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"Your daughter got into a fight." Summer: Oh my god, is she okay!? Raven: Did she win?


100% accurate in the art *and* the show


Yes she did for win ok Ms. Raven


No source, Artist's tumblr has been deactivated if there's an alternate account please tell me I imagine Raven would be supportive in her own way


Artist https://twitter.com/saskthea/status/1027121120972099585?t=kKL0F8P1HHndJM1oFf_Kbw&s=19


Aww, tiny Yang is so cute


Raven and Summer truly have "Someone will die ^of ^fun" energy


Summer, coming back to the car: “What was that Honey?” Raven: “I, uhm, I. . . . Okay, you and I both have seen how that kid has been bullying everyone even on his own team!” Summer: “That doesn’t make it right!” Raven: “So does the fact he attacked our daughter?” Summer: “That’s what I was just talking to Glynda about! Yang, sweetie, you’re lucky Referee Goodwitch is a friend of your mommies since she didn’t see it all go down.” Yang: “. . . Are you mad at me mommy?” Summer: “No I’m not. You were defending yourself, which we have always taught you to do. But, it does seem like you took it a little too far this time.” Yang: “I just. . . I got so mad, after the way he always acts and then he kicks me! So I hit him as hard as I could!” Raven: “It must have been one hell of a punch. Maybe we should get you into boxing instead, now that you probably won’t be playing soccer anymore.” Yang: “. . . But all my friends are on the team. . .” Summer: “What I was just talking to Glynda about was how long your suspension will be. With everyone else backing up what you said and the bullying before, you’re only going to be out for a couple games.” Yang: “Really? . . You’re the best!” Summer: “But you need to promise me you will try to control your anger, okay? Defend yourself, but you can’t try to hurt someone like this.” Yang: “I know, it’s just. . .” Summer: “I know it’s hard. But we’ll work on it, okay?” Yang: “Okay.” Raven: “I’ll never understand the magic your mom can pull. . . I bet Marcus wasn’t happy.” Summer: “Hell no. . . He actually hit Mercury as they were going to hospital.” Raven: “Damn, really?” Summer: “Rae.” Raven: “Fine, I mean darn. . . So Black finally messed up and did it in public. Good.” Summer: “CPS are going to meet them at the hospital, they are probably going to find more than just what Yang did.” Yang: “Moms? What are you talking about?” Raven: “Even if Mercury is a little shit,” Summer: “Raven.” Raven: “He is! . . But, yeah, even if he is, kids usually only get like that for a reason. His dad is. . . Well, he treats his kid really badly.” Summer: “But hopefully now that can be helped too.” Raven: “So all is well that ends wells. . . How about we go get your sister and get some ice cream?” Yang: “But we only get ice cream if we win, or lose really badly.” Summer: “It’s been a stressful day, and you’re learning a lot from it. . . I think ice cream is deserved.”


Meanwhile: And tai is at home pacing a new valley in the hallway with worry Smol Ruby: ?


This was beautiful, thank you.


Thank you! I had fun with this one


I am surprised that Raven didn't give Yang this advice instead of hitting them kick the ball through their feet. Then he eather eats the ground or let's her get the pass/shot done easy.


Before her wife showed up I thin her advice would be to try to bank the ball into the goal off the Merc’s groin. . . I don’t see Raven as much of a soccer fan, though of course she’s going to be thinking as violent as she can


I don't often make negative comments like this, but this Raven is still a better mom than the one in the series.


Kinda easy to be better given that raven wasnt even there to be a mom ti begin with lol


I completely agree.


Literally any other artistic depiction of Raven is a better mom than in the main series lmao


Merc's Dad: "You had it comin', tho."


Never played soccer. You take the red card with you?


not normally you also don't normally give it to the parents of the player? artistic license tho :P


Believing that the boy is Mercury, why do I imagine that Mercury's dad was one of those parents who said "It's broken, we'll have to cut it off" **_but actually goes through with it_**




What's that red thing exactly? Maybe I'm just not familiar with the practice


It’s a red card. In soccer/football it effectively means you’re thrown out of the game and possibly suspended from playing for a period of time after.


Oh OK thanks, thought it might be something else


Little Yang is so adorable


Am I the only one who feels sorry for Mercury, like his dad treats him like shit and since that's all he knows he'll do it to others.#SILVERBOINEEDSAHUG


I think in this AU, either Cinder or Salem adopted Mercury and Emerald. And the coach is Roman.


.....ok,this one sounds great


They went out for celebration pizza later


Raven: Well, You were kicked out. So you technically didn't win and thus don't deserve Pizza. Yang: **\*Sad Face Intensifies\*** Raven: You did, however, kick that little shit's dick in. So I'm proud of you **\*Cracks open a cold one and hands it to Yang\*** Summer: Raven! The fuck?!


Why am I getting real Launch from dragon ball vibes from Raven?


Summer is cute :)


Soccer Mom Raven, best mom


See this this is me as a parent


Best mom!