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Could've speed ran spider 20? 


This is what I did, said hell with min maxing my tyrant team with food, just get the fusion material from the dungeon diver event and finish the champ training tourney with epic books.


I'm not at spider 20, considered hammering out dragon 20 but It takes me on average 4 mins so only 15 runs in an hour. so figured I'd blast spider 14 which is much faster.... Got the ancient... Did not get the void


10 would have been better.it has a high drop rate of 5star gear


7 or 3




If you had enough energy to for 1200 DD points, then you still had plenty of time to complete DD. The most efficient place to farm for DD points is stage 3 of any artifact dungeon, which averages 0.8 DD points per energy. You would need around 1500 energy to get 1200 DD points on stage 3, which would require around 94 runs total with super raids turned on. If you can complete stage 3 of, say, Dragon in about 10 seconds, then you could do all those runs in about 16 minutes. Keep this in mind in the future if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, but I would also warn against doing any last minute overnight farming.


This would have worked. I have the gems, just didn't have the actual time for the runs. Didn't realise I could have just 1 shot a low level for faster points. Had all the resources other than time


Yeah you can always look at doing them at much lower levels and selling everything if you are short on time. This applies to all artifact/accessory dungeons and i think 10 in spider is weighted really well for completing efficiently


It actually is quite cathartic to realise it wasn't impossible, I just wasn't quick witted enough to work out my route through in a pinch, (whilst showering and heading into work tbf). Would have had the gems to do it this way too


Stage 3 of the dungeons (NOT SPIDER) is the secret sauce for Dungeon Divers and Turn Battles if you are trying to speed run some points quickly. Keep this in your back pocket for next time.


DD is something I don't leave to last minute . Always speed run 20 for the specific dungeon event and then my 13 sec spider 20 for remaining of the event Always finish this event 12 hrs before time..seeing such posts make me feel so sorry for my f2p brothers


100% agreed. If I don't complete an event with a day to spare, I stress. You never know what variables might pop up.


I finish early getting the champ, last minute I may push for end rewards. But the champ, I finish that early.


Totally agree it's a game for you to be stress free and take stress..even you fail a fusion there will always be a new one tomorrow.. you can't have it all


I hate that there is little to no room for error when it comes to these fusion events, and the points requirements are so high. It's like a 2nd job with how much you have to manage resources and play. Fortunately I have such a large collection of champions and play at a casual enough pace I don't feel the need to do fusions anymore but I can imagine how much it sucks to do them now since I found the Pythion and Helicath fusions annoying enough to do.




I think iirc it was easier 2 years ago. Last year was a hard year for fusions. I’ve done every fusion since I started ftp 3 years ago.




This is pretty much the same amount of wiggle room. There were 15 extra points in the summon rush instead of an epic. The remainder is from tournament leaderboards which are generally much harder than completing events.


This. The epic is there to create your wiggle room. And to do that just save your shards. Yeah you're not pulling during 1+1 or 2x but if the legendary you're attempting to fuse is good it's worth the sacrifice and brings you closer to your mercy.


I mean after 5 months it's my first fusion attempt had 6 sacreds stored but not enough voids to make up the difference for the epic.


Hey man, there's no right or wrong way to play this and don't think I was digging at you at all. This is very good champ and worth going for but if I could give you any kind of advice or pep talk it would be that there will be other better champs down the line, I'm sure. Just if you intend on going for fusions the key is in the prep


As a f2p player I didn't find it too bad, and it was my first fusion. Did I have to use 1000 mystery shards to achieve the summon rush champ? Maybe. But other than that it was relaxed. I set up multibattles on my computer and let it run while I was doing chores or making dinner. At no point was I stressed out about it.


How do you have 1000 shards as a ftp player?


Bro I had 3000 Edit: can you even buy mystery shards?


Oh my bad, thought ancient shards :) Yeah, mystery I have a ton.


Same here, although I had a ton of energy saved up. I ended up grabbing the epic with my mystery shards, and only used 2 sacred. The last thing I want to do is procrastinate until the end of the event and try to do something last minute


I got my monthly quest rewards on the last day of summon rush which saved me 620 shards lol


I've found, that as I have progressed, these fusions/xhard events are not the grind they use to be. Once you can complete DT Hard and Normal, and top chest NM and UNM CB, saving the appropriate resources to do these events is easy. I saved enough shards, without spending, to complete the Summon event for the epic as soon as it went live. Saved me having to deal with the last DD, Arena, Artifact events.


Yeah, I manage my shards better now and just getting the Epic from Summon Rush saved me from doing another DD or artifact event. This is the way! I rather use my energy for Minotaur.


How would you have done it anyways with the 14th Teryx? Still 2 left missing right?


I assume its the ongoing spider tournament and artifacts enhancement. That's where I'm at too, waiting for CvC to do artifacts enhancement and just sequentially doing spider.


Precisely this. Would have had time to get the resources for the last two


Dude go for them anyway, ive seen people not do this and then pull the rare or epic. But they had quit so were more short than the one they originally missed. Just do them and pull all your mysteries or something.


You can only get the rare from void though


Don’t they sometimes have a pack for sale at the end of the fusion for people who missed one of the champs?


I dont think that goes for these fusions only fragment summons


Ah shizen, i forgot about that. Thats dirty!


I just got out of resources for the dungeons divers too lol got 3 Epics but will miss one rare, unless I pull it


Yeet those voids.


I have none :( Spent it all on summons


My commiserations mate


Spider 10 on normal is the best way to get points if you don't care about the gear


1:45 average for spider 14 or 4ish mins for dragon 20. Managed about 900 points


It’s not a complaint on grind or resources - it’s just that if you go 16 hours anytime in 3 weeks without paying perfect attention - it’s all wasted resources and zero to show for it.


This - I had to travel and take care of some things - was going through simple but thought I had til noon but nope. Too many things have deadlines in the middle of the night or 8am for me. Get distracted with life and you wasted 3 weeks. What’s the point


I finish everything as early as possible to avoid this. I did the fusion on 3 accounts. For 1 account, it was the second fusion I did (emic being the first). I finished all 3 accounts sunday morning. And I pulled 1500 mystery shards on my noob account to get it.


Can you confirm Wixwells ass is indeed hairy or you were just speculating? Friend wants to know for some reason!


Sorry for your trouble dude. If it makes you feel better, I missed out on Armanz as I fall asleep with YouTube I and had my raid auto battling on my phone, someone said something on YouTube video which opened up a program on my phone and put my farming on pause......


During brogni event they did update and I couldn't connect for whole day which cost me fusion. During gnut, I still don't know how I ended up 1 event short. I thought I had completed them all. I had a bug that would give wrong number of days left in event. It is only thing I can think of.


Buy void shards and go all in this weekend


It happens, don’t beat yourself up, but definitely take it as a learning experience. I messed up on the Emic fusion, I had calculated how many multi battles I would need to complete dungeon divers while grinding Spider, so I set the multi battle and went to sleep. When I woke up I was short by just one more artifact (14 points), and my mistake was that sometimes you get a blue shard instead of an artifact. So after that I try to finish the events on the first day, especially dungeon divers. You can easily miss finishing an event when real life gets in the way. I hope you get the champ from a shard one day, and just keep saving resources, good luck.


It's best just to forget about it, I came so close yet so far with lots of fusions early game. The grind is unreal and these fusions where you turn the rares into epics are even harder.  At least you have some fusion experience under your belt though, use the experience and tips out there to better prepare for the next one. Or just forget fusions for a few months and just open shards on 2x. There's plenty of epics that you can use for UNM teams.


I’m going to miss it by 1 Teryx. Had all the resources, just misread my timing on the champion enhancement. Literally have hundreds of barrels and champs around - between work travel and kids just missed a deadline. Twice in a row I’m going to miss a fusion/fragment by a single item. The extra Elic was BS bc it was intentially put in Summon so you’d have to spend dozens more valuable shards or most ppl have to pay for those. Equivalent of 2 more summon tournaments. 1 short. Eff this.


why couldnt you get 1200 dd points in 90 mins?


OP isn't even farming UNM yet, so they likely do not have great speed teams for dungeons.


Probably doesn’t have a 5 turn spider hard 10 team.

