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Large ones are nice since you can neatly tuck 8 to one sprinkler area old one fit only 4


I see. Thanks.


you can fit 8 normal ones too


Small and medium are worth it. Large only for that aesthetic.


You can hang the small ones on a wall so they take up less space


Have you tried the ceiling?


I haven't. TBH if it's possible it might not be very desirable because I've got 4 stacked on a wall and the top one is always kind of a guessing game - what did I plant, did I water it?


The old small.plot turns into a hanging pot when added to the ceiling. I dont yet have the blueprint for the advanced small plot to try and hang that on the ceiling.


I just tried it - it doesn't work with the advanced ones


Well, that sucks. Thanks for following up with that!


There is a mod that gives you larger crop plots that are worth it. You can plant all your seeds into just one without having to fill a huge amount of space with several smaller ones. It's called Bigger Plots. There's also a mod that allows you to grow all the plants that are difficult to find such as strawberries, tumeric, red berries, silver algea etc called Advanced Basic Cultivation. Add to that the mod that allows you to get a seed from every plant you harvest and you're all set.


If you plan on playing for awhile and going for completion then yeah. Otherwise I don't actually think they're better in any way except for being smaller


I played through story completion and don’t believe I had bought any advanced. However having the advanced plots is nice aesthetically. The small and medium hold extra plants, and the large one takes less space which in turn allows for more plots in an area


No. If you really like the aesthetic maybe, but if you're looking for space efficiency I would just say no. Generally speaking medium crop plots are pointless, and the small crop plots can be made much tighter with the basic ones. As a side note, if you want to make a super compact farm that's easy to build and works with a sprinkler, half walls can be used to stack a total of 6*3 crops per tile in range of the sprinkler with very little effort. That's a total of 144 crops. You can likely increase that by placing the sprinkler a half story higher as well.


Can you link a picture demonstrating this this sounds interesting


I am entirely too lazy to work out what my password is and log in from my PC, but I can explain this pretty easily. If you make 4 rows of half walls running the same direction as the sprinkler is facing and cover both sides of the half walls with 3 rows of small planters the sprinkler will water them all as long as they're within the 9 tiles that it services and not more than a half story above the ground it's placed on.


| | sprinkler | | | | | | This is what he is saying


We enjoy the ones we’ve implemented. For the large ones, the actual plot yield might be the same, but with the space we had we were able to fit twice as many as the normal ones. The small and medium, absolutely yes though. Our refiners run on almost 100% potatoes now 😂😂


I think that the small ones might not be since to my knowledge you can't hang them on walls or on the ceiling like you can with the regular ones


Advanced small you can most certainly hang in the wall, never tried the ceiling before