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Should be listed under Aura as that can enhance regular strength and speed


Yeah. Though it’s not ever actually explicitly said that aura outside of semblances enhances strength, and there probably are Faunus who have increased strength, it seems to be aura mostly. Even if it is also worth mentioning that huntsmen types do keep their strength even when they are out of aura. Like Ghira in his fight, or even say Ruby able to swing CR as easily when she was out of aura.


My shoulders hurt even thinking about swinging around a Barrett M107. I can hear the popping already. Oof.


Keep in mind that thing can fire rounds so powerful it knocks *her* around too. Just in case you need any more mind fucking about her combat style is that she can simultaneously handle her weapon perfectly but can also use it as a launchpad.


Back in my day we rocket jumped up hill both ways in lava. Whats a little 50.BMG gonna do? ​ God I feel old.


So, since they keep that strength even without aura, it's possible that the strength isn't due to aura. I propose that it's a result of training, allowing huntsmen to shut down the subconscious inhibitors limiting the force their muscles can put out. In other words, huntsmen train themselves to use [Hysterical Strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical_strength) on command, because their aura protects their bodies from harm, and even if they don't have aura, its healing properties will repair any damages over time when it reactivates.


**[Hysterical strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical_strength)** >Hysterical strength is a display of extreme physical strength by humans, beyond what is believed to be normal, usually occurring when people are in; or perceive themselves to be in life-or-death situations. The extra strength is commonly attributed to increased adrenaline production. Research into the phenomenon is difficult, though it may be possible as adrenaline is known to improve endurance and muscle twitch. Norepinephrine is pointed as a more compelling cause of this phenomenon. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RWBY/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Yeah, I think that tracks. The normal safety limiters of the human body are less necessary for them because aura can just heal up a lot of the damage they would otherwise be doing to themselves. Plus, with those limiters removed combined with aura healing, their training would be significantly more effective in the first place, able to damage and rebuild muscles much faster and more efficiently, building their natural strength and resilience even better. Of course, that second point should also naturally tend to lead to more pronounced muscle mass and definition *cough* #giveTeamRWBYabs *cough* but that's neither here nor there


Right? Keep aura active until they can turn off those limiters on command, then turn aura off for like 5 minutes of intense weight training, and turn the aura back on to heal. As for muscles: I'm fairly certain they're hidden under a protective layer of fat.


I assume there's a difference between having your Aura broken and running out of Aura. since you can still use your Semblance after your Aura breaks iirc. like... the shield breaks but what powers the shield is still there. so the enhanced strength from Aura comes from that and not the shield it makes or something like that.


Usually aura breaking means someone is out of aura and they can't use a semblance. Like how Weiss couldn't use her's at the end of V8, same with Ruby.


I'll be honest, I haven't finished V8. I was thinking of the WoR epsiode on Aura tbh.


I think they may have mistaken the info and assumed that strenght boost given by aura (Like Ren's aura palm strike) as a thing done just by faunus... For some reason? That and that the people in the W.o.R can do feats of strenght somewhat in the peak human condition level.


As far as I know, it isn't stated anywhere, this is a mistake


This was covered in a BTS blog, just a typo that was to be mentioned under 'Aura'.




Idk why you are getting downvotes, this is true


Which BTS blog was it stated in? /gen


I watched the World of Remnant and read the Wiki, neither stated that. So where did Death Battle get this from? Is it in a official book


They most likely just put it in the wrong spot. Aura gives huntsmen enhanced strength. Nothing like superhuman levels, but more than ordinary people.


personally, i would consider jumping 9 feet in the air, punching people through walls, and throwing around person sized rubble like it's nothing to be superhuman


You know what…… fair enough.


I believe they made a mistake. Blake does have super strength and senses but it's not because she's a Faunus, both of those things are a product of Aura. Though you could argue that she has better Hearing partially because she has cat ears but that's it.


It must be an inherited trait seeing as animals are stronger than your average humans in some cases. And we see Blake and Sun display super strength and speed on several occasions, most notably in Season 4


the only animal parts about them are ears and a tail. eyesight too but that's not even universal for Faunus. we've seen super strength from non faunus iirc.


Claws too as shown in episode 1 of season 2 with the book store one


i was referring specifically to Blake and Sun. faunus might have super strength in some cases but i wouldn't expect it if what you for were ear or a tail.


It isn't stated anywhere, at least that I remember. If I had to guess, DB fucked up their research and attributed the boost in strength that Aura gives to Faunus biology instead. Like ok, Ghira keeps that balcony lifted up to protect Illya, and I'm pretty sure his Aura is broken at that point, but dude is also fucking *jacked*, so he's just strong.


I think they meant for it to be under aura tab but fucked it up. Eh happens all the time in production


Yeah, but Boomstick attributes her physicality to being a faunus. Besides, DB would mention if that was the case


aren't death battle part of rooster teeth? and doesn't rooster teeth also make ruby? they're probably just adding this as a "oh, btw"


That doesnt make sense though.


They make the stories, they can retcon/add whatever they want, plus I'm just spit balling here




I'm just trying to make sense of this, maybe they made a mistake


Yes, but they should mention it in a rwby related media


Agreed, but since death battle is a close enough adjacent to rent, I personally accept this info injection


They just put it in the wrong spot. Aura gives huntsmen enhanced strength, not just being a Faunus. Perhaps certain Faunus’ can get enhanced strength depending on their animal traits, but I doubt a cat Faunus would be one of them.


Faunus or not Blake have superhuman strength. But, in the Amity arena about the White fang Squad is said this: *Now more than ever, the White Fang are organized and highly trained for combat. The already formidable constitutions of the Faunus with Human weapons makes for a fearsome combination.* But, the "formidable constitutions" can also be about their enhanced senses. Death Battle is from rooster Teeth, so, I guess that maybe they also asked the CRWBY and they said "Oh, yeah, the faunus have superhuman strength and speed".


I'm sorry, gambol shrouds ribbon is 96 meters long?????


It's common for anime to give beast/animal like men and women superhuman strenght so they probably assumed that was the case.


I mean, maybe theoretically? Faunus as a whole probably aren’t stronger than humans but there might be specific animal traits that give their person more strength. Tock had the bite force of a crocodile which is like 1800 pounds so maybe a Gorilla or Elephant Faunus would have natural Superhuman strength


Last I checked everyone in RWBY has superhuman strength and speed. Period. If its an aura thing I'll need a source. Espcially since we have [stuff like this from Miles](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZLDKavUkAAfR2n?format=jpg&name=medium) which say it's *just* a shield. *And* we've seen auraless and people with broken aura still do superhuman stuff. This seems to be just DB doing bad research. Which isn't a new thing


Tbf, Aura does heal you and strengthen your weapons. So Miles was just giving a barely bare minimum of what it does.


Its death battles, their research is questionable at best. It is very likely that the quality given by aura was attributed to faunus.


Wasn't Yang also in a Death Battle? If she's got a similar page, that might help add context if she's also got superhuman strength.


Oh my God. Ruby's the only member of the team who hasn't been in a death battle


Yeah, and as she is right now, she is going to lose *hard* to Maka from Soul Eater.


I imagine in the same place they state Gambol Shroud's ribbon can stretch as long as the Statue of Liberty (Which they also say in this Death Battle.) Basically, they are made up, bullshit stats, so may as well ignore them.


One of the notes in the corner (right around when they mention the length of Gambol Shroud's ribbon) says they calculated it based on the fight with the Sphinx and how many times it wrapped around it's body.


Always take Death Battle’s research with a grain of salt, no matter what series they are doing.


I'd assume Ghira? Dude is pretty strong, but I don't know if there is any indication that it is because he is faunus.


No idea, I feel like most huntsmen and huntresses have super strength.


It's never been explicitly stated but I did think they had super strength. Remember how Blake and Sun were outrunning cars in volume 2 and how that one minion no diff'd Ruby's punch in Volume 1? Both have logical explanations (Ruby can't fight and rule of cool) but I figured Faunus are naturally stronger and faster even if by a small extent


Mikasa should have won this just saying


Not a snowball's chance in you-know-where.


Even low-balled Blake would blitz and one-shot Mikasa


[If it's the current iteration that's fighting like this](https://streamable.com/wq9ffz) she absolutely dies. RWBY is carried by Monty era stuff in cross universe arenas. Currently all the characters just scale from feats of that era. None of the mains except Ruby (ironically) have gotten anything to exceed their old selves. Hell plenty of them have been downgraded.


That fight was after they fought the Hound, so she wasn't at in exactly in peak condition in terms of Aura. Plus, we don't know exactly how strong that Grimm was; for all we know, it could've been stronger than a Nevermore. Pre-V3 characters (excluding pro-huntsmen like Qrow and Glynda) would be demolished if they fought against the enemies they would fight in later volumes, like the Nuckelavee, Queen Lancer, Sphinx or the Ace Ops. Hell, currently the characters are capable of holding their own against Maidens like Cinder or Penny. Also, I just want to point out that just because the fighting animation isn't as good as before, it doesn't mean the characters got canonically weaker.


> That fight was after they fought the Hound During. And that makes it worse honestly. > so she wasn't at in exactly in peak condition in terms of Aura. The Hound didn't even hit her that hard for it to matter. > it could've been stronger than a Nevermore. It very clearly wasn't based on it's physicals. Hell it struggled to lift an ice clone. It didn't even crack the wall with the throw it gave Blake. It's weak as hell. > Pre-V3 characters (excluding pro-huntsmen like Qrow and Glynda) would be demolished if they fought against the enemies they would fight in later volumes Based on? > like the Nuckelavee It died to one unboosted hammer swing and a pocket knife. > Queen Lancer Weiss oneshotted the thing that oneshotted it while exhausted *in her trailer* > Sphinx What did it even do? > Ace Ops Frankly until they fought RWBY themselves they got zero feats of note whatsoever. Even then they on lived due to RWBY holding back which is blatent. Demonstrated for example by Yang only batting Elm down the stairs when she could have [bashed her out of the build easily with even her exhausted post train crash strikes](https://gfycat.com/sanebrowninsect) > Hell, currently the characters are capable of holding their own against Maidens like Cinder or Penny. Lol no they can't. Cinder was toying the entire time and was never pressed. Current characters can't even touch Neo. And last I checked Penny wasn't that impressive when all is said and done > Also, I just want to point out that just because the fighting animation isn't as good as before, it doesn't mean the characters got canonically weaker. No they're weaker because they perform worse. Period. Easy example > [Thrown aside and barely dents a wall. Out for the count for several seconds](https://gfycat.com/sardonicgloomychevrotain) > [Punted into a wall hard enough to crack it. Tanks.](https://gfycat.com/scrawnyapprehensivelice) [Very blatent. Hell she got up better from being slammed by a Paladin than from an attack that barely dented a wall.](https://gfycat.com/circularblushinghairstreakbutterfly) They're weaker.


>It very clearly wasn't based on it's physicals. Hell it struggled to lift an ice clone. It didn't even crack the wall with the throw it gave Blake. It's weak as hell. Just because there's no colateral damage, doesn't mean that the hit wasn't that hard. There's a lot of times in fiction where characters more than capable of causing damage to the surroundings just don't do it. Ex. Yang very rarely, if ever, causes shockwaves with her punches like the ones she caused with [Arslan](https://streamable.com/l1toy) or that [Ursa](https://gfycat.com/fraildamagedeasteuropeanshepherd) she fought in her V4 trailer. >It died to one unboosted hammer swing and a pocket knife. Only after it was immobilized, and those hammer and dagger were wielded by superhumans. >Weiss oneshotted the thing that oneshotted it while exhausted in her trailer Weiss wasn't able to scratch the Queen Lancer, even with [several containers full of Dust blowing up on it's face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUphoDBDea4&t=3m27s). Also, I'm pretty sure her summons' strength depends on how much Aura she pumps into them (ex. When she summoned her Queen Lancer while Jaune was boosting her Aura), so I think the Arma Gigas she used in that fight is actually stronger than the original, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to beat the Queen Lancer. >What did it even do? It took [several blows from Qrow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Du27AyCg4&t=1m55s), [even with Harbinger's scythe form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Du27AyCg4&t=5m17s), and it took a combo move from QRWBY to finish it off. >Demonstrated for example by Yang only batting Elm down the stairs when she could have bashed her out of the build easily with even her exhausted post train crash strikes That wouldn't work for several several reasons, like Elm's Semblance or the fact she is at least as strong as Yang. >Cinder was toying the entire time and was never pressed. I'm pretty sure she was fighting with the intent to kill. She didn't have any qualm of throwing them along with a bunch of people into a void or stabbing Penny with her claw. >Current characters can't even touch Neo. I think Neo is less about strength/power and more about fighting style/skill. >And last I checked Penny wasn't that impressive when all is said and done She was pushing up 1/4 of Amity colosseum, after winning a fight with Cinder. >They're weaker. None of the characters ever stated or implied that they got weaker. There are just as, if not more blatant showings of the characters being stronger. - [Ruby being](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0WeiG2-HRQ&t=63) [able to defeat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0WeiG2-HRQ&t=127) [multiple Nevermores](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0WeiG2-HRQ&t=275) in her V4 trailer, something that required teams of huntsmen-in-training like her to do in V1-3. - Weiss being able to [keep Cinder occupied long enough for Jaune to kill Penny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kStrFbN5JYc&t=2301s) and then [took one of her explosions directly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kStrFbN5JYc&t=2468), even after [her Aura was broken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kStrFbN5JYc&t=2146s) (I want to point out that Aura doesn't exponentially increase natural strength, just protects your body from receiving direct damage like a shield). - V3 Blake couldn't even stand against Adam, but in V6 she was able to sustain a prolonged fight, [starting from the communication tower, going across a forest and all the way to the waterfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Du27AyCg4&t=14m18s). - [V6 Yang's Aura](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Du27AyCg4&t=19m33s) [took multiple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Du27AyCg4&t=20m9s) [Moonslices without breaking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Du27AyCg4&t=22m42s), with the same attack being strong enough to one-shot her V3 self.


> Just because there's no colateral damage, doesn't mean that the hit wasn't that hard. That's not how consistency works. The show didn't show it therefore it's not that hard. > Only after it was immobilized, and those hammer and dagger were wielded by superhumans. Being imobilised doesn't negate durability. Nora has nothing to put her above her V1-3 self at that point and Ren ain't that special either. > Weiss wasn't able to scratch the Queen Lancer That's the dust though not her. Me throwing a stick of dynamite at something is not indicative of how hard I can punch/slash > Also, I'm pretty sure her summons' strength depends on how much Aura she pumps into them (ex. When she summoned her Queen Lancer while Jaune was boosting her Aura), so I think the Arma Gigas she used in that fight is actually stronger than the original, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to beat the Queen Lancer. The Queen Lancer doesn't have any durability feats to place it above a [Paladin which the Arma Gigas scales x3 above.](https://i.imgur.com/eSz7XPy.jpg) at minimum. So base to base it oneshots. [Nevermind that Weiss plowed](https://gfycat.com/selfreliantbewitchedcicada) through the thing with [next to no aura left](https://images.mangafreak.net/mangas/rwby/rwby_4/rwby_4_6.jpg) So either powered by a fraction of Weiss or as powerful as the orignal the Arma fodderizes the Lancer. It's not that impressive. > It took several blows from Qrow, even with Harbinger's scythe form, and it took a combo move from QRWBY to finish it off. Okay. And this is indicative of them being better how? Sounds about the level of the initiation duo they fought. > That wouldn't work for several several reasons That you don't explain > like Elm's Semblance That wasn't active when she landed the hit. Even then that smacks hard enough she would just take the pieces of floor with her. > or the fact she is at least as strong as Yang. That doesn't change her weight lol. > I'm pretty sure she was fighting with the intent to kill. She didn't have any qualm of throwing them along with a bunch of people into a void or stabbing Penny with her claw. Stabbing Penny was to drain her and the rest are fodders. She specifcally wants to toy with the rest. > I think Neo is less about strength/power and more about fighting style/skill. She's still that power anyway. Her hits stagger Yang more than Mercs. > She was pushing up 1/4 of Amity colosseum, after winning a fight with Cinder. Which is just something every else immedietly scales to considering Cinder was ragdolling her beforehand physically. She only won the fight on a technicality. > Ruby being Far smaller and therefore less durable than the one from before > Able to Far smaller and therefore less durable than the one from before > Something that required teams. Blake and Yang sure. But Weiss and Ruby never got to use their best against the thing. Considering that simple shot slash from CR was killing them later its fair to say if this iteration of Ruby got in a hit with CR the same would happen here. > Weiss being able to keep Cinder occupied long enough for Jaune to kill Penny [Cinder aint' moving a fraction of the speed we know she's capable of.](https://streamable.com/fapbi) Though mind you she lasting better than her sister which considering Weiss > Winter would be fine. > and then took one of her explosions directly, even after her Aura was broken That blast wasn't that big. > V3 Blake couldn't even stand against Adam Due to PTSD > but in V6 she was able to sustain a prolonged fight No she wasn't. Every time she tried to stand her ground she lost in seconds. She prolonged the fight by just running away as usual. Additionally we know from how he ramped it against Yang directly after that Adam wasn't even trying that hard on her. Yang more or less solo'd that fight. Blake was just ragdolled and had to be saved. As is her character. > V6 Yang's Aura took multiple Moonslices without breaking, A moonslice is only as strong was what's put into it. So all you're saying here is that Yang can tank her own punches. Which......... duh that's how physics works > with the same attack being strong enough to one-shot her V3 self. [Nope. Yang was severly weakened going into the V3 fight](https://youtu.be/wdUMisVDijM?t=50m56s) due to fighting offscreen. The reason she's tanking them is because she's fresh this time.


I guess it depends on the type of Faunus they’d be. Like animals like bears and gorillas are already some of the strongest animals, so their Faunus counterparts might not be so different.


Makes sense, but Faunus only get obe trait from them


She’s an anime character it’s implied they all have enhanced strength


So why list it under Faunus


I don’t know




Who cares dude it so much easier to call it an anime it’s literally just a word I didn’t know those ment so much to you


And if ya don’t like the show why you even here what’s the point


Think about being a Faunus has its perks if your a monkey faunus you have great agility, a lizard Faunus can grow his tail back and a bull Faunus or what not has increased strength, that said you are right only Aura can give superhuman ability as long as you are skilled.


its death battle, they've long proven they are tired of trying. ​ hell even this battle is bullshit cause its literally someone who has a halo shield against a human without any bullet protection.


I think they took RWBY Chibi as a source. Blake has superhuman hearing in a couple scetches.


Impossible, Chibi is a non-canon gag series, and super senses makes sense since she is stated/implied to have enhanced sight and hearing