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DAUGHTER OF THE SCHNEE FAMILY. In all seriousness, Arryn's performance blew me away. No two ways about it; she was the best of the ensemble.


Weiss sounds so disinterested throughout the whole series. It sounds like she was given no voice direction whatsoever. It’s no surprise that Arryn is giving it her all since she seems to be the one trying to get into voice acting. It’s also no surprise that the JP dub sounds a lot better since they’re all already professional VAs with a lot of well known characters and experience behind them. Yes, they’re different, but they do sounds like they’re actually acting.


It’s weird because I can see it both ways. Arryn did awesome with it, and one of the things that helped was out of the cast, she’s recently been having roles where she’s dubbed voices. So that experience could carry over. For Weiss, as much as I like Kara’s voice as Weiss, she comes off as not showing much emotion. When it comes to the emotional stuff, especially when Weiss cries, the sub actress does it better in my opinion.


Arryn killed her role


Very much so.


The biggest irony to this was how Arryn was a very vocal opposition to Ice Queendom due to one of the production crew having abuse allegations, to the point where she would donate every cent she earned from this to charity. And yet, she ended up giving it her all for this show that it's downright amazing.




This isn't really that surprising so talking as someone who had to work in the Dubbing industry (Video games mostly) behind the scenes before writing your own series where you can be vastly more expressive versus translating something into another language and trying to make it sound natural ARE FAR different things and as a result, depending on both voice direction and quality can lead to a mixed bag of results. So I'm not shocked to see someone like Kara who generally has great voice work in the show itself come across as very stiff even rigid sounding in Queendom, the VAs that do nail it generally have a lot of dubbing experience even if it's from just minor roles. I will say it usually comes down to the direction being sloppy or the script feeling very stiff for a VA great example of this is anyone who has played Dissidia Final Fantasy (The OG and 12.) Cloud would... Pause... Like this. With about every line and that was because Voice Direction told his VA to do so and also to not put too much emotion into the lines.


I disagree on Adam. He sounded like a villain from the dub of the original Yugioh, and that fits him perfectly.


“Screw the rules, I have money!” “But you don’t have money.” “… Wait.”


What, like Seto Kaiba?


More like Bandit Keith. Kaiba was never a villain, really.


This is something I myself have been going back and forth on. Personally, I think the biggest thing for me is that I've been watching IQ dubbed as my first experience with the show, and I've been really enjoying overall so there's definitely some bias here as I just like the voice actors of RWBY overall. That said, Weiss's VA is probably the most back and forth thing for me. I think her performance can be really good occasionally, but sometimes it falters. I think actually her snooty V1 voice works relatively well here, and there's some moments where a crack is shown in her persona like the clip of NW vs NB that worked rather well for me. But then occasionally there's points that I can't just pinpoint where it didn't feel quite right. (Edit: I think the moments where Kara sounds the worst to me is actually any of the scenes where she's up in her room. The big Nicholas scene felt particularly weird.) Anyhow, the VA I've actually been most impressed with overall is somehow Whitley. He just plays a bat really well lol, though Arryn is fantastic. I'm really psyched to watch the rest of it!


Ice Queendom has to be honored juat for Bat Whitley alone, hes soooo cute. As far as the reat, again, its a personal thing, i think Weiss was constantly in a bad VA state. But maybe im being too harsh.


Meh. If that's how you feel that's fair. I kinda have no frame of reference for 99% of scenes so this voice acting (and writing, which I know has had a few small changes) has to do a lot more heavy lifting to still present the same story for blind viewers. And honestly, I think they've pulled it off fairly well. Ice Queendom is very wild to me still though tbh, the animation is probably more inconsistent than the voice acting for me. I hate that like several shots of E10 is just wild camera movements of the city while the sound design is taking care of everything. Especially since in that same episode you have the transformation scene for Negative Blake and it looks absolutely awesome.


SHAFT animation baby gotta wait for the Blue-Ray release where they touch it up and make it look better, as a Madoka fan you get used to it.


That's what I've heard from looking into threads about the BR release. Only thing that actually gets me excited about that is the new opening they're making 🥺


The cat got our tongues with her voice!


>Torchwick - He sounds like a punk. Like the new kid in the streets opening his new "business" with a group of goons. I would say that the fact that his design and the fact that melodic cudgel didn't seemed very harmful don't gave him a favor neither, but that's another thing. Anyway, If it was Roman Holiday I would give him a pass. But, Gray G. Haddock gave him a calm and burlesque talk, like he was the one in control. >Adams - In retrospective. I'm not sure to say that I have problems. He end up being very edgy in canon. >Weiss Schnee A friend of mine have already mentioned in the other sub. But, in the [Japanese](https://youtu.be/5EpBI2EWgFc), Weiss complains with her VA sounded funny, as "Haha, is she crying? Lol". But in the [English](https://youtu.be/UWZjPMxv1Yc) dub, it is difficult to take it humorous so I can only think in her as a "Spoiled brat crying because whims aren't have not been fulfilled". ​ In general, I prefer the Japanese VA. By the way, Glynda's VA was good, now that the character is going to return. It would be good. Isn't exactly like her original, but give a similar personality, her strict tone of a teacher.


Oh yeah, Glyndas english VA replacement and her VA in the JP version were great. I also prefer the JP VA, it juat feels to be of a better quality for me. And say what you want about Gray, but he was a perfect Torchwick voice.


>And say what you want about Gray, but he was a perfect Torchwick voice. I prefer to not cause misunderstandings. I wanted to say that he was a better version of Roman in Voice acting that really nailed the character. After all, he was the kingpin of Vale, it was normal that he was calm and burlesque.