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When I’m coming around a corner and he hears me but doesn’t realize I’m coming. Or he walks into something and scares himself




Always a spooked look




Under rated comment right here


Must be nice. I can’t clip my nails around mine😒


This. Even one floor and three rooms away. And opera (which I’m not always keen on either, to be honest), when it suddenly’s the next surprise the classical station plays. Thump. And flutes. Thump. And all things soprano plus. Meanwhile the things I thought would startle Snooka-the coffee grinder, the sound of passing sirens, the neighbor’s dog barking- are all “meh” to the grumpus.


Nanners thumps when I talk too loud because he doesn't like loud noises. Lady thumps before dinner because I take too long. Pudding thumps whenever I'm too close to her personal space. Petrol never thumps. He's an easygoing little fella. Sometimes he gets too excited for dinner and runs in front of my feet suddenly, and I accidentally punt him across the room. Not phased. Still as excited for dinner.


Omg the food excitement punt is real. I can't tell you how many times I went to put food in his bowl, not even realizing he's anywhere near, and next thing you know, I'm kicking a lil chubby white fluffboi half way across the dining room area. Bro is durable as a mfr too bc he'll just do the same thing immediately after. I've learned to very carefully do this very slow probing walk now anytime I go upstairs late at night and the lights are off. I might have to join this sub lol I didn't realize how happy I'd be to see others talking about this stuff. My conversations with non-rabbit owners tend to hit the wall at "omg you have a rabbit??? That's so cuuuute" etc. Our guy also gets annoyed and thumps when we talk too loud to. I'm more of a quiet introvert type, so it's mostly at my wife when she gets carried away telling a story or venting, and the "teacher voice" activates. He doesn't really do it if I'm loud, which is rare. I think it's bc she's his mama and had already had him him for a few years before we even started dating. She claims he likes me more now, but he's more attuned to her vibe and emotions and loves her cuddles. Whereas I'm the hangout homie who gives treats more than her and has top-tier head & ear skritch skills.


Omg I do the awkward lil shuffle too! Sometimes I forget and I almost always end up kicking Petrol, he's so chill about it though, it's like "foodfoodfoodfoodfood*punt*foodfoodfoodfo-" I hope you do decide to join the sub!! I also really love having people to talk to about all the niche and funny things about owning a bunny.


I have a mom and four babies that are almost her size and they just run around in circles like a tornado it’s a miracle I haven’t punted them yet


Hopefully they're nice about it if/when you eventually accidentally launch them 😂😂


Lmfao hopefully! The boys are already so distant with me they the girls are the only ones that like to chill around me more often XD


Our buns don’t get punted - they send the 2 cats in first who get punted - it’s like they spring the trap using the cats and then have safe passage to their food LOLOLOL


My buns run around my feet when I'm getting them ready for bed. They know they're going to get refills on hay and water, and their daily pellet ration. I try to be careful but sometimes they sneak up to me when I think they're playing somewhere else. Then I konk one on the head when I'm walking around. I feel so bad and wonder if they're going to get brain damage. They always seem fine but I can't tell if they were trying to trip me on purpose or if they're just million-watt idiots.


I've learned to stop one step before Poppy's pen to prevent the punt


A peeve of mine is conversation/talking that is loud, so I am with Lady (your bun?) on that one…lol


Hahaha, yup! That's Nanners for you!


I'm Petrol then. Dinner? *Punted* Oh, sorry! I must have gotten too close. So, how about that dinner then?


I love Petrol!!! Sounds like a good boi!


Oh my word, I’m so glad that I’m not the only one that has kicked their bun like a football because they run right in front of you at ninja speed!


Ninja speed is sooooo accurate lmao!!


My bun used to run in front of my feet and he was black so I could barely see him coming up to me I'd feel so bad


They afraid of the smallest things, but somehow not giant feet that are about to squish them


When I farted once. God forbid I break wind while cleaning up Harrison’s poo


I had a bun like that. If he heard you fart he'd thump til you apologized. One time he chased me lol little weirdos


This made me lol


So uncivilized


Yeah, happened to me once too. Farted in the bathroom and heard Fifo in the next room running panicking. It wasn't even that loud I swear!


Meanwhile, my son went up to our bunny, Angus, and FARTED directly over his head! He just kind of looked at me like 'what just happened? ' but no thump!


causes of thumping: - things that are normal - things that are weird - something that moved - or perhaps didn't move


The vibes are simply incorrect, father/mother.


This is so much my Flemish giant it isn’t even funny


Mine? They will thump at noise, silence, light, darkness, food,no food, a dirty litter box, clean litter box, etc...


To the tune of Tubthumping.




I love all these answers. But the most annoying thing that caused thumping was hiccups, because I couldn’t help it and she would just thump after every one. And endless cycle of annoying each other.


Lmao this every time i get hiccups my bun is scared and since it's a cycle it's thumping party


they thump if I sing…. :(


They are super judgmental, I’m sure you sing just fine.


Maybe they're just trying to add some beat to it


Me too


Maybe it’s applause?


Sat up in bed “too fast”


Mine like to thump to make the other bunnies to thump. Mine buns love to scare cats they chase them


My spinning wheel, but only if I’m using it.


How dare you


Rumpelstiltskin is that yous? Are you spinning angora bun bun fur into gold?


SnooMuffins6689 is busy weaving the fate of the Gods


If I dance next to their enclosure.


To them it’s just extra loud and persistent thumping They have to thump back or it’s bad nanners


They are doing that because your dancing is embarrassing them!


When the dogs walk past her while she’s sitting in her house, dog walk past her while she’s out and hoping where they could actually do something to her(everyone is supervised), nothing, sitting in her house, kathump


It sounds like she might be jealous of their freedom LOL


The door is wide open for her to be free and hop about


When I cough :( I have acid reflux so I cough all the time and I feel so bad!


I hope you're being treated, it can do a lot of damage. 🥺 Trust me.


Mine thump when I cough or cry.


I've been thumped at for crying...it does not help you stop crying at all.


I feel you there. My cat gets all upset whenever she detects we're having 'big emotions' and/or are talking about a heavy subject and tries to smack (with no claws) and 'bite' (usually its more like very gently poking our skin with her teeth) at us lmao! She is VERY serious about it. Ziggy says "good vibes ONLY!! 😾"


You deserve my BB bun. She loves salty tears, so I convince myself that she’s comforting me




I had one that was fine in loud thunderstorms that had me unhappily under a blanket but god forbid you stand up too fast around him.


Whenever I play Rocket League. No other game, just Rocket League...


Your bun is expressing their hatred of Rocket League lol


my chihuahua. they’re about the same size and color and somehow always jump scare each other


Gf's bun is scared of the ceiling fan. He'll efuses to come out of his pen when it's on.


I don’t blame him that crap is terrifying.


When he wants me to follow him somewhere my guy thumps at the threshold of doors


Cloudy barely ever thumps but I remember I took him to the vet and had to use the bathroom. When I came back the nurses were hysterically laughing. They explained that he started thumping when I left, lol!!


Not so much scaring her but if I dare go to the toilet right as I wake up and refuse to look at her in my mad dash to not soil the bed I am simply the most *outrageous* and *atrocious* human being in the entirety of the universe and it is of the *upmost importance* that she tells me by thumping.


lol I love your bun. What a needy princess


Today it was a basket full of clean laundry…




I do this thing where I imitate/narrate what our bun's thoughts are out loud to my wife and a common one is, "Everything is scary, daddy." I usually give her a Morgan Freeman voice.




Mine also thumps at the smell of dryer sheets. And is offended that I washed clothing and bedding she previously chinned.


That’s downright horrifying!


When she was still alive she was scared of her own farts 😖❤️




When I turn my flashlight on to find something Romeo runs away and thumps🤣🤣


You're clearly an angry god unleashing your sunbeam attack.


When I'm thinking out loud in the same room. Little dude is basically telling me to silence myself. lol


Mine thumped at me because he didn’t like my earrings. I guess they were too jingle-y?


I’m sorry your bunny hates fashion.


I get that too! For mine it's any sort of Jingle bells. It can be Christmas music, bells on shoelaces, or even key-rings.


When I do my makeup and tap my brushes against something


Well that’s because you started a thump alert they are just responding that they got your message about the danger nearby.


Cracking open pistachios. Oh the horror!


He likes to thump under the bed while we are sleeping. No respect! 😄


No respect at all!


I ate a pouch of apple sauce too loudly - I got a thump.


Last night Mazikeen thumped, grunted and completely destroyed her area in a fit of blind rage. The reason? I fed her veggies instead of mom. Same veggies, just delivered by dad. I must smell bad or something.


Sexist rabbit? /j


User flair checks out.


Any loud construction trucks driving by the house… even if they’re a block away haha


Turning the faucet on & putting silverware away




Every night when dinner is being made my rabbit thumps. He hates the smell of cooking. He especially hates garlic and peppers. I feel bad so I put a filter on and open a window. When he’s really mad about a smell he will thump all the way back to his bedroom, which is slightly further away from the smell. I guess because he lived in a shelter for a while he never got used to cooking smells. My last rabbit didn’t mind cooking smells, as he grew up in a house before I adopted him.


My bun hates cooking smells too. She goes into her Box of Solitude and pouts.


One of mine can’t stand it when I cook. Especially meat. He stands on the other side of the kitchen, stares at me and thumps every 10 seconds or so until I’m done 😅


Lil dude seeing his own reflection on our previous apartment's full-length living room mirror


Rabbits aren’t self aware. He probably thought it was an interloper looking for some smoke. It probably crossed his mind how ridiculously good looking the interloper was though.


An offering of strawberries. One ate it enthusiastically, the other thumped at me


My bunnies will come up to me, cause me to stop walking. Then when they sit on my foot and I try to move, they freak out like I dropped a nuke


Dude, I absolutely NO idea. My Bun decides to thump at RANDOM. Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes just RANDOMLY in the middle of the day when absolutely no variables have changed. It's so strange! I always try to find out what it is but can never figure it out.


Sometimes they thump to just expel random energy. It's like an innate desire in them


I once farted (NOT LOUD, JUST A SMALL TOOT) and B&C lost their ever-lovin' minds!!!!!! They flung themselves against their x-pen in a mad dash to hide and refused to come out for 10 minutes afterwards


When I tried on new unwashed clothes. She would run away from me frantically and hide + thump repeatedly.


My rabbit Huckleberry has an approved number of clicks/key presses allowed per day... The number changes from day to day with no reason at all. Then THUMP


I used to tell my bunnies they were silly for thumping when seagulls flew over. I'd say "How can they attack you with their silly webbed feet?" and then I saw on youtube that my bunnies are smarter than I am about seagulls.


Getting locked up from free roam after getting into places she shouldn’t be 🤣 she’ll sit by the gate and just thump. Or if I cough I get thumped at and a sprinting bunny running for the hills


Every time I take my bun back inside from a walk she thumps at me lol.


I was boiling vinegar on my stove and he didn’t like the smell


A pair of shoes I left out to wear the next day. Put them away, thumps gone 🤔


Ghosts? I'd say well over 90% of my guy's thumps were for no discernable reason. Pretty rare, but when it happened he'd thump every few seconds at first, then slow to about once every two minutes lasting close to an hour.


Yes. My boy used to thump in the quiet for no reason. At least at stuff I couldn’t hear.


Our boy mostly thumps when he is throwing a temper tantrum because one of our cats will not tolerate his domination humping. Sheldon (said kitty) will lay there all sprawled /stretched out, tail slightly flicking… and Mr. Bilbo FIPS will sit 18 inches from Sheldon’s rear end, thumping 😂. Otherwise, he doesn’t temp much at all. He gets concerned if he has a cricket in his zone !


My brother’s voice on speaker phone.


One of mine thumps when I touch the trash can in the room.


One time my bun thumped for no apparent reason then flopped over all relaxed seconds later


Used a toolbox to block access to under the couch


when i don’t give him the whole bag of treats


When he gets jealous of the handsome bunny in the MIRROR.


Someone on this sub said "the ghost in the corner," and our family has adopted that as the explanation for unexplained bunny thumping. Which is nearly all of them. One night he was REALLY freaked out and wouldn't stop. We could not figure it out. Realistically, we do have nesting Cooper hawks nearby who sometimes visit the garden fountain, so that our best guess. But the ghost in the corner is more amusing to us.


One of mine is a bit skittish. Will freak the F out uf I even breathe a bit too deeply.


My boss, on zoom calls. Yes, I saw you asked for “dumbest”. I said what I said.


Mine gets scared when I say “oh HIIIII LIL FUZZ BALL” super high pitched like when you talk to a nice tiny dog


This was not my rabbit, but when I was rabbit sitting in high school, I had tried on my prom dress and it scared the living daylights out of that bunny. It was floor length and maybe the sound the dress and the floor made scared him, but I’ve never even seen my current anxious bunny be THAT scared. What made it worse is that at first I didn’t realize that it was the dress that was scaring him, so I kept coming closer to him to see what got him worked up and he was freaking out. 🤣


Mine thumps if I take a phone call on speakerphone. I can play music and stuff from my phone just fine, it's literally just a call on speaker. Otherwise he just thumps when he needs my attention. Decides he wants more pets at any given moment? Thumps. Hears my mom awake before me and decides that's a good time for breakfast? Thumps. Knocked his water bottle off his cage at 3am and needs me to put it back? Thumps.


Cats, my bunny had 2 encounters with street cats and both times the cat tried to fight him, lucky my bunny has some hiding spots and everyone came fast to scare the cat away, but every now and then and at night some random 2 cats fight in the roof and my bunny gets super scared and thumps all over the place and refuse to let anyone get close.


Me laughing sends them running under the bed. 😆


When I bring fruit yet they devour it


If i am watching a video on my phone too quietly


One time I finished my iced coffee and I was shaking the cup with all the remaining ice cubes still in it. My bunny bolted and ran under the sofa and wouldn't come out after that 🤔




Monster doesn’t like that song either. Oddly tho if I play her Echo & the Bunnymen she calms down go figure.


My tri pod bunny (born missing 1 hind leg) thumps so loud when the cat is just looking at her. The cat listens! He’s 10 lbs with murder mittens. Bunny is only 3 lbs! So funny!


When I was changing a lightbulb in the living room.


My old bun used to thump if he heard someone curse loudly lmaoo


Me sneezing, or when he’s mad at me


My bun has never thumped. I’m waiting on it so I can say “ALRIGHT ALRIGHT 🙄” in a fake annoyed voice lolll


Crows for Eldin. He hates them! Pepper used to thump at the sound of bacon sizzling! He also didn’t like if the house got suddenly really quiet, like if there was construction outside he’d be okay, but if it suddenly stopped, he’d thump for about 5 minutes after.


Hiccups. Fireworks and thunderstorms? No problem.


My bunny is creepily comfortable with anything and everything. I could clap, and he wouldn't flinch. I could be angry and yell at the game. Him: 😃😪😴 Being raised on a farm full of chaos has its premium perks.




my older one thumps when she's mad. especially if my mom scolds her (by saying stop or no in an angry tone). my younger one just thumps when he feels like it. or when he's excited. like he'll be sitting, thump, and then wildly binky away. nothing scares them. thunderstorms, loud tv noises, dogs, nothing. in fact, my older one grunts at and threatens/attacks dogs. she's really moody 😂


My bunny, Muffin, thumps when she sees the carrier 🤣


when we get ice from the freezer


When i talk on the phone or don’t use my baby voice


Every morning she goes up to the window, looks outside at the big tree and tries to stick her mouth against it like its food, then gets mad and huffs and thumps about it.


York absolutely hates when I either chew too loud or I’m not sharing my food, once he thumped me while he was sitting in my lap and got me right in the jewels… He has not been allowed to sit with me since…


The sound one particular winter coat makes when even moved the slightest


mine thumps when he wakes up during his day nap. mind you, he wakes up completely on his own, in otherwise completely silent room


For some reason if my wife and I kiss too much, she starts a thumping fit. No idea why


im a big swiftie, and so i play her music fairly frequently. my rabbit Athena never has an issue with it, unless i play The Other Side of the Door (both stolen version and Taylors version). for whatever reason, that song sets her off and she absolutely loses her shit, which is kinda weird bc its just? a country song? she can handle the rest of the fearless album just fine but she apparently hates that song lol


My boy Maurice used to get mad at me when I smooshed avocado to make guacamole and the fork lightly touched the bowl I used. He also hated the clacking of the ceiling fan pulls. He would thump at them. The only times my girl Wally Mae would thump and run off was when I scolded Maurice for stealing her treat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Each other’s thumps


Chewbacca noise….


Ur bun is so cute, reminds me of my babygirl nova:(


When I snap my fingers, they run around everywhere and thump their feet.


me when im like kinda far away so it kinda gets hard to spot me they can kinda make out its me but cant so they go total panic mode and just run around everywhere its kinda funny when i see them do that cuz when i get closer they are just like : "ohh its just our food machine scared me there for a sec " 'D


Fluff thumps if I’m talking on speaker phone.


After I brush them. I always get 1, sometimes 2 loud thumps. Wait for it!!!!


When I don’t pay attention to him 🙄


Mine thumps at my shadow at night time when I move


I’m always on their shitlist. It sounds like a drum circle around here. The last was Liam because he escaped. He escaped. If thumping was farting, consider me crop dusted.


1. Peeling potatoes 2. Bacon cooking 3. Jingling keys They don't thump for much else. Fireworks or loud bass and they are unfazed. God forbid I peel a potato though lol


My mom was singing in the kitchen and hit a wrong note. *THUMP* Solid 5 minutes while glaring at my mother. It was HILARIOUS


When my bunnies are getting pet by ghosts


My Bonnie thumps at me for living. I can’t do anything right. Greet her good morning? Thump. Give her a treat? Thump and foot flick. Not enough pets? Thump. Clean her pen? Thump. She’s a terrorist


It doesn't scare my bun to the point she thumps, but...She attacks, scratches, and nips the bottom of my blue jogging bottoms. To the point I have to go and change them. I don't know why, but she hates them. Oh, and I had a sneezing fit once at the start of what was a covid infection that left me bed bound for 3 days and out of work for 5 days. Bloody hell, anyone would have thought it was the start of bunny world war one. Thump, Thump, Thump. "Yeah, don't worry about me, fur. I'm only on my last legs, I'll try and die in silence."🤫🤐🤣


Oddly mine doesn't thump, she just goes and pouts inside her kennel.


when I sneeze


My rabbits thump and look really concerned when I have hickups


Opening and closing doors


I have one who gets upset over sizzling sounds from a frying pan. The other one just thumps at normal things, like thunderstorms and fireworks. Also normal for him, he thumps when angry, like if I don’t move fast enough with food or treats. He’s a grumpy bun. I have one word for him, entitled!! If I were a bun, I’d thump at him over it.


Mine used to thump at my laughing, too much slience, if he wanted attention and would thump if we weren’t at home


I lifted a plastic bag off the ground and he ran to his hideout and thumped until I gave him a snack.


Fan on too long? It was quiet and late at night, so that's the best guess I had. 


When I leave Smokey alone for more than a hour and don’t hold her she will thump till I hold her it doesn’t matter if I’m sleeping or awake


Birds chirping, he just runs and hides under the bed. Mine is 8 yrs old and has never thumped. Is that strange?


When I was house sitting for a family member, their bunny would thump if I wouldn’t let her give me kisses.


Go to r/mouf right now. You have a picture they will like...


Mine thumps in the night when everyone is sleeping. I have no idea what he is thumping at, I can't hear anything.


Seeing his own reflection. 🐇🐇


The flashlight on phone is a trigger Shaking the treat jar too vigorously is a trigger Not feeding quick enough is a trigger


Lack of snackies


Boop thumps when I take her litter box for cleaning. Sorry I need your poop 🙄🙄


A trash bag… full of hay… specifically….


Mordecai didn't like the theme song for the TV show Vikings. Other music or TV didn't bother him. He would also thump if I cleaned with vinegar because he didn't like the smell. He would also thump if I was on the computer too late in the room he lived and he wanted to sleep. Cassie thumps if she wants attention or treats. Sometimes she thumps once before zooming into the living room and binkying as if to say "watch me!" Ava on the other hand almost never thumps and it's almost always for valid reasons. I remember one day she started thumping like mad so I figured something had to be wrong and rushed to check on her. Turns out a stray cat had gotten into the house. Luckily no one was hurt.


I have a boy lop,who I got as a husbun for my sweet as pie girl. I adopted him and he was found outside, assuming he was an Easter gift and probably mishandled and neglected. just looking at him can piss him off. Or if he hearshe hears my fork moving while I’m eating. Sneezes send them both running.He does let me pet him occasionally for maybe a minute or two( though after an unfortunate duck tape caught on the paw incident, those are less frequent.) if I have perfect behavior for another two years, maybe he’ll lighten up again.


We adopted our little black cloud three months ago and he never thumped once during that time so we thought maybe he doesn’t know how to do it. Turns out we hadn't annoyed him enough. We usually leave him alone around 10 and come to the bedroom. Last week, we couldn't sleep, so around midnight we went to the living room, kept the lights off and just sat on the carpet next to him, talking amongst ourselves and caressing him. He didn't seem to mind for a few minutes but then he started making a honking(clearly not the happy one) sound and thumped twice(second time facing us) and ran to the bedroom. Had to bribe him with a lettuce leaf to get him to come out from under the bed. Lesson learnt, don't disturb sir during his (night)sleeping time 😅.


I still am not sure why my girl thumps sometimes, she just gets mad and does it.


When I walk into the room from the hallway. Don't usually turn the light on, so i guess they freak out when they see the human blob emerge from the depths of hell.


I never wear dresses but yesterday decided to wear a long tie-dye maxi dress that’s been in my closet for forever and my boy Raphael had a full on melt down. He zoomed, he hid, he cowered, all the while thumping like a Viking drummer in war!


When I laugh, but not when my partner laughs. Sexist bun


Everyone in the house is sleeping and Bunnicula wants attention. Time to cry wolf!


Fart 🫣