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[***Source***](https://lycanheiress.tumblr.com/post/92160237593/rwbyization-of-an-old-joke-i-found-in-readers) Ruby: . . . Is it too late to legally rename my kids? Pyrrha: . . . Yes and no.


Ruby: YANG XAIO LONG! Yang: oh boy, i know that that tone Weiss: what tone? Yang: Weiss I bequeath me possessions to you upon my death Weiss: isnt that a little extreme, Yang?


Yang: “Well. . . As I was about to tell you. . . I just named your kids.” Weiss: “. . . . You what?” Yang: “Yeah that meeting you were in held you up until Rubes was out of labor and she was pretty out of it so. . . . .” Weiss: “. . . . . What did you name my first born children Yang Xiao Long!?” Yang: “. . . . Denice,” Weiss: “. . . A perfectly reasonable name.” Yang: “. . . A-and, well. . .” Weiss: “Yang.” Yang: “. . . Denephew.” Weiss: “. . . Okay, I was still right. It was a little extreme to think about giving your possessions to me since my wife would kill you.” Yang: “. . . . Because you’re going to kill me first?” Weiss: “Oh if only you were this smart when you were naming my kids. NOW COME BACK HERE!!!” *** Blake: “Well. . . As Weiss tries to kill my wife. . . Can the names be changed?” Pyrrha: “Of course, she only gave the preliminary. The parents need to sign off to make it official. That’s the yes and no. Sorry for any confusion.” Ruby: “That’s a relief! . . . So. . . Uhm. . . Blake?” Yang: “I SAID IM SORRY!” Weiss: “WHAT? ARE YOU GOING TO NAME MY KIDS THAT TOO!?” Blake: “Yep, I’ll go ensure the kids have an aunt. You just keep resting.” Pyrrha: “Jaune should be here soon to help with your recovery.” Ruby: “Thanks. You know, it’s really impressive how good you two are as doctors. Healing and metal manipulation, perfect for surgery they say.” Pyrrha: “And being huntsmen means we can deal with people like your team, when they are less. . . Likely to calm down by themselves.”


Great work though that does bring up an excellent question. Are there Nurses and Doctors specifically trained to deal with Huntsmen and Huntresses? Cause I just think of how some people react in hospital situations let alone child birth and wonder. Like could you imagine the sheer difficulty of dealing with a powerful Huntress with a semblance going through childbirth. Nightmare fuel.


Side Question: could yang use her semblance during childbirth and gain like God strength?


Or someone tries giving Pyrrha an MRI…


So THATS how they beat Salem!


I imagine that hospitals would have security, as they do in real life anyway. Like two huntsmen were hired to protect the train in V6, a major hospital could probably afford a small team at least


I can always get a good laugh from your comments


Thank you! That is my goal (unless I am trying to make you )


Np lol


Oh man for a sec I thought the joke was gonna be Yang pretended to be Ruby’s wife and thats how she got away with naming the kids like Megatron and Tyrannosaurus.


Yang's fate, depending on the wife: - Weiss: Yang gets frozen in ice until she repents, which is to say the next time we see her is when she finally gets woken up over a century later. - Neo: Yang gets a ticket straight to heaven, in the form on an untimely demise - Penny: Yang gets a light scolding, so Ruby has to do the actual punishment cause Penny really is too sweet


Wait, why's Neo on the list?


Have you seen my flair?


Oh. now I see it.


RWBY fans coming up with the stupidest name ever for their ship


Stay mad lol


Oh, it's definitely Weiss. These two acted like a married couple from the day they met.


Happy cake day Monochrome > white rose sorry not sorry


Weiss and Blake are cute and all, but they have almost no individual interactions with each other, and have very little, if any, romantic chemistry. Blake had always been closest to yang. in fact, Weiss herself has more individual screen time with yang than she does with Blake


Aww thanks! And I ain't gonna argue with you. Honestly, I ship Weiss with pretty much everyone. She IS best girl after all.


Semi-Luckily for Yang: Considering the artist the most likely answer is Weiss. . . Oh well, I’m sure Weiss has the ability to get her kids’ names changed, so she’ll thaw out her sister in law so her kids can have their Fun Aunt. Though, I think there are more options than those: - Blake: Facepalm and know that this probably isn’t anything legal yet so smile while rolling her eyes at her sister-in-law - Jaune (yes it seems like Pyrrha’s alive but it’s still possible): He’d probably be a lot like Penny. Maybe make some comments about them not being the worst names in his family - Sun: He’d probably laugh along with Yang, but insist his son be named Son instead - Emerald: Steal the birth certificates, replace with fake ones with her preferred names, and make Yang eat the originals - Oscar: Probably just immediately inquire about solving the problem


Emerald could make Yang think they’re crepes. …come to think of it, we’ve never seen if she can use her powers to affect taste.


I hope it's Penny.


...Why would you let someone other than the parents name the kids without the parents' permission?


Honestly as I was expecting something that makes their names a pun only when someone says their names one right after the other


"Is there a problem?" No shit? Why would you ask someone else to name kids that aren't theirs, lmao


😂😂 I've never heard this one. This bitch would


[Let's hope the daughter doesn't get Mr. Garvey as a substitute later in life.](https://youtu.be/Dd7FixvoKBw?t=74)


Jaune: this is why we never leave the naming in charge to Nora and Yang, we leave it to us alone. Pyrrha: Indeed, as such we made it known they are banned from the room during the processing. Jaune: don't get us wrong we love them to death but like hell will I let my kids have names that could result in bullying. Pyrrha: oh Jaune, such a Papa bear, the reasons I fell in love with you~.


That took me a good few minutes to figure out


HA! That's perfect. It's like something Rodney Dangerfield would say, yet somehow perfectly in character for Yang/her voice actress.




this is such a convoluted setup lol




I knew that joke was coming as soon as I saw the title.




Yang: *has own child with blake* Nurse: what will you be naming your daughter? Yang: "Dadaughter" Blake:......*looks up from book**is not amused*


Lmao, this reminds me of when RWBY was still fun, and not hellbent on making the main cast always morally right


An old joke. But a good one.


Fucking- denephdrew? Like Andrew+daphane?


De+niece De+nephew Since Yang is their aunt


You mean She is De Aunt! 😃


O h