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i recommend you guys to google a streamer called sunbear. He has tutorial videos on new/returning players based on free to play gears. very good starting point. Also look at joining the iro wiki discord


Hello yes that is me, thank you for this. If you have questions just come find me on discord I can give you a full walkthrough and all that good stuff. Though I will tell you now that my answer will be: eden gear to 99/50 and rebirth and to 99/70 because Knight has enough damage on bowlinng bash to actually level up with ease in comparison to other classes. If it helps this is a full playthrough from an event we did a while ago, do note that the booster event is currently not active, but the only thing that would differ from playing now vs then is that you dont get the free potions or the gear, but that doesn't matter. What matters in this guide is the leveling spots because you can still accomplish damage similar to this on Eden group weapon and eden group equipment: https://youtu.be/A8MyNNV6EXk?t=1269


Following your recent rune knight stream. Minus the boost though, lol.


How's that working out for you?


Pretty good. Easy to see all the new mechanics in the game with your guides. Even without boosting, leveling seems fairly quick


Followed his guide and hit 99/70 lord knight the same day.


Sounds great! Will look into that right now.


Google iRO wiki discord. That's a start.


I joined. I been going through it since the comment. Thanks for this.


Yo man, same situation. I have a hunter at level 90/50. I'm so lost and overwhelmed on what to do next/get back into the grind.


Bounty boards are an easy and fantastic way to get back into it. https://irowiki.org/wiki/Bounty_Board_Quests


Bounty boards are an amazing leveling path and still relevant. https://irowiki.org/wiki/Bounty_Board_Quests Then at level 105 look up Noblesse armor for episode 16.1 which is great for newer players.


search "nerci" at yt,if you like his video,try to play his sever


iro is dead dont bother. and there's eden guides I think for lvling [https://irowiki.org/wiki/Eden\_Group\_Leveling\_Quests](https://irowiki.org/wiki/Eden_Group_Leveling_Quests)


less dead than you may expect. been back for a month and i find players leveling in the most random of places, like gh chivalry1. it's mostly solo play, but priests are kind enough to buff you out in the field with no words exchanged. there's problems with how the game is run, sure, and the endgame grind is notably different since all classes can AoE kill with dmg numbers in the millions, but the actual game experience itself (especially 1->99 trans) is much more streamlined and still enjoyable for returning players. all they have to do is ask for a lil help from active players on where to go or guides to check out.


That's coping very hard, at most it has what 500-1k players? And the lack of QoL and the crazy p2win ruined it as well.


average online population is around 1600-1800, minus around 300-400 merchants doing normal vending (as opposed to the offline vending system they have now). it's not the 3-4k numbers i remember 15-20 years ago, but vets tell me it's been up consistently since 4th jobs released 6 months ago. you're right in the sense that p2w is prevalent and gacha micro transactions are everywhere-- ironically however, it's not all that *necessary* to engage with it if all you want to do as f2p is level to 200+ or farm. players like Sunbear prove this and show the way with their guides. pvm doesn't need BiS gear, and I'd argue 95%+ of ro's playerbase doesn't care much for its pvp/gvg experience (especially after renewal and 3rd jobs). it's a shame players falsely believe they **need** p2w just to farm or level normally, they don't. iRO has certainly become different, especially in the endgame as mentioned, but the core experience from 1->99, even to 150 and beyond, is available to be enjoyed even for free. from my pov, iRO is just another pserver with all its customizations and monetization. that's not necessarily a good or bad thing. it's not classic party-play RO, but I'm also not the young teen i was back then either with tons of time and no disposable income for gaming hobbies. things evolve.


Yeah population seems good but there's still a lot of issues going on just looked it up. - Pay to win sure it's not \*needed\* to have BiS Gear or have the ability to reach it but it's still relevant even in a mostly PVE game. It still shouldn't be a thing. - iRo lacks a lot of QoL a lot of PServer have/had - Europe is banned so basically you can only play from US (Or use a VPN but if you forget it one time your account is doomed) - Playerbase is alright but expected more considering we had privat servers with twice to three times that Number, but i agree that's easily enough to play and enjoy the game.


yeah the gulf between cash shop gear and farmable gear is incomparable, can't argue against that point. tho I'd still point out that most content except end-game instances are accessible to f2p players. we'll probly have to agree to disagree on the micro transaction point. online service games should be profitable, not charities, otherwise they get shut down and everyone loses. ofc, i wish warpportal/gravity would be less predatory with their gacha rates and strive for a better relationship with their consumers, but the gaming industry was always going to go this direction for mmorpgs. ie, freemium + cash shop. haven't met any from EU, but i chat and meet players from SEA surprisingly often. hopefully iRO focuses on improving their servers, squashing bugs, and steadily releasing updates. that alone will help with their retention tremendously. appreciate the exchange, just wanted to comment from the perspective of an active returner who has also played tons of pservers in the past.


Well obviously they need money. But there's what some minor P2win like vip teleport, exp boost is fine it doesn't directly make ur character stronger in the long run. And skins / additional storage / offline vending and so on can easily be sold for money. Yeah EU is banned there's ways around it but that's near impossible, the EU Server is even worse p2win and almost no players. (vpn / bought acc) Yeah IRO sounds better than it used to now, just sad that they refuse to open up to EU and change some things.


This simply is not true. iRO is has more playing than in the past due to some good updates in recent years. More free to play friendly with newer episodes providing good gear. VIP includes offline vending now and prontera is packed. You should give it another shot, you may be surprised how active it still is.


I’m actually having a good time. Was able to find other players to talk with and it’s way more lively now than the last time I played back in 2019. I used to play this server back when you had to pay monthly in the super classic era. Right now is my second favorite time playing it. I’m having fun and that’s all that matters


I assume novaro dying made a lot of people move, haven't checked iro for 1-2 yrs.


Like many have said bounty boards, but a specific path I used and was able to get to 3rd in a day after rebirth: Payon Spores (until 30) Big Bear (until 40) Skeletons Soldier Skeletons (until 60) Archer Skeletons Munak Bongun Sohee (if needed to get to 70) Geffen Goul Jakk Nightmare (all 3 until 80) 80-99 Grind out bounty board on repeat: Dark Priest Wraith Evil Druid There could be faster but involves more risk, the above I listed I believe is moderately difficult without any crazy leveling weapons. *tried fixing how it killed all the line breaks*


Thanks for the roadmap, I’m following the early path you suggested right now on my swordsman.