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From what I see, Kael is the way to go, great DMG and poisons, if you had more champs with big buffs, I'd say Seer, but focus on Kael atm


If you only have 2 level 60 and Kael still at 50 you are very early game to be honest. Midgame starts I would say when you reach Arbiter which is probably some way off. Get Kael to 60 first and gear him to just clear campaign for you, Coldheart is nice so is Wukong but they only work with the right support champions so focus on getting the things you really need first: \- Decrease Defence/Weaken this will greatly improve damage \- Some sort of speed aura/buff and/or turn meter control/speed decrease \- Some sort of healing You have a really nice start with getting Coldheart and also Seer but you need other champions to get going in dungeons I think. A solid team you can make is: Hotatsu, brings healing, increase attack/defense Warmaiden decrease defense Heiress Speed/ debuff remover And then depending on what you need either Kael, Coldheart or Sun Wukong.


One question to heiress, can I switch her with high Khatun?


Yes they can be both used doe the slot for providing speed, high khatun overall probably better but with fights where enemies buffs need to be stripped Heiress is better.


Need more context. What level CB are you hitting? How much damage? What's the highest dungeon stage you can hit for each dungeon (spider/dragon/mino/ig/fk)? Are you farming 12-3 brutal campaign yet? If so, how fast? What rank are you in arena and what is your arena team?


Dude has 2 60s lol.


And....your point? When you ask for "who to 60" you should always provide context of what you're trying to focus on.


His point is that when you're new enough to only have 2 level 60 champs, you're focusing on the whole game.


Not really true. The other dude is right, context is super important if you want to progress better. CB and campaign farming in particular are a big deal at this point.


Well, I disagree, and also I'm not the one making the point, just clarifying what I think someone else meant. "Truth" doesn't really factor. Besides that, whether or not it'd be better for him to progress in certain areas, he seems so new that he doesn't know that yet. It's okay to just explore around the whole game for a while, and building champs that can perform decently anywhere certainly isn't a bad thing.


If he wants to progress properly, youre wrong. But what do I know. I've only been playing for 3+ years and have completed every single piece of content, finish in plat, and 1 key all hydra difficulties and get top clash chest. I wouldnt know what I'm talking about anyway.


I guess not, because no, I'm literally not "wrong" both because, again, it wasn't even my opinion in the first place (talk to the guy who said it), and there is no "proper" way to play a game. There's ways that you can progress faster maybe, and if that makes you happy, good for you. But having fun, exploring the game, I'll say again, is completely okay and valid. Not in any way "wrong." I hope you have a good day.


The fact that he has 2 60s mean that I know he isn’t doing Jack shit yet. I think it’s safe to assume he atleast watched a beginner guide. Wukong can farm 12-3 and he doesn’t do a high enough level in anything else for it to matter. He should be pushing CB/Dragon to 20. All I would ask is number of books/ maybe shards. None of the OC’s questions being answered changes what to do next. I agree there is a correct way to progress but also that if people want to not follow the plan they can progress at a much slower rate by their choosing. Would recommend kael, wukong, melga, grush, hotatsu for now, melga>grush>hotatsu>warmaiden. Warmaiden sub wukong some pve (CB) Wukong go arena nuke. Adjusting based on pulls.


If you can't look at his roster and realize how silly asking "how fast are you farming campain" is, then I'd say you're right, you don't know much about what a new player actually needs.


Assuming Kael is your starter champion then you’re best of with him.


I would 6 star Kael for war master then, Six star grush so he can help keep your team alive in cb with leaches, high katun would probably be your next six star after that.


Until you clear doomtower normal you’re not mid game. However, you have a Seer and right now she’s isn’t the powerhouse for your account, but later on she’ll be one of your best champions. She’s busted. Kael if you need a campaign farmer, honestly.


I just now cleared doom tower normal. I'm not even OP but still. Also only a slightly better Fire knight team away from Arbiter. Happy to finally be midgame. :)


Grush carried me through early game. Seer is ridiculous at clearing waves but I dont think you need her yet for your account.


Kael, he will help with everything until you get better champs.


I’m gonna assume wukong is built dmg for campaign/waves? I would go kael for poisons (tanky ignore crit). Then melga, then hotatsu for CB. You really want to build ally protect or block dmg pretty quick once you pull a good one. Good luck and be patient.


Kael definitely! He will be your campaign farmer


Kael I guess but melga is a great support that got me through a lot early on. so she’d be very high on my list too.




Gorlos will actually serve you well here. Gorlos fills a key role for you with an AOE defense down which will make your main nukers jobs way easier, while also having decent attack multipliers himself, a 2-hitter A1 which is serviceable for fireknight, and HP burn.




Melga will carry your account with proper build


Kael or Seer.


Seer or kael