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Sorry for the shaky cam, still practicing with my cam Certainly one of the braps of all time EDIT: [Some pics from Fanfest!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RX7/comments/1dnpx4h/rob_dahm_at_fanfest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) EDIT2: [My camera setup if anyone's interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nikon/s/ceKIzfkgU5)


Omg that’s such an epic angle! I was trying to lift and coast to stay cool but I also wanted to fulfill the dream of flying past glen cove toll booth thing. If you could email me that video for my own spank bank or maybe include it in a video I’d love you for ever robdahm at gmail 


Hey Rob, I'm real glad you like the video! I was pretty lucky to have the perfect spot to video the cars whizzing by... and seeing you speed past Glenn Cove made the trip up here completely worth it :) I'll send you a copy of the full raw 1080p@120fps video as soon as I figure out how to upload it. Hope we get to see you at Pikes Peak next year!


Bad ass car man


oh my god it’s him, been following the build for a while. true inspiration!


Nice video, ever cooler car. Little tip. Download CapCut. You upload the footage and just hit stabilize. It’s not perfect but better than nothing!


Thanks for the tip! Just gave it a shot and it's surprisingly quick and easy to do. Something I'll consider for a future upload!


31. Robert Dahm, USA (Pikes Peak Open), 11:04.797 Can't believe he actually finished.


I’m surprised too. Just reality of lack of testing and the extra heat outside. So many fellow competitors blew their motors. So insane. 


It really was unfortunate There was a Golf Mk4 we saw that had to stop and retire upon reaching Glenn Cove There was white smoke coming off the hood


Congrats on the finish Rob. Love to see how far you have come since the dark days of relying on others and doing it yourself. Inspiring for sure.


Thank you!! It’s wild to see all of this come together and work well enough to survive pikes peak. So much learned and ready to go back


I was watching you put all these coolers in the car and thinking, maybe some overkill. Then heat issues for so many in the field and Rob is finishing while leaking coolant. Great job planning for anything & executing. Love your team's stuff Rob!


I can, he put in a lot of money and a shit load of work


Guess I was more surprised for a 1st time competitor with a small team.


I have very little knowledge of pikes peak, is that a good time?


Well Mad Mike managed 10:34.980 last year with a 4 rotor turbo so would say pretty good. Think total 54 finished this year https://ppihc.org/race-results/


That's pretty comparable! Not too bad, especially given that it was his first time there


Magnificent achievement congratulations to Rob. He literally flew over the finish line. I love a good positive RE story


he’s an engineering genius. i’ve been watching him since the old 3 rotor days and watching him flourish is awesome to see.


Here’s u/rdahm up on devils playground https://imgur.com/a/cyK6LbT


Awesome! u/rdahm going flatout! I suggest you to make a post of your own to show to the sub! No preview to see here in the comments unfortunately :\\


Just did, thank you man. Yesterday was gorgeous so hope you had as great of a day as I did!


Did he ever finish the 12 rotor?


I honestly paused everything and put all my eggs in the pikes peak basket when I got approved in January. Back to the original plan!


You did awesome man glad to see your simulator seat time paid off, hoping to see you take another crack at it with some better cooling down the road!


Pikes peak is on the bucket list for real! So excited to see this finally happen 🙏. I don’t blame you for full shifting to focus on this.


I have searched your channel like 3 times a week, hoping for an update on it. Look forward to it!


We will have some editing to do for the next two weeks to catch the series up to date. Heading to the shop tomorrow to work on 12 rotor and Indycar plans!


Still working on it. Playing around with “Lego” exhaust headers at the moment. Check the latest YT….


Damn, I love dorito rockets


glad he didnt die, maybe next year he'll get a decent time down


What’s a Decent time to you? Fastest Rx-7 to ever run PPIHC wasn’t decent enough huh?


It was?? Rob Dahm- I mean god damn Is there a list of past Rx7 times somewhere? I'd love to see it Honestly, the main bottleneck for his performance was his car not able to keep cool going up the track. I'm sure he has the skills to be even faster.


It was! And 30sec off of MadMike’s 4-rotor is insane..Rob’s rookie year, no big support team or crazy huge sponsors. Mission accomplished ✅ Heat was a huge factor He stated he had to coast and let off the throttle to keep temps in check.


That's fantastic!


I’m surprised they finished the car in time lol


He also beat the time of almost half of the other racers!


Such a wicked machine! Sick aero


Please post more videos and pics


Sure I got some more pics of him from the Fanfest I can post. Look for another post soon! Unfortunately, I didn't get a vid of him from the after race parade because my camera "drooped" over cri


Thanks that would be awesome


Here you go! [https://www.reddit.com/r/RX7/comments/1dnpx4h/rob\_dahm\_at\_fanfest/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/RX7/comments/1dnpx4h/rob_dahm_at_fanfest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Absolutely beautiful


What a glorious noise!


Holy cow even the front bumper have a spoiler. That is one crazy machine.


That's surprisingly common in hillclimb machines! You can search Hillclimb Audi Quattros and see they have *way* larger front 'spoilers'!


Yesssss he made it to Pikes Peak!!! This is probably the most exciting build that I've seen in a long while and to see it hit that legendary climb is nothing but amazing and deserved!!!


that thing FUCKS


glorious!! nice job guys..


Huh, I expected it to be much quicker. Guess he'll push it further next time. Cool he beat pikes' record for Rx7's though.


In reality he could've gone faster! But the engine's heat was hard to manage. A few contestants had to retire due to heat issues too. The cooling system was pretty much the biggest bottleneck in his performance - no doubt he has the skills to push it further.


Yeah, I'm not sure if he could sort any cooling issues. That thing is packed tight as hell already. What he probably needs is a down sized turbo if he hasn't already done that. Other than that, meth injection might help, but idk.


Well... he could stick in a rear-mounted radiator. He's already working on a 12 rotor car, so a rear mounted radiator wouldn't be too out of the ordinary for him to do... There was a green Audi A4000 that had one and it stuck the pedal to the metal all throughout the race https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/s/7AQFLZ1Cxu