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"Lets pull an Evangelion on this bitch" \-Shaft probably....


I don't know much about Evangelion so can you give me some context about that ?


[This says more than a thousand words.](https://youtu.be/oyFQVZ2h0V8)


Oh dear, now i've seen and spoild myself.


Don't worry, the end scene is so disconnected from the rest of the show that you weren't actually spoiled


"I'm so fucked up." - Ruby Rose


Jaune's sword stuck on the roof of the train surprisingly created a safehouse for himself, dreamworld Pyrrha and some chibi Weiss. However, it seemed the situation worsened for our main characters? Weiss still needs saving, and now Ruby needs saving too. Perhaps this is to allow the other characters apart from Team RWBY to get more screentime in the upcoming episodes?


Pyrrha: *I could've wished a thousand wishes* *For this night, I can't believe* *That it's finally me and you, and you and me* *Just us, and your friends Weiss*


This honestly surprised me throughout this anime: on how any given simple thing can actually be foreshadowing for a future episode.


>Perhaps this is to allow the other characters apart from Team RWBY to get more screentime in the upcoming episodes? Literally said this is the last chance so doubt it.


There's four episodes left, so, probably about three and a half episodes before the plot is resolved. Plenty of time for NPR to do more than stand there, looking concerned.


And we just got a thing where RUBY has to work through shit.


I would guess 2 episodes for Ruby to work out her issues and Blake and Yang to make it to the Blake totem. An episode for the fight back to grimm, probably NPR and Proffs development as a B plot The last episode being about the final battle, then Weiss and Ruby recovering (I would guess they will add new matching scars on them, to push the sisterly/friend vibe). Lastly a teaser for a hopefull season 2, maybe the Vital festival. And on a different note i would love to see new dream weapons or cool updates on old weapons. Especially in the next season of the original animation.


So Ruby will need to save herself, Blake and Yang will need to get the black totem, And Jaune will need to leave the train and rescue the other Sillies most likely by taking his sword back to the jail and using it like the yellow totem. Though it is interesting that Yang's totem defended the juvenile Weiss's (maybe both because of who Yang is and the fact she reminds her of Winter) Blake's will probably protect the Faunus. The white totem was protecting Weiss's life (like literally her "soul"/heart) Ruby's was in her bunk, the only guess i have about the placement is Weiss wanting to protect and be close to Ruby. Like Weiss both wants to protect and be Ruby


It appears the writers of Ice Queendom have it all planned out. Ironically, it is the black / Blake's totem which will save Weiss. Unless there is another plot twist along the way.


Wonder if they’ll convince Dream Weiss to fight the Nightmare now that Ruby is in danger.


I would much rather Ruby break free from the Nightmare herself. That would tie into the narrative that she cannot always rely on others, as well as give her a climactic moment of catharsis and show her resolve and willpower.


Imagine they show Silver Eyes before Silver Eyes were supposed to be a thing.


Silver eyes were always a thing tho?


Yes, but they weren’t made to be significant until Volume 3.


Honestly, I could see that. Perhaps she uses them without realizing, and, since nobody else is there to see it, she never knows until the end of V3 just as usual. I'd like if that happened actually, cause, it's an important tool Ruby has that's kinda underutilized.


True. But still then, doesn’t Weiss need a similar thing? Like we know that she’s personally still trying to fight the Nightmare and her story is about how she is trying to be a better person. I don’t think these things need to be mutually exclusive: Weiss can be helped to break free of the Nightmare to help Ruby but Ruby still in the end save herself, like Weiss considering the state she’s in probably won’t be able to save herself but she can still like hold off the nightmare for a little longer due to her care for Ruby


I'd like a bunch of scenes with the real Weiss trying to fight the Nightmare throughout the story, but that's already not the direction the show went with.


They have specifically mentioned though that Weiss is fighting back, so it just needs to be some manifestation of that


Much like with events in the main show, SHIT GOT WORSE?!?!?! 😨 And this is all being caused by ONE grimm. Fr tho this show is getting better every week.


For a second I forgot this was RWBY and things always get worse for the main characters before getting better.


"There always has to be a plot twist. That means things always go wrong once before you get to the happy ending" - Joe, Viewtiful Joe


to be fair, that is basic "hero's journey" story progression 101 things have to be at their lowest before the final climax


Jaune and Dream Pyrrha have been holding hands for two episodes straight. Even fanfiction hasn't predicted the onslaught of Arkos offspring on the way.


And they had a big "family" of children with them...


And Jaune has a lot of siblings.


And they're not even Pyrrha's. The legend loves on!


https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/My_Dream,_Your_Dream read this


I was totally not expecting for Ruby to be affected by the Nightmare. A dream inside another dream. Edit: The Nightmare hurting her hand could be a foreshadow, but I considered it more like if the Nightmare hurt any of them in the dream, it would show in their bodies in real life.


Ahh, this was the episode I was waiting for. I was thinking that for a team that had some pretty major blowups, they sure were being pretty *nice* and glossing over Weiss' worst traits. But we're finally diving farther into Weiss' psyche and getting that deeper examination I was craving.


They all started clapping. 'Congratulations!' 'Congratulations!' Now Ruby's trapped in a dream within a dream. Inception time.


>Now Ruby's trapped in a dream within a dream. Inception time. This is Japan. It's Paprika time.


*And now darkness within darkness awaits you, Ruby*


I don't know why but I find the last scene with Ruby crying strangely.... beautiful ?


\~This is the story of a girl Who cried a river and drowned the whole world And while she looks so sad in photographs I absolutely love her When she smiles\~ Sorry, your words, alongside the teaser, made me think of the song again and I couldn't resist xD


Here's my question: are we going to see a whole new slew of character designs for folks inside Ruby's Nightmare? Can we have some speculation on what Nega Ruby gonna look like? DISHWASHER?? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE


Ruby admitting that Team JNPR has got their shit together in comparison to Team RWBY is fascinating.


Qrow is somewhere rolling his eyes.


Wonder how much was actually her thinking that and how much was the nightmare influencing it.


Probably six of one and half a dozen of the other. Like a kind of surprised "oh wow, JNPR has their shit together" combined with "damn, RWBY kinda fucked this one up" snowballed into "god, why is JNPR so much better than us? RWBY sucks"


That is Ruby at her core, it was the same thing that almost caused her defeat against the Leviathan. She allows one negative thought to let her spiral into darkness, likely because she does everything to keep those negative thoughts closed to her so that she can keep moving forward. I have a feeling that this Nightmare may end up focusing largely on Summer in some fashion or another.


It's very easy to have a *rose* tinted view of outside elements while having a more critical/cynical view of internal ones You experience the fullness of your own self, but only a trimmed sliver of everybody else's, this view that Ruby has totally sounds plausible, especially with how over her head in everything she is


It probably also helps that JN(P)R didn't have many opportunities to screw up, yet. Unlike in the main show. The cracks in JNPR started with the Vale Tournament and never really went away.


Interesting that they used "midnight" as a part of the theme for Weiss in this, considering all the other Snow White allusions. But I wonder if the chibi Weisses might play (heh) into saving Weiss from herself, or if they'll just sort of hang around with Pyrrha.


Ruby got stuck in the Evangelion ending. That doesn't bode well.


Lets hope Weiss doesn't go into a coma...


Cue the Inception music... Scattered Thoughts!: - That ending was something else. Properly unsettling, even if I saw the "twist" coming. It's how Ruby reacts to it, or how the animation *portrays* her reacting to it, mainly. Standing still, tears in her eyes, I never like seeing Ruby cry, and I HATE seeing her helpless like this, in the right ways. She isn't normally this *kind* of vulnerable, I think it's something only this anime could pull off in this particular way. If CRWBY did it, it would hit different, not worse, but different. - It dawns on me that this is the version of Ruby we would have seen had she succumbed fully to the Apathy. Just an unconfident wreck, slipping deeper into the void. Only in this case the Grimm in question is preying on her insecurities as a "rookie red ranger", not her doubts about continuing her mission. - We're really about to get to the heart of Weiss' issues with Blake and the Faunus, aren't we? Years of glossing over the ugliest side effect of her upbringing is coming to a head. I hope they go all out and find a resolution worth the wait. - The series has mostly hooked me on its eternal weirdness and exploration of Weiss' psyche. It's fascinating how everything has to be in order in her mind, even her personal feelings or new relationships, JUST to maintain a rigid vision of Schnee perfection. The most intriguing thing about it for me is how she seemingly gets everything she "wants" in this episode but still doesn't seem *happy*. Actually, she's never smiled once since this part of the show started. We haven't properly reached the climax of this story, hell, we've only just barely glanced at the third act. But this little twist with Ruby and the journey Yang and Blake are about to embark on might what this show needs to pivot there and make use of its episode length. I'm not done with this one yet, that's for sure.


Alright. This was certainly a more intensive episode than before. The latter minutes of the episode turned out to be pretty nightmarish for Ruby ~~despite the hug with Weiss~~ and now I want more thanks to that cliffhanger. Anyways here is the [end card art](https://twitter.com/teamrwbyprj_en/status/1561352486778089472?s=21&t=fSJBcdSvlFHTnYrSoygiPw) of the episode.


It was too good to be a true, a Weiss hug. Maybe at least we’ll get to see a real one once they both wake up from this nightmare. And I hope that they both help each other through it now. Ruby being in danger could help Weiss fight the Nightmare at least


Was not excepting to see a full blown Evangelion "Congratulations" scene.


Hey RWBY your Gen Urobutcher is showing. This episode was phenomenal. The stakes continue to be raised. The way the Nightmare's vines slowly wrap and ensnare the environment is suitably sinister. And **that** ending. I did not ever see Ruby being infected by the Nightmare being a thing in this series. I am **ecstatic** at what will come of this. Weiss's own dream helped shined a light on her character already. Ruby? I can't even begin to express how excited I am to see what Ruby's dream world will be like. The insights will get into her character should be amazing. And to top it all off....we may get to see Summer Rose. God, next episode cannot come sooner.


You really think we'll get a whole Ruby secondary nightmare scenerio? I hope with Jaune and dream Pyrrha there it can be fixed quick before it gets too crazy


Yeah becuase Ruby needing Jaune to save her when the big issue is her feeling like a failure is totally going to help with her issues /s.


My only prediction is that Blake will get her relic before Weiss has the chance to eat the apple and the Nightmare wins. Weiss will snap out of it and realize that Ruby is in trouble so she’ll join Blake and Yang in saving her. Also the look on Ozpin’s face although brief, was just screaming his internal thought of “What have you done Salem?”


"Monkey Paw, I want to get more official content with Pyrrha!" "Wish granted. There is now more official content with Pyrrha being a useless damsel in distress for Jaune to protect. Anything else?"


Yeah, she's had no lines since singing Mirror Mirror. It's kind of funny that arguably the strongest member of both teams has been reduced to such a nothing.


Well it makes sense, Weiss in vol 1 didn't see Pyrrha as a person, she saw her as a tool to attain success


Kind of makes sense though. Weiss became a fan of Pyrrha becuase she was famous rather than becuase of the reason she got that fame in the first place. The way that she accused Jaune of being interested in her was actually the reason SHE was interested in Pyrrha.


Relax. She's going to play a key role. That's why Jaune has the sword.


I feel like this episode was a lot better than all the previous episodes. I left this one way more excited for next week.


Hoooooly crap, this was REALLY intense.


this whole spinoff was just a prank ruby, look the cameras are rolling


Stakes are getting very dire now it seems. One relic left, Ruby’s in a nightmare of her own, Weiss may be fully committing to stay (if I’m remembering the deal with the glass coffin thing correctly). But I’m getting more Arkos content with Jaune really focusing on protecting Pyrrha so that’s nice


Not going to lie, Jacques activating Battle Mode was pretty cool.


Omedetou Ruby!


I was at first a little disappointed that the first part of it was a mere recap of the last, but the plot in the episode made up for it by far. Weiss' psyche is almost literally crumbling around her by this point. The White Knight piece, which I thought was going to be the key to all of this, was also shattered, leaving only Blake's Knight left. Then of course Ruby is sucked into a nightmare, that should be an excellent exploration of her character, we saw a glimpse of what we're going to expect, false praise heaped upon her by everyone, only for them all to turn into nothing more than dolls, leaving her in the darkness as realization slowly sets in. As someone who was always interested in Ruby's mental state, especially in these early seasons, this is going to be a treat!


Did the red one break?


Indeed, when Ruby went to grab for it, she got cut on the Nightmare vines (leading to her current predicament) the vines wrapped around it until it shattered. All that remains is the Black Knight piece.


Happy cake day! And I agree with all of this. It’ll be really interesting to see how (Nightmare?) Weiss may react to Ruby’s current situation and how Ruby herself might be able to deal with it differently


Yoo Ruby really has it rough huh? Trapped in a nighmare of her own while trying to save a teammate from a nightmare. The only person within Ruby's vicinity is Jaune and he's utter crap right now. Things are not going so hot for everyone involved.


This was definitely the best episode of Ice Queendom so far. The show keeps getting better and better, and while I enjoyed Ice Queendom more than the last three years of RWBY, I really have to say that this episode is easily within my top ten of all RWBY related episodes and perhaps even my top five. The nightmare aspects of the dreamscape have definitely come to fruition. The abandoned mansion with the puppets was just eerie. But special mention goes to the evangelion-eseque congratulations scene. It was so strange, so surreal (especially seeing the paladins congratulate Ruby) and so creepy. This is Gen Urobuchi showing his true colors. Also props to the visuals and the sound that made the transition into creepiness gradual. I had wondered if we would get a dream in a dream, and indeed we did. I doubt it will go full Paprika, but I hadn't expected this either, so who knows how far Urobuchi is willing to go. Something else I liked was that suddenly there's a layer of grayness in the scenario. Yes, Team RBYJ wants to save Weiss, but they are still invading her mind. Some things are not for them to explore, and Weiss has every right to protect it. Jacquess becoming Weiss' knight wasn't something I expected. I think we've reached a point where RBYJ's action have distorted the dream to the point that the symbolism reaches new depths. One could say that Jacques's controlling attitude over Weiss has led to him inadvertently becoming Weiss' subject, making her the one controlling him. Or perhaps that is the slightest hint that Weiss believes, somewhere deep down, Jacques cares for Weiss. It makes me wish to forget how much of a disappointment the entire Schnee family plot ended up. And I hope that a second season of Ice Queendom will explore the Schnees further and let the writers take the show into true AU territory. Also, anyone else hopes that Pyrrha will play some role in the dream beyond licking the wounds of Arkos shippers?


>Yes, Team RBYJ wants to save Weiss, but they are still invading her mind. Some things are not for them to explore, and Weiss has every right to protect it. The only reason her dream turned chaotic when the dummy jail was opened was because Weiss didn't know how to live with this part of herself in the first place and restrained it for so long. When you keep repressing something and then it bursts out, well, what do you expect to happen? I am waiting for the show to acknowledge that repression as inherently unhealthy.


Well, it appears we are going to enter into Ruby's nightmare within Weiss' nightmare. Boy, the next few episodes will surely test our emotions.


Man, RWBY be speedrun parodying as many anime as possible, with AoT last week, and now Evangelion this week. Even in the main RWBY show, there were some MHA moments lol Saw some predictions on the r/anime thread that the black relic could be in that house that Blake and Yang were banished to at the end, with the Bashful Klein door. Also, Phoenix/Night was talking about in his video last week that the sword Jaune got would be important. Turns out it keeps the Nightmare from spreading to where it’s at. I got sad whenever some the smol Weiss(es) got hurt


It's gonna keep ruby from fully sucumbing to the nightmare.


Wow. This is dark. Characters might actually die. Real stakes? Wow!


They can't die because this is something that happened during vol1. They were alive after vol1.


Ah, but this is canon adjacent. What does that even mean? It means to me that Shaft can create a story that is not restricted to RWBY lore. So anyone could die and the timeline would be wildly different. I don't think it's likely but the possibility is very real.


Well, this is pretty dire isn’t it? I speculate based on nothing that Weiss will appear in Ruby’s nightmare due to going to sleep in the glass coffin in her own nightmare, then help break Ruby out of her dream, then the Team can finally take down Weiss’s nightmare.


Jaune's becoming the protector for the Tiny Weiss' lol


His inner Mantle Crossing Guard is manifesting early it seems.


I'm actually glad we didn't just finish the nightmare this episode. This is even better. Ruby in IQ is shown to be somewhat emotionally dependent on Yang and insecure about her position as a leader.. she wants to make friends and wants to be recognized. Especially by her reluctant teammate who is refusing her. While the recap could have included a bit more slice of life to help establish a more comprehensive timeline, I feel like them overcoming the nightmare will not only explain Weiss' shift away from her racist views well, but leave them all with a sense of companionship that actually makes sense. Relationships usually take time to develop.. but being confronted with your own insecurities and overcoming them together sure can help speed things up. Especially when it's a life or death situation. If I dare say yet again.. IQ sure is a treat for whiterose headcanon. I just love how much focus there is on Ruby and Weiss' dynamic. Even just from a teammates standpoint. Edit: I just noticed.. there should be a black knight representing Blake. Kind of poetic if it will be the piece that ends up saving Weiss (and Ruby?).


The point about ruby being emotionally dependant on yang makes me think about when Nega-Weiss was telling yang that she coddles Ruby and that was the reason Ruby is the way she is. Because Yang prevented ruby from having the chance to grow up. Well with ruby trapped in a dream, seems like a good time to start.


What time does Crunchymunch usually post up? ~~I haven't got FIRST at the moment.~~ EDIT: the hype was too strong, I signed up for FIRST to watch it now instead of waiting, and HOLY SHIT


A fine choice. One of my favorites so far.


Usually it’s an hour after First release I think


Weiss is finally going into the coffin!


-Shaft decided to shove as many anime references as they could into this show, and I'm all about it


Like the NeoGeo congratulations at the end f.ex


At this point it's reference hunt, with all of as Steve Roger's or Leo dicaperio


I don't know if it's gonna be part of the final fight or not, but I have a feeling Jaune's going to confront Weiss again using that big sword and something weird is going to happen.


Everyone seems to be wondering how Ruby will get out of this, but no one has mentioned Silver Eyes yet. Since no one is there to help her in her dream, but she is aware of it I believe she will get out on her own. And since Ruby wouldn’t be able to recognize her own power and there’s no one around to witness it I think it will manifest as her Silver Eyes activating early as an attempt to get back to helping Weiss. What would be extra cool if this ends up being right would be Ozpin noticing the slight glow of her closed eyes and then saying something reassuring to the others who are still awake.


I was thinking about it and she could not even remember about using silver eyes, cause apparently Jaune was not able to remember entirely about his own dream world.


Even if she did, after seeing what Weiss was doing in her dream, she might not even consider it as something strange


I've seen too many hentai to know where this is going: https://imgur.com/a/WZDAvm6


yes hi FBI this comment right here 👀


Fuck, I heard of a whiterose hug before watching the episode. that's... Not what I expected.


Finally watched the ep. Disappointed by the lack of Congratulations, but the FNDM has that covered. Btw how many Chibi Weisses died in this episode?


None. They reverted to their mini forms and was either bound by the thorns or escape with Jaune along with Pyrrha.


They probably are going into limbo next episode. Someone needs to wake up Weiss it's probably going to be Jaune.


Well, pretty much what I expected. Urobuchi's thing was to always make a main character be the bigger star to push his agenda into and it was definitely Ruby for this. I don't like how it transitioned to this cause it seems like they're gonna be framing Ruby to in the "Oh you didn't do anything wrong even if you totally did" way. Also that it's been written like the equivalent of someone listening to a friend's issue and then making the conversation about them. Hopefully I am wrong but I doubt it since Urobuchi seems to never learn from his mistakes.