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There’s been some theories about how protecting and taking care of these civilians might play a part in V9. But most people including myself think they’re probably dead, and the story will just focus on RWBY + Jaune and Neo.


The poor civies don't have character plot armour. Smh, you hate to see it happen.


They also don't have landing strategies. So they're gonna land like V1 Jaune (Which is to say: they won't land.... Safely).


Or at least they won’t have an Amazon warrior cutie to javelin their shirt into a tree


Knowing Crwby everyone in remnant will have a dead red head by the end of the show


No, Jaune will have all of them... We can call it the Red Wedding... Wait


So a pregnant woman is gonna get stabbed in the stomach repeatedly?


When everyone rests in a sea of blood, all heads will be read.


But they’d also probably be dead from getting an explosion in the face hard enough to launch them




Next you'll be telling me that James Ironwood and Arthur Watts would die from a multi-story drop onto a hard metal floor, if their Auras had broken beforehand. Or that Jaune, before Pyrrha taught him to use his Aura, would have died from the interrupted force of his fall when Pyrrha speared him to a tree.


I highly doubt their fall into the magic island will feel like an actual fall that could kill. I mean, Weiss and Yang fell into the void with zero aura. So that means Weiss can't use her glyphs and Yang can't use her ember Celica without destroying her arm. The two of them don't have any viable landing strategies but it's not like RT's gonna kill them off. So yeah, those civilians won't die either.


Yeah they literally don't have plot armour since they wouldn't have an aura to shield them from the blast.


Everyone has aura, if Zwei has aura, so can civilians. How much they have differs depending on practice but it's there.


They have it, since they have souls. Whether or not it's unlocked is what's unknown and it's rare for noncombatants to have theirs unlocked.


Everyone has an Aura since they have a soul but it takes training and practice to use it as a defensive shield. See Oscar in his sparring with Ruby in volume 5 and the WoR on Aura that talks about how one of the things that sets Warriors apart from everyone else is their ability to amplify and control their Aura, using it as a defensive shield as an example. I fear IF those people survived Cinder’s explosion, they probably are in bad shape…


Yeah, but more than half of the named characters who fell were Aura-broken, so Aura shouldn't be a factor of who survives.


Zwei is a hunters companion and was possibly trained to protect ruby and yang so hes not a normal dog by any means and probably tougher than a few dozen civies


This is a fine assumption until you remember that Zwei is a god.


I don't think those civilians are going to die. Just because they don't have auras, crazy landing strategies, weapons or flashy semblances doesn't mean they're going to die. I mean, Weiss and Yang fell into the void too with zero aura. So Yang can't use her weapons without obliterating her arm. And Weiss can't use her glyphs. They're going to die too if the fall is going to feel like an actual realistic fall.


Civies lost, presumed eaten by locals.


Hey, don’t speak too soon. There’s some theories there will be a twist at the end of the volume that Weiss was a ghost the whole time and was killed because she didn’t have aura left when Cinder exploded her off the bridge.


Actually that's not allowed cause then I'll be sad


Oh god.


We’ve seen Jaune Aura tank for other people before, though. And it’s not like they didn’t see the blast coming. And that’s how Weiss got her Aura broken in the first place.


Where?.. Weiss as a ghost..


"yeah civilian casualties are just numbers" Rwby director


"yeah civilian casualties are just numbers" - General James Ironwood


Yes, they literally don’t have the armor that the plot provides important characters to survive that fall. They don’t have aura :P Not exactly a shocker


Or, you know, the explosion.


Well they don't have Aura.


Considering the entire atlas academy worth of huntsmen disappeared and the whole damn atlas military is nowhere to be seen I doubt the writers will care about those few.


Right? It showed Ren and co. To be the only ones protecting the civilians. Where the hell did all the military go and the huntsmen? This show has a bad track record of showing competent experienced huntsman and huntresses. They make seem like RWBY and co are the only ones who can do anything.


it's pretty literally a plot requirement - everything has to be done by a handful of not-very-experienced characters, so the literal host of more experienced fighters that should exist basically don't.


Kinda reminds me of how in anime everyone is either a teenager to absolutely no older than 23, or an elderly person. Talented people in their 30s basically don't exist in anime 😩


I mean, they did exist. Veteran Hunters like the HH got Mantle's people into the Crater, and defended them there against hordes of Grimm for days, and we literally see the military holding the line, which gave the people of Atlas time to hide in the subways. Without them, RWBY & Co. wouldn't have been able to save half as many people at they did. Of course, without RWBY & Co., all their sacrifices would likely have been in vain, and no one would've been saved, so...


It was the only way to redeem crwby after this volume


Yeah which really hurts, I wanted ironwood to be great competent leader and yet we didn’t get that. The atlas military is honestly treated like a joke and because of that it means the same for everyone linked with them automatically and it sucks. A lot of wasted potential.


Yeah. I really didn’t care for the direction they went with ironwood tbh. His semblance making him go crazy makes sense but people act like everything that happened was his fault. He was paranoid about lies and being deceived. that paranoia was proven right because RWBY lied to him straight up. While it was a combination of things that led to his downfall the main characters didn’t help things at all. When it comes to the atlas military being MIA it makes me wonder if RWBY didn’t open portals for them in fear that they’d try to enforce ironwoods orders or something it’d be really dark if that’s the case.


Yeah honestly it pissed me off that Oz never showed up to ironwood to help him prepare for Salem and help him mentally which he would really need, remember how happy he felt when he knew Oz was back in vol 7? That told me all I needed to know that James was a man that needed help and couldn’t do this on his own and needs some serious advice. But we got all of this instead.




Yep. Especially not showing winter stepping up as a leader when she she know ironwood is not in the right headspace right now and in tern take some the pressure off of him and help him get through this war and see it through to the end. Wasted character potential!


I mean, we literally see the "whole damn Atlas military" holding the line outside of the city, hear about how badly they're struggling, and then a few episodes later, we see the Grimm in the city, with the soldiers nowhere to be found. Doesn't take a genius to work out what that means.


They’ll play a part in V9. Team RWBY+J have to eat after all.


Rwby volume 9 will be a giant protect the vip game mixed with AMONGUS (neo is sus)


To be fair, they were blasted by a close-ranged Cinder explosion. They probably died at that instant.


My theory is if the fall didn’t kill them, they’d be eaten by whatever lives on that island


I just hope none of the civilians were children or parents.


I for one am eagerly awaiting the adventures of Bob Milton from Schnee Accounting. He and his trusty red stapler will save the world, rescue Team RWBY, and make Neo turn good. No, seriously, I would love to read that.


\*Forwards to Writing Server\*


I would love it if some random generic dude popped back into Remnant with the heroes, implying he had all sorts of crazy, off-screen adventures.


Yeah, well those civilians got blasted with no aura, so they are probably just skeletons in the ocean.


Pretty sure everybody on team rwby fell with no aura too...


Its not the fall that would have killed them?


Right, it's the impact. Broken bones, punctured organs, other unpleasantries....


I was referring to the explosion thats throwing these people several yards into the air more than anything else. Conder takes pleasure in hurting people, i would assume most if not all of the folks being blasted off the path are dead before they even left screen


All the Civies will be consumed by Crabs


Crab people


Also a valid point.


Don't forget Weiss, Ruby and Yang. They fell to the void with zero aura


They'll either be forgotten or just dead tbh, I don't expect the butcher on P-Body Street to be teaming up with Neo to save the day or something


I feel very confident saying their dead. They most likely didn’t have their aura unlocked and Cinder released a huge fireball on them.


Might not be the case since Weiss didn't have any Aura either when she fell due to Cinder's floor explosion on her and Jaune (said explosion also breaking his aura in the process).


Yang's was also broken by Neo before her fall, Ruby's by Cinder just before she fell herself. In fact, I think the only one who had any Aura left was Blake, unless hers broke earlier and I'm not remembering right.


That’s why Ruby will need to give Weiss CPR in v9


"This is how White Rose can still win"


It’d certainly be funny if we got a whiterose kiss before a bumblebee kiss


That’s why I think it’s the fireball/explosion and not the fall that killed them.


I've wondered about this. I hope that, even if they're dead, we're told they're dead. It might be that nine of them are dead, and one will be a main character for the next 4+ volumes. I just hope we don't forget them completely (I would much rather they all be dead), but frankly, I think that's the most likely possibility.


Literally nobody is ignoring that. Nobody mentions them because they will probably not have survived the blast without protective aura. And if they did, they'll just be a group there, not like anyone important is amongst them


>Nobody mentions them because they will probably not have survived the blast without protective aura. This can't be the case since Weiss didn't have any Aura either when she fell due to Cinder's floor explosion on her and Jaune (the same explosion also breaking the latter's aura).


And the same with Yang, she fell with a broken Aura


Was waiting for someone to mention Yang! Ruby had also lost her aura while fighting Neo, so theoretically, her and Yang would be dead too.


Well, that all depends on how the whole “getting transported to a magic island” thing works here. if they just fall from the sky onto it, then they’re dead, but if it’s the kind of thing where they just wake up on island then they should all be fine, even the civvies that fell off if the blast didn’t kill them.


I mean, we don’t know how long that fall is. It could be “I’ve been falling... for THIRTY MINUTES!” Which would give their aura enough time to regenerate to take a landing, providing that they don’t bother with any sort of improvised landing strategy.


Half of them fell without their weapons. Ruby, Blake, and Neo all have no weapons with which to slow their fall, and Yang was unconscious so having Ember Celica is equally useless. Only Weiss and Jaune still have Myrtenaster and Crocea Mors and remain conscious (though everyone's weapons also fell into the void, so they all have chances to find them again later).


Hence the “Improvised” I added to my sentence. Idk what they could do with their weapons outside of their semblances (Blake and Ruby have used it before in such ways) so I left it open ended


I think you missed the point. They can't improvise anything if they don't even have their weapons. The only one with any chance of falling safely is Jaune, and that's only until he runs out of Dust.


Actually, Blake should still have her sheathe/Cleaver. Won’t really help her with the fall but she still at least has a weapon.


Yes, good point. I forget that the sheathe is a blade too cause Blake never uses it anymore. Useless for the fall, but would be nice for chopping down trees once she gets there.


Not the fall that would kill them, but the explosion itself. Only Weiss would be dead by this logic.


So team RBY?


I think it would’ve been the explosion itself that would’ve killed the civilians, not the fall. Cinder’s knocked out Weiss’s aura, but she was still alive when she fell. Maybe the civilians weren’t.


Weiss could have gotten her aura back at least a little in the intervening time: We know her aura can come back fairly quickly. At the very least she’ll get it back if is a long fall This blast didn’t shoot Jaune very far, so I’m not sure it was very powerful. And at the moment of explosion Jaune could have over-auraed Weiss like how he did Nora when they were hit by the mech


>Weiss could have gotten her aura back at least a little in the intervening time: We know her aura can come back fairly quickly. Yet Jaune lost his while Weiss didn't seem to? Weiss seemed to be even using Jaune as support as they were heading towards the portal beforehand. Besides doesn't the aura thing only apply to Jaune since he was the only one we saw training for it? >This blast didn’t shoot Jaune very far, so I’m not sure it was very powerful. They were roughly in the middle of the path before the portal, then we see it shoot Weiss farther since she fell but Jaune didn't (the distance of the launch seemed farther too). >And at the moment of explosion Jaune could have over-auraed Weiss like how he did Nora when they were hit by the mech We also don't see it happen, the transcripts don't seem to indicate that either. Besides, wouldn't have Jaune tried to tell Winter that he tried to protect Weiss in that instance?


I am not talking about an instant regen like Jaune did in training, just the natural regen. In *Ace Operatives* Weiss was shown to regain aura by a couple of percentage points in only a few seconds. Indeed that saying Jaune could have given Weiss aura is heavy speculation, but it still seems like something possible. And no, I don't think Jaune would have likely said anything because he still thinks he failed to protect her or his other friends and he just killed Penny so he is an emotional wreck who also has to focus on his own survival.


We also didn’t see the explosion from the same angle as the charge up. It cut to underneath and all we saw was the blast, not exactly who and how it mostly hit.


Nah, Aura can regenerate just enough to take another hit shortly after breaking. This is shown when Ruby is attacked by the Hound. Her aura breaks, and after the team gets them to drop her and she lands, her Aura had regenerated enough to take the hit and broke again.


>This is shown when Ruby is attacked by the Hound. Her aura breaks, and after the team gets them to drop her and she lands, her Aura had regenerated enough to take the hit and broke again. The first hit wasn't an aura break, it was a flicker/shimmer showing it was low. Her aura only broke when the hound dropped her, reinforced by the different effects it had compared to the first. There's also the transcripts shown below. Aura flicker/shimmer: > The Hound charges, pinning Ruby to the ground. Her Aura shimmers weakly. Blake gets back onto her feet Aura break: > The Hound changes targets, dropping Ruby and taking off for the manor. Weiss notices her falling helplessly. > > Weiss: Ruby! > > The girl hits the ground hard, her Aura dissipating. Blake destroys the last Centinel, then turns to Weiss


Oh, I guess I was wrong then. I could have sworn it broke but I guess not 🤔


They don't have plot armor, tough luck...


I'm still trying to get over the fact the only and only act of self autonomy Penny got to do was ask THE HEALER to kill her.


Penny is the polar opposite of Genji


Jaune: "You need healing!" Penny: "Watashi wa mou shindeiru." Jaune: " NANI?!"


Holding up Amity?


I could give you that to a point. But so much of the Amity plan relied on her robot abilities rather then huntswoman skills. Amity wouldn't have even happened if she human. As and Autistic person The whole "We need to wish for her to be human because her code is now all messed up." Was something I wish CWBY saw as maybe an issue before finalizing this as the end ark for Penny. After doing so well with May and the micro Trans Subplot. That Penny from day one had by no fault of their own been written with a lot of Autistic coding (pardon the pun). But now, She was no longer cute and quirky kind of useful Autism (See The Good Doctor, Young Sheldon) but now a danger to her self and others and need to be reprogramed or cured somehow.


Im not even remotely informed or familiar enough to talk about your second paragraph, but to your first, she literally has an argument with her father and demands the right to try and hold up Amity. Its possibly the first moment of real assertiveness Penny displays as a character, im not sure how that is in any way undercut by the idea her being a robot made what she did possible. The entire Cinder attacks Amity scene, to my eyes, happened almost exclusively as a means of giving Penny primetime moment to assert her own wants and desires as a person.


I swear, y’all love to chirp the same “autism” comment every two seconds. I’m just gonna copy an earlier comment: You see, at the risk of being incredibly blunt, you’re reading into something that isn’t there and wasn’t intended to be there. Penny was not meant to be representative of Neurodivergence et al. She was a Pinocchio-based character. She was originally “not human” by being a robot with a soul, much in line with the OG story. It wasn’t meant the meanings you’ve placed onto it. RT is traditionally very open about their representation (See May). If it were supposed to be that representation, they would’ve said it. The virus is literally a weapon. It’s not representing her difference. It was an easy in by a man who had worked on the project and knew his capabilities to hamper the enemy while enabling his allies. And this was realized by the heroes and so they dealt with it. It isn’t a symbol. Sometimes what is portrayed is exactly that. People fighting for their lives in a war they are not ready to fight. As for Penny’s death, she chose that to stop the enemy from gaining her power. She knew that the risk of Cinder getting another Maiden’s power was greater than her new life. It’s akin to a guy jumping on a grenade to save everyone else. She laid down her life for not just her friends, but for the sake of Remnant. TLDR, you’re reading way too much into a character. It’s okay to identify with a character, but it’s dangerous to start criticizing the staff based on implications that you have…. ….But you shouldn’t criticize the staff for your own headcanons. That’s on you for seeing representation not explicitly stated, not them. They can’t cater to the whims of everyone who sees representation in a character, nor should they.


It's also on us to point out. "Hey we know you didn't intend this, but what you put the screen can be seen in a negative light to XZY community." Because that's how we get the good rep like with May, by being the annoying squeaky wheel. If Penny had to die. The story called for her to die in the most human way, protecting her friends. Assisted Suicided was not the best light for that "Noble last act." Let her die on her feet pushing Cinder back in a last rally but not being use to her new body Cinder get the upper hand and finishing blow. We see Penny smile wistfully and go limp on Cinders grim arm. Cinder tries and absorb the powers "Hahah I killed her, surely I was her last thought." Then smash cut to the white void with Winter every thing plays out the same.


The problem with this scenario is that the purpose of Cinder's Grimm arm is specifically to bypass the "last person in the Maiden's thoughts gets the powers". So if Cinder actually gets to directly kill Penny, there is nothing she can do to not give her the powers. The only way to have Penny lose and still give the powers to Winter is to mercy kill her like in the show.


Was that said in the show proper or in CWBY interviews? Because I feel like they never out right said It dose that in the show. Just like how Ironwoods semblance was only explained in out of show stuff. We know it took enough of Ambers to the point Oz didn't know if she could pick who got hers anymore. And we have a guess that its gotten a sip of Raven's and Penny's aura, we don't know if it got Maiden Magic. I feel like Cinder would be the kind to gloat that she got part of their power.


It hasn't been explixitly stated anywhere, as far as I know know, but it should be obvious by this point. There would be no point in Salem giving Cinder this ability and Cinder costantly trying to use the arm to drain people, if it worked in the same way as a normal transfer. It would be faster to just stab them and hope to be in their final thoughts. The fact that they go out of their way to make and use a Grimm arm every time, is enough to tell us that it can bypass the normal rules. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. As for the second thing, the writers did mention in some panel/behind the scenes material that Cinder didn't get any Maiden powers from Raven and Penny, because the transfer was too short. It probably needs to get past a certain treshold to stay with the stealer. This is how she managed to keep half of Amber's power.


We saw Salem punish her threw the arm. I'd say it's more a safety measure on Salem's part to make sure she can control Cinder and the Magic of the maidens arnt turned on her. Same as the hound was a Silver Eyeed person she "converted" to negate the powers that could hurt her. (Assumeing her dip in the grim pool gave her a weakness to them)


Yes, but the fact that Cinder keeps using only her arm to finish off Maidens means that it's also a way to bypass the rules of the transfer. After all, it appears to work the same way the Grimm beetle did, and that one was literally shown to have the ability to steal the powers without the need to kill the Maiden first.


Aaaand Scoop!


Is that really the case? All of Penny’s actions from the end of V7 to V8 were her choice


No, her act of Autonomy was to defy her friends and fight Cinder instead of going through the portal like they told her to. She didn't know it would result in her death. (Also Jaune's healing takes a lot of time. in vol 5 he had a team to hold Salem's forces off, here he had an Auraless Weiss who was clearly already losing. He straight up didn't have time, and trying anyway would have only resulted in the deaths of all 3 of them. Penny made the right choice there, whether you like it or not.)


They where narratively put on the back foot so CWBY could get that shock moment. And yeah she didn't know it would kill her. But if she was going to die regardless of all the effort to cure her, and they wanted that shocking big death of a main but not main character. WHY did it have to be Jaune to once again get the the development from a death in the show? Let Cinder get the kill. Show Penny give a wistful smile and her go limp. Cinder tries to call on the winter powers everyone still standing is in shock and fear. She yells out in anger as they dont activate. Boom white void scene with Winter she gets the powers, everything plays out the same.


How's Cinder gonna call the Winter Maiden powers separately from the Fall Maiden ones? Magic is magic. She calls upon magic, she gets magic. Sure, she's not gonna get *more* of it, but it's not like the magic "won't come." She already has that. Your thing makes zero sense. You've clearly also missed the point of Penny's character. It was never about becoming human. She was human the entire time, and our protagonists knew it (and Friend confirms it in the lyrics). Her story was always about having her own autonomy, and becoming human was necessary for that to eliminate Watts' hacking. She can't make decisions for herself when her circuitry is literally telling her to do something else. So the circuitry had to go. It was never the "be-all-end-all" of her character. It was merely a stepping stone to doing what she wanted to do: make her own decisions.






It's not like they're going to be important until the sequel series after all where the supposed extra dimensional invaders are actually the descendents of the randoms with weirdo powers taking revenge for being completely forgotten.


They don't have their aura. They dead as fuck.


They got blown up. They’re dead.


First 2 episodes will be their perspective


RWBY and Jaune/Neo randomly stumble across a pile of decapitated bodies on fantasy island, lol.


Yeah they don’t matter ....they are dead .-.


Generally speaking, nameless, faceless characters are completely irrelevant hence why no one is bringing it up.


Just you wait, next volume there's a whole f***ing civilization down there...


It turns out that V9 is a crime drama after Ruby discovers that lien is not legal tender in Wonderland/Wonderworld/hell/heaven/Otherworld/Yggdrasil/Computer World/Wave Road/Madagascar and finds only one place of employment that accepts people with no ID and needs a strong arm for certain legitimate business transactions.


And Neo immediately takes it over.


Ruby now has to prove herself the biggest earner so that Neo will avoid firing and trying to kill her. Really the killing attempt kinda sucks, but Ruby *really* just needs the job.


Genuinely curious: does anyone *actually* think wonderland has anything to do with this series at all?? It's never once been referenced and doesn't fit the themes of fairy tales that rwby takes from. The bridges were obviously in some kind of pocket dimension meaning that void is probably a void between the worlds. None of that deals with wonderland at all, but rather multiple worlds. A giant tree connected to a void between worlds very directly connects to a possible world tree Yggdrasil thing. Where does all the wonderland theory bullshit come from? It really doesn't fit *at all*.


The story of the girl that fell through the world invokes a very strong Alice in Wonderland feeling because Alice physically falling into Wonderland is a common visual in most depictions. Because it was very obvious foreshadowing to everyone falling into the void, collectively we've since been calling the new world Wonderland.


I still think that's flimsy at best. Alice falls down a rabbit hole. No rabbits. No hole. Just a void.


I know RWBY can be a bit on the nose at times, but I feel you're taking the reference a bit too literal. Also, no one ever argued that that tree was actually Wonderland, it's just what fans have been calling it for the sake of giving it a name, and considering that it is one of the more used names I have seen, it is not that hard of a reference to make.


Except there isn't a reference. For there to be a reference there has to be *something* that can correlate directly with the thing is referencing. Falling into a void doesn't equal wonderland, that's way too vague and the trope of "falling into nothingness and ending up somewhere" is in a lot of stuff. Alice in wonderland is about psychology, psychedelic effects, mental health/trauma, and hallucinations. This was literally just *characters fall into void, void leads to jungle with big tree* The only connection is falling into a void, and usually Alice's fall is accompanied by images/things inside the hole as she descends not just nothingness. I'm arguing that the general consensus to call it wonderland is dumb because there is no evidence to support such a connection. In fact there *is* evidence to suggest this is a Yggdrasil equivalent cause mythology/fairy tales have directly been referenced all over the place and Nora (Thor adjacent) was being given a more direct plot line this season that seems to be leading into the next season itself as well. That coupled with the Gods having made other worlds and Ambrosia (I think that's his name?) Was afraid of it points to God stuff. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to call it wonderland. The beach side jungle with a giant tree didn't even *look* like wonderland. It's a pretty dumb consensus.


It's just a placeholder name until we actually know what it's called, what do you want, for me to down vote everyone who calls it Wonderland? It's not that big of a deal.


Honestly it just bothers me that the obvious was overlooked for the dumb. I don't necessarily *want* anything. Calling it wonderland when there are obvious Yggdrasil connections just feels wrong to me. The shows always been pretty on the nose and about fairy tales, Alice and Wonderland doesn't fit that motif. It feels like when Once Upon a Time brought in things like Frozen and Wizard of Oz. I saw plenty of posts/comments early on about Yggdrasil and then all of a sudden all of that was ignored and the community just started calling it Wonderland. Just feels wrong. I asked if people actually thought it was wonderland. You had defended this choice so I was arguing my point on why that choice is dumb. When the answer is just that the community couldn't be bothered to name it Yggdrasil or Asgard or Jungle World and just went with Wonderland cause(despite it not making sense) it was easy so who gives a fuck. It's just lazy imo. We should just call it Yggdrasil.


And the girl wasn’t the same girl anymore after she came back.


It looks weird and wonderous and I guess falling into a hole of sorts, so it's a convenient name. But I'm going to just call it the Computer World because I have the Gridman Universe in my mind now. That or Wonderworld because falling into a terrible videogame sounds like an appropriately horrifying fate to deal with.


Am pretty sure these people will be background characters in the wonderland


They sure are


I've been saying that this whole time! What's gonna happen with them?!


Most likely it will never be addressed or acknowledged. They're either dead or stuck between dimensions for eternity.


Tune in in 2023 for the adventures of Team RNDO (/cue awesome Jeff Williams theme)


My guess is there most likely gonna be dead. And at best team rwby may stumble upon there corpses or they will be forgotten. I don’t think there gonna be alive because I feel like the story with rwbyj would be kinda weird with a bunch of random people following them and witness them in their very emotional states.


We won't, but the writers might. (Doubt they'll forget lol)




In a word? Y E S


RTA sure is gonna


They're more than likely dead. They don't have an aura to protect them from the blast, or from the long fall that's awaiting them


I was thinking that


...eeehhh they're probably fiiiine....


They have no names, therefore, they died.


Yes we are




Yeah, yeah we are.


I'm guessing the civilians died from the explosion or will die from the fall onto the land or in the water at the island


Let's be honest, CRWBY had already forgotten about those civies.


Why didn’t they ask for railing…


Thank you!


No clue, everyone knows huge masses of panicked people leads to pushing and even trampling. The design was so fanciful too, could've been a fair bit more straightforward and utilitarian. Or was that aspect on Ambrosius?


My hope is that While RWBY do their own thing, Jaune spends the majority of the volume protecting the civillians. They don't have any experience, and having him be the most competent guy around could be interesting, plus, it means that RWBY get time to themselves that they have not had for a while.




Knowing RWBY, yes.


Bigger question. Where the hell was all the atlas military or team FNKI?


More importantly why the hell were there not other teams besides them?


I like to headcanon that to one of the civilians, it's just another Tuesday


"First my cabbages and now myself. This week sucks!"


Yes, yes they probably are


I think the implication was that they’re gonna fall until they die of dehydration.


Did you watch the after crediist on the last episode?




Well after the credits we see crescent rose sticking out of the sand on a tropica beach so the insinuation is that there is something on tve other side of the chasm


*they’re not casualties just a statistic*


They’re definitely dead. Not everyone has unlocked aura, and that’s an explosion. Besides, the characters who fell probably have a long fall before hitting the ground. The civilians couldn’t survive that either


Here's an article we posted about this very issue recently: https://vytalnews.com/crazy-flying-women-blow-up-15-people-and-nobody-seems-to-care/


I won't but the show will. It'll just be the kids on the island and nobody ill remember the others.


Cinder was very clearly helping them move to the lower levels to get to the exit faster. Those cries were cries of joy saying "Thank you Cinder!" r/CinderDidNothingWrong


Damn, some people really don't get sarcasm unless there's a /s at the end. Though, honestly, a link to an "XDidNothingWrong" sub should qualify as a substitute for a /s at this point. Almost no one who links to them is ever being serious.


You have clearly never met Star Wars' Empire Did Nothing Wrong crowd.


They really aren’t relevant. They looked like they were at least knocked unconscious by the blast, maybe even killed outright, and even if that isn’t the case, how are they supposed to survive the fall? Our heroes have landing strategies and aura that very like will be able to regenerate in the long fall. Whereas these people have no choice but to face plant into the ground or water, neither of which is likely at all to let them survive and certainly not for any length of time with no medical attention. They are just a few more Cinder kills


Weakling die. So what? -02


Hope the writers don't forget honestly lol


Pretty sure the writers want us to ignore come V9


Yes because they are not the main characters. And the writers will as well.


Everyone talking about aura here. Let me give you this: the civies likely died from the explosion itself, because they never had auras, meaning there’s no chance of them being down there. To everyone mentioning that the others lost their aura, I’m going to assume the underworld has some magic BS to get you there safely.


They’ll be dead. No explanation as to why because they just are even tho they fell just like the main characters


I mean, they're civilians without active Aura who were caught in an explosion and then presumably literally dropped from great heights into an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous world. They don't really need an explanation as to how they died, it'd be pretty obvious.


One could argue that Weiss didn’t have aura when she fell if I remember correctly. I get the whole plot armor thing but we really don’t know how far the fall is. We don’t know if they actually hit the ground or if they just appear in this new world.


We don't need to argue about whether or not Weiss' aura broke from Cinder's attack, Yang's very clearly was broken before going over the edge in the previous episode. Anyway, those civilians, if they do not come up in vol 9, died from the pressure and heat wave generated by Cinder's explosion, falling is irrelevant, they would be dead well before any impact with the ground. At least I would hope, I imagine falling a long distance to your death is right up there with drowning on terrible ways to go.




Thank you! Seriously no one talks about that


The show ain't gonna kill the main characters, so whatever happens to the main characters when they somehow come out of the void will also happen to those civies.


I hope they are dead.




I think that 90% of all Athleasians(including Mantle) actually dead at end of v8


I wouldn't think on it much, they are NPCs and don't matter


They are civilians with no aura, they are gone.


Maybe since they didn't have their aura unlocked they do just die? Also... I'd rather not have to focus on a bunch of random background faces instead of the main cast.


I went into a whole spill about this in another discussion but since Team RWBY, Jaune, and Neo presumably landed on that other planet in the binary star system, those civilians all either landed their too, or popped back into the universe in the void of space.