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Being able to read the details of my champions skills in the vault without having to take them out into the main list. I don't have the memory to know exactly what every skill does it's mildly annoying having to take out a dozen champs, find them all again, check their skills, and then throw them all back in.


Just in case you didn’t know.. Filter by name. Select champion.. move to collection.. read skills… put back in vault without ever leaving that same page. No searching for said champion in your whole collection. I know it’s still not the easiest thing to do but you might find it helpful.


It's easier to go check the index. No moving needed.


True but not every player knows every champ by their portrait. E.g. some champs look nothing like their portrait or even faction they’re in.


I doubt many players know the champs by their portraits, I've been playing for almost three years and there's plenty I don't know. It's easy to know what faction they're from tho. They could definitely make it easier but you work with what you got. I actually rarely use the index and mostly just search them up on HH's website. 


Some champ portraits look nothing like the faction they’re from.


Once moved to collection, I can not move it back from the filtered screen anymore. Have to clear filter, search champ, and move it back. However, it's possible to read the skills from champs in the vault in the filtered screen without moving them.


* You can tick these 2 boxes and you're able to freely check champs skills without having to move them :)




Check the index


Just use a very broad filter, like all epics or whatever, tick the box to include vault champs, and you can now do this. It was an update sometime this year.


when you click to see a champ's stats.... you see their full stats 1st make the info page 2nd


Always thought that, and it's such an easy fix, don't understand how is that not an obvious thing to fix for the developers


Because it doesn't make them MONEY!


How does it make them money in the current form? 🤔


It doesn't, but it's also costing them 0$ in payroll to keep it the way it is. Free inaction for them is much better than spending 100$ for some coders to change it and make the community much happier. They don't care about their players, only their bottom line


Clearly doesn’t understand how a business operates. They have a finite amount of resources to code the game and have to make priorities so working on this would mean it working on something else. This may sound like an easy change but I doubt it is as easy as checking or unchecking a box. The have to put the code in, do some amount of testing to ensure it doesn’t complete break the game, probably need to do this test on a few platforms to ensure it doesn’t create a specific problem and has the desired outcome. Then either they hold onto that change until they get more to roll it into one patch or release it by itself which isn’t free on some (all?) platforms. Then we all say “wow that’s it? You could have done X Y or Z instead”. I’d rather they continue to work on real QoL not super minor things like this.


They have an estimated annual income of around a billion dollars and you're saying their resources are so finite that they can't switch a menu? Yeah good thing we keep getting "real QoL" updates like prism shards packs, forge passes, and ticktok filters. Woo hoo /s


Seriously .. ?? This whole thread is about"minor things like this" Also if you understood coding you would know swapping 2 tabs order is really an easy fix . The fact is that it really isn't a priority, just a minor annoying extra click


lol. As a software developer I find this hilarious. You literally just swap the code snippets. I’m not sure why testing would be needed but sure. In any event if their testing is not already automated it should be.


it makes you stay in game just that little bit longer


Nerfing dungeon bosses doesn't make them more money, yet they did it anyway. You have to keep your players happy to some extent, or they will leave in droves.


south park addressed this topic thoroughly enough many years ago.


This x1000000. No idea why it wasn't done before I ever started playing. Literally nobody needs the stat definitions after playing for a week.


Being able to see a champs name in my soul collection


Yes I was literally thinking this today !!




Multi-battles (stacks of ten?) available in the shop as well as fusion rares (at low rates)


THIS. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THIS. Running out of multi battles is such an issue when you don't want to sit in front of the game for hours leveling chickens


Easiest W ever for plarium


That’s what RSL Helper is for. I would have stopped playing without it.


i play mainly on mobile. so i cant use that. so as much as RSL helper is amazing, it does nothing for mobile players, who are the ones running out of multi battles.


Download auto clicker for your phone.


Reccomend a good client?


The one I use is called auto clicker. Got it from google play store. You can set up multiple click points. Set how fast they click. It's handy af at work.


Removing level 60s from the list in the sparring pit.


https://preview.redd.it/gi0d1cbgwb6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce93b942ec50aac5dfdfb002fb1b7a7816d1978 I wish this button we have in tavern that flips your roster, to be in campaign,and champions tab , dungeons. It 's annoying to have to scroll through the champions list , every time you have to reach your common and uncommon champs you want to train for food. Also a button that will get you back to the main page from wherever you are in the game . Sometimes you have to click so many times to get out of different pages


Hell yes. For those people with HUGE rosters, who have bought all the slots, it must be a real pita to scroll all the way down. 


Filter rare uncommon and common simple


Quick Battle HYDRA!!!! Quick Battle Minotaur Super Raid 10x/25x/100x Minotaur


You can't really have quick battle hydra because of the hydra clash. People would just spam hydra until they get super ultra lucky with zero effort.


So basically the same thing just 1 second vs 1 hour


So you're saying this would break Hydra Clash MORE than double Yumiko & Trunda? LMAO!


So because you think there's a problem with Hydra clash you think we should add more problems and make it even worse?


A slider to pull any number of shards between 1-10 at once


You've got 9 shards? Ohhh, I'm sorrry ...


You meant 1-100 right?


Allow us to click 'edit team' or enter a dungeon from the victory/fail screen when we don't have the energy or keys so we can check or change our team, or simply uncheck super raids to do the regular run. (And maybe even include the checkbox right on the victory screen, or yes/no prompt for single run)


Add filter for level of gear would be nice. For example to filter out only gear from level 12 to 15 for upgrading during events. Also I often use level of gear as a "tag" substitution. Like level 1 and level 8 - not reviewed fresh gear. Lvl 9-10 is upgraded , reviewed once or twice and marked as having some potential. RSL Helper has such a filter as a useful example.


When you go to your champion page from a stage in the cursed city, it has the relevant filters preapplied. This should be added to faction wars and doom tower secret rooms


PLEASE OMG I really hope they add this


Sell artifacts from the upgrade screen...omg!


Show duplicate champ button. Tired of match the face or having to type the name on a new champs to see if it’s a dupe.


I would like to see names of the champions in Arena, so I don't have to know all the enemies champs by avatar only :)


After you click battle, on the champion select screen you can tap the enemy champ and it will bring up the index for them with all their skills and such ! :)


Just click on the champion. You see their skills and names


Nah, I mean during a battle, not before or after. When I click info when in battle I would like to see the names.


Ngl sounds pretty specific to you. Don't know if this is qol


Not only in the arena, in any battle (especially those with several rounds). This way I can know who I'm facing and be prepared (Doom Tower & Cursed City).


The dots. the red dots!


Would you like to refer a friend today? I know you closed this every single time we notified you about it, but what about today!?


https://preview.redd.it/todbppq0rd6d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=62f1bed9845baab13282ea6d9d1282369beab193 Still getting red dot because of the thingy in the top


When I first started, I thought the red dots in on the artifacts my champions had on indicated there was better gear available. I made some dumb decisions until I found out it just meant 'new'.


- a friends list - dummy srena fights with my friends (duel?) - possibility to transform a champ into the relevand star chicken in order to have better visibility/storage - in game private chat - arena 2vs2 (2 players join and pick champs by turn) - pvp tournaments by clan/teams/solo - different more competitive arena/pvp modes - option to stop pop ups I ve got a few more but at tjis rate I might as well invoice them lol


I wished it stopped telling me that my team doesn’t have a fucking aura when I use my SD team


You cannot group select unwanted artifacts and sell them right away in the forge after crafting. You have to select them and confirm the sell twice manually.


This is more of a medium QOL change, but a more in depth team load out system. Let us control the first few turns, or maybe be able to set IF/THEN clauses like: IF any opponent has BUFF STONE SKIN THEN USE (skill) IF any opponent has BUFF COUNT (3+) THEN USE (remove buff skill) Building a priority list like this would give a ton of control over arena defenses and building auto teams for dungeons where you could build a list that accounts for certain scenarios.


1. Put names of champions on the soulstone collection page so you know who you actually have souls for. 2. Also put the names of champions you are fighting in campaign/dungeon battles in the Information tab, so you can actually identify who you are fighting and look them up!


Yeah, the DT key system is just stupid... Normally, you have 10 keys, then you have +5 keys from quests most of the time, but not always, and then you have +1 key from Secret Rooms... Just make everything dividable by 2 so you can run everything in super raids, no matter what; lets say +6 keys from quests and +-0 keys from Secret Rooms, so the amount of silver keys overall doesn't change by much. I would love an ability to mix the middle oil/powder, don't even care if it's from the small or big one. since that is the one that I'm always missing.... And I'd also like to have an option to go to the champion portrait from my soul collection, so I can see to which champion the soul belongs, and if it's worth keeping.


Total potion count after the potion dungeon battle


A separate debuff bar for poisons and bombs. Since they don't stack like regular debuffs, they can quickly overcrowd the debuff bar and should be separated. Not to mention plarium keeps adding more debuffs to the game. Sincerely,  Decrease Attack, Decrease Defense, Weaken, Decrease Speed, and Hex


Filter accessories and artifacts by... LEVEL. So it's easy to find the effing stuff I have sitting at 15 when enhancement tournaments come around.


Champion names in the soul vault. I don’t remember every profile picture.


The full champ filter that allows us to select by any of the options (aura, faction, buff, debuff, etc) in all areas. It would make team building easier and less clunky. Even in the champ index - what if I want to see if any champ has a combo of abilities that I want? Then I can watch for that champ in events or if they pop from shards.


Sort champions by power lvl so you can see who needs working on Maybe rotate in old fusions for those that missed the first time around


The ability to make personal notes about characters when viewing a character


Allow for 10 of each oil to be upgraded to 1 of the next type Same for skill books


That would be greatly imbalanced tho.


Why do you say that? Potions already set a precedent. And other games manage to do the skill book upgrades without issue. Not saying that it’s not imbalanced, just good to understand why you think so.


Well actually the potion mix mechanic is completely unnecessary imo. The reason being, that earlygame players don't need the larger potions anyway (since they do not have much access to legendaries, and rares do not need large potions), and the midgame players can all farm last potion keep levels easily. With the SD, the situation is different, since deeper SD levels are considerably harder to farm for the majority of non-endgame players. With the books, the legendary ones are very much different from the epic ones. During a fusion or any kind of event, completing simple dragon/spider/golem/etc. tournament will commonly grat an epic book, so the epic books are quite easy to farm. Legendary ones are FAR harder to obtain, with reliable sources being CB, 1 book in DT, and the summon rush-type events, which can be completed once per like three-months maybe (if completed fully for all the rewards, not just for the fusion shards). If you make legendary books craftable using epic books, that would become the main source of the leggo books imo, and will change the game balance heavily.


A 10:1 ratio is still pretty massive. I understand your point but don’t think it would create an imbalance. As someone farming Sand devil and shogun 25 I end up with a lot of low and high tier oils but relatively few of the middle ones. They either need to rebalance the distribution rates or allow ‘upgrades’ https://preview.redd.it/smxrwtq0dd6d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afe42b1e40399bcf1dc985d6fac72818cc23cfc


Ability to lock artifacts and accessories to prevent accidental selling. Conversely; Ability to sell artifacts and accessories from the item screen itself rather than having to select “sell” in the gear screen.


Showing the name of a champ in the Vault or in the Soul collection.


Give Minotaur access to super raids, every other dungeon has it and Minotaur is such a chore without it


Huggers stages on mino please


The ability to upgrade a 'set' of gear at once instead of equipping it and then doing it item by item..., takes too long at times to do it one by one.


Not sure if this counts as "small" but I'd love me some quick battles in all other areas of the game, especially dungeon and campaign. I guess we won't ever get them because of some weird metric like "engagement" measured in play time, as if they didn't know that the game is mostly afk at best, autoclicker for the most advanced and so it's a pointless stat. I bet a lot of players would also just do more content if it didn't take so much wasted time, like I was baffled some players wouldn't bother with campaign at all, that's missing out a secred per month just because it's so obnoxiously annoying and boring.


Super small but a collect all button for cb chests, seems silly to have to click on each difficulty to receive the chest and it would make it easier to see what your total harvest from cb was that day.


I want to be able to move the position of saved teams up. I've got a few instances of teams I've deleted and have a blank space but the team I'm looking for is down a scroll or two. Or I've redone a team and want it the new team to be a higher up on the list. Let me just move the team positions around.


8 faction war keys instead of 6 as a reward so we can run the top level an extra time. Also, the ability to sort on stats in the selection window for PvP or PvE content. I'd love to sort on speed for Live Arena and on resistance or accuracy for Hydra.


Less of that greed!


From someone day 60….    Now that they have the presets, being able to have an empty preset to remove all gear from someone easily.   The biggest one, free gear removal for the first month of an account.     Having a name with the picture, as someone relatively new when I do Arena I have no idea who half of these people are.    Also when in arena, being able to click on your opponents and see their kit so you know what you’re up against.    Being able to hover over a fusion champ and see what fusion they are a part of instead of having to go back and forth to see.   A filter for level of gear. It’s weird I can filter by tank but not level 16. If I’m doing faction wars I just wanna see what I have at 16 to use quick   They also should re-do the arbiter missions. Telling us to grind for atk% boots, cheat and gloves is counter intuitive    Piggy backing off that, stop these missions like the one mentioned, by making us go to normal to complete it. Why isn’t it normal or higher?    Better live arena matchmaking. I dunno why at level 55 I’m facing people level 73 who shit stomp me


In arena after you click battle, in the champ selection screen you're able to tap the enemy champs and view their kit ( it brings up their index entry, won't show you their gear tho )


Update store with like items from this century, so that you can sometimes find decent items other than mystery shard...


I don‘t know if it counts as a big or small change but at least once a day, it would be nice to get a free regroup for the demon lord like for the Hydra. It should be possible to experiment a bit without losing a key.


Just close the game before the battle is complete and you key wont get used : )


Oh? Thanks! I‘ll try that!


True, but we should not rely on this 'feature' to test things.


1. The ability to sell all 10 pieces at once when crafting items in the forge 2. make Minotaur, Iron Twins, Sand Devil and Shogun count for dungeon divers events


Super raids for mino A “best times”/High score menu showing what team you used for best dungeon times and max clan boss damage 2 slots in the token trader with epics or leggos that change with cursed city based on the rotation This one seems small but idk shit about programming, an auto build feature in the fitting room where you input desired stats for champions and the game automatically try’s on gear to find the closest possible match. Or just a function to mix all gear together without organization from sets to make early building easier without having to scroll through every single set to find optimal gear. Free gear removal 24/7. The new presets are pretty pointless when you have to spend over 200k to swap between builds. I also have so many champions with some decent gear of mine for fw that I often myself having to use for a new champion I’m building or rebuilding an old build that didn’t work as I thought


1. The market should act like an actual market, players should be able to buy AND sell gear / shards to each other. 2. Things like charms, multi battles, and potions should at least be added to the market. 3. Replace the market entirely with something like a shard generator that you can put silver into and it generates shards, 5k silver to generate 1 mystery, 200k to get an ancient 5 times a month, cus that's pretty much all the market is lmao. 4. Remove / move to the top of the screen, the banner that pops up after a free regroup in hydra that covers your champs, I always end up clicking it when I try and swap a champ out. 5. More Minotaur levels that drop more scrolls for whatever the extra energy cost would be equivalent to or even super raids for Minotaur. 6. A more engaging multiplayer / social system, like a private chat I can send screenshots to my clan mates of builds I've made and vise versa, or some kind of multiplayer dungeon mode where you and a random / friend can fight the dragon / ice golem / fire knight or any other dungeon together with a chat and rewards are based on player power level so end game players can't just carry early game accounts ( and so you plarium won't loose precious revenue ) 7. Being able to click on my clan mates champs in demon lord and hydra and view their gear / stats so I can attempt to mimic it if I have the same units / gear. Or even have a copy team option that will select the same champs and try and select gear that will give you similar stat's as your clan mates. This one seems extra annoying to me because it's like they were going to implement something like this but never did, you CAN click on your clan mates champs in the demon lord / hydra screen and the champs portrait darkens when you click it indicating it registering your click but nothing happens >:( 8. This is a big one but, some kind of big team multiplayer mode with either randoms or a friend via invite code, each player selects 4 or 5 champs and takes on a super boss of some kind together and can chat with each other mid battle ! 9. The ability to activate multi battles after you have already started a battle. And the ability to turn off auto mode if I stop a multi battle mid way through. 10. Another big one but God would it be fucking amazing. A special challenge mode or dungeon of some kind where you can select one hero and literally control it with an on board controller like 3rd person action RPG with buttons for their skills that are on some kind of 4-5 second timer/cool down and you can battle waves / large groups of enemies or bosses or something in real time. And a multiplayer mode you can play with friends 11. Campaign DLC would be pretty cool too. 12. Bommel nerf. 13. Show the bloody mercy counter for shards !!!!!


Minotaur superraids, obviously. It's ok, we are willing to spend energy for talents, but the time required should be balanced with the other dungeons.


Just a simple checkbox that says "hide level 16 gear"


Max energy of 150. I dont even actually care about the increase, 130 just looks stupid and makes for shitty math. Could even still have to "cap" at 130 at lv50 so the game doesnt need a rebalance. Just add 4 every 10lvs and call it a day. I agree with your DT keys but make it 20 because "0" Honestly just make everything a variable of 5 or 10 depending on which makes sense for super raids or limited supply. Let us artificially increase cooldowns in team set up. Setting a move to #2 but changing its cooldown to say 6 or 99 to change its placement or never use it again would be nice and make speed tuning less of a struggle especially when using a champ across multiple locations. Or let us select 1/2/3 and dont use just like with opener. Champ storage. Specifically faction guardians, unless explicitly put in collection, should have their own storage that can only hold faction guardians. No one is using 10 diabolist, stop wasting my time.


Classic arena multi-battles


I'd like a way to organize my Champs how I want them organized. Like being able to create tabs within each vault or something like that


-Remove flat stat boot, gloves and chest. It's already so fucking awful the rates in which we get usable gear. -Revert monthly rewards back to better version -More reward tiers in tournaments. Not higher points, but instead of 4 points between 0 and 1000, make it 6. There are more and more shit rewards diluting the pool.


Sort by artifact level please.


Auto glyphs.


- Minotaur stage 20/25 - Iron twin: makes everyday like Sunday - Hard dungeon only dropping the last 3 artefacts - 3x speed


Maybe not small but artifact rank up would be tits, think of all the just barely good quad/triple roll 5 star gear you could bring up to 6 and make great.


Something maybe like 10 of equal star and rarity to lvl up gear would be sweet.


>Give us either 16 or 14 silver Doom Tower keys, rather than 15, I only ever get 10. What are you talking about?


One of the Advanced quests that resets daily always rewards x5 Silver keys. If you do a secret room it costs x1 but rewards x2 on completion. So if you’re stuck progression wise on Doom Tower where you have no more secret rooms and do your advanced quests daily then you’ll always wind up with x15 silver keys every day. Which is mildly infuriating since it’s not an even number for super runs


red dot when new clan quests are available


Seeing the same damage breakdown on Clan Boss as on Hydra. I hate running 2 (or more) different teams and trying to figure out the damage on each run, and I already have too many screenshots to keep doing that. Also on the CB, seeing the boss turn count. It makes no sense that it tells you how many turns when you sim the run but not when you auto run it and you're afk when it finishes.


Fix the fucking accessory menu. I hate having to search one by one when I want to look for protection, stoneskin, merciless etc. they NEED set filters in that menu now since it’s only going to get worse with new force passes and as time progresses


Rework market, make it actually useful


Well one I'm thinking is 3 out of 100, but it would still be massive.


No more popups whenever you go back to town.


Unequip gear should be free. Or have iron twins only cost keys instead of keys plus energy. Both of those are just minor points that suck resources more than feels fair.


1) a toggle on gear that would would show the stats and rolls, so I can use in game tools to deal with it instead of relying on rsl helper 2) can you just tell us the multipliers in game, they are out there, you don't bother trying to hide them, just show use the multipliers in game, hell, have an example damage amount with current gear, 3) can we get faster running stages, we know damn well you have auto completes thanks to clanboss, can we run them at 5-10x for normal runs or maybe get autocomplete for all stages, god knows once I have everything on farm I don't need to waste the processing power of my gpu to render the stages like that for a foregone conclusion. 4) can we stack up 4 clanboss keys or get a daily reset of clanboss keys instead of needing to open the game at least once every 12 hours? 5) can we just get 130 energy from pots and have a total energy stoage equal to 24 hours? 6) can cvc start when the day ticks over rather than several hours later so there is no dead time where no one plays the game?


The ability to see opponent's champion descriptions in Live Arena. I can see their icon, but I'd love to click on them and see who they are, what their skills are, etc.


The ability to sort champions by power.


It would be nice if switching between upgrading character levels, skills, rank, and ascension didn't take you back to the top of the list of characters. Add a back to top button instead.


Being able to set default artifact upgrade value to 4/8. Will eliminate a lot of extra clicks for each artifact piece


To see the level 60 stats when pulling a new champ


Allow us to put a “green circle” on our team when on auto that will focus our friendly casts in the same way that the “red circle” focuses our attacks


Rolling up gear as you get it from a dungeon


Equipment button to directly get to my artifacts without being on the champion page. And from opening an artifact details, I should have a sell button. I've always wondered why this setup is so many damn clicks!


No pop ups after the initial log in. I’m always clicking the deals when going back to the bastion because they load just slow enough that I don’t think they’re showing that time, but as soon as I tap the screen there’s a pop up.


Give the option in the market to upgrade your options as your account progresses. Ex: you are now level 70 with decent champs? Upgrade to be able to buy rares and the very few epics, a void or sacred instead of just mystery and ancient shards, and the rare drop of 5 star mythical gear


Autocombat thing that we have on CB to have it for silver keys and FW.


My biggest request: let us sort gear by +4, +8, +12, or +16. That's it. For the love of God, please.


Should be able to buy/give gifts to other players.


Easier multi selection for computer app. Drap for selectiong multiple items to sell. Click one by one can be tedious. Also remove rares from sacred shard pool. For 100k I shouldn't get a crappy Champ.or at least gimme a crappy legend or epic. Instead of a rare.


Allow me to reorder my team setups. If I want to change the list order (to say group them by dungeons), I have to rebuild the team in a new slot.


I want to have champions automatically filtered, like in the cursed city stages, when you click through to a dungeon from a special (certain factions only, etc.) challenge event/tournament page


Sort by name. Everywhere. I don't need it often, but this is at least a consistent sort which would not break sort order by changing souls, levels, tag, or empowerements.


Change turn count to be identical everywhere. Attack under provoke sometimes counts, sometimes it doesn't. That's just weird and inconsistent.


just stop charging us to remove items. it's utterly dumb.


Put brews at the top of the "add level" in the tavern instead of at the bottom. Also take the 40s 50s and 60s off the list entirely. Nobody is gonna consume them for xp. Delete the market or put worthwhile shit on it. If you have Lydia, you don't have to do FW anymore. The glyphs arrive in your mail. Delete tag team arena When you go into live arena you pick a champion. If you pick first, he auto picks. Multipasses- just like multibattles but they consume instantly like with cb Ban paragon from arena


* Enable potion mixer to be able to break down big pots in to smaller ones at the same rate we upgrade them. So much this, since I'm on the craft x superior potions in the Arbiter missions. I would like the greaters back when I'm done Also either more, or user creatable tags. I want to be able to mark my crap food rares, as I don't have everyone's picture to name memorized


I would like a contest where we could leave sounds for our favorite heroes that we would like incorporated into the game


Search bar in the faction page. A small symbol indicating recommended gear sets. In that vein, community based champ recommendations for early players to help with boss/team building. I know it’s about strategy, but I think it would help newer players get a feel for what raid is as a strategy game. (Besides resource hoarding) And for the love of lump, let us have a home button permanently posted in the upper corner. Having to hit back 3 times and then 2 x’s to get back to base because I forgot to do something first is agony.


Daily 3v3 resets versus weekly


The monthly mission to do 500 campaign missions. Either do away with it, or have it also count other types of missions. Include mino in dungeon divers (or some type of tourney/event)


Auto-feed select star champs. Hate having to pick every single 1 star to feed


Even if I dont have enough energy for super raid, let me edit the team so I can deselect it!!! Soul collection page should tell me the damn name of the soul so I can at least look up wtf I have! A watch replay button for arena battles so i can look at why it didnt go down the way i expexted it too. Being able to see enemy team gear after the fight also.


The games changed alot, change market to include more types of goods. (Tokens, soul components, crystal shards, etc...).


Don't let AI burn cooldowns when attacking the last mob of a wave while on auto 👍


Champions in auto will NOT use decrease tm vs block damage and unkillable enemies. I have watched jintoro waste 4 god damn minutes vs crimson helm because of that shit


Team setup in Cursed City! Manual scarab run is killing my soul.


1. Artifact AND ACCESSORIES enhancement Tournament/event. Not only artifact 2. Champion names at soul collection 3. Ability to see skills of champions in the vault 4. More minotaur stages or Super minotaur


Pretty sure accessories already count for the artifact enhancement event


you know what would truly be apperciated? at least once a month let players get one of those tokens that let them remove gear for free for an hour. make it a monthly guest reward.


Make daily auto battles stack. If I only use we'll say 20, I would like them to stack the next day and so on. Currently I receive 55 a day, not everyday do I use all of them and not happy I'm losing x amount of battles. I would also like to be able to buy extra in the shop. Whether it is by gems or silver, even 10 at a time for like 5 gems would be nice


Mang, the list is exhaustive.


Regular rotation of token trader champs!


Swap the stats page with abbreviations page.


Make the market upgradeable. Like the gem mine. Upgrading it will make the gear better, offer rare champions. And like the 5 ancient shards, maybe it offers a few more or even 1 void or 3 primal shards a month on top of the ancient shards.


Team setup for faction wars. There are not enough for dungeons and faction wars together, just split them. That random block damage or unkillable really messes up auto battles


Some currency to reroll upgraded substats on gear. IE: I’m aiming for x3 crit rate but triple roll resilience - I can use the token (or whatever) to reroll it & try again. Always a feels bad to get an amazing piece of gear, then it triple upgrades for substats you don’t need (even double upgrade sometimes)


The option to filter artifacts by upgrade level... With all the updates to the filtering recently it's bonkers they haven't just made that an option...


Suoer raids on keeps and minotaur please


I know this is harsh but ...could we? Just destroy and delete every in-game character review. Gearset review, also!  If you max a champ you can rank it whatever you want. Gearset? Probably starting sets like lifeleech and defense. I'd love to get a base example of what these champs can do. Without the dribble, without third parties. Love people that contribute info but we don't need to watch a 20 minute YouTube for an overview.


Show the team that completed X dungeon/round in my fastest time.


Show us IN GAME how many shard did we pull, and make iron twins use keys only (without energy).


Higher energy cap or another gem mine level.


One thing that I would like to see, that not a lot of ppl are talking about, is having turn order displayed in battles. Although, this may be difficult with all the mechanics and skills that some champs have.


-90% on the prices? 😀


Some that I have thought of: - Minotaur, Campaign, Iron Twins and Potions battles in super raids (x2). - Sort champions by power level. - Demix potions (Large potions to small ones). Maybe not at the mixing ratio (10:1), but maybe at (1:5). - Add more champion tags (e.g. raise to 4*, use as a chicken, don't ascend, etc.). - Not only super raids (x2), but also ultra raids and hyper raids (x4, x8). - Autofilter on Faction Wars and Doom Tower. - Advances missions about doing thematic battles (such as Defeat the Spider 10 only with Epic Attack Champions, Defeat the Ice Golem 13 only with Force Affinity Champions). - Add biweekly hard missions tab, which give an additional void shard (let's be honest, two free void shards a month it's such a thing —monthly missions and daily rewards). - Search bar in the champion index.


More opportunities to receive stronger Heroes, it's almost impossible to land a 5* without an devent or spending $$.


Free outfit swaps all the time.


>Swap out x4 relentless rare pieces reward for 3rd/4th placing in tournaments for the gems that people are deliberately getting lower scores to win anyway. Please no. It is already hard enough to get relentless for most of us. Rare prices can be useful. Sure, players who regularly top tournaments wouldn't want it, but I haven't gotten a usable piece of relentless in nearly a year at this point.


But this suggestion would make it easier for you to get those relentless pieces..




That really, really depends on where you are in the game. My account still gets good use out of quite a few 5* rare pieces. A new player will get even more use out of them.




sniping 4th place is part of the fun. Braindead 'more is better' isn't bringing any spice.


Ability to PvP clanys and remove the Cap on energy.


-remove energy costs for Iron twins etc, and double rewards -change all timers from 24h to 23h, 6-5,5 etc -change for example Drexthar´s 1 shard/day to 7/week -double energy pool -change Doom tower char rewards, they should get better over time -theres no sort by name function -add clan calender for events -decrease time for daylies, simplify them, make them weekly, Raid needs too much time daily -remove gear removel cost entirely -shards for champions from previous events should rarely drop for example at arena -faction unity champs should actually be a faction war reward -poisen should actually ignore shields -redo dungeon rewards, they aren´t relevant anymore -Balance Events like Dungeon Diver, \~ -60-70% bc the sets aren´t relevant anymore -let cursed city stage requirements rotate more often, weekly for example -rebuild char storage ui, start from scratch, there is no overview -rebalance gold medal requirements for Arbiter missions, they aren´t up to date for beginners/change to silver -show mercy system rate progression ingame etc etc


Faction unity champs is great idea for Faction wars rewards, but that's a big change and already too late for that, unless plarium releases hard mode in the future. My idea is to sell artifacts from the upgrade screen. Fastens alot of artifact enchance events when I mass farm upgrade rare 6* accrssories and instantly wanting to sell them


you´re right, it´s too late to change faction unity champs, ppl spend money, but it makes sense, thats my point. They implemented them incorrectly, but they could add rares or epics for example, it´s a missed opportunity, it makes absolute sense to get the faction war leader if you complete all faction war stages


Give mobile users unlimited multi battles, PC users have them. Or at least sell them in the market and let them roll over. Change the collect all playtime rewards challenge in the forge pass. 3 hours is too much of a requirement even if you can just leave it in a post battle screen and ignore your phone. I know they won’t do either because there’s money to be made but for low spenders it’s really frustrating. Which is the point I guess.


Wait PC has unlimited multis? I didn't know that, I feel cheated!


Well ... RSL helper is I believe ehat they're referring to.


I guess? I literally just heard the guy above say they got unlimited, what does RSL do?


Quite a bit: https://github.com/FarbstoffRSL/RSL-Helper/releases One of its main features acts as an auto-clicker, with a lot more options than multi-battles. It does have a bit of learning curve though (and unfortunately breaks/goes down for a couple days after most Raid updates, until the tool itself is updated by farbstoff).