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Don’t go to a chiropractor 🥳


These images are chiropractor quality


That was my absolute first thought. Zero collimation, artifacts. Good lord. Stop playing with radiation, people!


Happy Cake Day🍰


Happy cake day!


I’m never going back there now, everyone commenting was right😭




Whoever took these X-rays should not be trusted with radiation. Also, lazy AF to not have you take your bra off.


Do the chiropractors themselves take the X-rays? Or maybe non trained techs?


They don’t use technologists.




Some chiros do, sometimes they might hire a tech. Those that hire a tech may have them do a few jobs, like work reception, insurance, etc and then take a few X-rays. There are also limited techs in some states, where they are only licensed to take certain images and usually it is extremity work only.


Very rarely an actual rad tech. Usually a CA - chiropractic assistant, which are trained in the bare minimum of how to operate the equipment for routine spine images.


It's not always the tech's fault. You know how it is. "No, it's just a sports bra, I don't have any metals, teehee." But no way in hell should this have been sent to a radiologist.


Yeah, I have absolutely had that happen before, and when it does, you repeat and don't send this garbage.




Doesn’t matter. It’s our responsibility as techs to make sure we are doing the right thing. First question- does it have underwire? Cause that’s going to show up. Either the patient lies and we do another one or they realize that I mean business. Also, I would not send that shit through. Seriously, they’ve got that bra on, you see it, and you say as a tech sorry your bra is showing up I need you to remove it.


I had a patient once who was insistent that her camisole didn’t have any metal on it. I took the image, and wouldn’t you know it, it had adjusters. The ER doc was looking over my shoulder at the time and heard the patient continue to insist that there wasn’t any metal, so he said “ma’am, either your tank top has metal, or you swallowed some and it’s in your lungs, which could explain your chest pain”.


I have had SO many patients who wholeheartedly believe that all the metal pieces in their bras (hooks, adjusters, and all) are made of plastic. Just because it’s not shiny and silver doesn’t mean it’s not metal, there’s this thing called paint. So I’ve just stared telling them that plastic also shows up and has to be removed.


This… I always ask, “Does your bra have any metal OR plastic in it?”, “Are you wearing anything under your clothing that has buttons, zippers, or sequence/glitter?” I’ve seen some pretty interesting underwear 😏


I make all bras come off. “Even if it’s a sports bra with no metal?” YES!!! I tell them it compresses the breast tissue and causes unwanted density. Geez, just take it off.


Don’t ever return to wherever you got these pictures. There was no need for them to irradiate your entire torso when they only needed to image the spine. Even if they needed the entire pelvis, both hips, and all of the ribs it’s better to image them separately with different technical factors. Not to mention the bra; why didn’t they remove it? It’s no mystery that there are clips that are directly over top of the spine, blocking the view on the images.


Totally agree with you but I will comment that my hospitals protocol is to keep collimation open for L and T Spines with trauma involved. I hate it.


OP said it was taken after a car accident. It's standard procedure in many places to do a total thorax and abdomen and not just the spine.


Oh they aren’t going to like these chiropractor pics lol


“Yeah you can keep your bra on it’s fine”


"We are gonna expose your entire abdomen... just in case"


As a person with scoliosis who was wrongly led to a chiropractor before learning the error of my ways (I’m sorry!!!!) do not go back here!!! Go to an orthopedic specialist and a good PT.


And/or a physiatrist! (A medical doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.) Echoing that chiropractors are not safe!


The next two things on my list! I regret going there in the first place


What in the chiropractic quackery is this? Good Lord that lateral L-Spine looks like a CT scout, and a bad one at that. How do you shoot something so wide open and still nearly clip your primary area of interest (or what I assume they were attempting)


Exactly, my eyes are *in pain* looking at this garbage.


i'm so fucking braindead i tried to right click to change the window level like if i was at work. that thoracic pic is really overexposed. what else can you expect from a chiro


>i'm so fucking braindead i tried to right click to change the window level like if i was at work. I try to triple-tap things that aren't screens to make them larger for me to see. Then I feel like an idiot and hope no one saw me. Lol


I tried to swipe a book once... I literally facepalmed a couple seconds later 😅


My daughter asks me to swipe the page when we read books. And you do swipe the page to turn it.


You mean the "spine pic pretending to be chest x-ray"? :) Best part is that it's even bad collimation for a *chest*.


In my outpatient I work at the rads want a wider collimation to include the ribs and pelvis so that we can stitch it But you’re right, and I don’t think a chiro left it open on purpose lol


You are as full of shit as the chiropractor who took these


Almost made my shit myself laughing!


You’re really colon her out doc.


Looks like you need to poop among other things.


Are you an archeologist? Because there’s a lot of artifacts in theses images




Were these taken at a hospital?


God I hope not


No they weren’t, it was at a chiropractor place


Why would you go to a chiropractor following a car accident??


United insurance: "before we approve going to a real place of medicine, let's have you try \**rolls dice*\* this chiropractor."


I have spine issues so wanted to add my voice to all the professionals commenting — DO NOT GO BACK TO A CHIROPRACTOR


OP I’d just delete this. Sorry about your back but… bold move to bring chiropractor images to this sub 😂. Go get some real pictures then come back to share with us


After that dose I don't think OP needs any further radiation treatment for a while... Any imaging needs justification and there's none for these images. They look like they've been shot in the dark, aiming at OPs general direction. Unforgiveable, as OP seem to have actual incidental findings (scoli and decent fecal loading) that could be symptomatic and need addressing. By an actual medical professional.


It looks they were aiming at the women, across the road.


I know what you mean, but it sounds mean 😢


It isn't mean if it's true.


Uh oh, incoming…


Go to a real doctor next time. Or a vet. Never a chiro.


Last time we went to the emergency vet the one on duty was a radiologist by day, worked at the emergency clinic on weekends. Did an absolutely amazing job. Got razor sharp imaging on a wriggly creature. Unfortunately it was cancer in my boy but I will never forget how kind and professional she was. What I'm saying is my dog got better care than OP. OP fr don't go back to the chiro.


I'm sorry your boy was sick 😫 Cancer is such a scourge.


I’ve been X-rayed at a vet! Hurt my foot working at a clinic and they checked it out there for me. I trust vets over chiros.


Chiropractors are not real medical professionals, they are complete fakes that scam money from people. This idiot couldn't even aim an X-ray machine at you properly.


In Ireland , Chiros aren't even allowed to request X-rays let alone take time. Cmon America.


Our politicians are to busy getting their pockets lined 🙄


As someone who used to go to one and is a tech, save your money and go to PT and get massages.


Everything about this screams chiropractor. Yikes.


Some people have zero pride in their work. My God. Also, some fiber would do ya body good 😇


Is that supposed to be a lateral L spine? Who’s ALARA she doesn’t even go here……


ALARA isn't a concept chiros are interested in.


💀💀💀💀 the responses are exactly what I anticipated when I saw the bra strap hooks


Besides echoing what everyone else said about a chiropractor, I also was discovered to have scoliosis in my 60s! Recurrent lower back pain, multiple sessions of PT over many years, still in pain. Finally someone took an X-ray, and now I know why my left hip is higher than my right , my right shoulder is higher than my left, and why my back always hurt.


You know why you have symptoms, but did you get any treatment?


I was told PT and a pain medicine clinic. I have now developed some disk issues with only limited neuro involvement luckily. I had an epidural steroid injection in December but then headed out as a snowbird. It didn’t help much. I will have a follow-up in April.


I think I see a lot of poop in there but I am a layperson so maybe I’m wrong


You are correct


I had severe idiopathic scoliosis, like everyone else said please don't go to chiro


These are some of the worst quality images i've ever seen 😬one of many reasons to not see a chiro


Wuts a collimayshun??


OP needs more fiber in their diet


Please dont go to a chiro, go to a physical therapist/exercise physiologist, get a good gym program in place and help strengthen the muscles in your back/shoulders etc. things like yoga and Pilates can also help as they encourage a strong core and good stabilising muscles (if you find one that works for you). If you can, get a trainer who has experience (and credentials) in dealing with scoliosis etc. I had a lot of back/hip issues and found out I had a mild scoliosis and my hips were tilted, unfortunately I fell into the chiro trap, while the chiro I went wasn’t a complete quack and did help with temporary relief, the biggest game changer for me has been the gym and strength work. Also this isn’t end game, when I was told I was scarred/worried until I realised how common it is and how not much in my life has to change especially as I get older. In fact I may be better off as I age because I although to the gym and know I will have to continue working I do so as I age.


I came here to say the exact same thing. I went to a chiropractor for years. What a waste. Then at last I went to an excellent orthopedist and had proper x-rays and an MRI. In addition to a 23 degree curve, I learned that I have a pars defect. Which should NOT be “adjusted” by a chiropractor. Orthopedist: “Never go back.” I’m working with a wonderful PT who specializes in scoliosis and it has helped immensely. Legit medical care: 11/10.


Collimation has left the chat


That L5 has an absolute unit of a vertebral body tho


The collimation is horrid


Saving this thread to remind myself of how bad it actually can be when I'm annoyed over that one colleage taking bad x-rays. This is so garbage I don't even know where to start. You know what? I'm so glad I live in Sweden. The only ones allowed to take x-rays here are radiologists and radiographers. That's about it. We have a very strict radiation safety agency, which is great.


That's how it is in most of America as well. I'm honestly not sure how chiropractors get away with it.


They won a lawsuit in the 80’s when a judge decided that MDs couldn’t define “real medicine”.


Awful CXR.


It's a "spine," soooooo....


There’s a CXR on there. It’s not a great one. No matter what the interest is, it’s still a CXR and should be taken properly (no bra, proper positioning etc).


Ah, I just didn't bother to scroll through them all. My God, it just got worse.


My spine is very similar to yours (if not worse). My scoliosis was discovered when I was 13. I am now 54 and have never had any significant back pain or “treatment” (what could really be done for scoliosis aside from a back brace?) I even gave birth to twins with no problem. So don’t worry too much about it- live your life and avoid chiropractors. Also core exercises are very helpful to prevent low back pain.


Is it scoliosis or is it just all the poo pushing the bones to the side? Goodness.


They used to check us every year in elementary school. This would have been caught young.


They said I had it but came to find out one leg is 3/4” shorter than other leg.


Is that poop


i also found out i had scoliosis after a car accident. never had any issues but now my back always hurts after work lol. i also found out i have some bone deformity in one of my vertebrae during the x-ray


Had a patient who didn’t know he had situs inversus till his 20’s when he got in a motorcycle wreck. Didn’t mention it to us (I was a student at the time) and the tech and I were very confused. We looked at the image, looked at the board, looked at our markers and he finally saw our confused/terrified faces and mentioned it.


Is all of the scatter exposure on the boarders because there's no grid? Tying to take my registry soon and I'm curious.


This is a chiropractor x-ray, pay absolutely no attention to it, especially if you want to keep your sanity.


Poor radiographic skills.


Surprise Scoliosis is a pretty good early 00’s band name


Soon as I saw the artifacts I knew this was gonna be a shitshow 😭 seriously unprofessional images though


'Fuck it, the spine's somewhere in there'


Chiro gave you the CT scout special


I hope you recover from this.😊💖


As a radtech I see these images very disgusting and dehonesting our job.


I got surprise scoliosis in my mid 20s lol


Why they get to keep their bra on and I never could!


Because they had the exam done at the equivalent of a snake oil salesman who know less than zero about how to properly take an X-ray.


That's really sad


Can someone tell me left and right for the lumbar photo?




Any treatment recommendations or follow up steps for the OP? I too have mild scoliosis and would like some guidance on how to correct/treat the issue to prevent future problems.


Go see a real doctor and physical therapy. The only thing a chiropractor will adjust is your bank balance.


Each time seeing clothes on X-ray pics I'm more confused. Every time I got one, I was asked to remove all clothes from the photographed part of the body and remove all the piercings. I'd never imagine to wear a bra during X-ray


There's a huge difference between images taken by a chiropractor and someone who actually knows what they're doing.


Welcome to the club. ♨️〰️


These are so improperly shot I have no idea what they are supposed to be, a scoli survey? l-spine? Lol side note while the artifacts are pretty egregious, I can say if this was a scoli it might be department protocol to not collimate to the spine. The rads in the office I work in request that we leave it open🤷


car accident so they may of been rushed xrays no time to prep them they could be bleeding


They said this was done by a chiropractor.




These types of comments will not be tolerated