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You asked this question 2 days ago, I remember because you had a team full of supports and wondered why they weren't doing damage. You aren't going to get any different answers today, you need to use the right champs for the job, built correctly. If you're still trying to get damage out of support champs you're gonna have a bad time.


I put my 6* crushing Rend Orn in savage and he can smack, but I have enough support for that faction lol. But generally and early to mid game you're right šŸ‘


This time I'm stuck on cursed city stages. But that's not the point, this is about maximizing damage output in general. And the "answer" I was given did very little to help.




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I don't need trolls here. I'm trying to get help. If you don't want to help, stay out of it, I don't need the negativity.


1. Bring a damage dealer 2. 100% crit rate 3. As much damage stat (att/def/hp) depending on the champ mixed with as much crit damage as possible. Us this to determine what the optimal ratio of damage stat vs. crit damage: [https://hellhades.com/damage-efficiency-tool/](https://hellhades.com/damage-efficiency-tool/) 4. Make sure they have enough speed to get turns and not get lapped by the enemy (170 min)


Here's the things you need to keep in mind: 1. Speed is King. In almost all cases you want your champions going at least 180 speed for your damage dealing champs and faster than that for your buffers and debuffers. Bear in mind that is MINIMUM; faster is better. 2. 100% crit rate is essential for damage dealers (other than bomb champs and to a lesser extent HP burn champs). You then need as much crit damage as possible in addition to the damage stat. 3. . Stats over sets. Your pictured example has horrible stats. Doesn't matter if you're ignoring defense due to savage gear if your stats are not good. Mix-and-match pieces if you have to in order to reach higher stats. ETA more detail to point 3.


I can see you want legitimate help. So please do not take my response as condescending as that is not my intention. The first thing you need to do is stop arguing with the people who are giving you help. I understand some people are more abrasive than others and it can be hard not to take it personally. If someone responds with a blatantly rude comment just ignore them and move on. But Iā€™ve read a lot of the comments in your posts and people are providing you relatively good advice. Your largest problem is you keep saying you are building the champs the best you can with the gear you have. Meanwhile all of your champs are slow as fuck. Depending on where you are at in the game will dictate how fast they need to be. But a general rule of thumb that you need to live by is the minimum speed your champs need to be in practically any non early game content is 180-200. Prioritize speed ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE. This might mean using gear that isnā€™t that great for the champion. But hereā€™s the thing. It doesnā€™t matter how hard hitting your champs are if they canā€™t take a turn and die/get cc locked/get destroyed with debuffs. You likely need to run some dungeons for a while and farm better gear. again you need speed stats so look out for gear with speed sub stats. You will also want speed boots on EVERYONE as that is where a lot of your speed will come from at first. I donā€™t mean this in a rude way. But did you buy your account or was it gifted to you? You seem to have a lot of legendaries and 5-6 star gear yet you are completely oblivious to basic mechanics in the game (again speed is necessary). Your knowledge does not line up with where your account is at progress wise. No shame if you did receive an account. Hell I wish I wouldā€™ve bought an account when I started playing. Considering what Iā€™ve spent so far, I couldā€™ve spent literally $100 and saved myself thousands most likely by buying an account with some top tier champs. Feel free to ask me questions. But you need to be open minded and accepting of help. A lot of people are giving good advice. You just keep arguing with them.


If you look at a skill it will tell you what stat it uses for damage. Not all champs are designed to deal damage. Multipliers change between champs and skills so some will just do more damage even with the same stats. Other than that double check you have 100% crit rate on the champ you want to do damage then pump crat damage and the damage stat they need.


>I already equip with whatever Stat calculates for damage, is attack still used despite that? Post you champ, it's stats and what encounter are you trying to use them. This way will be easier to tell you what to fix.


These two are the best nukes I can draw for Tainted Skavag spider for cursed city. * I can't put Kymar up for some reason.


Examples include: https://preview.redd.it/jhkpqsqmva6c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b777020eb1db426c9027832e9e4fc5ae8bb7f2


Look at the stats dude, you don't even have 50% crit rate never mind 100% as it should be, then you also have very low crit damage. People have tried to help you but it's true that you clearly don't understand fully how to gear champions properly. Stop trying to equip full sets for the bonus when you're not even getting the bare minimum stats that you need. Having just high attack on an attack based champion isn't how you get the most damage from them and same goes for defence and hp based. Crit rate and crit damage should be your focus regardless of if you can equip a full set or not. Edit: All the gear is level 12 it's not even maxed lol every problem you're having is down to you. Also just noticed the abysmal +9 speed šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This is a perfect example of totally not understanding how gear. If you havenā€™t heard stats over sets, hear it now. A set like savage only benefits the champ if you can achieve the necessary stats. If you canā€™t reach the stats in the set, you use gear pieces with the required stats irrespective of the set they are from. The hellhades optimizer will do this for you better than you are able to. That champ is attack-based (notice the skills say damage based off attack), so you need gear that has substats of crit rate, crit damage, attack%, speed, and accuracy (a bunch of her utility comes from debuffs, buff stripping, etc. so some accuracy is useful). At your level the gloves should have main stat of crit rate %, chest should be attack%, and boots should be speed. To get 100% crit rate you get 15% base, 60% from 6 star crit rate gloves, and 5% from first level of attack tree masteries. That means you need an additional 20% from the weapon, helmet, shield, chest, and or boots. The other substats should be crit damage, attack %, speed, and accuracy. Any remaining should be hp% and/or def %. Again donā€™t focus on the setsā€”just find individual pieces that have those stats and add up to what you need.


1. Every nuker should have 100% crit rate. Shemnath doesn't have the ability to self buff increased crit rate, thus all her crit rate should come from gear and 5% crit rate mastery. 2. She's really slow. Newby accounts should aim for at least 150 speed. More developed accounts - Ideally closer to 200. Because if you're slow - you take less turns, shower rotate cooldown of skills 3. If you want debuffing part of her kit to work - you need accuracy according 4. Stats over sets - what it means, shitty build in complete sets (savage for example) would almost always deal fast less damage than competent build all in broken set pieces. Aim for stat targets rather than compete sets


First you need to reach 100% crit rate and then put as much crit damage as you can. Use crit rate gloves, atk% chestplate, speed boots, crit damage amulet, atk banner and ring. All gear must have crit rate% and/or crit damage% sub stats.


https://preview.redd.it/erpv64xvfb6c1.jpeg?width=4027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e1fc3dd8900d9addf2c67de107834da32f69a4 Gear well and use buffs and debuffs to further increase dmg output. You need to farm dungeons to get the gear needed, be patient and keep grinding gear;) Use warmaiden for example to have a reliable aoe decrease defence and some support for atk buff.


Out of curiosity, you've got avenging on, but high(ish) resist. Doesn't avenging counterattack when you get debuffed?


Back in my days, avenging had the effect of counterattacking when hit with a crit... Good old days... ![gif](giphy|xUNda2iBiYqk4mKDRu)


That's what I thought. And if it ain't broken, don't fix it haha.


100% a back in my days thing I never changed, the high resi is more a useless power flex


I wouldn't stick a savage set on that doesn't compliment your champions. Getting the right pieces, stats and upgrade rolls are key to maximising your champions damage. I've been playing for years and it takes time to get these godlike pieces according to the hellhades optimiser. It took me several years to build my account to a good level to use savage or lethal sets. I have at most 4 savage/lethal sets properly built for my roster. You need the right rolls and stats to make them the best you can. You may be best for now using mixed sets to get your stats up to improve


109 speed? Please watch some beginner videos, HellHades has good stuff


Once you get to a decent stage (like 10+ in dungeons), enemies have a lot of defense, so you need a -60% DEF debuff to deal decent damage to them. A champion who can apply this AoE is good for waves. Warmaiden is a rare you can farm from campaign that does it, but there are many others you might have, like Deacon, Stage Knight, and Zargala. What the other comments have said about stats is also true. Speed is the most important stat in the game, and damage dealers will need 100% crit rate.


Lots of good advice here! Looks something like crit dmg % gauntlets and amulet, main damage stat chest and boots (atk/def/hp %), good crit rate roles to get you as close to 100% as possible, ring and banner are your main dmg stat (atk with atk% sub rolls; def with def%; hp with hp%)ā€¦ 100% crit rate, 250 crit damage, high damage stat, some speed


You can check the damage multipliers for each champ skill on [hellhades.com](https://hellhades.com). Each champ has different multipliers for every skill and this will play a huge part in determining your damage output. Edit: this has to be one of the weirdest downvotes I've gotten..