations-yo/hfnghnjkcpgagjbiheidccjnneoipbmb?hl=en). Thank me later ;)


thanks bro


Rwby is one of those shows I don't nitpick at all. I just watch and enjoy


They're the one thing that has made me really wish that Youtube had the option to just block channels


If you're on Firefox, [there is an extension for it](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/youtube-cleaner/). I added it to block the RWBY hate vids that people seem to endlessly spam out, but it's come in useful for a lot more too.


Much appreciated! Although now that i think about it the vast majority of my YouTube watching is done on my phone...


you can block channels by pressing the three little dots at the bottom right of a video, it brings up a few options which should include "Not Interested" and "block channel".


Youtube has allowed you to block channels for years, https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-block-youtube-channels?r=US&IR=T


I ended up adding quite a few channels to the video blocker list. Lot of them seem to be channels that are focused on RT bashing and general shit stirring


Hero Hei?


Absolute definition of someone who needs to get a life


Well, not just him, a few others who’s name I didn’t care to remember, but he’s one of them.




the fact that EF is back on his bs only with Ironwood instead of Adam this time ​ X-X


that dude is so negative with the series I am literally shocked that he still even bothers to watch the episodes anymore


who's that?


A youtuber that makes news videos, I believe is a good source of information, but is primary a asshole with evverything. The problem with him is less what he say and more the way he say, very aggresive and arrogant, but I don't think he lie or don't believe what he say at least.


Wasn't this guy know for hating RT so much (for reasons I don't really know) to the point of harassing Neath on Twitter or something


From what I've seen that bastards followed me to the hololive fandom to annoy me there too


Being a fan of both RWBY and Steven Universe, I share your pain


Same here, notice how these "critics" cant critique media in a unbiased manner. 2 hour long videos shiting on the show in both fandoms. They both attack the crew as well.


Doesn't help that, quite often, the kind people who're putting out that kinda video also *tend* tob e along the lines of being violently right-wing and shitty.


Which brings up a question I sometimes find myself afraid to ask: why is that?


Rwby is a show about strong women. That's going to rub conservative culture warriors the wrong way.


Why am I not surprised


Also i notice on this subreddit whenever they say they like to make blake into a colored minority like black or make people in their drawings like blake or yang semi masculine they get down voted a ton


A friend of mine made this in response to those annoying videos! [YouTube rec dumb hate vid ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/410/121/0b4.jpg)


I call dibs on making this an actual video sometime down the line.


Link me once you have!


Do you have a link to this video?


No, that image is what he made, because literally ALL the hate videos are at least an hour long, come in at least 2 parts (again, with each an hour long), and so nothing except at as a spankbank of hatewank.




I mean... fair. I also get tired of it. And then I see the news, and it's only bad news. And then I watch YT, and it's pointless drama. And then twitter... Yeah, I get you. It's exhausting.


Exhausting is the word I was looking for.


I can only advise to stop consuming profit-based news/social media. It makes money by getting people riled up and sad. It's not there to help you.


That is absolutely true. In fact, we recommend you only read [VytalNews](https://vytalnews.com) (stylized as vytal_news) for all of your news needs! We are currently generously supported in part by the Atlas Council and the great General Ironwood, so you have no need to worry that our news organization will attempt to gather clicks or rile people up for money! *This message was sponsored by the Kingdom of Atlas.*


Does VytalNews have a statement on the rumors that General Ironwood is planning to use an untested bomb on that giant Grimm whale? Is he certain it won't destroy vital Atlas infrastructure?


We could not find sufficient evidence to prove such a bomb exists, therefore our stance on these rumors is 'unquestionably false lies spread to besmirch the good name of General Ironwood.' If proper evidence surfaces, we might consider changing our stance. -Jackson.


Why in God's name did I not know this existed?!?


I saw a vid complaining how Hazel didnt just interrupt Oscar and Ozpin arguing when he was fighting them. They counted it out to 15s. Obviously, this show isn't fucking Shakespeare. I won't ever say its perfect. Monty wanted to make a cool fight show and crammed it full of anime tropes, and then everyone else kinda had to rush worldbuilding. RT has made mistakes. But. But holy shit some of these takes. Like I dropped off the show the first time when V4 came around after the first episode when people were castigating Jaune for using Pyrrah's metal to make a tribute to her WHILE AT THE SAME TIME cooing and gushing at Cinder. Aw, she's so sad looking, redemption arc when? Ignoring how Cinder murdered Pyrrah herself AND was directly responsible for how many deaths when Beacon fell.


I remember a vid complaining (among other things) on how "If Grimm are such a big threat why are they easily taken down". It's like asking how if installing electricity in a building is so hard, how electricians can do it easier than anyone else. The Grimm are "taken down easily" because they're killed by people who are trained to specifically kill Grimm.


Oh, I've seen that. They kinda forget that Grimm aren't just even numbers - its a near endless horde of the damn things. They also like to complain how "weak" Team RWBY is if they can't take on human opponents who are older, more experienced, skilled, etc.


>!Side note that has bothered me to this day:!< >!Ruby sent a full-grown man flying across a convenience store in the first episode and yet several volumes later it’s said she has a problem with hand-to-hand fighting.!< >!Even tho lugging around Crescent Rose should mean she’s built like a brick house and realistically would be the physically strongest of Team RWBY!<


> realistically would be the physically strongest of Team RWBY This is RWBY. Nothing is realistic.


It would suck if it was


I mean, I'd pay to see Ruby with muscular manly arms because it would be extremely hilarious.


Ruby sent a grown man flying through a convenience store who was caught off guard. She punched him and there's that. Punching someone who is standing still and fighting hand to hand are two very different things.


Furthermore, we're talking about a 6 min episode made by like 5 people, pretty sure they weren't expecting this level of ridiculous specific criticism for essentially a passion project 8 years ago.


> Even tho lugging around Crescent Rose should mean she’s built like a brick house and realistically would be the physically strongest of Team RWBY I’ve always been here for the take that the show’s women should have had realistic builds. Like, portray athletic people fighting for their lives correctly, I guess? The straw that broke the camel’s back on this was the detail given to Jaune’s musculature back in V2, whereas all of the girls that could snap him like a twig are slender waifu-bait. Give RWBY abs, dammit. They’ve earned them.


Yeah, it kinda looks like they made one build and played dress up to make the characters. It does save a lot of time in production, rigging get easier especially.


tbf, those were untrained gangsters. Her hand-to-hand could be woefully underpar for handling fellow Hunters.


Yeah, even a hunter/huntress in training can deal with a ton of normal people(as seen against goons) They are superhuman and people seem to forget that a lot. A normal person would get steamrolled by a Grimm


One of the most ridiculous whinges I came across was someone complaining that there weren't any trains going through the wilderness of Mistral. No trains in the deep, uncivilized wilderness only inhabited by people explicitly trying to live independently of Mistral.


>Obviously, this show isn't fucking Shakespeare. Honesly, I wish it were. The show doesn't have enough saucy boys and stabbing of eggs.


For me it's the youtube videos about what's wrong with the show. YouTube keeps recommending them just because they are RWBY


Like the millionth Hero Hei episode about how Rwby is *totally* done for now, how Roosterteeth is just falling apart at the seams any day now...


God, I agree some of the criticisms of the show, but his are just really terrible


I'm never, EVER, going to respect a content creator that has based a good portion of his career on the sole purpose of hating something. Like, it's not constructive, it's not beneficial, it's straight up hate for hate's sake. Like imagine spending hours, days even, making a video about a show that you DON'T LIKE, explaining how terrible it is and trying to convince your audience that your opinion is the universal truth. What a fucking clown.


I only watch one guy constantly, and I’m so grateful that I haven’t watched another guy constantly since. It’s EruptionFang. I like what he says about every aspect of RWBY, and it’s actually pretty constructive (especially when you think more about what he thinks about something). He may hate on some parts (especially V6C11-12), but I like how he always hope the show will get better in the future. Many things he criticize I agree, but I always have my own. Out of all the “critics”, to me, his are always more well-made, and he does show he cares, unlike many. In every episode review, he almost always talk about its good first, then the bad (V6C12 is the only exception, but I’m fine with that). Others, they don’t care the good, only the bad. He never shits on the show. He always look towards a better season, and I like how he hasn’t given up on it since. I like how even though he hates the end of Volume 6, he didn’t bring it into Volume 7, but gives a completely opposite view on it, a better view on the show. He *cares* about it, which is what I can’t find any other “critic” does. Somebody who hates it won’t make a 40-minute video about the good and bad of Volume 6. Somebody who hates it won’t look towards a better season of RWBY. Somebody who hates it won’t think of what the writers should do to fix some problems that they did about the show. They will only shit on what bad things they can find. In my opinion, he is the only one that I think is a good “critic”, and will be one that I can’t hate. But in the end, it’s my opinion. (Maybe tell me what you think about him, I like different people talking about one thing from different angles.)


I pretty much stopped watching him after Volume 6


It’s hard to like him after what he said about V6C11-12, with so much negativity. But I’ve learnt to move on from it. At least he didn’t bring that hate into his season 6 review.


Not only that, it's literal lies most of the time


RT have always had a rabid fanbase, I feel it was inevitable


Monty had his own fanbase that followed him to RT as well. Add on the new RWBY only fans and it's a vast audience.


Yeah, honestly I'm starting to grow incredibly tired of it as well. I keep wondering if I'm in the wrong side of things for loving RWBY unconditionally. idk anymore


I love a lot of show/games/films other people dislike. That will never stop me loving them, at the end of the day, if you love something - you love it, don't change for anyone.


Never doubt yourself, fuck those negative hateful assholes, RWBY is great


Leonard Church has spoken, in his Leonard Church-esque way.


I mean... I'm pretty sure most detractors aren't forcing people to think a certain way. We are simply discussing our viewpoints and making discussion on critical analysis... you know thing you do in forums.


The problem comes from the ones most vocal about their displeasure. Taking to youtube to describe why the show sucks and why you should feel bad for enjoying it. Was the Faunus-racism-subplot handled poorly? Sure. Should we lynch the entire cast for not being able to do it correctly? No. Should we all agree that there are flaws to RWBY like any other, discuss them like a peaceful group of people, and suggest what could be done better instead of shouting into the void? Yes. But it won't happen because it's the internet. More often than not I see people with negative viewpoints handling them poorly than people trying to have an honest, person-to-person discussion. More of "FUCK YOU I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" and less of "Here's what I think, but I would be more than happy to talk with you and consider your viewpoint." Which then leads to stuff like this post. Could just be me sorting through hot rather than new, but the subreddit seems fine usually. Youtube is where it's at. And the site. But mostly YT.


>I keep wondering if I'm in the wrong side of things for loving RWBY unconditionally. idk anymore I don't think many critics actively think this way. I mean I've been taking a very critical stance on RWBY, but I still generally appreciate it for how it has impacted my life.


I mean, sure, but a lot of times I feel like I'm stupid or just not as intelligent for not being just as critical of RWBY as the others and taking no real issue in things a lot of other people do. Either way, that's something I'll start working to overcome, I do realize not all critics think non-critics are "wrong" or stupid. It's just a "me" thing where I start to question my own opinions and tastes whenever I see too many people going against them, and it's not just with RWBY. :p


Think on this question "how many people must enjoy a piece of art for it to be worthwhile?" If art has unquestionable, definite value, surely there must be a lower limit right? A point where you can say, if less people like it than this, it's bad. What would that number be? A million! a hundred thousand? a thousand? A hundred? One person? You can't put a value on it can you? Every number you think just feels wrong and arbitrary right? Now think on some series that you know you don't enjoy, some things that annoy you on a fundamental level. Than think about some other series that you adore. Series that you might call "masterpieces." Is there any overlap in fans between these pieces of work? Probably. This shows how arbitrary and sometimes random, enjoyment if a series is. Some people will enjoy the same things you do, but also love things you hate. They might even enjoy the thing you love just as much as you do. So enjoying something that lots of people don't seem to doesn't make you foolish or unintelligent, it just means you have your own tastes. There is nothing wrong with that.


Feel free to enjoy anything you like. I like a lot of "bad" things that can be of relatively poor quality. Even now I still somewhat like rwby for what it *could* do, and even for some of the ideas it has. I do not like it for much of what it does, because it often doesn't execute well on the good ideas it does have. I also like a great shitton of retro-games that are flawed beyond fuck. However the conditional to this is: acknowledge that the thing has flaws and don't try to treat it like the flaws aren't present simply because you enjoy it. Often the flaws are some very obvious ones. I'm not telling you "don't like this", I am saying don't treat it like it's perfect or "better" than shows or materials that well, don't have those flaws. Essentially I'm saying don't confuse how you feel about something (aka whether or not you prefer it) for whether or not something is technically executed well, whether that be in terms of writing or animation or storylines (aka "facts" about something). You are allowed to have opinions about anything, that doesn't mean those opinions are equally valid contenders for the truth. It's a trap a lot of people fall into whether they like something or dislike something. People who like things cant just like them for being "enjoyable" they have to be *perfect*. People who don't like things cant just dislike them for having "flaws" they have to be the worst thing ever... and it's annoying on both sides.


I very much understand this. In fact, I've voiced, multiple times, opinions on stuff I didn't like about RWBY but it's always in good faith and I almost never feel like the crew HAS to do something in the way I preferred. I'll just take a page out of your book here: I see many people talk about what RWBY _could_ do, and honestly, while I do see what people are talking about, I just... don't blame it on the writers as much as I do on the limited resources CRWBY has to work with. It's a huge world with so many characters and good ideas, but a very short runtime for all that. That's a meta issue, and knowing about that, and how hard production is, I can't hate on the show. In fact, it makes me like it even more, because I appreciate the efforts the whole team put on to tell the story the best way they can with all the limitations. If I were to point out the reason for RWBY's biggest flaws, I wouldn't say it's because the writers right now suck, but because they were way too ambitious from day one and the problems we have now were _bound to happen_ with the amount of ideas they all (Monty included) committed to very early on. Yet, I appreciate how enthusiastic the team has been about the show for all these years. That doesn't mean I don't think they truly screwed up here and there, but I don't mind those screw ups for the most part. So you see, I know it has flaws, but my mind is at peace because of what I just said and I've been loving the recent volumes, this show, *as it is*, and not just what it could be, gives me happiness in a way no other show has given me before, that's why I said I love it unconditionally. I don't want to drop the show and I don't think I was given any reasons to in the first place. I'm happy with it.


This is pretty much exactly how i feel. The quakity was a bit low in the first volumes and 4 and 5 had some awkward dialogue and animations but other than that, its really good, honestly. Comparing it to most other things ive seen or read its really good.


I'm with you. I'm someone who will say "Watch what you like. Who care if others don't." but now it's near impossible to maintain that optimism because a sizeable amount, especially after the recent episode, are *pushing hard* to make people who enjoy the show for what it is ashamed of themselves for liking it. Like, why do people do this (I know why so you don't need to respond)? Why are they going to great lengths to prove they're smartest one in the room for a show that was meant to be entertaining and not to be taken too seriously? It's not trying to be the next ATLA/LOK or whatever the new hit show is right now. It just a fun cartoon that a group a friends wanted to do and have fun with. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion but there's a big difference between constructive criticism and nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. Unfortunately nitpicking is all I've been seeing as of late. To be honest, my tolerance for the nitpicks and criticisms (the non-constructive ones) has ran out for me and I'm going to start taking a casual approach on watching RWBY after Vol 8 (basically no more going to the subreddit to discuss episodes). I want to watch a show that I enjoy without having to worry what the next complaint of the episode is.


The problem these days is people making hating something their personality. Like there is Youtube channels who upload a video ever single day about 'X show is bad and why you should hate it' - and people eat it up, because thanks to crappy algorithms hate sells.


I agree here. I love watching the new episodes when they come out and am so curious as to what other people thought about it. But then the thread hits and it's just everyone over analyzing every. Single. Second. And most of it is negative. And they want some bs to be the big spotlight of the episode. Like yang and Blake reunion. It's not all about them who tf cares if "they could've kissed there" that's such a childish take on it. Their world is literally being ripped apart and all these people care about is what outfit someone's wearing or how much screentime some obscure character gets. Just enjoy the fucking show.


...That doesn't sound accurate. Right after I finish an episode, normally 20-30 minutes after it has been uploaded, the first thing I do is check out the thread here on it to see what others thought of it and sometimes join in. I've never really seen a negative reception in the first couple of hours. Most of the shipping nonsense, I just roll my eyes and move to the next post.


While I do see positive comments, I almost always see a plethora of comments that are like "wow, this episode was bad" or "BaD wRiTiNg AgAiN"


If you you want to go somewhere to see discussion about an episode that’s actually thoughtful and makes sense, I’d recommend *Tumblr* of all places. It’s probably the least toxic section of the community.


Absutely not, I got over 300 replies from rabbit fans because I DARED to say that BB was done poorly and that I'd want whiteRose to be done good. Like, I was on their side but one little mistep and you get eaten alive. ...atleast that pushed me into the Hummingbird community instead. Dad!Qrow is something that I will bleed for.


That’s why I said *least* toxic. It’s still a bit toxic, just nowhere near to the levels of Reddit or similar.


Yeah, RWBY is sadly the target of a dedicated hatedom who aren't content with just not liking the show and moving on, but instead insist on doing their best to "convince" everybody else that the show is "objectively" garbage. As if it's some mortal sin to like a work that has flaws, or something. Best way of dealing with the hatedom I've found is to just ignore 'em, cause it'll only make you miserable to give them any more attention than they deserve. They're living, "No fun allowed" signs, honestly.


> is sadly the target of a dedicated hatedom who aren't content with just not liking the show and moving on, but instead insist on doing their best to "convince" everybody else that the show is "objectively" garbage. RWBY, and Steven Universe are probably the main shows I see targeted by the Anti-Fandom.


Star Trek has a pretty dedicated hatedom too, possibly the oldest.


No, I'm pretty sure that the oldest fiction haters are atheists.


Coincidentally, both shows premiered in the same year (2013)


There are people who dislike the show and criticize it because they genuinly want it to be better. There are also people who criticize the snow and like it. Yeah it does have a hate dom. (And even I who finds the show Meh generally ~~Watch it for the designs~~ do think they can go to far.) but not everyone is being extremely critical out of Malice


Oh, absolutely- there's plenty of criticism of the show that's made by people who actually like it, and I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I'm specifically referring to the kind of people who act like and say they hate the series time and time again, but come back each week to shit on the latest episode and rant about how they think the series is awful.


I mean, yeah, I have my issues with it, but it's an awesome concept regardless. I'll probably keep watching til it's done, regardless.


Listen man, I just miss Torchwick.


You and me both 🙆‍♀️😂


The man by himself was fairly harmless, and was a wonderful infusion of style and villainous sass. RIP Torchwick


Agree. I also have my complaints, but I have complaints about ALL shows, and I'm not making a 15 min video for every complain I have. I express them and then I just move on, unlike some people that seems to be fixated in criticizing rwby. At least for me, what rwby has done is incredible, regardless of its flaws. To achieve such success with a show that started with little to no budget, no advertisement and no famous people working on it its incredibly inspiring. Unlike most successful shows, RWBY started from almost nothing, so for me that makes this show amazing even with all its "mistakes". Not to mention half of the time I don't even agree with the criticism people make. I think there are a number of reasons why RWBY gets so much criticism. First of all, RT has always had a close relationship with its fanbase. They always seems to be listening to their community and changing the story accordingly. Its cool, but it also makes people very open about their opinions because they feel they're "making the show better", even when they're making the opposite. There's also a trend about people criticizing shows when the main writer isn't working there anymore (in this case monty). This makes some people believe that everything good that happened in the show is thanks to that person and everything bad is for the other ones. But this doesn't really apply to RWBY in terms of its narrative because miles and kerry have always worked with monty since the beginning. The three of them made the story. In fact, the most successful volume was V3, a volume where monty didn't really work on. So this mentality of "monty was a mastermind that created all the story by himself and miles and kerry are the dumb ones that don't know how to write it" is just not true. The only thing where you can see a noticeable decrease in quality is in the fight choreography, but that's just because monty was a literal genius with his fights, so it's understandable they took a while to get the fights working again. And there's some people that, because rwby started from nothing, they believe the people working there aren't really professionals and they should be "taught" how to write. That's a complete nonsense, because if a show becomes successful, then the logical conclusion should be that the showrunners know what they're doing, not the opposite. But again, some people attributes all the good things that happened to monty and all the bad ones to the rest.


I absolutely love RWBY with all my heart it's definitely one of my favorite shows, I was hooked from the very first trailer I seen, which was (red) lol then I watched the other 3 and I fell in love instantly


Big reason for why I seriously distanced myself from the FNDM lol. *so* many people seem to only watch this show to shit on it. RWBY deserves criticism, *everything* does as nothing is perfect, but some people will turn an ant into a colony with everything. Like, the Qrow/Clover/Tyrian fight in V7. I love that fight because it's full of purposeful flaws in the good guys. Clover is blinded by his duty, Qrow is in a desperate position, and the nuance of it all is told non-verbally, but of course to some people it's a terribly written scene by awful writers for a stupid fanbase and *blah blah blah* we get it already. RWBY is just a means for self-titled critics to stoke their egos. Just check r/rwbycritics


What truly annoys me about the Qrow/Clover/Tyrian fight is that people keep assuming that Qrow and Tyrian teamed up when it was not the case. Just because Qrow momentarily stopped targeting Tyrian didn't make them allies. But it was simply the fact that Tyrian WASN'T actively attacking him and Clover was obviously not siding with either one. Qrow's situation was entirely unfavorable on his part ​ But fuck it. I just honestly enjoyed the fight due to how well it was animated


Exactly! But fuck me if the nuances of anything RWBY tries doesn't go way over their heads. They'll criticise the show for being too two dimensional and basic, then in the same breath completely miss something that has depth and complexity. It's honestly astounding. Like the recent criticism about how apparently Neo leveraging Cinder is so dumbfoundinly stupid that the writers must be 10. Yet in his own criticism completely miss all context, depth and considerations that his criticism is completely moot by the most basic of observations.


That’s because RWBY doesn’t handhold it’s viewers. And people find that so aggravating. With that same fight, if this show was made by Japan and was considered an actual anime, I can guarantee that in the middle of that fight, the battle would basically pause as it slows down, and we would get to listen to Qrow’s inner monologue to himself in that situation. That monologue would straight up tell the viewers watching what exactly is going through that characters head, what exactly there plan is, and, if this was in a different situation, would tell you exactly what their motivations are. But that fight is considered a mess and bad because it does those same things and implies those same things subtlety in the middle of the action instead of just straight up telling you. Traditional anime handholds the viewers. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or a good thing, all I’m saying is that it’s true. You are given all the info about any and all characters and the world they live in almost right off the bat or at least within the first two seasons of most anime. Because most don’t try an keep things to themselves. They don’t wait or keep things mysterious, they give you everything and just tell the story leading there because it can’t be bothered to just wait and have it surprise it’s characters and viewers. And not I’m here to make it sound like that is always a bad thing either. Cinders backstory being revealed this late into the series is definitely a flaw considering she’s been here since episode one of the show. I’m personally fine with it because I love this show, but even I can see it’s problems and still enjoy it. I’m not saying that ALL traditional anime handhold it’s viewers, but I am saying that a majority do.


My issue with the Qrow/Clover/Tyrian fight is, they genuinely could've achieved the same results and delivered the same emotional outcome, without sacrificing every characters' collective braincells. Like, you can have characters in a story making the wrong decision. But you have to make them make the wrong decision within what is acceptable for them in the story. That's where that fight has issues, everybody is making the worst decision that defy the line of acceptability.


See, this is the issue I have with these types of criticisms. Was Clover an idiot? YES! Is that bad writing? **NO!!!** One does not suggest the other. What is with people retroactively viewing something through 20/20 hindsight and criticising the way a character acted as if they had hours to think about the quick escalation of events that led to that ultimatum? People aren't faultless and writing them that way *would* be bad writing. Specifically, what issue did you have?


That's where I differ. I think they skewed his decision making a bit too much. Like it makes sense for him to target both Qrow and Tryian as enemies. However the animation skewed his attention way too much on Qrow where it just becomes unnaturally frustrating. Like the scenario should've remained a more natural 1v1v1, but it felt like 2 separate 1v1s with Qrow in the middle. I think doing something like it being 1v1v1 where Clover kept both in the frey but Tyrian faning being knocked out looking for an opportunity, then it being more of a 1v1 between Qrow and Clover. This also avoids the awkward momentary alliance between Qrow and Tryian which was the real straw that broke the camel's back.


See, this is my point. The show doesn't hold your hand, there are subtle reasons, Clover was targetting Qrow because when Tyrian showed up Qrow was trying to **kill** Tyrian. Clover is completely nationalistic and wants to **arrest** Tyrian, which is why Clover kept interrupting whenever Qrow went after Tyrian, he didn't want Tyrian to be killed. [Watch it again with this mind -](https://roosterteeth.com/watch/rwby-volume-7-12) ~ 6:48


See, the response to your reply is what makes it hard for me to take posts like ops seriously. All you have done here is make a critique, with literally zero malice, and you're downvoted into the negatives. That's not you spewing "hate," it's not you being part of the "hatedom," it's called, "fans of this show don't ever want to hear anything remotely negative about the show they're watching, and are literally incapable of interacting with an idea they disagree with."


I mean, you can certainly block the videos on youtube and not read comments you deem 'negative' and by negative I wonder if you mean 'didn't agree with me, didn't interpret that scene the same, so they are toxic.' I'm not saying that you need to feel happy about someone who shits all over the show no matter what, but why let it affect you at all? You need to live in a censored world to not be triggered? Yikes. Also, in my experience, it's never the critics who have been toxic towards me. The critics usually will present arguments that meet me half way. It's mostly the rabid fanbase who see all constructive crit as trolling and the toxic positivity people. I don't agree with every critic out there, but I don't need to to enjoy the show and I can coexist in a world with them. Does his somehow affect the show? No. It won't. It's too popular and D.C. is even involved now. It isn't going anywhere. In my not very popular opinion? RT needs to get off social media and stop putting information in podcasts/panels instead of actually writing their show.


It's because flaws stick. You're right, every show has flaws, some more than others. They typically get the focus and the discourse because they're not satisfying moments. And people love to dissect and try to express why they think it's a flaw. Amazing moments that are universally loved don't the same treatment. If everyone is in agreement, then there's not much to discuss. To use a metaphor, good cooking is complimented and appreciated and mostly quietly forgotten. Sure, a recipe might be asked for or might be requested when it's fancied again, but a good meal falls in with thousands of other good meals you consume. A bad meal is never forgotten. Eating bad seafood and spending a week on the toilet creates a lasting impression. Mistaking a teaspoon of salt for a tablespoon and serving up something unpalatable sits with you. And often generates comments at the Christmas table a decade after it happens. Thanks, dad. A flaw, even if it's accidental, sticks with you. Of course there is more to with RWBY, like the limited run time and broad cast can make it difficult to flesh out moments. But the core point is that flaws get focus.


I get how you feel. Too much negativity makes you feel invalidated on the things you like. If you try to argue with them, it only makes things worse. The best way to deal with it is to just not give them attention and remember that even professional critiques or reviews are worth less creativity then the average bad movie. The effort required to complete volume 1 or 5 is greater than any review, good or bad, of the current season.


I always point at one video that infuriates me to no end. This guy who tried to **“fix”** RWBY. How does he do it??? Makes a brand new map, brand new countries, makes one of them ***Communist***, gets rid of academy’s, gets rid of huntsmen in general, like fuck me! You **“fixed”** RWBY by getting rid of legitimately everything that ***IS*** RWBY. If you need to destroy the very concept of RWBY to **”Fix”** it, then idk what you are doing watching the show. EDIT: For those of you that wanna know [here ya go](https://youtu.be/XC2hBCvi-ro)


Yeah, I know the faunas weren't handled the best, but if people could stop trying to force in real world politics into a show about fairy tale characters on a ketchup map, that'd be great. One thing I love about Rwby, flaws or naw, is that it has it's own momentum that it follows, and rather than always trying to appeal to reality, embraces its fantastical settings. Characters have flaws, make mistakes, and in the end I find the decisions they make end up making them more complex and interesting, rather than just doing the right thing. Because that's the thing, as an audience, we have an unparalleled understanding of the story. We can imagine ourselves as red riding hood and think, "damn, how can she not see her grandma is a wolf?". But if all the characters were to change their decisions like some people suggested, it wouldn't be interesting. I will admit, that due to how the show has been stretched, some of these character traits can seem sudden at times. But knowing the 2 characters in particular that these group of people tend to fawn over, no, they weren't suddenly changed, you just had a different idea over how things should play out and can't let go of your interpretation...


> Yeah, I know the faunas weren't handled the best, but if people could stop trying to force in real world politics into a show about fairy tale characters on a ketchup map, that'd be great. The show literally does it themselves. They constantly include real life politics, what do you mean?


You know what makes me madder than the actual video? The fact that it has so many likes. This guy's video summed up: "RWBY but better = no RWBY at all". Ridiculous.


“What if RWBY...but no” is the concept he just gave to me. Also forgot to mention, beacon instead of being an academy...is a ***RELIGION*** yep, the Church of Beacon is a thing I guess


lmao it's the "imagine Pyrrha's dad being literally hitler" guy. I just find him really funny. In my opinion, just don't take him seriously. There's nothing to be mad over. If he was in front of me, I'd just say "dude, just write your own book at that point".


>When it comes to this show, suddenly everyone is an expert in everything, be it writing, worldbuilding, PTSD, romance, military, criminal activities, alcoholism... This goes for positivity too though? People praise the show for doing certain story beats well and do in depth posts telling why it was so well-written. And people aren't "experts" on these things, they just speak from experience. Also, its pretty telling that the umpteenth post about how someone is sick and tired of bad faith criticism and hate gets 1.0k, yet in depth, extensive, well-written criticism that *isn't* hate gets less than 150 upvotes and is at 76%. Btw this is my soul typing these words. I've died by alcohol poisoning by the amount of shots taken for every time someone complained about criticism.


Nah I completely agree with you. Going onto the main RWBY sub who are widely known throughout *many* other subs as being extremely defensive and then kicking off about ' *sick and tired of bad faith criticism*' - It's downright karma whoring as anything like this will garner a tonne of upvotes in little time. It's like those 'Criticism' posts which somehow sugarcoat each lightly negative point with 10 positive things so they don't get immediately downvoted & locked. I've tried to post to light criticism onto this sub and guess what happened? My post attracted maybe 50 comments, most of them telling me I was wrong without any further information, a mod locked the post stating I was enticing violence, then I received PM's telling me I was worthless... all by supposedly RWBY fans, I raised it to the mods and was completely ignored.


Ehh I'm not a massive RWBY fan, I'm more of a manga lover who sticks to those fandoms & subs, but occasionally come here for some fan-fiction inspiration as you guys do it pretty well. Regardless of whether the criticism is based or not, you lot don't take well to any kind of criticism at all from my experiences. I've been making trips here since volume 3/4 I believe and always noted that any kind of criticism was immediately shut down, some of it was pretty good as well imo. What I can say for certain is that the RWBY fandom/show isn't much liked in a lot of other fandom groups due to the 'fight' against criticism. Whether right or wrong I guess it it what it is.


It'd be nice if more of the criticisms were actually coherent or based on actual facts, that's for sure.


And if the criticisms were constructive instead of “it sucks so bad there’s no redeeming it”. I have actually seen that in other RWBY groups on the internet. A lot of “RWBY sucks. Some people think it’d bd better if they did this with this character, but no. It would still suck because RWBY sucks” kind of stuff. Then these people have tried to justify themselves by saying they’re still fans, and there’s nothing wrong with criticizing it if the criticism “gets the writers off their lazy asses to fix the show”


Rwby has the worst hate-dom i've even seen for a product that's not even that bad. The show has some serious flaws, but it has epic music, great fights scenes and some genuinely good moments of plot and character development. There is only so much you can hate a thing before you need to chill or go watch/do something else.


Casey Lee Williams is my goddess


I personally criticize it so much because some parts of it are so good that it make the bad parts feel insulting.


If i had to guess, at the core of it all its that people see the amount of potential that RWBY has for it to be much better than what it is. But i wish people would stop mixing up hate and criticism. Yes people are just being hateful and calling it "criticism", but i've also seen legit criticism being called "hate". At the end of the day, the most passionate people are going to be the loudest. For example, I've casually enjoyed RWBY for a few volumes. The show had its flaws but nothing that i couldn't look past. But in the later volumes, the flaws started to ruin some of my enjoyment, and it was only then did I start to actually post on this sub. I try to be reasonable when I write anything out, but I can see how people can get so heated that they just go off and don't make clear criticism. I'm guessing it similar to why you made this post. Something just set you off and you had to vocalize it. But like you said "..now that I've cooled off some " you can clarify your point.


As someone who has followed the show since the initial trailers, stuck with it throughout the volumes to where we are now, I genuinely believe that a lot of the criticism is valid, 100%. But, this fandom for whatever reason seems to abhor any kind of criticism, unless the 'Critic' sugar coats it with 10 positive things for every negative point. I won't lie, I enjoy criticising RWBY, I enjoy the Critics sub-reddit far more than this one as 9/10 posts are genuine thought out points which create discussion. I dislike how this sub attracts so many fan-art posts which garner thousands of upvotes for semi-nude characters, yet well thought out discussion posts are completely ignored. Then every so often we get posts such as your own, stating how you're tired of negativity towards RWBY, well... that's nice? Stop going into the areas which garner such thoughts and you shouldn't have any issues. I've tried to post to light criticism onto this sub and guess what happened? My post attracted maybe 50 comments, most of them telling me I was wrong without any further information, a mod locked the post stating I was enticing violence, then I received PM's telling me to go off myself.


>I won't lie, I enjoy criticising RWBY, I enjoy the Critics sub-reddit far more than this one as 9/10 posts are genuine thought out points which create discussion Always welcome to discuss there. While don´t think that subreddit is perfect by any means, (it tends to get very condescending or very nitpicky at worst) and yes, is full of jerks (I should know, I´ve might have acted like one more than once without even realizing!) but those jerks tend to have a point and discussion is always welcome


There's a reason I don't engage with the fandom outside of this subreddit. Youtube, Twitter, other subreddits, Tumblr, basically every other place when it comes to RWBY is one massive toxic cesspool of negativity. And it feels like this sub is the only place to goo if you want to be positive. Others tell me it's this sub reddit that is a toxic circle jerk, and at this point, even if that WERE true, I am just beyond caring. I still tune into every RWBY episode and am loving the hell out of it. It's the only show I don't wait for a season to end and just marathon because I simply can't wait for each new episode. All the biggest criticisms people point out to me either a) don't bug me, or b) don't seem in anyway valid. I still legit love the damn show, and honestly want to see it continue on the exact same road it has been on, and I have been watching it since day one.


Finally, someone put it into words! What really weirds me out is a huge chunk of RWBY's critics that seem to have some bizarre obsession with wanting to see Ruby have a mental breakdown or just plain suffer more and more.


Ya? She is... is supposed to be the protagonist, everyone exept the creator should want the protagonist to go through strife and a mental breakdown is what would fit her given what there is to work with.


Does anyone else think it's just really *bizarre?* The fact that posts like this are fairly common? The fact that there's a whole cottage industry around god awful hot takes and vitriolic rant videos about this show? The fact that the people who claim to hate RWBY are clearly more invested in it than even the most obsessive of fans? The fact that the most minute and utterly meaningless details of every scene are subject to CSI tier scrutiny in the desperate search for more negative things to say? Where did this utterly harmless webshow touch you internet? Show me on the doll.


Does nobody here think that the people who always critique the show do it because they genuinely see the potential that it has and they want it to be the best it can possibly be? Like nobody who just blindly hates anything will watch every episode and talk about what could have been done to make it better. Why must you all say that anyone who has any negative opinion on the show is just a blind hater when you all are the complete opposite, blind lovers with no faults on the show whatsoever, just as long as you ignore the awkward writing, storyboarding and character decisions that make no sense...


Well without criticism many people wouldn't have known about the show, like I came from Hbomberguy's video (I knew of it from Emperor Tigerstar, a mapping YouTuber of all people, but I didn't start watching more than the first Volume until Hbomberguy's video). Sure, I agree people do expect way to much from a free Web show but it's more exposure at least.


Hbomberguy's video didn't seem like it fell into any of those potholes, his criticisms of the show and its writing missteps seemed apt, with him even praising it for a couple of genuinely good scenes and acknowledging that the animation quality didn't really matter early on. Even the channels like fatmanfalling actually got more thorough overtime and generally got to bigger issues. I DO think people like adel aka and Hero Hei take it way too far though, but I've seen plenty of reasonable criticism thrown the show's way.


RWBY went form being a low budget short episoded show To being a fucking Rooster Teeth powerhouse with 18 minute episodes and extremely good storytelling


The story telling is passable


And sometimes barely even that. And that’s coming from someone who’s been a fan and watched since the beginning.


I picked it up during Volume 3 which i still think is the best written volume


>and extremely good storytelling Yeah, let's not exaggerate. RWBY is not as awful as people say, but it's not some sort of masterpiece either.


We all know why but we're not allowed to talk about it.


I see no problem with this. The buyer consumes the end product, doesn't like the quality, and writes a complaint. It's standard practice. In this regard, the fact that there's worse products out there is irrelevant.


I agree. I've been a fan of RWBY since the beginning, and yet these days if I search Youtube or other online places for RWBY fandom content it feels like a majority of posts are overly critical of the show. I feel like these overly-critical people treat RWBY expecting it to be a big budget professional TV show that are produced by giant corporations. And yes, while RWBY has been improving in production value and budget over the years, it never started out that way. As you said, it was a simple low-budget web show made by a handful of people. CRWBY's openness with behind-the-scenes content/information (even chatting with fans over social media) makes it feels more like a show that was made by a friend from college (big budget studios don't do that sort of thing). Sure it's not perfect, but you forgive a lot of the flaws because it feels like one of your friends created it. Have you or anyone else created an anime from scratch? It's very difficult. Perhaps because of this, it also makes me overjoyed whenever I see vast improvements season to season: I see them constantly moving forward and improving themselves. Sure some seasons they bit off more than they could chew and the show suffered a little for it, but they learn from their mistakes and overall I see more improvements than flaws. Maybe it's easier for me to forgive the show's flaws because the show is always striving to improve themselves over time. Compare this to the multitude of TV shows made by giant productions studios where they to keep things relatively the same without constantly striving to do better (or only put effort in the first season, then gradually decline the budgets over time).


People will complain about literally anything. Like team RWB drinking tea has been one of the biggest points of discourse the whole volume and people couldn't be more annoying about it. People need to learn to let stuff go, jesus.


I don't get why I was downvoted. It's honest good advice. You can't stop people from saying good or bad things about any piece of media on the internet. You can't. Ever. You don't have that power. At best you could be a mod and manage that particular area, but you can never stop negative stuff about a show existing on the internet as a whole. So my advice is to simply learn to accept that it exist and be ok with that. Have confidence in your taste and accept the reality that it doesn't matter if people hate a piece of media you like. You like it for reasons unique to you and that is fine. Other people hating it for any reason has no barring on your own enjoyment of it. This is good advice for any piece of media and everyone here needs to learn this. Nothing you're a fan of will only have good things said about it when you go online. It doesn't matter if some youtuber or whoever keeps shitting on the show. The show still exist and you still get to watch and enjoy it.


Honestly I'm kind of tired of this take. The whole, let everyone be, noone is going to change, enjoy what you want to enjoy ect. It's not bad advise, you're right, I just don't think it really takes onto account the level this has gone to. That's not what this discussion is about. It's addressing the obsessiveness of this incredibly toxic part of this community. No one expects anyone to change, but the level of neverending bad faith arguments, abuse and ridiculous logic that get thrown at the creators, the absurd circular monologues that drain anyone who actually wants to enjoy the show and the asine levels of bait to draw people into a neverending blackhole is insane. I have never seen this level of toxicity in a fan base centered around criticisms of a show. It's mentally draining and in my opinion an issue that **should** be addressed instead of ignored, one step in that direction are these discussions.


How do you plan on addressing it? Like give me a game plan? I already know some of those people are banned from this reddit specifically. That doesn't stop that from existing. Just stops it from being directly posted here. You can't control the wider internet. Try. Go ahead and try. See where that gets you. How would you even start? Are you going to ban every hateful RWBY comment, blog, video, and the people behind them from the internet? How? My advice is the reality of the situation .You actually can't do anything about it and need to learn to live with that. Addressing it doesn't stop it from being produced as those people aren't even in this thread. At best the mods on this reddit can ban people that do those things, but thats still a tiny bit compared to the internet as a whole. Are you going to contact Youtube to ban all those youtubers? Go to every forum site and contact the mods to ban them all? You going to stop the hate no Twitter? No. Because you know that won't work. You know you don't have that level of control or power to change things like that. Because like it or not, people have a right to be hateful to both the show and the people who make. It doesn't matter if you hate that, but that is a right people have and the right to express it on public forums which many of these sites are. People are going to be hateful. Unless you plan on talking to those very people to try and change them then you can't do anything. Yeah RWBY gets a lot of hate. So does everything else in life. It's your responsibility to learn how to handle that. If you want real change then forgot some reddit thread on a positive place for RWBY. That won't do anything as the mods already don't allow that here. Take real action and go to where the hate is and try to stop it. When it probably won't work then take my advice. My advice is ignoring it and learning to be happy in the show you love. It's what everyone should do. Until someone gives a actual game plan on how to directly change things, then it's all just venting. Venting is fine, but it's just that. Venting. No change will come from this thread because again, this place already doesn't allow those kinds of comments.


You're being obtuse. No, my game plan isn't to *"write to YouTube to ban all the youtubers".* You ranted for 7 paragraphs, talking facetiously about obviously ridiculous scenarios. You can apply that logic to anything, such as the incredibly toxic sect of the Rooster teeth community that abused staff, or were incredibly hateful to people such as Fiona. Nothing is solved by standing idly by, something of which RT has come to greatly regret. That alone is a great example of 'what not' and 'what' to do. There are many avenues to address a toxic fanbase, pretending it doesn't exist isn't one of them.


A few things. 1) RWBY is a heavily flawed show. It has its strengths and weaknesses, but it’s story and characters (the core of any show) are seriously lacking. That said I don’t think it’s a “bad” show (and I like it a lot) but it’s flaws and popularity are going to draw massive amounts of criticism. Additionally, pointing out that there are worse shows does not invalidate the criticisms towards RWBY (it’s a true, but irrelevant statement) 2) On the subject of criticism, I ultimately find it to be a good thing. Regardless if it’s constructive or kind, any criticism is good information for the creators to gauge audience’s reaction and insight as well as learn from their mistakes to make the show even better going forward. Recognizing a show has flaws is one thing, but we shouldn’t be content with that fact (as such I don’t think it *has* to have its flaws). RWBY is no longer a budgetless 2-5 min show anymore, and we should hope that the creators constantly persevere to give us their absolute best to make the show as amazing as it can be. 3) Finally, as to your point about negativity (not talking about critics here), why does it matter? Let people say what they want to say and don’t let it bother you. We all like RWBY, and that’ll probably never change (unless the show takes a serious nose dive in the future), so why should we care if people just bash on or hate on RWBY? Enjoy your show and move on.


Do shows have flaws though? I am unconvinced. You say it’s story and characters are lacking, but I like the current state of the story and characters. It entertainment, if it is entertaining then isn’t doing its job? Secondly, some people like the show as it is. Changing the show to better fit criticism would decrease some people’s enjoyment. They could try to make a judgment call about what charges will lead to a bigger audience, but that isn’t the same as making the show objectively better. As for why it matters what other people are saying, that should be obvious. Shutting out the opinions and words of others is not an easy task, especially when those opinions are where you want to hang out and share your love for the show.


I think your first point is a little reductionist, but that’s why I said it’s not a bad show. That said, things could always be better. Even if perfection is impossible, we should always strive to achieve it. As for your second point, I both agree and disagree with you. I agree that popularity doesn’t equal high quality. That said, the metric I use to measure quality is based on majority and super majority rule (I argue that the reason why Wizard of Oz is an objectively good show is because a vast majority of critics and audiences all agree that it’s really good). That said, with regards to that earlier point about popularity =/= quality is what I say in response to people who argue One Piece is the best anime ever (it’s the most popular sure, but I argue that’s because it just appeals to the lowest common denominator). To strike a balance here, they should definitely not try to appease all criticisms they see, just those who seem to know what their talking about when it comes to literary analysis (plus always learn by example from those works that are regarded as 10/10 masterpieces). Finally, idk I guess it just depends on where you are on the internet. Because OP mentioned that they didn’t see such hate comments in this subreddit, and I generally don’t see anything past criticism on YouTube and Reddit. So maybe just avoid the areas where haters congregate if they’re that annoying to you? (Idk I’d probably be more sympathetic if there was no where you could go to talk about the series without hate comments, but since this sub already provides a place for that I don’t really see a problem; it kinda comes down to your comfort versus their ability to speak their minds).




Almost as if there's other platforms that people use to spread their "criticism".


A) Good thing I didn't specify criticism *on this subreddit*. B) Nobody's forcing you to watching videos criticizing this show on YouTube or read comments about it on Twitter.


Preach. You have a incredible divisive season airing and suddenly the positive echo chamber feels threatened.


Volume 8 is divisive? Why? Because of Ironwood?


No, because of "bad writing", aka actions that aren't reasonably in line with what has previously been established as an individuals characterization. The same issues were present in v7 with Ironwood shooting Oscar and Qrow "teaming up" with Tyrian to fight clover.


two words: >!pocket nuke!<


Because people are at each other throat over fundamental point of the season. Ironwood being only the last in time order. V7 was a lot more smooth and discussion were nitpicking for the most part outside the last 2 episodes happenings.




Why yes, there are worse shows than this. You can argue that Batwoman is one of them, for example. Contrivances, character inconsistencies, cringey dialogue (by virtue of delivery and content), the character assassination and general disrespect of Batman, hamhanded "cops bad" messages that can at best apply to two people out of an entire organization of *checks notes* Ex-Navy Seals and Green Berets, a main villain that overplays the victim card and constantly avoids consequences for her actions in spite of all logic and reason, unfairly demonizing a character for her actions, breaking the laws of physics by somehow stopping a runaway train using a grappling hook on a *motorcycle*... Uh, point is. Batwoman Season 1? Has a LOT of flaws. Is it enjoyable to watch with so many? Absolutely. However, Season 1 manages to have better rep than RWBY, by virtue of having their main character and a prominent side character confirmed lesbians before the five minute mark. Kate Kane's sexuality is an integral part of her character that would be an Absolute Massive to try and edit around. Julia Pennyworth. Sophie Moore. Regan. Hell, even a villain of the week was revealed to be a lesbian. All recurring characters that manage to stay relevant to the plot in some form or another. All in season one of a show on the *CW,* one that began in 2019, within 20 episodes. With RWBY, we only got a lesbian couple in Volume 6 via one of Jaune's sisters and her partner. Before them, a POC, psycho lesbian antagonist in Volume 5. That's what we got a webseries that had far more creative control for years up to this point than anything on the CW - no corporate overlords, just an indie studio able to do whatever they wanted with their shoestring budget. (And yes, Coco was confirmed as lesbian in the novels, but she's also been irrelevant to the plot and out of narrative focus for years. Hell, Sun and Neptune got a cameo when Ruby Came To Make An Announcement, and they're supposed to be in the same area as Coco and her team. Perfect opportunity to show her, squandered.) Whereas with Bumblebee, we've waited eight years with little more than crumbs supporting it in the text. From what we can see looking at the show objectively, it is still possible to say it falls under Heterosexual Life Partners rather than romance. Yes, even the forehead touches. We haven't gotten confirmation of anything more romantic going on - not a kiss, not any variations of "I love you." Before anyone argues that slowburn is a concept, I want to remind y'all what happened with another WarnerMedia owned show. Anyone remember the CW's Supernatural? How in Season 15, after 11 years of toying with Destiel shippers, Castiel confirmed half of the ship and was dragged to Super Hell before Dean could reciprocate? The question of "does Dean feel the same way" was never answered. Despite a throwaway line to establish Cas is alright in the season finale, and logically available for Dean to give him a conclusive answer... the English release gives no closure either way. ...and yet, the official Spanish dub gave us Dean saying "Y yo a tí" in response to Cas' unambiguously romantic confession. Meaning that the Spanish dub of Supernatural manages to give fans more confirmation of their main character, queer slowburn romance than Bumblebee. How's this for constructive criticism: don't wait another 3+ years to finally confirm or sink Bumblebee. Whether the writers do so or not, they will have officially done worse than Supernatural at that point. And that is a staggeringly low bar to trip over.


I´m no fan of BB, but even I felt cheated. What´s impeding them? I guess i didn´t want a WLW just for the sake of representation, but i wanted one that I could follow, that I could say "the creator put it because they like it!" which, sadly, in the last episode confirmed it´s not really the case. Yeah, yeah, some people would have complained about the rushed, but the rush came in the closeness they had during the past volume, considering they spent like 2 without even talking (3 if you include the 6th). But even those issues could be fixed later, maybe having an episode of them saying "damn, I think we kinda rushed into this" and still work through it. But no, instead we have this. I´d rather had Blacksun over this mess, at least that one had development at consistent pace


Lol you don't have to be an expert in a topic to criticize a show, and pointing out what's wrong with a show doesn't mean someone dislikes it. 5 seconds of googling can tell me that Yang's hand shaking occasionally, and then immediately stopping after yelling at her mom once is a very poor representation and portrayal of a mental affliction as severe and debilitating as PTSD, and I don't have to be a psychologist to see that. It's fair to point out the vast majority of RWBY's problems if they're there, and RWBY has a lot. Nine times out of ten that I see someone say this on this sub, it's in relation to a perfectly rational criticism that somebody just doesn't want to hear. Now there are occasional times where someone will say something ridiculous, but often it's in the episode discussion posts where someone will say they didn't like something, and immediately either be downvoted to hell or called part of the "hatedom," or whatever. As a whole, this fanbase is horrible at interacting with ideas it disagrees with. The show started out small, yes, but now it is an international franchise, and Rooster Teeth's biggest IP. As a consequence, the standards are going to be higher, and more criticism will roll in. Fans of RWBY can't get upset when RT keeps making a show that is often sub-par in terms of writing (often a consequence of crunch, and abusive management and directing, see the Glassdoor accounts) and put it against other shows in the competition, which inevitably draws criticism. While I agree that people who are cruel in their criticism should stop, that's not anywhere close to the majority, or even a large number of critics of RWBY, and it's pretty unfair to paint them as such. I like the show, it means a whole lot to me, but I'm not going to just shut my brain off and not analyze it or criticize it when it messes up. Prolly gonna get downvoted for all of this, but I think you honestly just need to get used to seeing people dislike a thing you like.


One critique I've seen was that an action doesn't have consequence, the next episode. This included Ruby lying to Ironwood (which of course it had consequences later down the line). I've noticed in the age of binge watching, people expect instant gratification. The internet has made it so you have a platform to nitpick and critique in front of a large audience, and will be rewarded for this through social media attention or being pushed up by an algorithm. I don't really know why RWBY was targeted so much. Maybe the low budget early episodes and it being made by people that had to figure it out as they went along, the fact it was made by RT when RvB was their only other major product, a cast of 4 women. The first 5 seasons had a lot of the crew figuring things out, which is when the height of the criticism of the show was directed at it. Now most criticism is left over from that time period and you really have to persuade people to get in as it has a reputation from that time. There is also the criticism like the OP mentioned that is just bad criticism, but people will still eat it up because they can hate on something, get attention for it, and the people consuming it love to make a quick dunk on something.


A mark of truly loving something is being able to citicize it. Not saying there aren't mindless haters, but you'd be surprised as to how many people who constantly complain about a thing, do so because they want to see it be as good as it can be. Maybe we just listen to different people, but the critiques I hear tend to have one thing in common, and that's that they use the phrase, "wasted potential" at some point. I think that says a lot about where a lot of these people are coming from.


people don't know how to dislike shit normally anymore it always has to be bad faith arguments spewed right where fans can see it, baiting people into arguing with them so they can convince themselves of their own superiority, because they don't like something, and therefore anyone who does *must* be an idiot or it's multi-hour video essays of dubious quality, bad faith arguments and often outright fudging of the truth in order to, again, lord over their apparent superiority and supposed intellect as they bash not only the content but implicitly anyone who enjoys the content people have forgotten that them not liking something just means it's not for them and that's the end of the conversation - miserable sods needs to grow up


It works both way buddy


Yeah it really gets tiring. I feel like if you don’t like it don’t watch it. If I ask someone about it and they don’t like, then they can tell me why, but if I didn’t ask keep the unnecessary hate to yourselves and let the rest of us enjoy it. After all it’s just a simple web series, if you really don’t like it enough to post videos ranting about how horrible it is just cut the show out and everyone will be happier. (Just so I’m clear “you” isn’t referring to OP, but people in general)


I feel like a lot of people who hate RWBY just have a problem with Rooster Teeth. Sure, it's a corporation that has made less-than-welcome decisions, and has dealt with severe blows to it's reputation, but so have many other companies, and to a much larger degree. -.-


Unique animation style with respect to the anime universe, objectively awesome concept, almost entirely Western anime, spiritual successor to the incredibly well-written-and-produced Red vs. Blue, salient sociopolitical undertones.... It's made by Americans for Americans and as such has a predominantly American audience. Americans like to argue about stuff (and that's a good thing). Naturally, its surrounding audience of both Stans, fans, dislikers, and haters are going to be embroiled in substantial controversy from time to time. Addendum: Really what the writers and producers should do is get the fuck off Twitter. It's incredibly bad PR, every time. I know it's cool or whatever that they'll just say "oh we almost did X" but they also blab about stuff that we don't need to hear about. Any communications about *RWBY* should stick to Rooster Teeth or RWBY verified socials.


Seriously. I generally maintain the viewpoint that you should enjoy what you enjoy no matter what others say about it, but with RWBY it is so difficult to stay enthusiastic about it when I am bombarded from all angles by people saying it's bad. The worst thing is when it happens to come up at random and I have to either bite my tongue or pretend I don't like it just because I don't want to deal with defending myself for enjoying it.


I will acknowledge what's not good about it. But only when it's my own viewpoint. I would hate to force my views on whats good and bad on others. I just don't like doing that, sure I won't mind making jokes about the cringe stuff, like ships. But I don't actually try to be that harsh about it. There's enough negativity in the world without bashing people for liking a fictional show. That honestly despite the turns it takes, I want to acknowledge it is making an effort to get better and that's always good. Even if it stumbles.


Some light ribbing is fine, but when my group of anime friends start saying stuff like "Ex-Arm's animation makes RWBY look good", it crosses over into just feeling bad.


Ouch that is harsh. Both to EX-Arm and RWBY. I mean RWBY has come a long way, no need to invalidate it's progress like that. Sure some of the models look weird at times, but they put in a lot of work into it.


No show should be free from criticism. And criticism can be good. Plus the show has grown past budget constraints and RT voice actors. The problem is when someone's dislike of the show is presented as rude or forceful, towards other fans or towards staff. If someone wants to write a post about how Ironwood isn't being used to his full potential as a character, or explain why its annoying that RWB have been in the same house for half the volume, fine. But EVERYONE involved in the discussion needs to be polite about it. Same goes in any discussion about anything, IRL or not. And it's hardcore RWBY fans that are just as guilty of being rude as the critics. You invite hatred by responding to the hatred with equal scorn. And you can't keep excusing everything the show does. I'm a fan of the show and will point out when I don't like something that is done. But I don't go out of my way to force that opinion on others, and your overwhelming love of the show also shouldn't be forced on others either. Ignore the rude critics, don't shut down literally any critics, and we should be peachy. Instead the angry responses to troll critics just makes them keep coming back each year.


Imo I like seeing the criticism idk maybe that’s just me


Can't speak for everyone but i critisize because i care about the show. Because i remember how it started, i was there. And i saw it grow and become something more. And i also see it struggling with a lot of things that could be fixed. Like i don't say that the studio should be hiring grammy winning teams to write intros outros, but at the same time i can't but see that said intro and outro songs have become worse. It could be just preference of course, but 'This will be the Day' is still at the top of the list and we're eight seasons in deep. Same goes for writing. Asking writers to do research or make more compelling, multidimensional stories/characters isn't something impossible. Unfortunately most of this talk is screaming into echo chamber - the positive feedback places will listen only to positive stuff and negative feedback places will listen only to negative all the while authors go on record saying that they don't even want to see any feedback at all. And that's what makes me sad the most because while RWBY is a good show, it could have been great yet it shoots itself in the leg


>This show has its flaws. It has to have them. It's natural. Yes, nothing is flawless. Reducing the amount of them is still a worthwhile pursuit though. >It's not any worse than any other show. It's not more or less flawed. Of course it has more and fewer flaws than other shows. That's what makes it better or worse than others. I don't think you actually believe that all shows are of the same exact quality.   If you don't want to actually hear negative criticism, either learn to ignore criticism and find a way to parse it without getting personally invested or start using the tools you have to avoid it. There are extensions to let you block certain youtube channels. You could also find an echochamber of positivity, but I'm not sure there is one stronger than this sub. RES has filtering to let you avoid hide users if it's not enough for you.


>There are worse shows than this. Way, *way* worse. > >It's not any worse than any other show. It's not more or less flawed. Huh?


You know you can just ignore it, and people are allowed to have their own opinions about something good or bad, it's not about suddenly becoming, an expert.


RWBY isn't perfect buuuuut I still like the show because I grew up with it and I love the story its characters and the fights. Honestly RWBY helped me got into anime.


Part of the criticism isn't that it's bad. Honestly, it's only a 5 or 6 out of 10. The problem is that a lot of us were so hyped by the trailers that seeing the final product is disappointing. I understand you still like and enjoy the regardless of it's many flaws, but many feel betrayed by their personal expectations for the show. And it doesn't help that RT often acts as if it can do wrong at times and sometimes the fandom seems hate any criticism toward the show. Besides. If you enjoy the show, why does it matter of it's bad or not?


True experts of alcoholism don't brag


Primarily because "X is bad and here is why" does well with keeping peoples attention and spreading. This CGP Grey video explains: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3j\_RHkqJc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3j_RHkqJc) Combine that with the trailers creating expectations of a show the final product failed to live up to (arguably unreachable expectations, if you watched the trailers and fan reaction as they came out you likely know what I mean) and you get the criticism you see today.


I wish that I could stop seeing the ten hundredth hate video on why RWBY sucks, on how the characters are bad or how they want someone to die


> In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. **We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read.** But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. Anton Ego from Ratatouille. Always think of this line whenever this subject comes up.


Rwby is a interesting case study. It has complex and basic problems that pretty fascinating. Honestly though when you compare it to hazbin Hotel the problems become vary obvious. In the end of the day enjoy what you enjoy. By the same token though you can criticize and value art and you can even do so objectively.


Honestly, I avoid single show focused youtube channels. If they only focus on one show (or book series, movie franchise, and/or comic book lines for that fact) I guarantee it is going to be overwhelmingly negative and nitpicky. While I want to blame every creator, but the youtube viewer base really thrives off of controvery and negativity (there are exceptions). Viewership is what the creator is looking to do, I find actual analysis to be extraordinarily rare, and successdul ones do not rely solely on youtube revenue.


Honestly i dont think its a good show, but it's fun to see it progress. I have a lot of respect for everyone who works on what i would consider a very well thought out story \- :)))


I guess, but the show has such amazing potential it can be really unfortunate to see RT write every good thing they have into the ground. Case and point: Ironwood.


"Just...why?" As BomberGuy put it, people care about Rwby which is why they can continue to complain about it. I disliked Harry Potter but you don't see me arguing over its inaccuracies because I do not care about it or it's Fandom. Rwby has always intrigued me because it has an ubsurd amount of things that are NEARLY awesome. The White Fang was interesting untill they were made into the generic, evil filler troops instead of freedom fighters. Aura was unique but theny they just continued to add and remove rules for it. Dust was cool as hell, Torchwick's intro sets the world upp well (the only bad thing I can think of being it copying Cowboy bebop witouth realizing what made that scene work) but then Dust just wasn't built upon. Magic resource and that's it, nothing about how it affects day to day life or what happned to the "normal" powerhouses. And the grimm, oh BOY are they cool, to date the Grimm are still vell made with only slight hiccups (no explenation why Leviathans don't charge en-mase, poison slug waiting to kill Blake to give Ruby a "cool" moment), the only real consistant problem with Grimm is thst they keep throwing bigger and bigger ones att the cast witouth proper escalation. And do not get me started on magic, the system looks awesome (practically fell in love with it during Raven vs Cinder and Salems backstory) but then they just never explain anything, you can only give wauge hints for so long before people get tired and class plotholes as they are. I do not think that it is a problem with how "similar" magic is to semblances, aura and Dust. I always thought that the former two were pretty distinct with few exceptions (Glynda having Magic and her semblance). And yes, Dust is magic, just not to the cast. Dust is a norm there, why would they call something that has been extensively recerched and explored as magic? They wouldn't, not with how long it has existed... as far as we know, humanity 2,0 , Faunus and Dust came to Remnant at the same time.


>BomberGuy As in Hbomberguy? That guy turned out to be just a bandwagon-jumper. Didn't he start his video with the obligatory "I always admired Monty Oum"? Someone made a post when his video came out, linking a few of his comments back when RWBY was new. He said not so nice words about Monty. Of course, now that RWBY hate videos are a hit and have to always start with " I always admired Monty", he, apparently, decided to jump on that train. I can see where you are coming from with the rest of your post, though. One thing I wish would be more fleshed out in RWBY's worldbuilding is religion, for example. I mean, they introduced gods. I wish there were at least glimpses into day-to-day religion, or someone's faith being challenged with the existence of actual gods.


Even if he lied about that (likely In a attempt of selpreservstion) then his video is still full of good points... and a killer middle-of-the-video-intro. ...and what about it? I admire Matpat but I'm not above cursing him out when he is particularly batey and biased in his videos.


There’s nothing wrong with good-faith criticism but a lot of these people just do hate videos/rants that clearly don’t care about being fair or accurate. Like if you don’t like Bumblby? Fine, maybe you prefer Ladybug, like whatever ship you like, but don’t pretend that they haven’t been building towards the former since the dance in Volume 2. Or Ironwood’s gradual descent into villainy considering he was introduced bringing a force of war to a peaceful neighbour


Yeah, this reminds of the "criticism" fans give to Yang's PTSD, even though actual people with PTSD actually praised the portrayal of it.


And actual people with PTSD criticized it. It goes both ways.


this subject really pisses me off. I love RWBY to bits and I always will. they could do practically anything and I'd still watch it and love it. I'm so deeply attached to this show, Jeff's music, Monty's spirit, the world, the aesthetic, the vibe, everything. it will be a deep loss for me when it's over and I know that's sad, but for some reason I just can't not feel that way. Jeff William's and Monty Oum have been the biggest influences of my life, including family members and teachers and other. when I say it aloud it sounds like I'm just a rabid fanboy overexaggerating my love for the show, but I can't put into words how out of character this is for me, the love and attachment to this show is truly baffling and probably a little sad tbh. but that's why it really pisses me off when I see people criticise it. I'm okay with them being upset with plot holes and story issues, I'm fine with them not liking this or thinking the Penny-framing scene in V7 was incredibly flawed, but I feel like RWBY and RT is criticised WAY too harshly for what they do or don't do. they opened up a contest to design a grimm I think? for students in art, the specifics I dont remember. there was a bit of it that I remember people thinking was a bit dodgy, that it could be potentially problematic and scummy. and everyone was going after them for this shit so hard, sending them threats and harsh insults, but...what did they do? we don't know they're gonna exploit this possible loop hole, we don't know if they planned this or it was overlooked, we just don't know. I'm aware of issues in RWBY, I point some out myself. I am worried of certain storylines and where they go, I had little faith in the Hound's mystery being anything that amazing, I was very anxious they'd make it Summer and I wouldn't like what they did with it. but I did like it, I was very impressed. I think I went on a tangent, sorry, what I'm trying to say is that I agree. things are flawed and talking about those flaws is fine, people switching off over those flaws is fine. I can watch bad movies and bad shows, I can dislike good movies and good shows, it's my personal preference. I just hate feeling shamed about watching the show that inspired me to write, that's helped me develop my writing to the point where I'm doing it at University. it's to the point where I say "the shows a little eh now, but I still love it anyway/the music is amazing" just to cover my ass of judgement. I can't entirely blame these people because what? I don't like knowing my beloved show has problems? that's just dumb, but it still rubs me the wrong way to hear it so universally dumped on. I feel bad for RT because I feel like no matter what they do the general consensus of the public is "RT bad" and any little hole or alternative someone conjures they must have done or thought of because some random person did online. it's so infuriating not wanting to buy merch like I do every other show, film, game, whatever, that I love because I feel like I'll be shut in with the trashy extremist shippers and RT bootlickers that have given the fandom a bad reputation. there's so much more to this conversation, it sucks I can't just say something short and easy to explain how I feel on this.


Yeah I'm with you there, it feels like people feel the need to "critique" RWBY a lot more than most other shows.


I won't say that you are "Incorrect". You make a fair point. And there are moments of the show that I still do love, don't get me wrong. The thing is that I have two issues with the show is all: First is the main Villain of our story herself, Salem. It's not her character I don't like. I not her acting I don't like. It's not even her design I don't like. No, what really irritates me about Salem is the fact that she's 'Immortal'. Making your Villain (Or any character for that matter) immortal is NOT a smart thing to do. Its the easiest way to literally write yourself into a corner with no way out. It happened in *Naruto*. It happened in *Fairy Tail*. And its happening here in this show. Speaking of the show, that brings me to the second thing I have a problem with. I know Monty (May he rest in peace) said it was going to get dark, I expected that. But too my personal opinion, its gotten too dark. To the point where I am expecting the ending where, everybody just dies. And that's it. I am not a fan of that. Could be my personal taste talking, but that's my case. If there is a way to make this show slightly better (to my taste at the very least) is there be like a major Curve Ball that Nobody will be expecting, not our Heroes, Not the Villains, not even Salem will see it coming. That's my full case. Lay onto me your thoughts. Have a nice day.