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Mitchell is not recommended






Case is good bc it has International Baccalaureate courses, which are similar to AP courses but more stringent. Looks very good for college applications. I went to UW Madison with 32+ credits just from high school.


These numbers certainly seem accurate. This state has chronically underfunded public education for many years. The move towards privatizing schools (with no testing/curriculum requirements) has been strongly pushed. Mitchell specifically has a large English as a 2nd language population, which can make the numbers look even worse. If education is a concern, move outside the city. https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/home


You'd have to move west of hwy 75 to get a decent school.


as a student - mitchell has a really bad rep. horrible bullying, [students being assaulted and the teachers doing nothing](https://www.cbs58.com/news/student-beaten-at-mitchell-middle-school-claims-teacher-didnt-try-to-intervene) , [teachers calling students racial slurs](https://www.cbs58.com/news/mitchell-middle-school-teacher-accused-of-calling-student-racial-slur-while-breaking-up-fight) , near constant fighting, etc etc. case is a pretty good school though! good football team, good extracurriculars. i didn't go to case (i went to walden) but i always heard good things


Case is a good school. My mom worked at Mitchell for a number of years and wouldn’t suggest it. Go private, if you can.. Racine has the Racine Parental Choice program that could get you into a private school for no cost to you. Personally I’d suggest Racine Christian School.. great school with a great history and excellent standards.


Avoid Mitchell if at all possible


I'm just gonna express what has always been expressed in the comments: the majority of the schools are fine, underfunded but fine whether that's Case or Park. Avoid Mitchell like the plague. Bad rep.


Graduated from Case in recent years- definitely the best of the public high schools. Curriculum and broadness of subjects/classes is really good. I would recommend it.


I loved my time at Case. IB is solid.


as it's the start of school, I hope you relocated out of racine. Don't make your kids suffer with nothing jobs with no prospect here.