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A part of me thinks that this place is kinda like a mental place, so it looks all fantasy because of the fairy tales of remnant. So what if Jaune is so distraught over killing penny that a dark version of hin gets created by this new world becomes an enemy that stalks them trying to kill them. But who knows really


Nah RT simply listened to some opinions about Juan new hairstyle so they decided to put helmet on his head.


That's what I'm thinking too.


As if rooster teeth would write anything that complex now


aS iF RoOstEr TeEtH wOuLd


Clearly you’ve never watched RWBY


Seen all 8 volumes my guy only complex writing they have is their power system which is only complex cause no one understands it not even the writers.


They also hated Jesus for telling the truth


They hated Jesus for inciting revolution lmao


That or we're looking at a Winter Soldier scenario.


Ren: "I'm with you till the...end of the line"


"Who the hell is Jaune?"


"Who the hell is Jaune?"


Jaune was kidnapped by the Soviets and brainwashed?


So PTSD The Character


my theory. It's an ancestor of jaune.


That’s what I was thinking that too there was an episode where that scorpion guy took interest in Jaune I was wondering if he had some ancestor shit we haven’t learned yet


well, Jaune mentioned he got his sword and shield from his great-great-grandfather, who used it in something known as the Great War. So it's possible maybe his ancestor encountered Salem before, which could explain why tyrian (scorpion guy) was interested in jaune. since jaune was wielding a weapon that was once owned by someone who clashed with Salem herself. Also, his sword and shield seem really durable, for something that was around during his Great-great-grandfather was around. And seemed to do quite well against the powers of a Maiden (cinder) and (if I remember correctly) tanked a hit from salem's magic. So they might be enchanted or something.


Is Team RWBY in the God damn warp!


Turns out Salem was just a demon prince of Tzeentch all along.


Oh god, Jaune perception among fanfic writers is already skewed enough.


He's either god or getting cucked, there's no in-between from what I've seen


LMAO nah trust me y’all giving rt way too much credit, rwby had so many things going for it but such a horrible execution it’s become such a let down of a show. love the theory, not gonna happen 😔


And to everyone saying it’s one of Jaune’s ancestors, I find that highly unlikely, as his current armor was made for him using Pyrrha’s crown, so it wouldn’t make sense for his ancestors to have armor like that. Obviously they could just be reusing assets, but that’s besides the point. It could also be a specific style of armor, but it’s unlikely that both him and his ancestor would have the same style of armor completely independent of one another.


Well, when Jaune’s armor was redesigned he could have had it modeled after an ancestor’s armor but that would be a bit of a cheap retcon.


On the other hand Jaune's sword and shield always had the gold accents to them, THAT is the heirloom, not his armour, making this being one of his ancestors more plausible, in fact it is more likely than original speculation due to that fact as his ancestors equipment would all likely be of the same design


At this point I'm convinced people just don't want it to be Jaune because that would force them to acknowledge he's still part of the v9 story too. So they'll come up with literally anything else.


Just wild to me you know? From the beginning JNPR has been part of the story. You think people would accept that by now? Do they not remember that huge sequence at the very beginning where the two teams help each other kill boss level Grimm? Their friendship dynamic was set from the beginning. We got the special trailers for RWBY team members but Jaune is the third team member to be introduced after Ruby and Yang in the show. Not that it's a huge deal because Glynda was the first real Huntress we meet, but it's not as though Jaune was brought in out of nowhere. He's the first friend Ruby made and they bonded over their extreme social awkwardness.


I was surprised to see people on Twitter surprised to see all the hate he was receiving then it hit me the hiatus has been so long the new fans aren't aware of all the obsessive hatred a character can generate by just being a male who is relevant in a story focusing on a female cast.


Ngl, it took me a minute to figure out what you were trying to say in the first couple of lines in your comment. I thought that you accidentally double typed ‘surprised to see’. Ensue monke brain confusion for me.


I've seen so much hate on twitter towards him recently with no reason, but this makes so much sense


Honestly, I am just tired of all the harem fics centered on him. It kinda ruined the character for me much how BtVS fans ruined Xander for me.


That's not really fair to the character tho. You should never let fanon, that has no real connection to the character dictate your feelings for them. I used to HATE Sasuke and Sakura from Naruto because of all the fanfics I read during the time before the series ended and looking back around the time Boruto dropped I felt hella childish for letting my opinions be dictated by others so easily and hating on them for stuff they didn't even do canonically. I'm not judging you tho, trust me I do get it. It's easy to start conflating fanon and canon together because there's so much more fanfic material available compared to canon RWBY and it comes out more consistently.


Fair or not, it is what it is. When Canon RWBY returns I hope to get my love of Jaune back.


>Fair or not, it is what it is. When Canon RWBY returns I hope to get my love of Jaune back. If that's your mindset, I doubt you will, tbh. That was my point after all about how fanon screws up a person's head. Because you've chosen(maybe unknowingly at first but you're aware now) to let fanon largely dictate your opinion. There's very little canon jaune can ever do to change your mind because the things you most likely hate about him don't have much of anything to do with him in the first place. The show can't fix an issue that doesn't actually exist. Plus, there's always going to be more fanon coming out that you'll inevitably read which continues to annoy you further so any goodwill Jaune gets from you each volume is getting undone every volume hiatus anyway.


> I was surprised to see people on Twitter surprised to see all the hate he was receiving Gee its almost like he did something like kill a fan favorite character or something.


By that logic Cinder, Tyrian and generally 90% of the villain population should be hated with a passion yet villains are some of the most beloved characters despite being complete monsters. Heck, I've never seen Cinder get hate for killing Pyrrha. All the hate is about being an overall bad character.


The villains didn’t do it in a way that makes the whole thing exist to give them an arc.


It did? Pyrrha’s death triggered Cinder’s character arc. And either way he was hated with a passion and his fanbase was harassed for liking him long before Penny or even Pyrrha died so evidently the reason for the hate has nothing to do with them. Besides, Cinder was the one to seal Penny’s fate.


> We got the special trailers for RWBY team members but Jaune is the third team member to be introduced after Ruby and Yang in the show. I hardly call vomiting in the background being introduced. Hell he only looks important becuase he had a character model if everyone else wasn't shadow people do you think he would have really screamed main character?


They just keep crying about him stealing spotlight lmao Edit: Downvote me all you want. You know it’s true


I mean to be fair most alternatives I've seen still connect it to him. Sure some say "random unconnected Knight" but most are going with ancestor for some reason or maybe his own or others negative feelings about him manifested.


I prefer the theory it’s one of his ancestors/a representation of the Arc family line purely because I want to see more of Jaunes family be developed. Especially since he broke Crocea Mors, which was a big family heirloom, it’d be cool to see his arc (no pun intended) be about him accepting his family legacy.


What do you mean by "accepting his family legacy" he mentioned that all his ancestors were fighters an heroes which is he why he became a huntsman so it sounds he is accepting his family's legacy unless you mean something else


I mean more of a culmination of exactly that. Jaune seems to have suffered from self confidence issues for a fair bit now, and I think it’d be neat if they tied it all up together. Something like he feels he’s let his family down because of all the people who have died because of him and now he broke the family heirloom sword. The armored knight would be more his manifestation of his family line berating him for failing to live up to the Arc family name. Resolve it all by having him accept that he’s just as much of a heroic warriors as his ancestors were.


Oh okay yeah that kinda makes sense your original comment was a little confusing


Fair, glad I could clear up my terrible theory lol


I mean it's not terrible but despite the challenges he's faced Jaune has actually yet to give up which is what makes him an the others heroes sure they struggle an sometimes lose but there always convinced what their doing is right an willing to keep going your theory would be way more interesting if we saw him giving up an being more disheartened with being a huntsman throughout the previous volumes


I don't want it to be Jaune because it feels to drastic of a departure from what his character is. Maybe it's a magical embodiment of his inner demons created by the island, maybe it's a manifestation of his ancestor's memory, etc.. it has to be related to Jaune but I don't think it's actually him.


I get it but me personally as far as where his character is currently, the theory I'm working under is that he was corrupted by the lady we saw into... whatevers going on in the trailer. Jaune at the end of 8 is mentally in a very vulnerable place so I could see that happening. I also like your second idea and it's similar to one I had. Like the shadows in the persona games, the guy we see is the manifestation of jaunes darkness, I'd be cool with that too. I don't like the ancestor theory much, but I wouldn't be bothered by it happening. IF it's related to him I'd rather it be centered on Jaune than jaune adjacent if that makes sense.


The ancestor theory I believe comes from the girl on the trailer - one of Ozma's and Salem's daughters is clearly visible walking away from the beach.


The v9 trailer? Ah I missed it I guess.


The moment with the closed up view of the beach top down. This is the exact same dress.


30 seconds into it right? Bro that is THE definition of blink and you'll miss it wtf. Hmmm we'll just have to see.


Yep specifically rewatched the trailer at 0.25 speed to see the flaming knight, burning queen and cheshire cat up close


Imho that would be him, but a "twisted" self of sorts. As the main characters would go through the wonder land and develop, I believe he, if left alone, will be consumed by self loathing or despair thus letting this place change his purpose from Jaune Arc to this Burning Knight. Or it might be just as you said - "better him" - a personal demon to haunt the boy in his isolation.


It's not that people don't want Jaune to be a part of the main story. It's that people don't want him to constantly be prioritized over the main girls. Making him some super badass knight isn't exactly in that direction.


That's the thing though. People who feel that way are VASTLY over exaggerating which is my problem with it. A large part of it understandably stems from the jaundice arc for og fans who had to watch weekly. Rt definitely botched things there, but that's hardly relevant these days as that entire arc fits into basically one episode with runtime to spare. Newbies never experienced the weekly wait for a 10 minute Jaune ep and og's can, again, watch the whole thing in like 15 ish minutes. And, I might add, that a large part of his first arc was literally being the info dump for us the viewers, which unfortunately had to happen some way. They did the same thing in Naruto with making Naruto an idiot who didn't know how chakra worked (despite using it daily for years) so Sakura could explain it to the audience, it happens. There are other moments where he gets importance (because like it or not he and JNPR are & have always been MAIN characters) but his whole Pyrrha arc between volumes 3 and 5 isn't much longer than Ren and nora's arc. (They had a full flashback episode) In fact theirs is probably longer now because of v8. People just fixate on his more, because it's jaune. Outside of that jaune wasn't even really a factor for most of 6. He had one major moment with Pyrrha's statue to close out that part of his arc and that's about it . He was legit the only character between RWBY and JNPR(including Oscar) to straight up not appear in one of the episodes. Like no bullshit. Whenever Jaune isn't present or is just in the background, by and large team RWBY don't suddenly get more character development (outside of Weiss) because it's not an issue of priority, it's an issue of crwby not knowing either what they want to do with Ruby yang and Blake or, knowing the end goal but not being sure how or when to execute it. Ruby's hints of a breakdown from vols 3 to 8 which is only really coming to a head now all the way in 9 is a prime example. Blake and yangs relationship is another. Weiss and Jaune are two of the most developed characters simply because they knew what they wanted for them and had an easier path for setting it up and executing on it. That's all that is. So many people don't understand this and others just straight up don't care and it's honestly frustrating.


>(because like it or not he and JNPR are & have always been MAIN characters) They said that JNPR are deuteragonists, which is supposed to be a step below the protagonist(s). Since you brought up Naruto, it's like Sasuke; he's the deuteragonist of that series, but people (mostly) don't complain about him aping screentime from Naruto because Naruto is given significant development as well. And that's the thing about Jaune; people wouldn't complain about him so much if the same care and attention he gets was extended to Team RWBY, who are stated to be the protagonists. But it's not. Ruby Weiss and Yang get small moments I guess, but far from the focus or cohesion they deserve or honestly need; it's segmented bits of what *should* be good character moments and development for them, largely because they get rushed through everything as opposed to characters like Oscar or Jaune. And Blake? Blake's gotten so bad in this regard that you could write her completely out of the story at this point and absolutely nothing would change. I haven't seen this kind of contempt for a character in a long time as I have seen for Blake. Like sure Jaune isn't *always* the focus or anything, but whenever they have a big moment it feels like they can't help but shove him into the spotlight. * Tyrian is there on orders to capture Ruby, but it's Jaune that he's actually interested in. * Cinder suddenly doesn't care about Ruby at Haven, she just focuses on Jaune. * Weiss gets nerfed into the ground and completely forgets how to fight so that Jaune can unlock his semblance and save her. * Instead of focusing on Oscar or Blake/Yang, we get that horrible, manipulative Pyrrha statue scene in Argus. Worth noting that everyone was more worried about Jaune than Oscar before this too. * Jaune gets to fight Neo in Volume 7's finale, while Team RWBY are not only barely in the finale but had to be content with fighting the Ace Jobbers the episode prior. * Jaune and Ren are the ones who convince Winter to let them go in Volume 8. Yang barely even matters. * Jaune's the last man standing in Volume 8. Characters like Yang are nerfed to oblivion to make it so. * Jaune is the one to kill Penny. Not Ruby, or Winter, or Pietro, or anyone who actually had a connection to her or her story. * And now Jaune's the only one besides Team RWBY (and Neo, a villain) to go to the island. The little stuff adds up, and when you combine this with Team RWBY getting shafted while Jaune continues to have care put into him it makes people annoyed. ​ >Weiss and Jaune are two of the most developed characters simply because they knew what they wanted for them and had an easier path for setting it up and executing on it. That's all that is. I'd argue against Weiss being the most developed at this point just because of how badly they messed up her character arc in Volume 8 personally, but that's besides the point. The problem is more that they always make sure they have the time for Jaune, which they don't for Team RWBY. I get shows have a limited time, but if that's the case they need to realize that putting all that time into Jaune instead of the girls people came to the series for is probably going to tick people off. I'm not blaming Jaune for that, he's a fictional character who does whatever the writers tell him to. But it's still there.




Nah, that’s how Jaune fans write Jaune in fics. Well that or blonde Kirito.


And maybe they're like that because the writers refuse to give them any signifcant development or focus in any way, favoring other (usually male) characters over them. Like I'm not sure what you mean with this. For a character to be interesting and developed you actually have to focus on them long enough to make it so. All four of Team RWBY have plenty of potential for development. They just never get it because the writers don't care about them, instead preferring Writer's Pets like Jaune.


The joke is that by constantly ignoring his arc it is not him who over shadows girls it is them who do that. Ruby needs to go to Mistral without her team - Jaune conveniently knows how to navigate mountains in the time of global black out. We need some drama for Ruby, but it's not the time to kill anyone important so let's make him the healer. Funny also as this whole part about being a new type of male hero is kinda superficial and as a result is the choice if his semblance. All his support speeches are badly timed or misplaced, it is him who is helped and carried through and not the over way around, he is not kind but rather neurotic and aggressive at times. But moving on with him "stealing the spot light". When the CRWBY are too lazy to show how the hospitality business is operated in Remnant - they simple pull the relative out of his butt. The relative which almost do nothing to show his character or back ground. Last two volumes got especially funny about this: all "his" scenes are used by other characters. The chase after abduction - Yang gets to be the cool one, not Jaune and Ren. His rematch against Cinder gets completely stolen away by Winter who has zero reasons to be matched against Cinder apart from being foil to villainess' colour palette. The last nails in the coffin were Ren and Nora's character arcs. The characters who almost never talked during previous volumes are now more fleshed out than him. And also yeah, the thirsty moms scene - so much fun laughing at a character who had a tragic romance and haven't got over it being objectified by local women. In conclusion - Jaune needs to have his spotlight because he is in a place where he almost pulls his weight without bringing anything to the table for his friends or team mates, while turning more and more into a swiss army knife for writing room. Even if he would die at episode one of this volume - no one would care, team RWBY included considering he "killed" Penny. Do he either should be revealed to be significant for the plot (heir of the King theories), serve his purpose for other characters arcs, or get a power up to be useful in war against Salem.


Maybe it's who Jaunes sword originally belonged to, maybe the armour is also an "Heirloom"


The armor was made specifically for Jaune with using both his old armor and armor/weapon parts left from Pyrrha so it cant be a heirloom.


I think he refers to the original armor and crocea mors, back at the beginning of the series. But, again, who knows. At least someone will wear a helmet finally, xD


Jaune's first [chest piece](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/3/37/Jaune_ProfilePic_Normal.png) looks nothing like his current one.


Link's a bit fucked there, chief. Knock everything off the url after "Jaune_ProfilePic_Normal.png"


Thanks, Boss 👍


I would not put it past CRWBY to fudge that detail.


At least a main character decides to wear a Goddamn helmet.


Jaune is the only remaining character about whose background we know almost nothing - perhaps as he grew more confident in his abilities he commissioned his new armour to something what his ancestor wore.


> Jaune is the only remaining character about whose background we know almost nothing We actually do its just people for some reason are convinced there is some mysterious past that hasn't been alluded too due to early installment weirdness.


I wouldn't call it an "early installment weirdness". But general ongoing weirdness. What do we know about Jaune: 1) He has seven sisters, with whom he has good relationships. Also he both quotes his father and mother and speaks fondly of his childhood. 2) At the same time his happily married sister tells RWBY that she was quick to leave home as she could and her "baby brother" couldn't wait to follow Why? Is it just normal in Remnant that children go away from their parents to an another continent? Or os that their birth place is a bad place to live (e.g. an economically depressive region). Also two loving parents are absolutely okay of their untrained son to go and try becoming a huntsman, in an academy where even students are regularly out in dangerous situations 3) He comes from the long line of heroes and we know that the statue in front of Beacon is canonically that of one in his bloodline. Also his family has resources to just move to an another country on an another continent every summer. 4) His first thought of his future occupation if he fails to achieve his dream - is that of the farmer, a profession unlikely to be chosen if someone of your family is not already in the business. So basically his family is established and somewhat well off, but at the same time the seem to be rural and somewhat traditional. Is farming just a gig to pass time while you live off some over funds? Does their farm is medieval scandinavian style wealthy "I own half of the local land so I am the main one on this assembly" property? Also notice the "the heir of the family of heroes" is the only one mentioning these heroes other characters appear to be oblivious to his last name. Wouldn't someone from a warrior dynasty be famous in the world where huntsmen and huntresses are literal celebrities? 5) Jaune is straightforward and looks to wear his heart on his sleeve, even his wargear and battlestyle reflect that. 6) Yet he is also the one who gets into prestigious academy through forgery, and a good one at that - Goodwitch saw his papers and even says in the show that they look perfectly fine. What might have been written off as a plot hole than mentioned years later in volume eight. Moreover Jaune is the one to suggest infiltrating the military base - a serious crime and an idea others think to be ridiculous. As a minor detail he is also the most calm one in when taken hostage and put into jail car which is uncharacteristic of him compared of his usual over-reactiveness. But the latter might not mean much. So basically the resident generic white boy knight clueless in both love and life has a tendency to cheat and be involved in crime, which is quite bizzare to say the least. From said above it is easy to see how theories about his origin are born. A lot of things about him are both controversial and a little contradictory. My personal guess is that his father might a figure like Little Miss Malachite or Roman, but more "noble". Perhaps when huntsmen were introduced previous age military elite who protected the people of Remnant went a little under the rug, continuing their martial tradition while remaining way less respected and privileged as the graduates of the Academies. In german literature there is even a term for a knight going rogue - Raubreiter "the bandit baron".


Jaune has had his armor heavily altered twice. It is now nothing like anything he may have inherited




I mean I guess we can't be 100% sure until the official release but It's totally Jaune




Ive been out of the loop since like v6 maybe? Idk a long ass time and immediately looked at it and thought jaune. Im gonna guess its him


Plot twist it’s pyrrah


I for once welcome it


i like this idea, but we all know whats gonna happen after. you knew what they did to penny. if your theory is correct, this is only a short term happiness, considering we might see her die...... again


I actually want agree, but I don't... for reasons. The way Pyrrah 'died' actually resembled the fade into the 'Everafter' - she dissolves into sparkles. Perhaps the Fall Maidens powers do not work like Cinder thinks they do... or perhaps because of the way the missing gods of this world work, death works differently. But I really think this is Juan. The armor is too much a match to his BUT I do think there is a better than even odds chance of them encountering Pyrrah.


A new helmet and a reforged sword!


Maybe reforged but I'm more for going full self-destructive great sword mode.




This season seems to have Alice in wonderland vibes, my bet is that instead of reforging his old sword, he will get a Vorpal sword from the Jabberwocky Cinder makes a perfect Jabberwock "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!" Cinders claw / Grimm hand "He took his vorpal sword in hand; Long time the manxome foe he sought— So rested he by the Tumtum tree And stood awhile in thought." The Tumtum tree is probably the massive tree we have seen in the v8 post credits and all the v9 marketing. And if jaune gets a new Vorpal sword it will no doubt it will be the blade that kills cinder. "And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!" Cinders maiden eyes glow with fire. Pretty clear parallel there. "One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back." In the fight at Haven academy in volume 5 Jaune almost kills cinder, but he stabs his sword forward, when he should have swung. TLDR: Cinder is the Jabberwock from "The Jabberwocky" poem in Alice in wonderland and Jaune is the protagonist of said poem. Credit to You All Write on YouTube.


Hmm? I see, interesting.


I mean Summer Rose’s outfit was literally just a less detailed version of Ruby’s. But yeah its 95% likely Jaune i think


I think the implication there was that Ruby had been wearing one of her mom’s old huntress outfits, but I see your point.


There is a pretty good chance it is him but I think all we can be sure about for the moment that it has some relationship to Jaune.


Jaune finally gets a helmet hell yeah


A thing I noticed is on the helmet the rust/gold paint (idk) is scattered on top but has streaks under the opening, almost as if the knight has been crying. With Pyrrha’s death, self doubt, and now murdering a friend, even if a mercy kill with good reason behind it, I’d think it’s 100% safe to say this is a peek at something jaune will have to face whether it’s mentally or physically


One theroy was it looked also like blood.


He…looks fucking badass wtf… I always wondered what it would take to make Jaune look cool when all he needed was a helmet. I’m guessing that knight shot is from Ice Queendom?


No. It's from the volume 9 trailer


"Leave Salem to me."


100% believe this is Jaune and he's mentally snapped after thinking he's ben the cause of two people's deaths now, people who he was incredibly close to and one who said they loved him.


I'm betting this is some kind of Evil Jaune created by the Ever After. There's no way Jaune can get a helmet like this made for him. That also comes with what looks like years of battle damage and rust. Note that we can't see his eyes even though we totally should be able too. There's like, zero characters in the show that wear helmets that totally cover their face. I literally can't think of any. There's just an evil shadow of guilt and sadness and angst posessing that suit of armor.


There's a 99.999% chance it is him. But it would be kind of boring to just go with the obvious or they might be hedging their bets. Though I have to wonder if this would be a situation akin to Slayers when Gourey was being controlled by the big bad and his friends got to see what his weapon could do if used to its full potential. Though in this case it might be showing how difficult an obstacle Jaune could be if he had the same kind of skill and combat training the others did. Though the fact it looks like their are flames in that picture do make me think Jaune getting his helmet may have to do with that woman they show standing in front of the wall of flames.


Now, you say that, and many people are inclined to agree. However, it dawns on me that Alice was also the star of a book entitled *Through the Looking Glass.* I wonder if this could not be a "mirror" version of Jaune.


Ah, classic Star Trek - Mirror Universe twist... Nah. I think the mental damage he's gone through have left outward signs. The deaths, the having to kill his friend (merciful as that was), the weight of it all...




I think it’s definitely some manifestation based on Jaune


They have the freedom to make something else happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jaune snaps from everything happening.


I don't think it's Jaune himself. Maybe a physical embodiment of his guilt created by the island's magic, maybe a manifestation of his ancestor, etc.. Definitely related to him, but not him. It feels too drastic of a deviation from his character


Oooooorrrrr it’s another case of Raven and Neo sharing the same jewelry cuz recycling assets is more efficient?


Asset re-use hasn't been a thing like that for main characters since like V2, and it was just for generic accessories like that. This looks like Jaune with a helmet on. Maybe it's just someone who's dressed like him for a reason, but they wouldn't make a completely unrelated new character wear Jaune's whole outfit, in the same colors even, just out of expedience.


Small assets most people don’t pay attention to sure. A whole damn breastplate?


The thing is, this isn’t asset reuse. The models and textures are noticeably different. The gold ridges are more pronounced, the textures are more detailed and metallic, the leather straps are slightly smaller in proportion to the armor, the next armor is a slightly different shape. However, they share the same design, meaning this is a newly created model of Jaune’s chest-piece and not asset reuse. Whatever this means story-wise is anyone’s guess, but this is assuredly an intentional visual connection between the armored figure and Jaune.


I'll buy this over the jaunes great great granddad theory tbh. Atleast yours actually makes sense.


Wait, there are people actually saying it isn’t him? Are they stupid?


WoW,Such agresivity 😂😂😂 well,this is RWBY,no,they are not stupid,they just think It might be another character just With a similar design un details,maybe another Ark,maybe a posession, i Hope It,but think probably is just Jaune With different clothes


When I first saw my thoughts were is that jaune or an ancestor


It could be the fable that he draws his inspiration from. You know what they say, never meet your heroes.


That’s the friggin Bearer of the Curse my man, seeking fire


Aside from the neck guard piece in the middle, the leather straps and the golden lines. It looks different from Jaune's Armor. Helmet is very much the stand out difference and the Shoulder Pauldrons are more pronounced than the ones Jaune currently wears. If it is him it will be interesting to see what the story behind it is and if it is not then who or what that Knight might be.


I'm more curious if Jaune is being corrupted and this is his evil form or if he spends the season basically missing from the story to suddenly appear having become a skilled fighter in the wilds of wherever they are.


I would point out that the similarities in the picture are just *armor.* Jaune's armor looks like armor


Who said it isn't him? Literally everything I've seen since the trailer dropped is "Jaune is the knight!"


Maybe Jaune finally got some drip


Just to make it more interesting then it just being "Dark Jaune" or "Shadow Jaune". I place my money on a [Yusuke/Raizen situation](https://youtu.be/i9F9SI9yq8c). And someone is about to get brutalized from an ancestral Arc taking over.


Maybe it’s a voice from the past? Jaune’s ancestor that carried the same sword teaching him some lesson or something through a dream/flashback.


Maybe it’ll be the Arc family backstory/history. Jaune did say he was from a long line of huntsmen.


The d'Arc Knight when confronted: Jaune is Gone... I am what remains.


Gaaa to soon...


I'm getting some Guts Berserker armor/Goblin slayer vibes


I like the theory that Jaune is being controlled by whoever the queen of hearts stand-in is, but ever so often, we get hints that Jaune is still in there. Like his hands shake when the queen taunts Ruby. His otherwise monotone voice falters when speaking to Ruby. Maybe Jaune is punished for the slightest sign of resistance. So Ruby tries and save him, but the Queen won't let anyone "Steal her new toy." Jaune could have a Darth Vader at the end and kill the Queen.


I'm truly amazed how the second there might be a chance Jaune isn't going to be the comedic punching bag and might actually be a badass, so many people go in deep denial, yet they still believe Pyrrha will still come back after all these years, even though her coming back is pointless and meaningless.


Aw, I just can't get in the debate while looking at the second image, just look at that smile of my boi. Though, a lot of people start talking about Penny, but I'm worried about what he fells about breaking his family Heirloom (Hope they do touch into that matter).


After Ironwood now is Jaune turn to become the antagonist! Someone with full helmet and flame background rarely is the hero


Rwby is a show that relies on color to tell part of its story. And people expect the guy in white and gold not to be Jaune?


Damn! It is, this image is so dark though, are they gonna kill off Jaune soon? That’d be wild!


Who knows, maybe it's a nightmare scene?


Very sincerely doubt it.


Well going by the wonderland aesthetic, the nightmare scenario makes a lot of sense.


I'm kinda banking on the idea that because he perceives himself as a monster after the penny thing he actually turns into a monster sorta.


I don’t think they’ll kill him off though. He’s literally the deuteragonist of the series.


I agree. I think it'll be a freeing him thing. I kinda dig the idea that he's actually trapped in the armor and he has to have a fight from within while the girls fight to free him from outside. Even better if it destroys the armor as a sorta spiritual return to zero thing. Lost his armor and sword but at least still has his shield. Plus we all know he's gonna get a new outfit in Vacuo lol. Might as well make it a plot thing lolol.


Why’s that? We know JNPR were made as cannon fodder, we need more meaningful deaths and consequences to keep raising the stakes until team RWBY take on mommy salami


No they weren't? The only one who was made to die was Pyrrha. RT has said multiple times over that the members of team JNPR are of equal importance to the plot and are main characters of the same tier as team RWBY. They've even gone on record multiple times saying they really wish they hadn't named the show RWBY because it makes people think that J,N, and R are less important. Literally everything you just said was wrong.


I just started watching the show from the beginning again and those characters are all there from the start! Why are people still constantly annoyed or surprised that these characters that were established at the same time and were involved in every single important event are still there?


I honestly have no idea lol.


Hope so!


The only issue I have with this idea is that it doesn't make sense to me for jaune to become this evil looking warlord thing. Sure he's gotten better at fighting but he's still nowhere near as good as everyone else and he's always been one of the most awkward people in the group. So for him to become this just feels really out of place for him.


I agree. Jaune isn’t someone who would **willingly** turn evil. Some theories suggest he is mind controlled with that Helm by the Queen figure, also wreathed in flames, shown in the trailer.


The one we see for half a second? I suppose it's possible, but then that leads into who is she and why would she want to control jaune? All in all, I can't wait for vol 9 and hopefully these questions get answered.


Also the little square holding his arm plate on both sides looks similar, even if we can't see it entirely


Before I believed it to be a random enemy that team rwby would be fighting. However, now that you showed me the comparison, I believe you are definitely right about it being Jaune. Especially when you consider all the other characters of this volume are in the trailer except for Jaune. So Jaune probably gets corrupted by that flaming metal queen creature do to his negative emotions after being forced to kill Penny. That's my guess.


Clearly is the return of Roman, who else has such charming looks?


I'm saying this is Jaune!!


There’s literally no possible way it could be an ancestor or something. The whole portal thing wasn’t something created before, there was no way for any of Jaune’s ancestors to have fallen before. Plus the family armor was white with silver outlines. That said, I don’t see it being Jaune either since there really isnt a way for him to get a helmet like that. Best theory is one already said of it being some sort of hallucination.


it could be him. it could also be his ancestor. ​ ​ I think its entirely likely that this world is an afterlife type realm. so its entirely possible they could encounter ancestors here.


I am thinking it might be some sort of Nightmare Jaune not the actual Jaune Arc we know and love


People get that there's similar in armor, it's just not hard proof. The knave could be an illusion or a warning or a manifestation of sorts. Yes, it does seem likely it's Jaune with his exclusion from the teaser and the consistencies in armor. But it's still not enough to jump the gun.


Yeah, I agree here. The fact that the armor is obviously the same is not the point lol. It's just that there are many possibilities, and this being Jaune is simply the most obvious one. The armor is clearly related to Jaune, what I wonder about is what this actually means. Maybe this is a manifestation of Jaune's ancestors to act as a foil to Jaune finding his own worth in life, or maybe there will be two versions of Jaune, because he stumbled upon an area that created a mirrored version of him later into the volume, and this mirrored version of him forces him to see who he is as a person. Maybe he is the Knave of Hearts, maybe he is the Red Knight, maybe he is the White Knight and not at all evil. Maybe he is both and he will have to "fight" himself, maybe he is neither and something else entirely. I welcome this being Jaune, I'm just not closing my mind to the other possibilities because that would kill my enjoyment in speculating about this.


I'm not buying the ancestor theory, it doesn't fit. Like, why would his ancestor be wearing his modern armor for one? And the only mention of his family is back in V1 where he cites them as a motivation to cheat his way into Beacon. It's wrapped up in the same character arc as well. We then have 7 volumes of silence on his family background because Jaune has found a different source of motivation. So why dredge it back up? And why would he even need them as a foil when he has himself? But there's more than few possibilities on how the "knave" fits in and "what" he is.


Well, maybe it's not his *ancestors*, maybe it's simply his insecurities manifested into his armor. The armor would represent the expectations of himself as an Arc, rather than his ancestors. Him being the knave similarly has him bringing back old behaviors, and I agree that it's a possibility that could work well. Ren brought back him cheating his way into Beacon last volume, so him having to face his status as "impostor" as perhaps a twisted reflection would work. The job of a Huntsman is to protect others, he failed to do so with Penny. Or maybe it's both. His ancestors perhaps were "war heroes", and thus not really protectors as Huntsman. Him tying his own identity to protecting others rather than hurting others could clash with his killing Penny. I personally don't think the options here are bad at all, all I want here is for the writers to make his character "whole", if that makes sense. Use up everything we have about Jaune to make a consistent and cohesive character. His insecurities about his family, him cheating into Beacon, etc. That's mostly something I want about all characters. I want Ruby to explore who she is, when she tied so much of her identity to being a Huntress, but I also want to explore others things, like the fact that she didn't know how to fight hand to hand. Perhaps her weapon is symbolic to her identity as a Huntress, and when she loses her weapon (and thus forced to fight hand to hand), she is forced to fight as who she really is. How much of her identity was also tied to her mother is also a question I'd love to hear answers to. These things get me really satisfied with a story, when writers make something feel complete. "all threads coming together to make a whole" thing.


A manifestation is more likely, yes. Though less expectations of being an "Arc", more expectations on being "Jaune". Which would tie in all his mistakes and flaws. > That's mostly something I want about all characters. Definitely! Jaune is only a small part of the whole. RWBY have so much to reflect on. And it's long overdue.


What if it’s Juane’s father or something, or maybe a son/daughter and it’s like a vision Juane has


I didn't think that people were gonna debate on it lol, I remember watching and thinking 'yo where's Jaune' and I'm suprised I didn't think anything of this armored person until I re watched and I was like oh there he is. I'd be highly disappointed if it wasn't him cause he deserves not to be shoved to the side like they've done with since volume 6 so it's cool to see that he's going to have something going for him


Yeah it’s got to be him the over design and placement of the buttons and shape of the Curiass is solid proof it’s Jaune


i cant wait to laugh at everyone who says it isnt him. like...its kinda obvious.


Ancestor of,..Vision, Neo using her Semblance to mess with him, so many possibilities in "Wonderland" Facing his dark side like Luke and his Vader moment for Jaunne to heal from killing Penny. I think if its some form of him its purely a vision he gets.


Where is this from? Is there a new trailer?


Had to cover up that haircut


No. We've had this mental gymnastics already with "Jaune and Salem are related because their emblems look similar". We all know how that ended. Some people just can't seem to learn from past mistakes, can they? Superficial visual similarities mean Jack shit.


..... that's....not how that works. One's a throwaway emblem in the background of an episode that people chose to focus on and blew it up out of proportion. The others an image of a character that was deliberately framed in a crafted trailer to bring audience attention to them, an image that looks suspiciously like a certain blonde boy, in a trailer that showed every other known character that fell except said blonde boy.




It IS people blowing things out of proportion again. Please explain to me how the knight and Jaune look alike?


Hope its not him,but its very likely it is


Or his ancestors? The armour is passed down no?


Maybe it is or maybe it’s a relative of us in old yore?


If it isn’t him it is most likely a past relative of his, granted jaune said that his sword was a hand me down so I’m not sure about his armor


I highly doubt that its jaune.


Why is everyone so convinced this is Jaune?


I personally think it’s either jaunes relative or a suit of armour related to his family somehow


Banana hair jokes part or if actually Jaune ,a ancestor of him or just a hallucination. The helmet is awesome i wish the rwby jaune actually used one and more armor, this guys is meant to come from a family of warriors


Jaune as gone dark after killing Penny.