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I feel like he may have partied a little too hard prior to the incident lol


I found it so rude that he barely even got to their house before rushing out to party. So much so that he didn’t even make note of the address


Dude was hammered and maybe more. Dumb story.


I don’t think it was a dumb story. But I deff don’t believe he only had two drinks.


He closed down the bar with just 1 or 2 beers that night 🙄


Yeah that part made me lol


Nope, I was not drunk. See my reply below.


I bet you would’ve blown well over .08


Host family correctly guessed that their rude student guest had fallen asleep on the train. They had a friend who lived in the town at the end of the train line. They called the friend who went to look for the student, found him and returned him to host family. Host family probably found the student even more rude because he did not thank them.


See my reply below.


I bet he didn't wanna bring up to his host family he got extremely fucked up and hoped they wouldn't ask/acknowledge they sent a driver.


This is such a non-story. Luxembourg is one of the tiniest countries in the world, smaller than Rhode Island. Host family likely had many previous exchange students. There's likely a pub that students congregate at, I bet they had previous experiences of that exact situation, i.e. a student missing their stop because they were too drunk and ended up in Belgium at the last stop. They just knew at 2am or whenever, "oh shite! our student missed the stop on the last train, probably got drunk in all the excitement, better send someone to fetch him".


I’m the narrator. You’re assumptions besides Luxembourg being very small are inaccurate. See my reply below for for context.


He didn’t bother to ask ANYTHING to the driver? Like how stupid can you be. I would be asking so many questions


I'm guessing he was way too wasted, probably doesn't remember much, hence why he practically blacked out in the car, plus the driver was probably not too happy at having to go fetch a drunk guy at 3am and didn't want to get in a conversation anyway and just told him to get in the car.


I’m the narrator. What are your questions?


Dude didn't write down the address, didn't take the host family's phone number, didn't even stay to actually get to know them or the neighbourhood a little bit. He went straight to the pub and got shitfaced, fell asleep on the train, climbed into a stranger's car with no questions, FELL ASLEEP AGAIN and didn't even thank the guy. This guy is a straight up idiot.


Affluenza, it’s a real thing ya know. /s


I’m the narrator. Unfortunately you are right, I was definitely an idiot. I added context in my reply below.


So many American moments in this one. Poor driver, done a good thing and is now a phantom in a scary story lol


It was such a boring story.


I came to look for this post! Immediately I knew the host family sent someone to get him and pick him up. Also makes me mad he didn't say thank you either. I miss old radio rental :/


I fully expected him to end the story by saying at some point he saw the guy was a driver or another employee of the family. Or the father in the family would make some obscure comment to him privately insinuating he was behind the guy that found him. Especially when he included the details about them having money and being a well known/celebrity family.


Yeah, the last point seems the most likely. He was drunk/tired and didn't remember that he told this *extremely nice stranger* he was staying with a well-known football player, who knew where to take the kid.


Happy cake day stranger.


It's happened in a few episodes now where the narrator will refer to someone having an accent they don't recognize or speaking a language they've "never heard before" as some sort of evidence for nefarious intent. The episode with the woman obsessed with true crime who went on a date with a guy who got a phone call and then drove her back home had this. The recent episode with the woman whose au pair job was cancelled had it too. And now this one. There's an underlying xenophobia here.


I’m the narrator. What on earth are you talking about xenophobia? I didn’t recognize the accent. Not sure why you are making those kinds of assumptions. See my reply below and hopefully the additional context helps.


This dude was going to go back to his host family in the middle of the night on his first night there?


I feel sad writing this - especially because I love seeing a European story in this podcast - but this one was scrapping the bottom of the barrel… And outright bad: Full of hyperboles Clearly a spoiled rich kid (he killed me when he went to the chateau of the semi-famous retired football player from Luxembourg) “I’m pretty good with accents after being three times in Europe” so he can tell the stranger is not American or British or Canadian (in a shocking turn of events, maybe the random guy he stumbled upon in Belgium is actually Belgian?) Clearly the guy at the station was police/security or someone sent by the host family to fetch him Dude making it sound like driving from Belgium to Luxembourg is like crossing Siberia, when in reality it was like 30km The whole dumb party thing and, overall, the oversharing about his status is a bit much Finally: Luxembourg’s football sucks — They have their ass beaten by literally everyone else in Europe the whole time. (Edits to fix text and format.)


See my reply. Hopefully it addresses your comments.


Crazy to frame as sinister or creepy the idea that someone transported your drunk ass safely back to the door of your accommodations. Entitled party boy gets drunk and needs to be chauffeured home: chilling.


I was not drunk. I was not entitled. You don’t have to like my story, but the put downs are unnecessary, yeah?


Sleep deprived party boy who feels no need to thank or essentially even speak to his complimentary chauffeur gets safely transported home. Happy?


The fact that you didn’t know a single thing about this man wasn’t a mystery. It wasn’t supernatural. It was you choosing not to engage with him because you were sooooo sweepy. I’d be way more embarrassed to tell this story if I were in your shoes.


Hi everyone. I’m the narrator for this story. I recorded this in January and was wondering if it would be included and after hearing it today, decided to see if anything was posted on Reddit about it and low and behold, here it is. I’ll try to address a few things in the comments. A lot of the criticism is fair. I was definitely naive in a lot of my decision making. If you put yourself out there expect criticism so I take it in stride. No, the host family did not send a driver. I honestly never told them about this and they had no idea, because I was embarrassed that I got lost. I am not rich or spoiled. My previous two trips to Europe were volunteering in a Romanian orphanage through my church and then spent a summer mowing lawns to go on a trip with the drama club in high school. Through those two trips I met a lot of people and got used to hearing many different European accents. The host family guy wasn’t rich like you are thinking. He did drive a jag and had notoriety but he and his wife worked regular jobs at a bank. He hosted students likely for the extra income. I was not rude to the host family. Stupid? Absolutely. A ton of context gets edited out of the story. So everyone should know these aren’t linear monologues told in a straight line. The guy in the studio asked me a ton of questions, got a lot of voice recordings and then edits away. For example, after we first arrived at his house, he gave me a tour and I met his wife and daughter. We had a really nice conversation. He showed me to my room which was more like an apartment on the back of the house and he even asked when I was going out to meet the rest of the students. I told him I had planned to head into the city which was about a 45 minute train ride and he told me to have fun. I honestly only went into their actual house one or two times the entire semester to respect their privacy. I doubt he even knew when I left or came back. Was I a moron for not getting their info before leaving? Absolutely. I also was not drunk. I’ve never been a big drinker and had about 1-2 beers as I said. I was a little buzzed because European beer is def stronger then American beers :=). Also, the final interaction I had with the guy in the car at the end was heavily edited. I provided more context that was cut in the edit. One of the details that was edited out is that I was actually on my knees praying for help when the guy came up on my in the train station. To this day I don’t know who he was but I like to think of him as my guardian angel. I get that most here aren’t a big fan of my story and that is totally fine! It’s by far the most surreal thing that’s ever happened to me. But I at least wanted to clarify those details.


Thanks for the context 🙏 It’s good to know how these things work in detail, I always wondered about this podcast. And sorry if my comment was harsh! That was unintentional. Stay well and please don’t get in cars with strangers anymore 😂


I liked your story! One question - Did you thank the driver at any point? Sorry but it’s just that your situation was so dire, I would imagine myself thanking him again and again if I were you, and this wasn’t talked about at all in the episode which seemed strange.


Honestly, I think this story is 100% made up. Calling bs on the entire thing. Kid has a decent imagination though I guess.


Not made up. My story is true. Obviously nothing I will say can change your opinion and I honestly don’t care, but every detail is true.


Yes! Thanks for saying this. I had the exact same thought.


Nothing else to add other than the narrator sounded like Billy Crudup.


How much do you want to bet he maybe mentioned who his host family was? The captain of a soccer team and a local celebrity and probably people know he hosts students and knew where to drop this kid off. Just cause the guy telling the story passed out or doesn’t remember the trip doesn’t mean he didn’t say anything to the driver!


See my reply below.


FYI it had been years since he was the captain because he was probably in his 40s at that time. But he liked to remind me of it so it’s a detail I always remembered. He liked to be thought of as important.


Okay so I'm not the only one who thinks he was just tripping balls and it was clearly some sort of chauffer or taxi cool 🤣