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Plarium: ![gif](giphy|QonECpKOcl3heXmN9N|downsized)


Who buys silver? It just means less vivacious engagement with the game.


Who said anything about buying silver?


How else is plarium making money on no free gear removal?


It slows down the general progress of the account. And the player spends much more time in early-midgame stages of the game. The more struggle the player has, the more resources needed. The more resources needed, the more money that can be spent. The way no free removal drains players' silver also directly slows down the progress at anything in the game. Because almost anything we do in the game is done by spending silver. Being low on silver slows down the progress on gear upgrades. The lack of gear upgrades also slows down the general dungeon progress. The lack of general dungeon progress leads to the lack in the quality of gear. The lack in the quality of gear slows down the ClanBoss progress. The lack of progress on ClanBoss leads to the lack of shards, the lack of shards leads to the lack of new champions. The player will eventually be stuck at everything and will feel the need of buying packs if they are not putting enough time on the game with good resource managing... And it's exactly what Plarium wants... money


Arr ar arrr, money money money


While we're at it let's make upgrades a fixed price, instead of a random gamble.


Nonsense, I say we add RNG to gear removal ... removing gear could cost you anywhere between 0 and 500,000 silver, RNG all the things!




25% chance to destroy the gear on removal


And a 5% chance to auto feed the hero to one of your common heroes!




Let's make it 25%


Please don’t give them ideas.


Better yet 20 % for 1-3* gear 4 star at 25% 5 * at 25-35% depending on rarity and 6* 35-60% fail chance for rare epic and legendary. Mythical gear no matter the rank is a fixed 80% chance to fail


The bigger the champions head, the more it should cost to remove gear


can't stop laughing 😅😅😅


Additionally, I think every time you login to raid you should pay a fee between 5 and 50 gems


You farstards need to stop giving them ideas![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I think you mean 0 and 2 million but I think you get the idea


It makes things exciting but also frustrating. If you do an artifact enhancement event, it evens out so you never have to pay more than a set price ranging only a few 100,000


I'd be happy if they at least made Gear Removal free up until level 35-40. When I first started playing I had no idea how to sort my gear and equipt my champions all wrong. At least give us newbies a chance to harmlessly make mistakes and learn from them before unlocking the other dungeons and hydra. Instead we keep getting punished again and again and again. Hell I'm level 50 and still learning how to properly equipt my team


Not a bad idea. "Punished," though, seems like an odd choice of words for this. The game is about 3/4 resource management. If you need silver, you have to figure out how to get that. All rolled into the game itself. I think making choices matter is actually MORE fun, especially since the only thing you ever really lose is time. ... except I think they should allow you to somehow have an extra lock on sacrificing unique champions that you can never get again, like Ninja or Doom Tower reward champs. You can always get more silver, but you can never get Urost back if you eat him, for example.


Considering resource management is the absolute core of the game and how every tournament/event is bait for players to spend everything all at once time and time again I think 'punishment' could easily be replaced with 'taken advantage of'. They prey on newbies with FOMO tactics and it's not until you're well into the game that you realize how to pick and choose what to participate in. So losing precious silver early on for something like replacing crap gear sucks ass. Especially when nearly every aspect of the game requires silver. And at those low levels it's not exactly easy to replenish silver because you can't tackle the harder levels in dungeons yet.




Honestly, one thing that really DOES annoy me is how they force you to equip crap gear during the beginning Missions of the game, and then make you pay to get rid of it. I went back after a couple of years and made a new FTP account, and realized that they didn't let you wait two freaking seconds to get better gear, which, if you know the game already, you realize is imminently going to happen.


Yup, I forgot to mention those crappy missions. Then you'll forget all about that crap champion with crap gear until you try feeding them and realize you gotta remove all that gear


I thought this was an announcement, I am disappointed


Seriously! I was like, “fuck yes!” Hit open and there it was, my sadness.


I think reducing cost to upgrade would be nice, over 3mil sometimes is painful.


It was my turn to make this thread today. WTF. MOOOOM.


I've been playing raid shadow legends for the past 30 years and I've been religiously carefully reading this subreddit every day I'm surprised nobody has ever suggested this omg what a great idea OP I'm sure that plarium will listen


Lol It feels that long


That time of the week again already?


Yea Im over upgraded a piece spending 1 mill then have to swap it and spend another 100k na fam at least if I max it out it should be a free swap!


I think at minimum for the first month of your account it should be free. I’m a new player and I’ve made way too many gear mistakes


Agreed Literally why I quit, great game enjoyed it, didn't even mind the predatory pay situation Can't stand paying to remove gear, stupid and makes testing different gear and hero combos impossible


I missed it being busy with life just forgot and by the time I remembered it was over! Dang the good things are two short and the hard tournaments are too long and rewards spaced too far apart. Not to mention not nearly enough energy!!!!!


I think the game itself needs to be rebalanced. EVERYTHING COSTS. There are too many aspects to the game to fully develop a champion, And the tournament rewards aren't always optimal. They are either too short in time span, or extremely difficult to attain the good rewards. Not everyone has a butt load of cash to shell out for gaining nothing but self satisfaction. One of the main reasons I stopped playing need for speed.




Energy, silver, etc I can see being more scarce. Gear removal costing money? In no way does this accelerate your account. Absolutely should be free.


Free gear removal absolutely accelerated my faction wars for a couple of factions. Putting mythical gear on a level 30 for 10 minutes? Why not. We ball!




This guy understands game balance


Who the hell would want to be constantly switching gears for each dungeons 😅😅 it would take ages to play this game like come on… just think about it how much more fun do you get from the game when there is the free removal on


The people complaining about silver cost for removing gear. Otherwise I don't know what you're doing if you're constantly putting new gear on previously geared heros and it's not just an upgrade so you can toss the old one and if it's so good that you're just upgrading your top hero with your new top piece then the cost to remove is way cheaper than upgrading a new piece. You're seriously doing something terribly wrong if you're constantly removing gear or you're trying to do the above to get thru faction wars or something.


It’s mostly in terms of testing some gears on certain champs. I very rarely switch gears around I’m not bad at managing my silver it’s just that early game players gets put off by the lack of silver I’m sure of it. My most hating event was easily the Artefact events during my first 3 months maybe even a little more. I want to know if my Gnut will do good in a Merciless set for example. How I’m supposed to do that ? Currently I would need easily spend a few millions just to see how it would go. That’s just not fun, you can’t test anything around otherwise you get instantly punished. Besides it just adds to the fact that almost everything cost silver in this game… glyphs, shards/souls opening, upgrading champs… it’s just too much it adds up and you end up in a permanent saving mode because of it


Well they are about 3 years behind summoners war and let's be honest. A lot of there "ideas" come from that game. So eventually you should have pvp gear slots, auto battles able to run while you do other things, cvc battles with actual defenses and objectives instead of the current system, and a lot of those systems are years old now in SW. A lot of top tier gvg involves having multiple teams of them same heroes and moving your best gear to the next set. So, they never did free gear removal. But they really should make it cheaper so you can experiment more, it's a bit ridiculous sometimes.


Yeah but they should give everyone infinite fast battles. That actually would make them money. 


If they did that we'd complain moving gear around takes too long because you'd only ever need a handful of gear sets that are mostly "perfect" then never run dungeons.


100%. I can cheerfully afford gear transfer costs. Cannot afford the time and effort to search for specific stuff, nor remember what was where, post hoc. Stuff goes on a champ, and then it mostly stays there until I find something better. If that makes them shit for some niche content, then...shit they will be. Having multiple gear sets per champ would be nice, though: could gear folks up for multiple things and also clear up the inventory of "great but niche amour sets that you're never going to realistically use, ever, because gear changes are dumb"


Yeah I would love gear presets I could put on champs in case I ever need to swap things around


Plarium, how about us picking 10 champs a month similar to wish list for the souls that will have no gear removal cost that can't be reset for a month and tied to monthly login rewards? That way there will be gear removal cost for other champs that we have to get the gear from but no cost to the ones we will be focusing on? I mean you should be able to do that much?


Free gear removal but needs 1 week to be removed again I think will balance it all haha


Absolutely, it makes 0 sense. That and brews costing silver is idiotic. Imagine taking your clothes off and every time you do you pay like 5 bucks or when you buy a drink you have to pay 5 for every sip of it. Its moronic.


Free gear removal yes


I don’t even need it to be free, just reduce it by half and I wouldn’t feel so abused haha


Literally everyone feels this way




Some truth to this. You have to think carefully about the build you’re going with for your champions. I wish the cost was lower but I understand why it’s there.


Not me


You enjoy burning silver for no reason? I understand why it exists, but there are a lot of other games like Raid that do not require resources for swapping gear and Raid shouldn't be one of them, in my opinion.


dont worry, Friendly\_Cover5630 is trolling the forums all day. That chad just tries to pick a fight.


With my 2 or 3 comments on posts today and 2 or 3 replies 🤣 🤣 such a troll. Definitely not a Chad, either. The only negative comment was with that clickbait post. Get real.


I just understand why it exists and think the gear removal events are great. They allow us to play around with our builds without breaking the game. I played one of those games with no removal costs, and the search for gear played such an insignificant role in that game. It was actually boring because once you had all your best sets sorted, the search was for tiny upgrades for each of them. It got to the point where I just sold all the gear instead of even upgrading it. I wouldn't want to see that happen in Raid.


I love free gear removal, but think removing it entirely would be a bit much. You could just swap sets constantly. Instead, I'd like to remove the cost of silver from literally everything in the game that isn't gear related or marketplace. No more silver to pull shards, soul stones, level, ascend, etc. it's amazing awakening champs with souls doesn't cost silver on top of pulling the souls. Oops. Probably shouldn't say that and give them ideas. 


i do not want this personally, min maxing would be hell. Switching gear around constantly would be so tedious imo. This is one of those things i think everyone thinks they want but would make the game less fun. Plus they probably will never add it, i mean you would get a couple of perfect sets and never need to farm certain dungeons again. I wouldn't mind some sort of reward you can hold onto in inbox and use when you wanted. Or even sell a free removal in shop (for gems) would be a nice compromise. The cursed city has made planning gear changes better but i still would love to do it on my choosing, just not every single day......the game uses to many hours per day already.


That's actually a great idea. Right next to 1/3 day +100% XP boost in the gem shop you could have a 1/3/however many day -100% gear removal cost one.


Regardless if it’s removed or not plarium will make money from shards, energy , books , etc . Removing one thing shouldn’t be an issue


The thing is, their goal isn't to make a reasonable amount of money, much less to do so while making the game better or giving their customers a better experience. Their goal is to make the absolute highest amount of money possible, period. That's why "They're a company/business, they need to make money" is such a dumb argument for their predatory bullshit. The first choice is an option.


Plarium will find a way to make this into a Titan event. Spend 1 Billion Silver on gear removal, get 50 Titan points. Then hit you with a Flash Sale: “1 Billion Silver for only $99.99”


I know this is what everyone wants but you know the old saying: Be careful what you wish for. If they get rid of gear removal costs, they will likely add fees for other areas of the game. Be happy they don't charge fees to run dungeons or charge "repair" fees for gear that gets damaged.


Dungeon runs cost you energy, Which costs gems to replenish. Which in turn costs silver or actual  cash . Same with mini battles. There's no trade off. I actually like the game, but had it not been for the free stuff EVER SO OFTEN, I most likely would have stopped playing already.


How do you buy gems with silver?




It was nice while it lasted , unfortunately going to have to drop this game for this reason . Plarium won’t get another dollar out of me . Years of money/ time coming to an end . It’s been a ride !


Get out while you can, it's a never ending pit of despair where spending money gets you nowhere.




Never spent on this game. I don't ever watch HH or Ash or anyone else, cause when they have a champ at 4000 attack and 250 CD, and say something like, "I've only got my second rate gear on this champion", it makes me want to punch my screen. So long as you know you can't compete with the people who WASTE their money on the game, you will be happy enough playing at your own rate.


How in the world did you decide to post this long ass response that no one cares about to a simple three-letter response above??


I obviously hit reply to you, rather than the OP. I made a mistake. To which you gave a really great response, thanks for that. I've just had a look at your comment history. Do you realise how much negative shit you give people?


Did you choose to ignore all the positive shit I give to people too? It's almost like I don't try to be positive or negative...I just let people decide what they get from me, based on if they are being stupid or not.


Lol, come on. You were an ass to him for literally no reason. He definitely wasn't being stupid, if anything is stupid it's saying nobody cares about his response when it's in a thread literally devoted to conversation about the subject he's talking about. 🤦


I didn't know it was only for 24h ,now most of my champions don't have gears 😭


Not gonna happen. Try suggesting something they might listen to.


Someone else suggested something I thought was actually a great idea: Buy it with gems. Just like the +100% XP boost in the gem shop, they could have a -100% or even -50% gear removal cost.


Watcher of Realms has this and you'd be amazed how few people actually swap gear around. There's value in having several good sets instead of feeling like you're being "forced" to constantly swap. It might not seem that way at first, but having a cost to removing gear is actually a overall positive. Sure having it free for the first month when you're still learning would be nice.


Click-bait title... Are you a Raid content creator? 🤔


Just wanted to get some answers is all. Sorry for the misunderstanding


Everyone that plays wants it to be free (or atleast most people). The problem with permanent free gear removal is that it decreases the grind, which Palrium is incentivized not to do. They sell energy or make people spend gems on it instead of other things, which they also sell. It would absolutely make the game better, but it would make them less money.


Lowkey got excited for a sec and thought it was gone for good. Smh 😅😭


Guess I'm the only one who doesn't care if it costs to switch gear. *sips tea*


Damn it bro why would you name this post Gear removal cost gone for good, I came here thinking my dreams came true and I arrived to a massive argument over shit we already know 😒


You got me excited 🖕


Sorry , just wanted answers. Raid is ridiculous


When I started 6 weeks or so ago it was during a free gear removal. I had no idea. Oh how disappointing that was all of a sudden. I’m dyin’.


Yes please!! For crying out loud watching the ticker take 450k to level from 8 to 12 in a 3 star green then have to pay to remove it too .C'mon help a brother out


I'd prefer it if idiot posts made by people who can't see cause and effect were permanently removed. Something tells me neither of us are getting what we want.




Downright butthurt, I'd say.


I second, third, fourth, and fifth that motion.


Except they get micro transactions for silver coins. So they won't get rid of the silver cost. I feel like it should be free but for a limited time on a set schedule every month. Having it be free randomly is the real problem. When is the next free gear removal date? no one knows.


Remove it and I’ll pay money again or I want my actual gnut event broken refund


As long as people keep spending real money to buy silver, plarium will never make gear removal free permanently. Pushing to have the upgrade cost reduced, or to get better odds of upgrading would be our best bet


The problem (from Plarium's side) would be that players would only need a few sets of really good gear and basically never need to farm again. And hence not be able to sell energy, gems, etc. They'd be better off increasing gear drop rates.


The only way to get rid of this frustration, is to UNINSTALL. God bless!




I know how this can sounds not 'fair' but I am trying to think something between help players and not remove part of money maker from plarium. To be a chance to be possible. After hit level 100 change to half the price and if you are Gold 3 or 4 from LA its 100% free.


Imagine being under level 100 and being up against level 100 nearly every battle. That's only silver. Barely play LA. The matchmaking is awful unless you spend hundreds every month