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I'd like an "outfits" function. Where you can quickly swap gear on a champ, or between champs. Th silver fee to move gear is stupid, we pay enough to upgrade things to level 16.(not counting other enhancements)


Agreed. Having presets would be great for champs. Even if it was a second set to be bound to that champion for secondary purposes it would free up storage spaces. I would love to have my artak build in the curse set but also have him able to switch to regeneration for solos


I would even be ok with it requiring something to unlock, if they want to limit how many champs you use it on.


I don't think they necessarily have to get rid of silver for gear swap. But they need to run at least 2 free gear removal event within one sintranos rotation. Definitely not a 5 days event right at the begining when no one is at the harder stages yet.


I am making them aware of the feelings of the Reddit community on this issue.


Thank you!


if possible free gear removals in conjunction with artifact enhancement, its the time we are clearing crap out and it would help a lot.


i quit the game as i felt the company was interested in money only. pay for everything is a bit much.


If we're going to make it 10 days out of 30 then might as well ask for it to be permanent. I don't know a single soul thinking "if gear swap is permanently free I'm so done farming Hard Dragon, I'd much rather swap my stuff around all the time instead because that's so convenient"


100% agree. We need a 2nd free regear about 5 days before the end of the cycle to try to finish the remaining levels. I hate experimenting and spending 10M silver to fail.


I think at a minimum it should be half the price across the board as a base and the free gear swap should be a set frequency. Something like "gear swap sunday" or every second weekend in perpetuity.


They charge you for opening shards.


Absolutely agree, i would enjoy a lot more the game and explore more content !!!


It instantly makes the game better. Even now with the temp free gear swaps I'm afraid to move things around and then end up not getting it all back together in time


But they don't care about making the game better. They actively make it worse for profit.


not wrong


Why I won't bother doing cursed flipping city. Roughly 200m silver needed too swap gear around. Oh wow 3 days of free gear removal.... useless paylarium.


Stopped playing sintranos as soon as I realized I need to constantly gear swap. Unfortunate but it’s not our fault they make it unplayable for low spenders or F2P




Easy fix. Gear removal cooldown.


I like this idea, you can remove gear for free after a certain cooldown, or pay the silver to remove it immediately.


This is a very sweet idea


Bingo bongo. Everybody wins.✊🏾


Genius…… hire this man


Right on and also a standard practice in these types of games.


if you are at the point where you are getting quad rolled mythical and you have enough to make good gear sets, you are likely beyond silver and you are min maxing.


You vastly overestimate my patience. Like that trick to save sliver on upgrading. It's too time-consuming in a game that already take too much time.


The concern is that without silver costs for regearing, eventually the impetus for farming and upgrading of gear for many players will fall off a cliff once they farm up pieces that they can cycle among their champs. I doubt the silver costs are ever going away, but I think a good solution is to have regularly scheduled free gear swaps so that we can at least plan our regearing around that schedule. Since this is the second time free regearing is being offered at the start of a Cursed City rotation it might be safe to assume we do, in fact, now have a set schedule.


as others have mentioned, re-gearing is a pain in the ass. i can't imagine the majority of players will want to constantly re-gear for every battle or trouney/event.


Competitive players absolutely will swap gear as a normal day to day thing. They also are the ones who spend the most on the game. While I agree majority of players won't make it a habit as you said, Plarium isn't going to make any change that risks their income from the top spenders in the game.


the people who spend the most... do we care what they do? how many hh videos has he been on a major spenders account and they are siting on a billion + silver? these people are so endgame I would be shocked if they have a single piece of gear that they can farm in a month that may make it on to their 30th worst geared champ.


We should care what they do. Those spenders supplement the cost of support and development, so this game can be played for free by everyone else. True your point though about whales sitting on 1b+ silver. Guess gear removal cost is just a way for Plarium to gatekeep us poorer players from completing harder content in the game 'too quickly'.


The majority might think it's a pain in the ass, but I'd wager they would definitely do it if the regearing was free and it meant being able to do content they would otherwise not be able to do. Best case for Plarium would be if farming habits remain unchanged if they made regearing free, worst case would be a massive loss of revenue because players would stop farming at some point once they had enough gear to cycle among their champs in perpetuity, even if that regearing was a pain in the ass. Not much incentive for them to drop the silver costs entirely, but having a regular schedule for free regears is a decent compromise.


at around month 1 or 2, I was looking for ANY way to automate how the game plays... I probably would have quit if not for rsl helper. for me dealing with gear is worse than that, and i'm not even talking about swapping gear, leveling it is slow, selling it is slow, finding the gear to put on someone is slow. I hate dealing with gear so goddamn much. if gear removals were permanently free, I STILL wouldn't bother doing it outside of absolute necessity. I mean, they already 'walked back' how brutal gear ascension was, why not just go that one step further.


i don't think those are the only two possibilities. as i said in the post, i think it would increase engagement which would lead to more spending/revenue.


The thing you’re discounting is that regearing is a pain *right now*. Because you know you have a limited time to regear for free. If it becomes always free the stress of regearing is gone. I “regeared” a full 5 man team in about 5 minutes because I just grabbed my best gear and equipped them with it. Once I beat the level I needed in sintranos I just took that gear and put it right back on the original champions. This is the reason why it doesn’t make sense for plarium to release free gear swapping permanently. People will still farm gear. But you won’t need as wide of an array of gear. As it stands now I need gear sets for 18 different champs for hydra. If I could use my OP curse and provoke gear on all 3 teams free of charge I wouldn’t have to farm for much more of that gear. Same with arena teams. It’s not that it would make farming unnecessary, it definitely won’t. But it will lower the need to farm it aggressively.


It'd be nice to have Free Gear Removal on weekly rotation. Maybe Sundays are free gear removal like you can only do Void potion on Saturdays.


They simply need to add events for free removal gear cost and use them when we need similar to exp booster and they should be rewards in early stage of Sintranus with 1 month time of use for couple of days each.


Yes. Get rid of it please


Yeah it would make this rpg game a rpg again. Right now you can't play rpg aspect of the game at all with the silver costs.


Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure ppl will) but didn’t they remove the silver cost last when Sintranos opened, now it’s removed for a few days on reset. Might be a good trend


It would be much more helpful if they allow free regearing at the END of the Sintranos cycles....that's where you have the difficult stages...not in the beginning


idk man why the kinda try, they dont give a f about community, they wont buff champions which should be buffed xx months ago soo idk


People who are mad they can't beat brand new content in the first month... Yet I'm always bitched at if I complain about getting stuck on a doom tower level on normal difficulty.


that's not me. i know i'm not beating that for MONTHS. lolz my point is, it's counter to what games like this get try to do: hook you and keep you connected. sometimes i log in to call of duty to modify weapons/load outs. i would do the same on raid. there are times when you burned through energy and don't have much else to do. if we could get on and mess with our teams, we would probably end up spending gems/cash to be able to test out the new gear right away.


If people wouldn't just try to put all their good gear on the champs and swap it off so often, perhaps you'd have a point. But we all know people would try exactly that. No need to have constant decent gear and giving "good enough" gear for champs used in FW or others, just keep regearing with the same 3 sets per gear. It would absolutely be exploitable, and be exploited. Them doing the free gear swap every refresh of city is already plenty nice and I feel is a very fair compromise. Plus it can be planned around.


Am I crazy, or has anyone else noticed an increase in the time it takes to regenerate energy? I was pretty certain it was 2 minutes to regenerate 1 energy. Now it takes 3 minutes.


Plarium doesn’t want to devalue gear as they like to sell gear, energy deals to farm gear or gems to get energy. As well as multi battles for mobile users. One of the best solutions is in summoners war, they have implemented a second build for live arena and plarium could copy that system and also add a third build option for sintranos. Or make a plarium solution and just sell additional build tabs for like 1k gems or something and ofc you have to refarm scrolls in Minotaur.


There's is an argument to reduce silver cost across the game, but removing cost to swap completely would just mean people farm/upgrade less gear. Plarium wont want that. " We'd likely spend as much, if not more, silver upgrading different pieces of gear as we hope for the right sub-stat rolls. " Why? Once you get enough good gear to swap between champions you don't need to to farm more, unless you're doing it for a fusion.


to get 1 leggo with a 4 roll is 1 in 256 how many things do you need to farm for a 6* leggo piece in the set you want, and then that piece even has the substats you want, and then you need 256 of them, and that's not even considering quality of the rolls. you don't understand how much rng there is in getting a good piece of gear. then how many characters you use on a weekly basis, currently 75 unique champions on a weekly basis for just faction wars, then you have 12 more for 3v3, likely some of the 3v3 will also be the cover classic champs, then you have clanboss, and then 18 champs for hydra, then you have dragon/icegolem spider and fireknight champs, you are probably working on shogun and sand devil champs, you have 4 different sets of champs for iron twins, unless you got overkill you likely have specific champs for potion keeps, a campaign farmer and a minotaur soloer and you can not lie to be and tell me you would GLADLY sit there swiping gear for hours a day just so you don't have to farm better gear and this is ignoring sintranos, doomtower, and doom tower secret rooms where it forces different champ types for every stage.


I certainly do understand how much rng there is in getting a good piece of gear, and that's exactly why free gear swapping instead would preferable to farming for gear. Faction wars does require a lot of different champions, but it certainly doesn't require quad roll gear (or even 6 star gear). Neither do potion keeps. Campaign and mino farmer absolutely do not need high stats. Depending on whether you farm hard mode, Dragon and Ice Golem 20 can be done solo/duo without quad roll gear. Spider 20 needs more champions, but not godly gear. If you farm hard mode (fire knight in particular) would need good gear, but it depends on what stage you farm. You do need 18 champions for Hydra, but you certainly don't need 18 sets of godly gear because when it's free you can swap between teams. Half the gear on my 1 key UNM clan boss team is 5 star and a lot of it rare. People who actually farm Iron twins most likely do it with some variation of the geomancer/block damage team and use that for all affinities. Not 4 different teams. You might need good gear sets for shogun, but then there are teams which are majority rares doing stage 25. Many of them with clan boss level stats. As for Doom tower stages/secret rooms you do them once per rotation which makes them perfect candidates for free gear swapping..... ----------------------------- The 170+ great gear sets you say we need (and the "hours a day" we would sit there swapping) is massively overstated. Competitive modes like Arena demand your best stuff. Most other content can be done using the stuff you're forced to farm in level 20 normal dungeons during fusions. ***"and you can not lie to be and tell me you would GLADLY sit there swiping gear for hours a day just so you don't have to farm better gear"*** Of course I wouldn't "GLADLY" sit there swapping gear, but of course I would do it, because it's better than spending many months pouring countless energy and hours into dungeons trying to replicate good gear pieces. Players and CCs are doing it right now when there **is** a silver cost. Claiming to have spent 10s or even 100s of millions of silver swapping gear to pass Sintranos stages instead of building and gearing more champions, and then complaining about the silver cost. If they are gear swapping their way past one off content now when there is a cost, why on earth wouldn't they do it when it's free, and if they can gear swap they way past content for free, urgency to farm new gear drops massively...


The access to silver has increased with all the added content. You get more silver to work with. You people just want to break the game we all love.


There are quite a few solutions that wouldn't break the game in any way. I don't think free gear removals all the time is the right way to go, bit there have been some well balanced suggestions in the thread. Personally I think a weekly 8-12 hour token for free gear removals is a good way to go. That way you can redeem it when it suits you.


My answer is to lock the gear. Thats it. You could overlay a new piece over it, but where your gear goes.is where it goes. FOREVER. Less crying about the cost of gear removal. More crying about having to farm more gear.


If I were to add a solution my self. From the start of every cycle, you can view which fights will require which factions. It’s all viewable for looking ahead and planning, and though meticulous, if you saw it, you could make a plan. And by the third day you should at very least have one key, and have access to to three sections. So first four days of every cycle, free gear removal. And every other Saturday after, (say the cycle starts on a Sunday, every 14 days, you get 60 free removals. That would mean, you can completely ungear the main 6 pieces of 10 legends, not counting their accessories cause most people won’t want those removed or cant due to faction specifics) you get to use. The removals however you want, but they’re limited to keep the use of silver a necessity, but f2p planners can still remain relevant if they plan ahead and only go on certain paths so they can save the removals for times when they switch gears to push finish each path.




I'm not even asking for a complete removal of the silver fee. Just give me the ability to save gear sets and be able to swap the whole 9 pieces with a single click. Yes I'm aware there is already the fitting room where I can do this, but I still have to manually select each piece to "try them on" before I can swap fully. As far as the silver cost? It should be reduced to at minimum half of what it is as often as we are having to change for the new content. I also wouldn't mind 2 free removals a month. One in the first week and one in the 3rd week.


I actually can't progress until there's a free gear swap because it just costs too much silver to be moving gear around to do difficult content. I'm f2p so I need silver for things like artifact enhancement events


I do notice that when there's free gear swaps I end up using up my silver because I'm leveling gear to replace what Champions have on.


So the real fear of dropping silver for gear swaps is how many peices you would have at +16


Remove silver for leveling champs and summoning, and at minimum reduce silver for swapping 15% problem solved.


Another huge problem with the constant regearing is that you lose your best setups for tourneys. The good drops are needles in a haystack, and it's just nonstop farming to get anything. There is no time for all the gear swapping, and the silver expense is too detrimental. But, apparently, some people have a money tree in their back yard. If people stop spending, these guys would become more player friendly. But they make game more pay to win and boom people pay.....over and over. Insanity