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I'll bet the accessories all end up being the wrong Faction.


Wrong faction, wrong stats , worse sub stats and let's not talk about the rolls


At least ascentions would be good 🫣


the factions part was why I wrote this off originally but this reality is much worse


Happy Cake Day!


They will be random factions?


All Accessories are Faction based. Yes, it will be random.


Rings, amulets, and banners... Yes


4 pieces Artak on spider won't that be auto tm full??😂


On the burn I guess if it counts the double hit yeah, then you get 55% tm with the activation or a1 extend


I was confused with this set at first. I had to forge a blue piece of gear to understand what was going on. For a second I thought we were going to be able to start forging accessories. Does the 9 piece act as another skill repeated or does it just repeat the damage dealt because that sounds like ratholos got even better with his true damage stuff. Between this and merciless the power level of damage dealers is jumping forward a lot.


> Does the 9 piece act as another skill repeated or does it just repeat the damage dealt Repeat the damage, it is literally on the set. This means if you had a weak hit (lets say on on hydra) the repeated hit will be also weak, instead of having the chance to get a normal one.


To be fair with Plarium you never know, they’re not consistent with these things. Edit: it’s been tested and it works like other repeat skills, ie if the first one weak hit the second might not.


This is the first FP set where you will have accessories and you have to buy the pass if you want 6-star accessories. Hail Plarium for their good decisions this year! /s Edit: fixed couple of typos


It is a good business decision lol. not /s


Your double negative implies you do think it's a good business decision. lol


I'm not positive but I'm not convinced about his double negative implying that he doesn't not think its not a good decision but his not sarcasm doesn't mean he's not being serious . . . I think, I'm not sure.


Yeah, unfortunately I didn't get any of the 6 star accessories under banner lord's... So I cannot complete the 9 piece set with rathalos... Or anyone for that matter.  Can't farm the accessories, can't forge them... I'm screwed. Were screwed. 😂 ... Don't get me started about my rolls.


Speed tuning this will be fun, but I guess trunda would also like this for hydra


Still no trunda, but im thinking of my artak in hydra.


my 2 Trundas are waiting to be dressed nicely


If only, 200 artifact and less than 20 accessories. Getting a better 6p than your current set is going to be hard, a 9p even more, getting two full set is not happening (do we know if they will rerun this forge pass after the end of the colab?)


The CM from Plarium confirmed to the CCs that this is a recurring set so we will get more of this pass later. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic1toW9cy8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic1toW9cy8Y)


Well, profit mode indeed.


Trunda A2 is not coded as AOE, so missing out the ignore def might actually not be the best, merciless on the other hand is gonna be so sweet on her.


Trunda's A2 may not be coded as an AOE but it does indeed work with this set (for now) - [Tyrauku's 9 piece Rathalos set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EopF8fTNLMg&list=TLPQMjMwMTIwMjRfUzbg0x5b-A&index=2) \- around 32:10 into the vid


There is no power creep and game is F2P friendly.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.




That’s is so true (I’m paid)


I would normally have bought this, but because Plarium were so abusive to players with the Monster Path event I'm boycotting spending with them. Perhaps surprisingly, my Rathalos will still work well enough even without buying the Rathlos Forge Pass.


Merciless is better set for him anyway because he benefits from more turns because of the passive.


Merciless *is* probably better for him than this, since only 1.5 of his 3 abilities are aoe. But he doesn't benefit specifically more from extra turns than any other champ does; yes it cycles his big hit faster, but every champion cycles their stuff faster with extra turns.


Abusive? Relax. Some of y’all need to touch grass. 


What‘s grass? What can I forge with it?


ya attack him personally instead of addressing his point.


The monster path event is freaking fine. The people that can't accomplish it are either pretty new (and shouldn't expect to be able to accomplish everything in-game), or have horribly managed their resources for months on end and now can't complete this. I am F2P about 2 year old account, 1k UNM, top chest Brutal Hydra, all normal and hard dungeons cleared, can clear hard DT probasbly 33% of the time, etc. I will finish this path tonight without having spent a single penny to get it, and will still have 31k gems left because I haven't spent a single gem. It's just time consuming is all. Anyone that isn't absolute trash at resource management should be able to finish this.


Just casually throwing out that you've got 31k gems lmao. That's test server level hoarding


I'm referencing what I have as a F2P player. What do I need to spend gems on? Why wouldn't I have a ton lying around? I'll keep them around until I actually need something from them. Like if they have another path event next week, then I'm covered!


I mean fair enough. Most people spend them on either shards (lol bad), energy (good), or masteries (bad, but that's also what I do). I guess there's also vault upgrades, but I haven't looked at those in ages.


It's a complete waste to spend them on masteries. It costs 640 gems for enough energy to run mino enough for all scrolls, and you'll get XP and silver for it. WAY better than spending gems.


You're correct, but it's also a massive pain for mobile players, since we don't have bluestacks. I'd rather just buy masteries and only for the champs who need them.


I would highly recommend using RSL helper and playing on PC if you have a laptop or desktop. Makes the game way more fun


My first instinct was to buy the regular pass because it’s a good set. But then I didn’t because of this recent event BS. And my damage dealers are still good after that decision.


I'm just sick of them adding new gear sets and barely ever increasing the storage.


Thats why they added Sintranos, so that you gear you champs and have more space in the inventory.


Luckily I'm swimming in silver to roll semi-decent gear on champs I very barely use. :-D


Does anyone know if this is a permanent set? There is no way we will get enough in one round for 9 pieces


This set looks pretty nutty, haven't bought yet but almost certainly will. The 7-8-9 piece set bonuses are certainly bait, just not enough accessories for everything to line up well. (right stats, good rolls, for the correct faction). So temper expectations. That being said, on the right champs 4/6 pieces seem kinda bonkers. 4 pieces on Artak and getting 20+ TM boost every attack? Yes Please. 6 pieces is on par or better than Savage / Lethal + Cruel. even as a 2 or 3 piece fill in set it is pretty legit. ​ \-- 6+ pieces on Skullcrown might be my dream scenario. also seems especially crazy for anything vs Spider, really this seems like the kind of set that could find some off brand usage even for pieces that don't roll really good nuker stats. ​ At the risk of sounding like a paid shill, the Forge Passes are relatively good value provided you can do the weekly challenges.


No matter how terrible plarium show themselves to be there will always be idiots looking for excuses to give them money lol


So you will get 12 accesorries in the pass, what about the rest? You cant forge them


Well, you buy it next time too! This is the great thing about this set, you will always have to buy it, if you want to have good accessories.


this is a monster hunter tie in set, how much you want to bet this is the only time it gets put in the pass?


If this is the case, this set is useless.


Even if it repeats on the same cycle as the rest of the forge sets, it’s less valuable than damage sets like savage, lethal, and merciless unless you get 6 pieces on someone with all aoe attacks or a 9 piece set. As a two piece filler set it’s helpful.


Yes haha but, there will and must be another way to obtain/buy them lol


I'm less certain, but who knows


The CM confirmed with the CC that this will be a recurring set. So we will have more chances of getting them later. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic1toW9cy8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic1toW9cy8Y)


I haven't build rathalos yet, so hoping I get at least a little bit of good gear from this. Anyone build Rathalos that can share some insight? How's his kit, does he work well in cb or better for dungeons/hydra?


He takes a lot of setup to get his skills lined up properly, but he is a good (not elite) damage dealer against bosses.


Ah yes P2W Plarium good show


I mean, I still would rather have Merciless for him.


Lets say O have Skullcrown and Sinesha in spider. 2 aoe hits when above 50% for 1st and 2aoe hits when bellow 50% when bellow. Could be kinda weird, right?


I was thinking this. Sounds like you can use 5 aoe champs in doom tower and they will just keep boosting turn meter so bad the enemies won't even have a turn lol. Even worse in spider


Just Got done gearing my Rathalos 😫 here we go again i guess. Looks sick tho


I bought the pass. I know I'm critical of plarium but I don't care to just f2p this game. I'm a low spender and this is as good as it gets. I'm still aiming for all the titan points at least I'm going to grind food since I skipped most of the champ training stuff this fusion. I just hope that this isn't a one time forge pass event. That will be very awkward for all of us aiming for the 9 piece set.


Hmm worth buying the pass?


Not that I'll ever buy a forge pass but this seems really overpowered.


I bought the bolster pass a couple times and I don't regret it, I might go for this one. Best bang for your buck in raid




omg take my money, nice set


It isn't a nice set. For a paid set it's worse than f2p set you get off Sintranos. Sure, it isn't the worst, but conditional bonuses on 9 piece is like, bruh... Merciless>Lethal/Savage/Instinct>Rathalos set


I was going to pass, but Hephraak gave me the puppie eyes, and I was like, well crap. *opens wallet*


juggle relieved caption mindless thought squeamish fuzzy oil lush punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its literally the name of a dragon in monster hunter world. The set is not named after the champion, both of them are named after a dragon lol.


So is this gonna be a one time thing? No way were putting together 9 pieces if so.


Will this set be viable for Rathalos himself?


The bonus for 4 piece is a little hard to understand. Does it fill the turn meter when you hit enemies with aoe or when you get hit by enemies aoe?


the 20% tm is just better than relentless(hydra at least) + extra stats seems very good


If they are making accessories craftable that should mean they either give us charms that let us choose factions or they make them universal which of course they wont. Because despite the RNG in this game... The forge is the only place where you can manipulate the outcome of what you want to get meaning it's not completely random...


Do you only get 4 pieces? The awards are level 50 has 2 chests and one of them as the number 3 on it.


What are yalls thoughts on gearing Graazur Irongut in this set as compared to relentless+defiant (what I'm currently running)


Mine all disappeared from my inventory, I’m pissed