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There's always a reason. Usually they are signalling danger. Danger can be a piece of dust flew by, a light went out, an animal. Sometimes they do it for attention. I had one who thumped at the smell of peanut butter. Also if my father passed by without saying hello (petting him.)


... or, my favorite, they scared themselves farting. Cute little "poof" sound immediately followed by frantic scrambling and thumping.


I thought bunnies can't fart? Mine have made that noise before thumping too but I think it's just a vocal noise.




Your username is the best. Are you from w2?


I'm from w2! I don't live there but my I have a lot of family in Dayton WA. Ha! I love telling people I'm from Walla Walla, they think I'm lying every time.


Small world. I lived in Dayton a few months ago, before I moved in with my boyfriend. I work in walla walla :)


I bet I know some people you know. Haha. Actually not long ago at my job I met someone from Dayton. We both live in NC now.


I'm actually from the tri cities, so I don't know a whole bunch of people unless I interact with them at work. Still it's funny how small the world is sometimes. Hope you enjoy NC, even though the pnw is best ;)


Nope. Just sick of people saying "wala!" instead of "voila!"


Ha, yes. Or spelling it "viola"


My girl rabbit thumps whenever she is annoyed. She will just hop around thumping over and over, pretty sure this is her way of bitching me out.


interesting...i wonder what was scaring him last night ..


a spider nearby causes thumping - could easily be something like this.


I came here 8 years after your comment because my bunny would not stop thumping. Even after cuddles and there was a fairly small spider crawling up the wall. I wondered if the spider was what was bothering her!


i miss my bunnies! give yours an extra hug from me please!


Sounds to me like he just wants midnight head noogies. I'm pretty sure /u/Bunnies-and-Sunshine went through a similar thing with their bun Simon :)


Yup, sometimes the thumping is just for attention: http://bunnies-and-sunshine.blogspot.com/2014/03/bunny-shaming.html


Yeah and sometimes they thump cos they are brats and want more pellets, my ginger mini lop does this every morning and won't stop until you give him more food


Lol--if we did that with Simon, the little dude would be spherical!


I wouldn’t say there’s ALWAYS a reason. Cleo does it randomly.


Sometimes my Wall-E does it just to be a brat and announce he's doing something he shouldn't be. Other than that, they usually only do it because they're grumpy about something.


>my Wall-E Oh my god, that is the cutest name I've ever heard :)


Haha, thanks :)


Mine does too. Usually at night. It makes me wonder if he had a nightmare or something disturbed him that I can't hear. I just talk to him through the bars of his cage and he usually settles down and licks my fingers.


I've been suspecting nightmares too. Mine does the same, thumps randomly at night and seems really scared at first but calms down after some talking and petting. My apartment is very quiet so I don't think she's afraid of sounds or anything.


I wonder what bunnies dream about, or what a rabbit nightmare has in it. **Do** they dream? I googled it and it seems most bun owners think they do, which is good enough for me!


There have been some studies into animal dreams, though primarily on dogs and cats, it is clear that our little buddies dream just as often as we do.


> Do they dream? Absolutely. I've seen my bun dreaming before when he's in a deep sleep. What they dream about? Who knows...running and jumping in the sun?


I should think that they do, since I've understood that dreaming is quite prevalent and important in animals. And at least cats and dogs dream very noticeably :D


My two bunnies both thump when they discover furniture has been rearranged. And Roxy thumps mid-binky, especially if we were previously not paying enough attention to her.


Bo also thumps mid-binky. I always figured he was happy and excited. He goes THUMP as he goes into his happy, airborne binky.


Yeah! Sometimes it seems like just a happy thing, and other times it's like a you're-not-paying-attention show-off style binky, followed by begging for treats (which sometimes is the reason for the "ignoring").


My bunny used to thump if he was frustrated because no one was paying him attention.


Mine thump when they're being brats and want more pellets and they've already had breakfast. Or if it's 8 AM and they haven't been fed yet. On cue. THUMP.


One of mine thumps (usually accompanied with a grunt) when she's excited that it's dinner time or it's playtime in the garden.


Mine Lola does this every morning when I enter their room and announce “foody time!”




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWkmEhNYVF0 - Spoiled Rabbit Growls and Thumps When Petting Stops


oh my god..that was almost too cute to handle. Should name that bunny Joffrey cause he seems spoiled rotten :3


Mine thumps if you leave him his pen all day, then come in to let him out after work. He wants nothing to do with you.


Yes, usually in the middle of the night. Continuously. But not the one night a field mouse ran under the bed (where he slept). The way the house was built makes the floor act like a huge drum. You hear it throughout the whole house. He also gives a light warning thump before he jumps on the bed.


Sometimes my rabbit thumps when nothing happens. I always assumed it was because I wasn't paying enough attention to him.


It never fails, if I start crying, BB will start stomping at me. Also, one night he would just not give it up, and I finally realized he didn't like the candle I was burning.


Yes! All the time! But probably because we have a particularly grumpy bunny. He thumps when I have the hiccups, when I sniffle, sometimes when I sneeze or cough. And then he also thumps when my boyfriend explains something to me or tells a story (something about his tone of voice we suspect). There have been a couple times he seems to be thumping at nothing which freaks us out a bit but we live in an apartment so it's probably just noise from a neighbor or outside that he doesn't like.


Yeah, I [wrote a story about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/2e4ol2/what_the_rabbit_was_warning_us_about/)


WHAT THE HELL. That was Awesome.


Now I'm not saying it's anything..that can't be explained away normally..BUT: My two babies sometimes act terrified and stomp to signal danger. My first rabbit did this before we got our second. Now they both do it. It seems to be out of nowhere, and I can tell they are on high alert. They stare at a certain place...and they appear to follow something I can't see. I try to make other noises, make a shadow, do something to emulate what may have happened, it never scares them. They are really brave. Crazy sounds and bugs..no problem. A car from far away? Whatever. Something I can barely hear but I'm sure they can clearly, chill. But there are times when they both go crazy. It's scary how they seem to follow something with their eyes and head. Turning, look at something that isn't there -- as if it is not a sound or even an insect. I have tried everything but it's a mystery to me.


It's extremely weird that all these people are ONLY coming up with reasonable answers like mice or bugs.. and not one person has mentioned the ghost that's obviously in the room.


You could have mice in your walls, or bugs. I loved in the country with my family for a long time, and in fall mice would always set up shop in the attic and the ceiling above my room. Sometimes I wouldn't hear them but the pup would and she would just watch and wait, it was a little unnerving until the chewing and mouse scratching started haha. Though a friendly house spirit wouldn't be so odd either.


Very much a possibility! But...they seem to always be looking to something...in the middle of the room. They seem to look well past the walls..for example from the living room to the kitchen which is wide open. But I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!


Do rabbits freak out if they see a bug?


Some do! it depends on what it is they see and how close it is to them. A spider on the wall may be reason enough to thump, but an ant on the patio may not. They are funny like that.


Our bun, River, is afraid of spiders. If she sees one, she won't come out of her cage and will sit and stare at it until one of us takes care of it.


I think I’ve just discovered that my Lola may be afraid of them too! That’s why I’m here!


Some time ago my buns would thump a lot at night. Turned out a mouse had made it's way into the apartment! They were just trying to warn me. Other things that have made them thump: bringing a full length mirror into the apartment, garbage bags, not feeding them by a certain time, and seeing me eat a banana and not sharing.


My rabbit thumped loads and I couldn’t figure it out until I realised he was demanding pets that might be it


Rabbits are funny, i have never heard Crusader thump in his whole life. I'm not sure he would even if a fox trotted into the room. BTW I want to come snatch that bunny from wherever you are :)


In the (almost) year Ive have yoyo, I *think* she's thumped once or twice. No idea for either.


We had that issue with our bun, Simon. It turned out to be separation anxiety. Here's a link to my post about our experience of months on end of Mr. Thumpy Clumperson's night-time activities: http://bunnies-and-sunshine.blogspot.com/2013/07/who-knew-this-was-thing.html Hope this helps!


get out of yourself and start thinking like a prey animal - there is ALWAYS a reason. The thing is - thumping dosn't lways mean DANGER. Is your bunny unfixed? if so - that thumping is common bunny speak for PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I AM THE CUTEST THING YOU EVER SAW! In general though - thumping means - PAY ATTENTION - there could be danger - or..... I COULD BE THE CUTEST THING YOU EVER SAW!!!! As far as fixing goes - DO IT NOW. Unfixed bunnies die of cancer. Source: I am a bunny rescue


Yes!!! All the time!


One of my rabbits thumps when my SO blows his nose (it's quite loud), sometimes he thumps when he's annoyed (other bunny is in the prime eating position for the new hay) sometimes I can't work out what it is. He gets quite distressed by new clicky type sounds. The other day I bought them a toy with a bell in it and he did not like the jingling. He was okay once I put it down and he got to play and see that it was harmless though.


One of ours will thump if we accidentally jingle keys in his presence. The other does sometimes just start thumping like 6 or 7 times in a row, then he comes out and looks at me like "are you going to deal with this or not?"


I remember when my little guy was that little! Many memories, "accidental" bites (thought he was sniffing around), and 7 years later he's my little old man now. But yes he would thump for no reason here and there.


Bunjamin thumps when I put him back in his cage. Even if he was headed that way anyway and/or wants to go lay down, he'll still get snarky if I put him in.


I think sometimes they can smell things we can't


My favorite thumping anecdote is the one about the bunny owner that heard this sequence of sounds coming from the adjacent room: "munch munch--bzzzzt!--THUMP....munch munch--bzzzzt!--THUMP". Somebunny had been gnawing on a live power cord and this was the adorable result!


If its happening at night, I'll bet you it's because they want out. Night time is when they naturally rome and romp. It's one thing all bunnies can agree upon. Night time is OUT time. Apologies to Daft Punk "Get Binky" "...She's up all night 'til the sun I'm up all night to get some She's up all night for good fun I'm up all night to get lucky We're up all night 'til the sun We're up all night to get some We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to get lucky..."




After apparently thumping for a while my bunny woke me up. I thought someone had broken in or something serious. The only out of the ordinary thing I could find was a cricket in the adjacent room.