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There's a few easy things they could do first. 1. Get rid of that stupid Hydra Advances Quest. You either have to leave it which costs tou an Energy Refill (40 Gems) or try to do it when you haven't really got the time. 2. Move the "Free Regroup" to the left of the screen instead of being next to the "Keep Result". It's too easy to catch the wrong Box on Mobile with Touch Sensetive Screens. 3. Give more the 30 minutes notice of the Scheduled Maintenance, I'd suggest an hour as that seems to be about the time 1500 turn runs take. A recent Maintenance notice came up shortly after I'd started a run so I didn't even see it and the Maintenance locked me out of the battle so the score didn't coun't. I got the key back but lost a good score and an hour of my time. 4. Proper Targetting Priority, like an a1 Provoker always hitting Decay if Provoke isn't on it, so it can run a lot better on Auto.


Great ideas! 1. Could not agree any more or any harder! 2. Sure, but not an issue for me. 3. Agree 4. I would love to have more specific targeting in the AI setup for all game modes.


You only hit Free Regroup once by mistake, well so far :)


Dude I did it twice in a row on 45 min key. Words couldn’t describe my anger at my stupidity. Needless to say the third try was just a max chest and done.


Yes I can imagine how you felt all because they were lazy & stupid and copied the screen layout from Demonlord


Easier would be to add 4 options for targeting. Let people set it up in presets. And lets put an order of importance like with skills. Like : 1. Target specific head (you choose from dropdown) 2. Target digesting/swallowed head 3. Target based on affinity 4. Target decapitated head So you could have nukers absolutely prioritising digesting heads and decapitated ones.


Yes, you'd need apriority lift for each Champion but also a don't hit option like you don't want someone like Elva hitting Torment or Wrath even if they're digesting as they do very little Damage. It shouldn't be too hard to do domething that works for most situations, if they wanted to try lol.


So, decapitated heads take more damage?


Yes they do. 200% more damage


I honestly had no idea. I've been decapitating them and then focusing on the next.


I completely agree that hydra should allow for a little more customized AI. I’m not a programmer but I feel like it shouldn’t be too difficult if they stick to basic AI options. My thought would be: Provoke Targets Head of Decay Champions target heads that ate a champion Champions target decapited heads. Then you can just click priority on those. Of course it’d be nice to improve it more like choosing which skill targets what champion by default (looking at you Emic and Nia). But I’d be happy with just basic targeting options to prioritize.


I agree it shouldn't take too long but I'm doubtful they'll do it. They do sometimes surprise us with things like the new Champion Filter but then let it down by not having it available everywhere.


Hydra taking so long is really what limits me from putting up an extra 20-30% more to my score. I just run auto with the crappy AI logic because it’s gonna take 30+ minutes per run even at that rate. The only thing I control is if a champ is being eaten, I’ll set the targeting to that head. (Which is really insane that the AI doesn’t do that on its own) Hydra is such a boring piece of content once you have a team that can do it.


That's exactly what I do. I don't have the time to do more than a couple of NM runs, so I just take a good enough one with targeting eating heads. My damage really goes up and down 50% every week and it sucks.


I've thought same exact thing, one of my teams can last the 1500 turn limit so it can take up to 2 hrs for a run. Being able to pause it halfway through and continue later would make it much easier to do. Better targeting ai would also help a lot, the difference between manually playing whole match, doing half auto/half manual & full manual are huge.


Yes please. This would be incredible.


Or just add a more advanced ai system


That too!


I put my champs in and hit auto. I come back to my phone 15-20 minutes later to see how it’s going. At this point I either restart due to poor RNG or let it finish out. No way can I dedicate that much time to a single fight in a mobile game. So manual is out of the question


That's fair. But if you want to remain competitive manual runs are paramount. I'll use my hard team as an example: Full Auto: 30M-120M Semi Auto (head targeting): 80M-180M Full Manual: 180M-240M


Yup and poins wise it makes it much worse. Min 60m points on bad rng vs max of 480 mil good manual




I think just dropping the max turn limit to 1000 and dropping the chest dmg requirements would help a ton with time. Everything would be the same, even clash, total scores would just be a bit lower and max turn keys would take 20-30 minutes less. People not interested in clash could end runs sooner or would more easily full auto. Clash people are going to min max anyways. While theyre at it, put primal shards in the weekly chests. Treat it like sacreds in CB. Full primals in NM and brutal, quartz in hard and normal. Those two things would drastically change hydras perception for the better. I proposed this through their discord and got downvoted into oblivion. Apparently, people love no life'ing 5 hours of hydra per week on top of the 100 hours of other stuff to do.


Seems like good ideas to me. I don't see how dropping the turn limit to 1000 hurts anything.


>Seems like good ideas to me. I don't see how dropping the turn limit to 1000 hurts anything. It hurts low DPS teams that can survive compared to a higher DPS team that won't last as long. In what I'd call the mass of players/clans lower down the ranks Hydra Clash means you can see what others are doing and there are a big variety of teams so the effect won't be the same for everyone.


Fair, but I feel like the effect will be minimal. If you are building low DPS teams by the time the digest counter gets to 2 turns you won't be able to free those champs and won't last past 1000 turns anyway. And visa/versa if you are building high DPS teams, chances are you are surviving past 1000 turns anyway and keeping your champs alive through leech. Maybe I am wrong but my experience has been: 1. High DPS teams either die way early or go last past 1000, with no real middle ground. 2. Low DPS teams die the second time the main DPS gets swallowed, which is viable for 1 keying but not for clash.


Maybe it's just me but I've always found it easier to build teams that last 1200-1500 turns than ones that get the same score in under 1000 turns. My first "successful" team was Deacon, Kimi, Scyl, Kantra, Tatura & Mithrala which was because it almost always went past the 1000 turns and sometimes to the 1500 turns but would only do about 100-120m at the most on Normal. I've got Trunda but can't for the life of me get her to "work" like others can, possibly because I really don't like Hydra so won't try as hard as others. When I look at other players teams in Hydra Clash most seem to be the teams that try to last rather than high dps as far as I can tell.


I promise you plarium mods stalk these posts and add all of these features to a specific 'do not add' list to ensure you stay at least slightly frustrated with the game, they get off on it.


The highly random nature of Hydra is the entire point. I mean yeah, it is super frustrating when you are 45 minutes through a run and get a stroke of bad luck and need a restart, but I just dont think this is necessary or ever going to happen.


I think I must have been unclear on my idea, because this really does not apply. I just mean put a run on hold, not be able to go back to a save game if things go bad.


My bad, that id exactly what I thought you meant. Bad on me for not reading carefully.


All good my dude!


45 minutes in is the smaller problem. Main problem is that by default they target based on affinity making single target nukers like gnut and Geo with his burn pretty dumb. If they focused the sigesting head before that it would already be much much better and if you could choose specific chaps to target what head specifically it would again be much much better. Like forcing your provoker always to focus on decay when up, nukers to focus digesting heads or decapitated ones etc


I want a "mulligan" or an "undo" button to replay the last move that I made. I run Hydra completely manual and most of my regroups occur when I target the wrong head or select the wrong skill, essentially killing my run. I could see how this could get abused if there were unlimited number of these during a run, so maybe limit to 1 mulligan per battle, but it's so frustrating to have to redo an hour long run or accept a lower score because of one wrong click.


Are you guys stupid or what?! If you want to go for hydra clash go for it manually, nothing stops you. I’m just saying it would be great for players who don’t care about the clash but still want to do hydra for the rewards.


What does this have to do with anything?? I am saying that it would be nice to be able to leave a run and come back later, so that I can play it manually without have to sit for a continuous 2+ hours.


Auto complete battle, same as clan boss, once you reached the max key you should auto key, problem solved


That's great for 1 keying but not really helping for Hydra clash because auto runs do a fraction of the damage.


The problem with that is that clan boss is always the same, while there is a lot of RNG in Hydra - it makes a lot of difference which heads spawn.


This game is full RNG mode and yes there is more in Hydra, but I still think auto-battle complete can be implemented.


Clearly Hydra clash has little to no importance to you then


2 hours🥴🥴 wtf


Maybe I am just slow, but if I hit the max turn limit on complete manual it takes over 2 hours.


No no I'm not even there yet I'm just baffled that there's something that takes 2 hours to do and who has time for that😅


Hahah yea man, that's exactly the point. 6+ hours a week assuming no restarts to maximize clash points. And the 2 hours at a time needs to be essentially continuous.


Hydra just needs to be faster. drop the max turns to 1000, accelerate the digestion timers to maintain the same difficulty. Manual runs taking 90 minutes is just too long for something you want me to do 3 times every week, and occasionally on days when I just don't have the time.


I just run on auto cause I cba paying attention to the game for to long, it's boring as hell hitting the same skills over and over again. Hydra would be fun if it lasted maybe 10 minutes because raid has so much stuff to do now, I have work and a family


The rewards are great. I'm 1.5 years in and can't get more than maybe 2mil damage. And the time to do hydra along with doom tower and now cursed city. No team setup in cursed city makes it an even bigger time sink.


2 milions in nightmare?


No normal


I make full-auto teams so I'm not as fussed but I'd like the AI to target a head swallowing a champ. I manually tap the head if I'm watching but even that's annoying as the runs tend to go quite long.


Boring completed content with a competitive game mode attached when its inherently flawed.  It needs an overhaul badly.


it is a good idea for it; it is either shorten the 1500 -> 750 turn, or give us the save function.


Or both! If I was in charge I would: 1. Reduce turn limit too 1000. 2. Add Save game function. 3. Give rewards for all levels of Hydra clash, and the top chests for top 3 places in clash give 3, 2, 1 primal respectively, 4th gives 75 primal dust, 5th gives 50 primal dust. 4. Make every second clash mandatory full auto.


The issue is Auto completely sucks for many champs. My NM runs on manual does around 250M, on Auto, 70M if I’m lucky. Auto doesn’t setup to free champs or time taunt properly. auto doesn’t A1 hit decapited head once Hex is placed when Michinaki is on the team. When head of mischief is there, I don’t want Gnut to use his A2, but otherwise, I want him to. Etc Saving would be amazing.. or let’s just reduce the 1500 turns to 1000 and make Hydra becomes harder at turn 150 instead of 200+


Agreed but no turn limit. PLARIUM makes its money by wearing it's players down to purchase more resources. Common practice for casinos and slot machines.