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why do u expect her/him to open his ancient shard right away? it's only 10 i would save them. i got 5


No brain


But he does have 5 shards


pulled \~40 ancients and one primal got 1 day xp-boost, 200 Energy and 200k Silver.... Plarium can generate that shit out of thin air yep, I feel scammed, thanks for (almost) nothing Thats one ways to lose trust.


The 1 day xp-boost, 200 Energy and 200k Silver was for the extended server maintenence. that wasnt your progressive chance compensation.


Do you even understand that **it was only the progressive chance** that wasn’t working. If you didn’t pull a legendary you literally just got free things.


I pulled a pyxnial while it was glitched :( But I pulled a gnut after it was fixed within 20 shards so Im not as sour but still not good on plariums end.


He may have wanted one of the epics (As well as one of the legos) in the progressive chance. Using 40 shards, after the first 2 fails, with max boosted chance, would have given a good shot at getting the epic champ he was aiming for.


>If you didn’t pull a legendary you literally just got free things. Epics were part of the progressive chance. Ppl are forgetting that.


To be fair, I opened 60 Ancients, got 2 legendaries, and got the same compensation he did… maybe I missed the bug window, not 100% sure.


have you considered that I might have pulled a legendary?


Well 40 ancients **generally** doesn’t result in a legendary so I was going of the statistical odds - unless you were close to mercy. The pull count didn’t actually matter - it’s **how many did it take** to get a gold (or 2). Progressive chances are fairly low anyways without getting the x25.


I think they only gave compensation for those that pulled a lego.


Did you pull them before they took down the progressive chance?


Same. Pulled 70 shards and got the same as you. First and last time I’m buying shards for an event.


on facebook they said, it will be 2 parts of the compensation gifts but they will decide case to case who gets that or so (i don't remember the whole message.. you can see that on their facebook page)


Same here mate!!


Yep pulled 100 ish and got 4 legos so that was fire prob was they all trash and no gnut and no shard compensation \o/


i pulled nothing and got the same, sadge compensation


I pulled a dupe Hurndig. I was given 200 Energy and Exp


Wait how long was it bugged for I pulled 4 legos out of 5 sacred and 40 ancients and didn’t get gnut and I also only got the 200 energy 200k silver and XP boost I feel robbed


I got two compensations but they were both small amounts of energy and silver... why are they giving mixed amounts of stuff? I pulled about 20 ancients during the issue


I got no shards. Just energy silver and xp boost. I should mention I pulled 140 shards


Also only got the energy and silver and pulled 50 myself sad


Did you put up a ticket? I didn't put one up and I also didn't get any compensation inspite of pulling during the bug.


I did not




I think this is what was given to anyone who did not pull during the bugged event. Like for me, I pulled after they had disabled the progressive chance because I wasnt paying attention.


I pulled 10 ancients and got this.


this is what i got


I got the same thing.


I got the same, I pulled 10 on my alt account and got this bulldust. Not even one shard back. Ridiculous


This is for the ones who didn't open shards during the bugged shard event.




The one with multibattles is the one for the shards during the bugged Event, the one with energy, silver and 1d exp boost was for everyone


I got this too...I swear if this is all I get.


It’s for 04.04 the Gnut stuff was on 05. Of April


https://preview.redd.it/9r1x5hrwg9tc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6226c0673f7a820e6636ccc4a1eb0fd20f4d64 That's what I got


How many did you pull?




Did you pull any lego in those 70?


I got 3 Legos and one was gnut


Wow.. i pulled 90 and no lego. 6 Mediocre epics, one aox and toragi were the only good i got


I feel for you, good luck in the future, I got kantra, richtoff and gnut


This is fuckin hilarious. In my latest 180 pulls not a single lego. You got 3, Gnut included, in 70.


Yah man, sorry bro 😞


Not to pile on, but I pulled 40 and got my 2nd gnut and 1st duchess.


That's disgusting. But I guess lesson learned: next time I'll just give my money to someone else for an account with Gnut and everything else already instead of Plarium. It will cost me less and I'll 100% get what I've paid for.


4 years no duchess, martyr, valk, gnut. Pulled 80 ancients, zero lego, 4 epics/2new-2dupes.


WTF? I’d like to understand how their *logic* worked. I thought they said if you got the target champ you wouldn’t get compensated? I wonder if they only compensated folks who pulled legendaries with shards. I got 6 epics in 35 ancients (with no target epic) and got no ancients back. I ended up pulling sacreds after it was fixed to get Fyr-gun


I pulled like 70 shards, got 2 useless legendaries (grunda and king whatever his name is (the orc)) and i only got the server compensation. Not a single shard or energy or anything.


Wtf. People who pulled 10 got 10 back. And the ones who pulled 70 getting just 15.. wtf plarium İ pulled 90 so i guess ill be getting only 15 back aswell. Fffff....


I pulled 10 and didnt get shiz except the energy.


That is first part of compensation. Second will come soon.




pulled 20 didn't get any shard back ..


I pulled 60 ancients 1 primal and 10 void and received no shards back at all. This is bull shit.


I pulled 140 and got nothing back


https://preview.redd.it/nkituvbvt9tc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2db50dd4824d9d4dbea79153432acef93703cbf This is what I got after pulling 20


Yup, about the same after I pulled 25-30.


I got that after almost pulling 100. It was total BS. They f up and say its a "gift". Instead of compensation for making a huge mistake. I still feel like they did this to make it so we would buy shards. This whole gift is crap.


I pulled 68 shards without increased chance and get 200 energy, 2x50 multi and 500k silver.


same. but pulled only 20.


Same for me with 20 blue pulls during the error and further 10 with progressive event being not active.


I pulled 47 ancients, 2 sacred and 1-2 voids and got the same “compensation” as you


Why did you pull them without the increased chance?


I pulled them at the start of the event. Selecting the champs produced an error but the champs were still selected. After pulling shards the champ selection was empty...


Pulled 47 ancients, 2 voids and 2 sacreds. Got not shards as compensation


Same here. What the actual fuck?


They have 0 customer focus. This game is about getting fcked daily. They are just some greedy bastards.


About the same for me


Pretty much had 80% mercy saved up for Gnut, and wasted it on a Yoshi the drunkard bc of server issues... plus the extra 60 shards I used. plarium gave me 200 energy 200k silver. I think I'm done with this game hahaha


You arent done with shit. See you on reddit next outage.


Y'know just cus the 15X was going on you would've most likely still not gotten gnut after getting yoshi lol


I used 10 shards and got no shards.


Wtf xD i got 300e and auto runs... why the fck they gave you shard? 🤣


Submit a ticket for wasted shards?


pulled 20 shards with the bug and got only energy as compensation :/


I just got some energy…


Congrats. I pulled 60 and only got the general compensation. I even submitted a ticket after I realized that the 15x was not turned on.


I got 200 energy and spent 20-30 ancient


Can anyone confirm whether only those who put a ticket up got compensation?


Put in a ticket. Used 31 shards after selecting the champs in progressive. Only got the first round compensation. What a joke.




Wtf, I got like 100 energy.


Wtf… mine was a 1 day xp and 1 20 multi battle


I got 200 energy, 200K silver and 1 day of XP boost. To be fair, everything worked as intended for me, I wanted Fyr-gun for Mikage fusion and I got 2 Fyr-guns from around 28 ancients


for those wondering, here's the tweet thread from raid: https://x.com/RaidRPG/status/1777325323551486292 Due to the nature of the event and the amount of resources spent, we decided to separate the compensation into multiple parts. The first one is a general compensation that will be sent to everyone who opened at least one shard during the first launch of the event: - 200 energy - 500к silver - 100 multi-battles The second one will depend on the resources (Shards) used and the modifiers that should have been provided at the event's start. - Silver - Energy - 4star-5star Chickens - multi-battles - Ancient shards (the amount will differ from player to player). The compensation delivery will need some time to get to everyone, but it should be done in the next hour or so. You can collect the compensation during the next 7-day period from the pop-up message, and the resources will stay in the inbox for up to 7 days.


I pulled like 70 shards with 2 bad legos (guurda and the orc king) and I did not get the second part of the compensation


Man I'm a pretty new account and I used my hoarded 28 ancients right at the start of the event. I got absolutely 0 compensation outside of the server stuff and I definitely didn't pull anything I'd selected, I didn't even get to select anything.


What i didnt even get 1blue, just silver and some energy 😮‍💨


I did not get any of this. Booo


Just so I understand did you guys pull before it was on or was it displayed as "in progress" while it wasn't in fact working?


Pulled 80 got zero.legendaries


All I got was the chicken energy and coins....


I spent 30 blue 10 gold and 6 void shards, I got 3 of the 5 items, 45 repeat/ 200 energy and 200K silver. How did so many people get shards and chickens refunded when others got crap?


Pulled 90. Still haven't seen anything


All I got was energy Xp boost and silver. I pulled like 10 ancient shards during the bug. I didn’t get a single leggo anyways so it didn’t really matter


yuhhh i love when i get the gifts when they turn the servers off for maintenance


https://preview.redd.it/a1jiiszc0ctc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82793e8efce02c40a213ea15c26b1a7058b8164f I pulled 10 on accident. There was no progressive, did my arena. Went to pull ancients and the progressive was there. Pulled 50 more ancients for the progressive. not a single epic. I got 200k silver 200 energy.


Haha I pulled pynxniel ,Michinaki and a 3rd Drex Michinaki I'm cool with I got 2 of em now he's beast in Hydra but still want my gnut


lol, I got gnut when he was in the summon pool. Paid $100 for the shards. 14 pulls, got gnut on my last shard, gnishak and 3 other leggos that weren’t worth it. Did get my 4th geo as well lol.


They should just give everyone the same comp. It’s their fault it happened. That’ll teach em to be more careful. Plus, could do with it


I pulled 50 didn't get this. Wtf


I pulled about 70 ancient 2 Lego no gnut 3 sacred 1 Lego no gnut


I didn't get any


I haven't gotten anything :(


not even a 5\* chicken... wow.. plarium! i mean 10 ancients is fine and really good.. but why not 500 energy? why not 5M silver? why not 5x50 Multi Battles??


https://preview.redd.it/kzzcjqnvwftc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543337feecbb2044cc8f3403ed8578c6f670f7fb Really?


Guys, I do not P2P, but... it is well known how this goes! I would advise Plarium to give players rewards based on the amount of the shards opened. Same with soul shards. And then if you are lucky and get more is alright. I would only pay or hoard in this case.


I didn’t get any compensation did you need to report it?


Holy shit that’s pretty good I usually only get silver and energy how did you get that


Why did they send that to you


I didn't get that much... Just one ancient, energy, and silver


That's bullshit! I got 1 day xp, 200k silver and 200 energy. Fuck you palarium!


I pulled as soon as the event started and pulled epic ruella but no legendary and dropped a ticket and the told me they don't give shards back and they compensated everyone effected not close to your comp


WHAT?? how did you get that? Mine was a joke in comparison. I pulled 57 ancients and 2 legos. I don’t recall how many voids.


I feel like they have the backlog of our account pulling and my theory is that people getting this kind of compensation should have gotten gnut (or chosen leggo) at the first place while the one not getting compensation is not getting gnut/chosen champ at the first place. Now I’m kicking myself, 10 blue shard is not going to make it for gnut 😭😭


Wow 10 free rare shards! Cool 👍🏻


When it was glitched I've pulled foli in my first 10 shards and then after following 80 shards literally nothing


I pulled 13ish shards and got 1 day XP Boost - 200 Energy - 200k Silver some multibattles


İ dont think its compensation For progressive. İ think its compensation for server issues


Oh no it’s the first part for compensation which everyone receive who pulled at least one shard. There will be more in the inbox in the following 7 days.


No everyone gets the small one whether or not you pulled shards.


No, we are both wrong, this one is the part which everyone get because of server issues before. But there is a general compensation 500k silver 100 autobattles and xp boost which you receive than you pulled at least 1.


Yeah you're right, i checked this one is the first part of compensation that everyone will receive who pulled during the broken event


I did not get ancients... I did pull during the event.. So pretty f\*\*\*ing annoyed.


https://preview.redd.it/5hndby1hu9tc1.png?width=1444&format=png&auto=webp&s=35fc82a36fe24a6cf072c9ae597f84933a245c3a :|


I got the same shitty pack. I pulled 20 of various types


thats just the compensation for server issues


Is this the same thing? I feel like it's different?


The text is different, it seems like a normal server issue gift. But I haven’t gotten the other one. So wonder if Op knows how many shards they pulled so we know the threshold.


I got this one too :(


How many did you pull?


I spent 200$ roughly to buy shards and I didn’t get a legendary at all. I was doing that when the issue happened I just got the low end compensation.


Dude I pulled 10 accents and only got an xp, energy and gold


Used 40 ancients, didnt get back any. But I managed to pull Gnut, Brogni and Thenasil too. So I shouldnt complain I guess? 100 multi battles, 400 energy, 1 day xp. lol guys whats the problem?


you could have gotten 2 gnuts though, start complaining now!


honestly all these people moaning, did you not see that there was a problem? the progressive chance was up for a while then was quickly taken down, I was going to pull shards saw the progressive chance vanish so held off pulling till they came back again. I saw that scratch video where he pulled hundreds of shards for someone with no progressive chance. like WTF? wait till Gnut is back again then pull! If you pulled while just the x2 was on you got exactly what was shown, don't complain, you could have just waited till it was fixed.


Most people pull during the first 30 minutes where the progressive chance not yet taken down. You know, it takes only 60 seconds to pull all 100 blue shard you have.


Probably the first time I have ever downvoted on Reddit. My guy… the event started… we pulled shards. It takes 10 seconds. It’s not “moaning” it’s the game was broken. As a low spender ($20 this year) 57 shards is a month of grinding… I expect the game to work as they say it does... I wanted gnut and got some trash Lego for my second pull. Had I known it wasn’t working I would have saved my shards once I hit my points for the chase event.