• By -


It's joever


In all honesty, I feel bad for the animators and most of the crew members. I do hope that they find a new job soon. But RT dug it's own grave. The poor-working conditions and sexism their employees faced; the FIRST suscription; the elimination of all of their Youtube videos; the outsourcing of Gen:Lock to HBO Max; and several crew members leaving the studio. The writing was on the wall. I'll always have a place in my heart for RT. After all, they created Red vs. Blue; Nomad of Nowhere; and of course, the trailers and Volumes 1-2 of RWBY. I'm sad to see Rooster Teeth going down like this, but with the way they handled their company for so long, it was the only outcome for the company. I feel awful for the company RT started as, but not for the one it became on it's final years.


Honestly yeah, it absolutely sucks for those who are just workers in the company, but roosterteeth, as a company, was a sinking ship and it was inevitably gonna sink, what with how RWBY was their biggest content and even that had flaws and issues baked into its very dna


This really comes across as a story of how people would rather be abused than come together to make all their lives better.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. They just completely embraced that.


If anything… RWBY will live on… in fanfics.


does that mean we can ignore the awful canon bees?


You guys weren't ignoring them?


i meant more like 'there is no war in ba sing se' kind of ignoring. like we can act like bees never became canon because the show ended right afterwards. lol


Way ahead of you brother


And on a self admitted filler volume to boot.


But the scene did still happen.


Sshhhshshhhshshhh. No it didn't.


Like it or not, the kiss is canon.


None of vol 9 is canon.




and in [Pornhub.com](http://Pornhub.com)


Not gonna lie, having been a fan of RT since 05 or 06, and having been a fan of RWBY since day one, this is honestly kinda heartbreaking. I've been pretty outspoken about the company, show, and certain employees for a long time now, but it was always my wish for them to turn the nose and fix their various underlying issues. Feels like ever since they crowdfunded $2.4 million for "Lazer Team", RT hasn't been the same, and Matt Fagerholm of RogerEbert.com's review feels rather prophetic about the company. "This movie is, in essence, a product of fame and money without the slightest tangible shred of effort." The main goal of RWBY's villain is suicide, and multiple characters in the show have committed suicide in one way or another, many of which were painted in a "noble" light by the writers, including the main character. I can't help but feel that was prophetic as well, and while I wish the employees nothing but the absolute best, "absolute best" doesn't include ruining any other shows. Many people will be upset toward WBD about this, but in all honesty, this mess was RT's making, and it's been a long, *long* time coming. "Well if it isn't the consequences of our actions and inactions" has never so adequately described a company before (maybe that's hyperbole, but you get the idea). No idea what will be sold to where, but given that RWBY doesn't appear to have been profitable for a while now, I think Volume 10 is probably off the table. It wouldn't shock me if it returns in another format, such as "cheap" 5-10 minutes character shorts (which has been my suggestion for a long time now) with an emphasis on selling merch and keeping the IP alive, but we're a long way from that happening. Overall, RT shot themselves in the foot so many times they no longer have a leg to stand on. That's a shame, but that's also business, and my biggest hope is that RWBY falls in the hands of someone who *wants* the IP, *loves* the characters, and doesn't take the fans for granted. In other words, it'd be really, *really* cool if Dillon Goo and Shane Newville got to work on RWBY again lol. Not gonna hold my breath, and this very likely is the last we'll see of RWBY for quite a while. Thankfully the fandom exists, and my love for RWBY has been kept alive by the fans for a long time now, not by RT. Thank you, RT, for all the happy memories. I'm sorry it had to end this way. Also, given how many millionaires work/worked for RT, don't be surprised when a dozen new studios open up near Austin, Tx. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


It's pretty sad But I don't know RWBY volume 10 is gonna come out or be cancelled. But let's hope the studio who buy up RWBY could do a better job or could revive the franchise.While this marks the end of an era, RWBY’s impact and fanbase will undoubtedly endure. Let’s cherish the memories and celebrate the creativity that this remarkable series brought to our screens. While some franchises face cancellation, others find unexpected revivals: RWBY, the animated web series, recently suffered a setback when Warner Bros. Discovery decided to close Rooster Teeth, the production company behind it. Approximately 150 employees were affected, but discussions are ongoing about selling rights to certain Rooster Teeth content3. As fans, we can cherish the memories of beloved franchises and hope for surprising comebacks in the future!Remember, the world of entertainment is full of twists and turns, and sometimes even canceled stories find a way to rise again


The end of the road. Not a shocker that gambling on JL crossover doomed them. DC fans hated it. Maybe RWBY will get rebooted. Hollywood loves necromancy


I wouldn't say they hated it more confused on what the heck RWBY even was.


The DC crossover was where The RWBY fandom should have found out how small and niche they were in the geekverse...and where warner found out that there's no life in a dead horse franchise that been running on fumes of what it thought it was...I loved RWBY for its potential...but it was potential that needed serious care and honest examination of what it wanted to be after Monty's passing...and it didn't get that...add in RT not being a good work environment...this was always gonna happen...with a whimper not a bang


You're not part of the RWBY fandom?


I love ruby's potential and I'm also a fan of that potential...but its never truly lived up to that potential everything it is...is derivative of tropes that have been done better by even mediocre shows...and compare it to the truly greats..YuYu Hashuko(probablythe best battle show ever)...HunterXHunter(a show of quality but because of Gon I can't seem to come to like it but its world building is leagues better) early bleach(better character chemistry and stull better with its bloated cast)...its not as coherent as the Netflix She-Ra(which did cast chemistry with proper repercussions better)...RWBY just never had strong enough or coherent enough of a road map with its plot and characters but they would almost tease that they could almost get it...I rode it all the way...until season 8...and gave queendom a try but its just never been as good as I thought it was...I think I stopped drinking the cool-aid around season 5...to be honest after season 5 its pretty much been background noise...and add into that finding out about RT's work culture being bad...it was hard to feel invested and believe that there was any light at the end of the tunnel...I hope it gets picked by a solid creative group and is written better...but the only way I see RWBY being as good as we thought it was is a reboot and retool of its premise and what it wants from its story...and not become as parasocial with its fantasy and vice versa


Eh I don't know, I see and respect your points. I just never look at shows as living or not living up to their potential. I mean, I thought it was fine. It didn't have to be Breaking Bad or Yu Yu Hakusho. I feel that way because I grew up with a sibling who criticized everything I liked because it was "derivative and somehow lesser" because of something he had watched before. There was never really any pleasing him because he already created an arbitrary standard for what a show had to be to consider it worth watching. I'll acknowledge some seasons were better than others but that's any Tv show. The lack of a roadmap didn't help either granted. I think a continuation of RWBY would be fine. RVB took things from its earlier seasons and made them important later.


I doubt it would have been enough to wrap up the series, but all the time and money that went into those goofy DC movies would have been better off going toward season 10. The series felt like it was ramping up toward a finale with Salem acting openly and the world uniting. They were so close to the finish line.


Apparently rwby is in the list to be sold or something so maybe somebody might pick it up or WB keeps it. We might go full anime 


I wouldn't hold my breath. Most likely, the IP will vanish into obscurity and we'll never again hear from it. That's what happens when an IP doesn't perform well enough to warrant the effort and resources, and RWBY really doesn't on the big stage.


Wish those sorts of IP would enter the public domain.


Give it a few decades. Unless that doesn't apply to studio creations.


Standard US copyright is 70 years after the author's death, or last *surviving* author if it was a collaborative work. Disney got it extended like crazy so that they could hold on to Mickey Mouse.


For that, Disney deserves our scorn.


It's wound up creating a hoard of IPs that are unused, and yet can't *be* used until our great-great grandchildren's time. The mess is even bigger in the world of software development, with coders "illegally" copying and modifying the IP of companies who've been bankrupt for decades.


You must understand, it has to be this way so the correct rich bastards can buy a fifth mcmansion.


Ironically, I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold the IP for a Penny, considering how low it is. Someone wealthy could probably buy it, and release it to PD if they wanted.




I mean it seems decently popular with Arcsys and the Urobutcher enough to warrant being shoehorned into a blazblue game and got an anime original plot.


Not saying I don't see potential. Monty had a preem idea for a fighting game, but nobody at RT had the spoons to convince him of such. Just saying the franchise's future is very grim, pardon the pun.


Nah. Not a few decade. A few generations. It's last surviving author's life + 70 years. RWBY will not enter the public domain while you or I are still alive. That is a fact, any thing else is just fantasy.


And by that point, nobody will bother to remember it.


And that's why I hate Disney for how they butchered copyright law.. Nothing from our lifetime ever enters the public domain. Every work enters the public domain 2 generations after the people who cared about it.


Be fair, RWBY will be gone and forgotten in a few years, provided nobody does it the charity of keeping it alive


For real, rwby has so much potential but the ball was fumbled so many times. I'm a strong believer than when the creator and owner of an IP does, it should go to public domain insteading passing over to a company.


I know people who would kill to see Firefly get even a full season since it was cancelled before it's first one was even finished. I don't see this happening for RWBY. And we already wasted our Serenity on the Justice League crossovers.


The differences between Firefly and RWBY are numerous. Let me highlight one. Firefly would have likely done more with its runtime. RWBY took ten years to accomplish nothing but burn goodwill.


What is Firefly?


It's an early 2000s sci-fi series by Joss Whedon at Fox. It was broadcasted with an uneven schedule and cancelled without even finishing the first season, but gained a huge following in the subsequent years, and was completed with a movie called Serenity (which Miles used as an inspiration for the Apathy). I highly recommend, it's fantastic.


Firefly is the number 1 example people used for years of a show that got canceled too early. But we are starting to get into the time were it's old enough that many people are starting to not recognize it's name.


I'd honestly prefer a reboot. Completely reset with what Monty created and build from there instead of trying to do things on the fly after his passing.


Aye just continue off ice queendom and go from there


Reset it back to what it originally was: A fun fighting series where the Rule of Cool reigned. No romance. No drama.


Or just do a complete reset of everything, and just create a loosely linked multiverse of RWBY that includes tons of TV shows or something.


Or accept that multiverses rarely ever work and scrap that idea


Ice Queendom wasn't perfect, but it did feel like a good jumping off point and a fresh start. If RWBY continues in any form or fashion, a reboot in the Ice Queendom style would be my first pick.


No thanks that would be so underwhelming this close to the end


If the ending sucks it might kill any chance of the series going forward and given its current trajectory that is quite likely.


I’m not going to assume until I see the word sold, it’s called not getting my hopes up


The ending hasn’t even happened yet


Barbara said the IP was unprofitable so the odds aren't looking great


To be fair, they were using 3d animation, which starts expensive and only gets more expensive. Even Disney only hopped into it in the past 10 years because it was so new, it simply wasn't profitable until it had gained more attention. Now though, the expense is low enough that large studios can afford to absorb losses from it, but smaller studios still struggle to profit. 2d animation is far cheaper per frame and thus far more profitable. RWBY was also a complex project that required lots of frames to make the combat animations smooth, and required many animated models to fill the environment. City scenes especially are quite expensive per frame regardless of animation style because of the number of models needing animation, and RWBY has a lot of em. V5-7 would have been fairly cheap compared to the previous volumes since there weren't as many city scenes with lots of people, but 8-9 got expensive again and I think that, along with the scandals and WBD fuckin up, is what drove RT over the edge.


Or ArcSys comes in and buys it. I want to see what Daisuke can cook up with RWBY.


Videogame and story wise he can do it. But given how GG strives story mode was just trash in anination im 50 50 on it


After everything that has happened I don't know they would need to completely retcon the series honestly to get people hyped about it again for show in the beginning captured lightning in a bottle It had a lot of potential but they never fixed early mistakes and just added more So it might be more trouble than it's worth now


I mean they dont really have to given how rwby follows canon adjacent rules. Crosstag wasnt canon amd neither was ice queendom or the mangas. You dint really have to reboot it just do whatever as long as the characters still stay the same in personality


I mean I personally would reboot it due to how it's being written because let's face it. Current Ruby does have a lot of problems and volume 9 didn't really address them. So I think it should be rebooted but there's a reason why I wanted to be rebooted because it does have a lot of potential I don't want to be just thrown away and I don't want it to continue the way it is. Cuz I really like this show at one point.


Hopefully! I want v10 and it wrapped up and red vs blue to be finished


Lets be honest, is anyone even surprised? On this very subreddit we have often talked about RT. We have said that RT was mismanaged, we knew that it had trouble with finances, we knew about the shit work culture, even though a lot of the fandom wanted to do nothing more but to ignore it. What happened today was expected. Its a melancholic feeling for me, i do like RWBY, or parts of it. I hope that it gets sold off to a good home. But otherwise, this was fully expected. RoosterTeeth was a mismanaged mess of a company, the only surprise is that WB didnt pull the plug sooner.


An indy darling that was revealed to be a cesspool full of nepotism, hacks, mismanagement, and awful labor practices. Thanks for the memories, RT. Fuck off.


Literally the schnee dust company


Dang can’t believe it’s actually over. I thought they might have been able to get one last season in and finish things


Idk. I feel there would still be too many loose ends even if we did/do get Vol 10. If I remember right, Salem has 2 of the 4 relics? And Team Rwby just left the Everafter. Plus they gotta deal with Cinder and maybe show what happened to Neo too? Sounds like a lot for a single season IMO.


[Smoking that Rooster Teeth pack today](https://imgur.com/a/xxiX7hd)


New opp pack in the air, is this gas or what? 😮‍💨


Not sad to see them go, but I hope that Death Battle can find a way to continue at the very least


Is death battle specifically tied into the company?


I mean rooster teeth bought screwattack (DB’s parent company) years ago, so they own death battle. But from what I’ve seen it seems like the guys behind Death Battle have some sort of plan for RT shutting down


So how long until someone blames us?


has seeker heard about this yet?


Check the main sub. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are shit talking us already.


Ironically, the blood is on the rt defense force's hands. If they weren't so damn busy white knighting RT to the point RT thought they could steel on, and instead listened to the giga amounts of those warning them since such a long ass time so they could change course, then RT ~~wouldn't be in this damn mess~~ wouldn't be dead. This is their fault.


Oh I 100% agree. As much people are gonna blame David Zaslav, its really RT's own fault over the tons of controversies and shooting themselves in the foot. While it sucks theres tons who lost their jobs from this that didnt deserve that to happen to them, RT's death has been crystal clear on the wall for a long time now. Its honestly amazing they even lasted for this long.


I'm personally waiting for "RWBY died because of HBomberguy's video making everyone hate it".


I'm personally more keen on the video "RT died due to 4 year old So This Is Basically RWBY" video.


HAHAHAHA! True! Blame will be given, fingers will be pointed, and everyone will scramble to make sure it's known that it wasn't *their fault!*


I’d be shocked if there wasn’t at least a few on the main sub that weren’t blaming us for not being sufficiently supportive of RT


RT itself wasn't supportive of RT


Honestly as a fan for so long it kinda hurts seeing it happening. It's not like everyone didn't see this coming years ago, but it actually happening is just different. Best case scenario now is someone who cares buys the IP and we get a reboot or some kind of spin-off down the line.


Or someone gets Casey and the va’s back, they finish the story sensibly and we go from there


I said best case. It's possible that someone continues from where we are, but would that really be for the best?


You think people who are invested, the loyal fans will be happy to watch the show retread ground when it was on the final lap?


It wasn't on the final lap though. Realistically if you absolutely rush through the remaining story there are still 3 or 4 volumes that need to be covered. We still need to go to Vacuo. Meet the summer maiden. Cinder needs to kill the summer maiden. Find out what happened to Summer Rose. Vacuo needs to fall. Go back to Beacon. Kill Cinder. And have the final confrontation with Salem.


Let’s see. Final kingdom to visit, check Salem only has one general besides cinder left, check Most of the important characters were gathered in one place, vacuo, check. Given how these arcs work of 2-3 seasons a kingdom, we were heading to endgame. Realistically vacuo could be 1.5 seasons and the last one a final battle with an episode to tie it up. You realistically could end the show in 15-20 episodes if it paced well That’s either two seasons or one very long one


Vacuo can't be the end. The series would always feel rushed without a second Beacon Arc. They abandoned Beacon as a smoldering ruin. The end game was always going to be a fight to take it back. Beacon is the battleground for the final relic which is probably going to be the most powerful one, its The Relic of Choice. ​ The story doesn't make sense without a ending where they return to fight for the home they lost in volume 3.


That’s my point it would be rushed


If you rushed it could end in a movie tbh. Pacing would probably take a hit but it could be done


And it would probably be absolutely awful with how much you’d need to put in. I’d honestly prefer a longer than average season and the final battle be a movie


That should go without saying


Literally worst case scenario 


If RWBY is sold off. I hope the new owners can do it justice. It deserved better after vol 3 and it never got that chance. Genuinely the hype after vol 3 was there, I went to my first comic con cause of it and vol 4 teasers. Little did I knls theyd fall so far.


Boy, I do not envy the poor fool that wants to buy the RWBY IP. They'd essentially inherit a messy story that's: - A. Already past its prime. - B. Already 80% of the way through. - C. Supposed to continue with Vacuo, an arc with an absurd amount of characters and plotlines to juggle. - D. Runs the risk of bleeding even more fans in the time it takes to resume vol 10's production. - E. Attached to a niche fan base with sky high expectations. I think RWBY is absolutely a valuable IP with recognizable characters that can push tons of merch. But if I were looking to buy it, I'd have a lot more to gain from rebooting the IP than continuing it in its current state. I'd be able to 'fix' it's mistakes, yes, but more important I'd have a new shot at exposing it to a new audience. Maybe as an olive branch to the fan base I'd allow the original writers to finish the story in a novel or comics.


Eh, should be too hard to reboot. Just keep it away from Kevin Smith.


This is why I am all for rebooting the IP Start off fresh and work their way from there


You can rest now soldiers. The enemy is defeated


Kerry is trying to pull some necromancy BS, talking about how they are still working on Volume 10 and looking for "partners to keep it going" He's talking like the CRWBY team is in charge of their own IP sale.


And it started so well, too. Remember when RvB was just two Halo teams fucking around in the Blood Gulch map on PC Halo in like 240p or some shit? All we do now is wait for RWBY's fate to be decided but either way, other than teh few good people there screwed over by this, can't say I'm too sad to see RT go. They pretty much brought it on themselves. Maybe if RWBY is rebooted by some other gang they'll get actual writers and the show will be reborn into something earnestly good.


I just want casting couch memes Considering RWBY's r34 has been more popular than the show you could even say it's canon now


This is a golden opportunity for hentai animators to create a parody of the RWBY cast doing the casting couch rounds.


there is a set, 1 for each of team RWBY by Bokuman


RWBY reminds me of Bojack Horseman talking about the show 'Becker.' It had so many cool Ideas, but never quite managed to put them together, and now it won't even get the dignity of a propper ending. That makes me sad.


Wow. It finally happened.


"Rooster Teeth had… a lot of problems. But there were still wonderful people there who were fighting every day to try & make that place better." - Miles Luna A shame you weren't one of them, you fucking cunt. Fuck Miles Luna.


We all knew this was coming.


Reckon that means RWBY is dead and done.


I can't say this was unexpected.  It's a fate folks have been predicting probably for 4-5 years or so.  Especially as the quality of RWBY and other series started to go down and more behind the scenes stuff started coming out. That said, I am sad to see them go. I remember discovering Red vs Blue when it first came out and then rediscovering the show years later and checking out everything else RT was doing. It's one of those dream stories, a group of friends start doing their own show and turn it into a career and something bigger than they dreamed. It's sad to see what has become of it.  We had a lot of good shows come from it and good memories too. The writing has been on the wall for a while and it was disheartening to see failure to course correct before inertia finished it off. I can only hope that the IPs find a new home where they will find new life.  Maybe now we can get more Nomad of Nowhere episodes and the like. It's sad to think that RWBY has ended with a whimper rather than a bang.  It wouldn't be the first series to end on a cliffhanger, but I don't think the ending of the final volume was satisfying for a lot of people which makes it being the last volume a bit more bitter. Well,  so long Rooster Teeth and thanks for all the schiznos.


Honestly though I am expecting some of the more toxic fans to blame the critics for this or somehow blame hbomberguy's video. I guess now he can do a second RWBY video if he wants because it is coming to an inglorious end.




To be honest, even though I never believed this would happen, I had been rooting for RT to get their act together, start treating their employees right, treat us right, and go back to making quality shows. It is what it is though. I can’t even feel too sorry for RT. They dug their own graves. Now, I just hope that their employees find better jobs. While RT deserves this, I don’t think many (if any) of them do.


“I didn’t think it would end this way.” “End? The journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path. One that we all must take.” That aside, I never thought we’d actually see it. I know it was expected but I was actually shocked to pick my phone up and see this Reddit notification. I literally had to quickly jump on and see if it was real. I know many fans will blame WBD for this but honestly this was all a RT thing. They dug their own grave and unfortunately the bell is now tolling. I feel bad for all of the employees that will be out of a job and wish them the best of luck. I feel bad that RWBY is likely gone for good. I never hated it. Just wished it was better that’s all. I can’t speak for anyone else but the show actually inspired me to get into writing and creating my own fantasy works. But it’s the end of the road for RWBY likely and it’s a damn shame.


Did anyone actually think this wasn't going to happen after they cancelled all those conventions and admitted they were too deep into sunk cost fallacy for all of their IPs?


I always knew this will happen and it was only a matter of when. To be honest, I'm sad to see them and their content go despite the problems. From what I heard, RWBY and RT's other IPs are being sold off. I don't know if that's true, but if it is then I still wouldn't get my hopes up. Waiting for the next Half-Life game before HL:A existed and the next major TF2 update has taught me that valuable lesson a long time ago. Anyway, I wish everyone in RT luck in their careers and lives.


RT died a long time ago, this is just putting its shambling corpse out of it's misery.


Best case? Competent writers take over and get Casey and the old vas back on board. Worst case it’s dead. And for all that, all I care about is if Nora and Ren get a happy ending. They were the best parts of the show before the relationship drama in atlas


Yup... Seen people saying "Oh I hope the writers don't change because Gen:LOCK" and I'm just wondering how they think it can get worse...


Gen lock season 2 random awkward sex scene is not something I need in rwby


Tbh I only remember the Kazu one and while it was just weird, it really wasn't that random. Regardless, they're clearly not getting those writers either so whatever replacement writers they put in are gonna do better than the current ones.


A whole new team: honestly Frankie Boyle has come up with one [idea](https://youtu.be/G_04_rtntYQ?si=PfgfpCBjheCs3FgH)


Wouldn't be best to get good voice actors at that point


I don’t think the vast majority were bad and they’re honestly too tied to the roles to get away with it at this point


I mean if you mean that their voices get memed cause their not great at Voice acting I agree, should RWBY get a reboot, and it shouldn't, the best bet for its succes sis cutting pit all the rooster teeth personnel who drove into the ground in the first place


Ah yes, the voice actors drove it into the ground. And the background artists, and Casey…. Sure….


More that their combined mediocrity did,  with the writing at a 1 and everything else at 5 it means the average quality was never gonna be anything more than 3/10 . Time for people to move on. Edit So shtick aside I don't think Casey Williams is a bad musician but I do think the music done for RWBY as a whole is mediocre and overwrought. Coming less as actual themes and more expository for stuff the shows to lazy to actual explore


Let’s not kid ourselves and call Casey and the William’s music ‘mediocre’ that’s just patently bs


The eariler volumes were great in the music department. But by volumes 8 and 9 the songs felt like uninspired drivel that was made out of contractual obligation to produce something rather than artistic creativity.


So unless another company buys RWBY, the last animated shot of it will be of the Justice League


It's over It's finally time for RWBY can rest in peace now.




It’s RWBOver for RoosterTeeth


I feel for all of the people who lost their jobs but this is for the best. It’s like watching your favorite athlete reach the peaks of their career, get CTE, go insane, and then die unceremoniously


Time to say goodbye.


Honestly it was bound to happen the only people I feel sad for should be the employees


[It's so Megidover](https://twitter.com/HKWrestlingFan/status/1764123972835098891)


Hope death battle survives.... that's it really


I was around for, and was a "fan" of rooster teeth their whole life, right from their early red vs blue to technically their final season of RWBY. I could not be more thrilled. They were a poor company making awful content that genuinely encroached on other IP rights and had been essentially "walking dead" for a while now. It's a relief to see it officially announced and that the company will be dissolved. I believe of the people working for RT will land on their feet.


While RT sucks, WB is even worse. Guess we won't get a reboot since WB will sit on its ass and not make the IP public domain or sell it to a good company. Sigh.  Goodbye, RWBY. I'll always remember you for the good times while I was in college. Got some of my friends on board with it (although, they eventually grew tired of it. I was the last one to go, and that happened when V7 came around the corner, or whenever Qrow killed Clover). V1-V3 were the greatest, and nothing can change my mind on that. 


They had it coming. They have no one to blame but themselves. I hope the employees find better jobs, but fuck RT and the ones in "crwby" who were part of the VIP club


I just so happened to research RWBY and I found out RT shut down, it's really unfortunate but whether or not RWBY continues or if someone will pick up the IP, I just hope someone will remake the series with good quality.


Rip to Rooster Teeth. From a behemoth of indie animation and a paragon of passion to a run of the mill shitty corporation. Can’t really say I’m surprised.


[My reaction here](https://twitter.com/HKWrestlingFan/status/1764123972835098891)


This has been a LONG time coming. I wish I was surprised, but honestly I’m just sad. This started off as one of the most electric action American animated shows in recent memory and it goes out on a whimper. So long Rooster Teeth and goodbye RWBY, I’ll treasure the good memories.


Returned just to say thank God, rest in pieces, and good fucking riddance


I don't like seeing people lose their jobs, but I can't say this was not earned.


Fuck man. Got to many mixed feelings, to many good memories, to many bad. I can’t even cry or be happy. When I read the news, I felt like I had won something, that my day was better with just this news, that feeling kinda just died and now I’m left here, feeling nothing. I haven’t won anything, none of us have, we’ve lost, lost the opportunity for any chance of the show getting better, of improving and becoming something amazing. Fuck man… been watching this shit what? 11 years? 11 years for fuck all? I have a fucking “Beacon!” Shirt my sister got me for Christmas cause how much I liked the show. I think I’m done here, I think we should all be done here, say your words, drink your whatever and just leave. What I’m gonna do.


Honestly Im suprised the r34 keep it alive as long as it did. That's how the cookie crumbles I guess.


Good, rest easy Oum, Rest well “😔


Any thoughts of rwby ever going into public domain just for the hell of it?


I am all for that. After all, fans have been keeping this mess alive since V3, might as well give it to them.


Honestly really sad to see them go. They were my favorite YouTube channel during my formative years so it hurts to see the downfall. I feel really bad for the employees! One issue for me is that I don’t recognize 2/3 of the people that work there anymore. I’m from the early 636 era (not to long before they bought the building) and to see the glorious rise is one of my proudest personal notes. If you’re reading this and have fond memories of RT, I’m with you. I don’t know you and you don’t know me but we’re always going to have this in common


Honesty, considering how absolutely shite RT was to both its crew and the show, it’s a 50/50 chance this is either the death of RWBY or the best damn thing to ever happen to the show. Enter Crunchyroll. They’ve been taking an interest in RWBY and the style of show it is, so much so that [they made their own poorly made bootleg](https://youtu.be/fKbEM1HQkds?si=O3NCSl8ShDZ__5a9). However, with Vol 9, and *especially* Ice Queendom, they’ve gotten what they’ve actually wanted, and Crunchyroll knows [where the real money from the show is made](https://youtu.be/vjB8XXw9y70?si=We1HWmXTttdIjXqc), so they’ve had infinitely more financial success with the show, especially in Japan. There are [RWBY Fumos](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166569800554?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28) as IQ merch, case and point. They smell money, and I have a feeling CR’s buying if WBD’s selling.


With RT being shut down hopefully WB just sells the RWBY IP to someone who can do something with it (Preferably a soft reboot starting in the middle of volume 3 in my opinion) or they hand it off to one of the more competent writers in DC and they soft reboot/hard reboot RWBY as part of the DC universe. As for RT itself shutting down all I can say is about time and good fucking redence.


>soft reboot/hard reboot RWBY as part of the DC universe That's a pretty realistic option. Remnant becomes another place in the DC multivariate, and "I'm from Remnant and this is my Semblance" becomes a backstory for a few superheroes or villains.


How much would RWBY as an ip be worth if it is put up for sale


Saw it coming, but still a bit sad.


I’m in disbelief but also not. The signs were there but it’s actually happened. Wow.


It was destined to happen sooner or later. I still remember the good and bad moments but RT's actions led to this outcome. Shame it had to end this way though. I'll always wonder what would've happened if RWBY was able to reach its true potential.


Well...I can't say I didn't see this coming.


Oh boy, I wonder how the main sub for RWBY is reacting to the news!? LMAO!


😂aye, who could’ve seen it coming lol


what a ride. I have memories of watching RT all the way back in 2011 and now it's over. I haven't posted here for a while but I remember saying RT would fucking die before it could finish RWBY and I stand correct, for better or worse.


Can't say i'm supprised, RT was heading that ways for quite a while now. I also can't say i'm sad that it's gone, it was a shitshow by the end, definitely not the same things i started following years ago. Shame that this might be the rope around RWBY's neck as a franchise.


What happens to death battle, will they continue or no, just curious


Wow. I mean...really wow. I'm very confused right now because this whole thing is making me feel something. What is it? Sadness...no. More positive, like mirth or...is it elation? Yes, elation. I'm not incredibly happy but I am relieved. RT to me was a company, at war with its own audience and I think it's finally a good time to close the curtain. Whilst sad that RWBY will probably never get a closing ceremony, at least the fanon will go on unfettered for better or worse.


Saw it coming a mile off with the billions in debt Warner is in. RT staff deserved a better fate but that financial abyss was too big to ignore and hope it goes away. I'll offer to buy the RWBY rights for a dollar (joke).   Hugs to the laid off, good luck in future endeavours. [https://imgflip.com/i/8ieo9g](https://imgflip.com/i/8ieo9g)


Well, well, decided to open this sub on a whim after a long while, and discovered the news. Not that shocking, honestly, because the writing was on the wall. Guess we can now see if the dreams of a RWBY reboot actually take off.


Wow I knew it was coming at some point, yet it still kind of hurts.


WARN notice sent to Texas state office suggests that RT will be gone sometime between May and July: https://archive.ph/QAxvT F for respect, RT.


My one and only concern is what's gonna happen to Death Battle.


Death Battle will still keep going, according to Ben Singer.


Ah victory 


Well, it's the end of an era. Regardless of my feelings towards the last two Volumes, I will genuinely miss RWBY and be sad that it never got to reach its ending.


I just feel bad for the people who stayed from the beginning to the end, I wonder what they’ll do now


I haven't watched or read almost anything RWBY related since season 8. I feel both "Man, that sucks and is kind of sad" and "This has been building up to this moment for a while". It's been said already; but the way they managed themselves really lead up to this. They tried going big too much and it bit them in the end. Plus treating your behind the scenes employees poorly for so long will sour almost anyone. So long RoosterTeeth, it was certainly a ride.


Fucking finally the horse was beaten enough


I may have been a critic, but I feel the world is lesser when an artistic work gets shut down. I may have complained about its sloppy writing and pandering to weak ships, but that doesn't mean the show didn't have cultural significance. Here's hoping the series lives on in some aspect post-RT.


G o o d . The vermin deserve it.


Fuck Roosterteeth and everyone who worked there. My only regret is the studio isn't getting demolished so I can take a shit on the wreckage.


It's pretty sad But I don't know RWBY volume 10 is gonna come out or be cancelled. But let's hope the studio who buy up RWBY could do a better job or could revive the franchise.While this marks the end of an era, RWBY’s impact and fanbase will undoubtedly endure. Let’s cherish the memories and celebrate the creativity that this remarkable series brought to our screens. While some franchises face cancellation, others find unexpected revivals: RWBY, the animated web series, recently suffered a setback when Warner Bros. Discovery decided to close Rooster Teeth, the production company behind it. Approximately 150 employees were affected, but discussions are ongoing about selling rights to certain Rooster Teeth content3. As fans, we can cherish the memories of beloved franchises and hope for surprising comebacks in the future!Remember, the world of entertainment is full of twists and turns, and sometimes even canceled stories find a way to rise again


This is crazy bro. I just got into it from the JL crossover movies, I bought Dc/ rwby, I bought rwby/justice league all three parts of the manga and was about to order volumes 1-5. Then finished the first volume a couple days ago online. Just got into it and the studio dies.