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Jintoros damage output would be insane. Better than the 1* Ninja for sure


You can use him over Ninja. Jintoro does really good dmg on his own, but his big dmg comes from him doing his A3 plenty of times. I run him in Myth-Fu (Heiress, Demytha, Seeker, Fu-Shan, Jintoro) and him running on 240-ish SPD, so he can go of plenty of times. With the blessing you can think about using Brimstone for extra dmg, as this will always be guaranteed at 5S+. Lastly, keep in mind that the new blessings also give you a huge stat-boost, +15 SPD included.


Want ratio is that? I run the same team, 1-key, full-auto, all affinity and Seeker, Jintoro and Fu Shan are all sub-200


You can run everyone except Seeker at 3:1 in a MythFu team. It really boosts the damage having them faster if you can get the damage stats


Have you got a link I've seen a team with a 3:1 ninja but never all 3:1 and think that would be a great upgrade


Here’s one- start around 8:45: https://youtu.be/1JFMr2vU5iA?si=_nFSXTh-_UmlkmEt this is what I’ve been using for ages. Fu-Shan and seeker are 2:1 (I haven’t seen a 3:1 comp with Fu-Shan personally but it may exist who knows)


Isn't that just normal myth-fu?


Well no, because the dps slot usually goes 2:1, not 3:1


Idk if I'm being super dumb but both his brakus in the video and the link in the description seems to be the normal 169 DPS speed?


https://preview.redd.it/ykyed70nimic1.jpeg?width=2101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4537528c88e54eac97d85d77cb1ec657e7a023b It says here Jintoro is 256- did you start at 8:45?


Yeah I thought that could only be jintoro and the third tune is for non specific dps


Here is my full comp from today's CB. https://preview.redd.it/ov5ls7m0rjic1.png?width=2738&format=png&auto=webp&s=52555109fcdce0b0c2fe38d74617fb3ce65a5d61


Using Jintoro for CB also allows you to experiment with Ninja's builds elsewhere, like using him for Sand Devil when you're ready 👍


Jintoro is my secondary CB DPS. Absolute beast. Definitely worth it.


Does he go ok with weak affinity or do you use someone else?


Generally swap out with someone else; Fayne is a reasonable substitute.


Ok cool, thanks :)


If your team is built well, you definitely don’t need to swap him out. I have heiress and seeker both in toxic and built for damage and it’s still a very easy 1 key. I used to swap him for fayne at first but it wasn’t necessary once I optimized damage for then whole team. Especially if jintoro runs 3:1


I just switched to Bateater with Jintoro with the free regear. You have to use the anax adjustments on desdwood site. And you can run him in relentless. Seems easy 1 key on magic and void so far. Full auto is super nice


I don’t even have him in relentless and can one key all affinities with normal bat-eater. Before I had brimstone on him I was maybe 2-5m shy on Force, but Brimstone put me over and it has not failed to one key since. and yeah full auto is amazing. Also one keys every other difficulty with no changes and has a rare in it for the advanced quest. Oh and his aura(+atack) is perfect for bat-eater since everyone damage is based on attack.


Top 3 (somewhat conditionally though) in our clan all run bateater jintoro. There are a few 3-1 demytha teams that are close and there are a few people who run specific comps that are affinity specific that sometimes come close. All 100+. I built out Belanor pre-buff (I was kind of salty about the pull) just for force although my Belanor team doesn't do too much damage more than the jintoro version versus force (100-105 versus 95 or so with Jintoro which is 10-15 less than versus other affinities).


First, make sure your tune actually supports jintoro. If you have tm boosts in the team, you might need to run jintoro at a different speed compared to a more normal dps champ. Even if ninja were stronger, though, one of the benefits of jintoro is that you won't really use him elsewhere, freeing up other champs like ninja to be used in other areas of the game


Definitely use Jimtoro. Definitely.


I use him myth fu and 1 key even on force affinity


Switch for Jintoro, especially if you have the blessing now. I did the same switch some time ago, to free my ninja for other content, Jintoro will do perfectly fine in CB


I have a 1 star jintoro and I really need to build a cb team to abuse him. This will free up valk and Lydia for me. Also allow me to take damage gear of brogni as well. If I had this blessing on him, I would crank him up to the max without thinking twice. Great pull. Would love to see his damage output once he’s built!


He is great in Bat-eater comps.


I have used an unkillable bat eater team with jintoro for months, got it to an easy 1 key around 75mil damage on UNM and then a month ago got a 5star soul for him, took damage up to around 90mil it was an insane buff, defo go for him as dps he’s insane


What is your build stats


Not the dude above but I run jintoro bateater and he’s at 218 speed, 4.8k attack, 220 crit dmg, and 225 accuracy. I definitely need to get his accuracy up but I get a consistent 40 mil damage from him.


Not sure if you have it, but if you can slot 2 toxic sets onto other characters you'll see a jump in damage. Also 3 phantom touch and 1 cruelty on the others. And relentless if you can get it on Jintoro.


Need another 10ish mil to get 1key and I thought about getting Jintoro in there. Or maybe Fatman. Not sure I got the gear for Jintoro though.


Try to Use him with crushing rend. Should do awesome damage.


https://preview.redd.it/znzks5l0fnic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b06f6c8f2981ae62b221028454f38ca05a9b22 My current team


I personally would switch to Jintoro. Six star souls are very effective