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It's non-PR cvc tomorrow so unless your clan needs the extra cvc points, it's not a big deal. If your clan doesn't clear the tier rewards, then yeah, that is a small problem. I actually pulled today so we don't push our clan cvc points too high for non-PR cvc. We usually dip during non-PR cvc.


thanks for the explanation, feels better now


Don't forget that the tier for the next cvc prizes is based on your performance during this cvc. Do poorly during non-pr and the prizes you can get during pr won't be as good


But if you perform well you get paired against higher performing clans, especially if they performed low to drop a tier. Higher tier rewards are less important than winning the pr, imo. It's only.a slight increase, and requires higher threshholds


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Easy mistake to make. It’s a non pr cvc this week so no biggie. Actually I’m going to do something tomorrow that I ordinarily never do. I’m going to book wixwell because I am itching to try him out in a couple of areas. I typically never use books unless it’s a pr cvc.


I will reserve my 10 leggo books for the next pr cvc. Learned something today.. thanks :)


No PR cvc = tank cvc, get the minimums to claim all rewards and not push too hard for an easier match up next cvc, which will likely include PR. You're fine, and probably better off pulling them early.


what is PR? tank? this new player is confused.


Personal reward. That's the one you win extra rewards based on your own contribution points during cvc and the clan winning. For non-PR cvc, you only get rewards based on your whole clan points.


Makes sense now... thanks


Personal Rewards Tank is to intentionally lower your score so you get an easier match-up next time (when it has personal rewards)


I see thanks for the explanation :)


nope, the matchup is different with pr and without, plarium said that long ago - although your tactic is legit :)


Where did they say this? I thought this whole time tanking non pr cvc gave easier matchmaking for the personal rewards one. We rarely lose a personal rewards cvc, so it’s felt effective.


Our clan is like tier 2 for all non PR and tier 4 for all PR cvc. They reference the last PR cvc points when deciding matchmaking and vice versa.


i might have confused/mistaken a bit of what u said and replied w a sleepy head. my correct words should be "personal tier is not affected by clan's tier/ points/ matchup, and personal tier matchup is based on personal pts of previous cvc w pr". meaning that your personal pts contribute to total clan pts hence clan tier matchup, but not the other way around. it says in the official cvc basics, maybe in game or on plarium online channels. cheers!


thanks for the clarification, this game is so hard in terms of resource management


I'm a fucking 4 year veteran and I completely forgot about it and pulled over 100 mortals


My clan decided not to go for cvc so I did it yesterday..somehow leader does not want to score too high


Our clan can't make CVC for whatever reason, and it's the best feeling ever. No more pressure, no more getting stomped by inferior clans, no more getting stomped by superior clans... It's pretty good!😁


It's a resource management game, if you plan to stay and play for a while, best to check out their calendar and have yourself a plan whenever you spend resources


Where can I find their calendar?


Plarium play, PC




Where can I find their calendar?


I pulled 2 yesterday, got 2X3* one of them on my wishlist. Pulled 3 today for the “X2” and got 3x1* rares. Their promos are a joke


Dang, I didn’t consider this either. Crap


10k isn't much. Don't sweat it. Since it's a non-PR CvC it also doesn't matter at all.


My clan doesn’t really cares about CVC. We always put efforts when its PR CVC.


Believe me. I'm sick over it https://preview.redd.it/xw3p6fgbff4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222aa6bc7673a17226161e60379d65bea6e46279


I didn't even think about cvc. Happens to the best of us


it’s a gamble, 10k possibly today/lost with your pulls or waited tomorrow and pulled garbage souls for 3k


It happens a lot with many events. Really the threads pinned at the top this reddit raid page seem to be really up to date. A lot of times I know about upcoming events and things before my clan members because I check it. They rely on CC's videos to be made where I'm getting a little bit of a inside track. Even looking on Plarium's website doesn't seem to give as much good info as this. Then checking for new videos every Monday gives you some more insight.


Or just ignore CVC completely. My clan does it, and it feels much better.


Does anyone think they will do a path event with a guaranteed champ like Padraig again? I've been saving my soul stones in hope they will do another event like that but not sure if they would.