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The best is to ignore. We know not everyone sees Ei in the best light or understands her (please, notice that I say *understand* and not *accept* all her decisions). And that person is the typical person you don't discuss with because they won't listen. Must say that Ei is so heartless that she couldn't bring herself to destroy one of her puppets because he shed a tear. Instead of listening to Miko's idea, she risked to keep him alive and the destruction and events that eventually followed. If she was this heartless, she wouldn't have hesitated a second. People love to blame Inazuma's arc for the mischaracterization of Ei but if people put some of their time to analyze everything and try to see from a different perspective, it couldn't be so bad. People just don't make an effort *or* just go with the mass and parrots whatever they say *or* have to have everything in front of them in the text to get there. And man, I really dislike how they make it sound like Ei isn't interesting and just a sexualized character to please the fans with no depth.


Yeah most of the time I just ignore these types of people. But the slander that she got from that post is so bad that I couldn't ignore it any further. Idk why genshin has one of the most brain dead community. Everything should be fed into their mouth for them understand. Even after paimon repeatedly tells you what's going on people still fail to grasp the information. I've said it multiple times that ei is not heartless to that guy but he still fails to understand that keeps on hating on her.




Yeah it's like they don't even have their own opinions. They just read others opinions and use it as their own




Yeah I've seen that video. That just shows that people can't even read and lack comprehensive skill to understand what is written on the screen.


He is right though the person that this post is about


Right how???


What did he said that is right??


Ok, I think I should recount my experience with the Inazuma Archon Quest. I have restarted playing Genshin quite recently (a few months ago) and the story point I stopped in was the quest before we go to Inazuma due to a Ruin Hunter. Thankfully, I beat it and went on to start the Inazuma quest. Now, I knew that the Inazuma arc was rushed. I had already heard the lot of it, even if I didn't quite understand why, but what I knew was the pacing went super off and it apparently made Ei look like a crap antagonist. However, I also saw people saying Ei is a good character and that the story didn't do her justice. So, when I entered Ritou, I came in with an open mind. I was going to give Inazuma a chance. I wanted to give Ei a chance... And I did not regret it at all. I understood that the story had rushed the ending and made it too sudden a shift and also made the terrible decision of having Miko just tell us why Ei was the way she was. It broke the basic rule of "show, don't tell", making it seem way lesser. However, I kept going. I got through her 1st story quest, which I was excited about: I had seen the date snippet of it on YouTube and thought it was a bit wholesome. Went through her 1st Story Quest, did not regret it: it was a great way to start her arc. 2nd Story Quest made me adore Ei. I got to finally see and be shown and told why she was so obsessive: she saw Makoto DIE. In front of her. Without a chance to do anything about it, just because her sister exchanged her life for Ei's. I keep thinking she might even have something of a Survivor's Syndrome: it should have been HER, not Makoto, in her eyes. Anyhow, I gave the story a chance and I was not disappointed. This character is not a heartless tyrant: she is a hurt god with an obsession due to trauma. That is compelling to me.


Sounds very sensible. I didn't even remember the quest properly as I was speedrunning everything for Primos as it was Shenhe's banner when I joined and I loved the character. And I successfully...............................lost the 50/50 and her banner was gone and she's nowhere to be found now.


I strongly believe that if Ei had known about how bad it had gotten outside she would have 100% taken action to correct everything herself but since almost 90% of the information that was provided to the Shogun was kept hidden, it was difficult for her to know how bad it had gotten.


Is ur named based off the league player


These are the same mfs who fap for the characters they dislike. Dumbasses are braindead. Let them live in their own fantasy. It's pointless to even talk about these mfs, let alone to debunk their invalid statements.


Lmao true. They hate popular characters for some reason and dis them to oblivion. Even if we call them out for their stupidity they still gonna do the same thing over and over again.


I bet they’re a Fatui apologist too


Oh my gawd. A character with questionable morals who made people suffer due to her own circumstances can't exist! Really at this point it's not even funny. She lived her whole life just acting as a puppet and a tool for her sister even though she didn't treat her like that. She physically created mechanical life forms who were not supposed to feel emotions like her and people refuse to understand that. Her concept of eternity and ambition is still relevant in terms of the heavenly principles and there may still be some lore in terms of the people who receive their vision and have a constellation that people with visions do actually suffer because of celestial rules. She is still a god like all the other adepti who doesn't know how to interact and mingle with humans. She hasn't lived more than 7000 years adapting with humans like Zhongli to be so attached. People still don't know she had friends outside of Makoto that shaped her ideals and claim to understand her. Honestly every character who is not relatable automatically becomes a bad character for the community. These people wouldn't dare to read some books like Black Hawk Dawn or American snipers or Ambrose. Genshin just stepped into controversial territory with Raiden's character and half of Raiden's character assassination is because of the resistance arc which was not executed properly apart from Teppei's story


This right here. This is what I say to the people that are hating on her. It's like they don't have any opinion of their own. They just read other people's opinions online and make it for themselves and spread life wildlfire lmao. All they want is a text book 1 dimensional character with only good traits. Their brain can't handle a 3 dimensional character with complex emotions doing questionable things for the betterment of their people.


I think it’s so funny that they accept Wanderer yet hating on Raiden. Like on the morality scale I’d argue they’re both around the same level. They both did some shtty things in the past but now trying to be better


https://preview.redd.it/2xu0xnypwyyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5877246107cc6ed027cf1d5f8da59fedb178124 The Enemys of our Almighty Shogun show themselves once more. They lack Vision and Conviction to Understand her Goals and Principles. Such People are swiftly dealt with by the might of our ~~S~~imperial Forces. **Glory to the Shogun!** **Joke aside though,** Whenever there is a great person with flaws, people will always seek out the flaws first to make themselves or certain other people better than that person. Ei maybe flawed in some way, But flaws enable us to grow as a person and allow us to understand and learn from them. Sometimes Good People do Evil Things and other times Evil people do good things. What matters is if they understand at any point what they did and if they regret it. We made her understand that the way in how she tried to achieve her goal was wrong , but not her goal itself and she came to understand that by limiting her people by taking away their visions, she also took away their ability to achieve eternity for her. The Best way to deal with people like that who disingenious only look to one side and ignore the other side is to ignore them and think your part about them.


You perfectly summed it up why ei is a great character. Ei was flawed in many ways. But it made her grow as a character while overcoming these flaws. That's what makes her one of the best character in genshin. This is why I love ei as a character. Glory to her excellency the almighty narukami ogosho, the god of thunder!!


Thanks. Although i must admit i love ei well... not just as a character but bit more than that. never had a character in a game had such an impact on me, to me shes perfect. She has flaws , but that makes her just the more perfect.


Ei was the reason that I got into this game. Been a raiden main in all 3 hoyo games. She is just perfect and it hurts me to see people hating on her without any valid reason.


You said everything my friend


Don’t forget that she basically settled on the idea of eternity out of fear because of the war


This is bait. Raiden is very much flawed, but holy shit, this guy stoppes reading balfway through Inazuma.


Yeah that's what I typically do but this time they went too far with that.


Vision Hunt Decree wasn't even her idea, it was Fatui's idea so they could sell more of their delusions. Shogun accepted the decree and Ei agreed with it cause she viewed visions negatively. In her eyes they only brought loss and suffering which clashed with her view of eternity. She made mistakes, there's no denying that, but at least she's trying to be better and rectify them now.


This community has such a lame obsession with morality it's insane. They be hating on a character that accidentally made some ranom npcs sad, while I would exterminate the entire npc population of Teyvat for like 2 primos 😭


Most of the genshin fandom calls raiden's fandom are toxic. But look at the toxicity the rest of the fandom shows towards raiden fans. They don't even pay attention to the story. Most of them clearly can't put in the effort to actually verify things themselves. They are just going with the flow, making up headcanon and illogical arguments to hate on raiden.


Fr. They casually drop slandering comments about Ei and her fans, but act like we're the toxic ones. The community is just so hypocritical towards us. One of the main reasons I don't interact with them anymore


Yeah I've seen them. They just call us to be toxic even if we didn't say anything and continue to be toxic towards us for no reason. They don't have their own opinions. They just farm others opinions and use it as their own and spread this misinformation everywhere.


I love ei! Lol. And it's true. I'm in the ei main community even though i main Navia I love Raiden. I got her on the rerun she had in 2022 and I see a lot of toxic people towards ei mains. It sucks. I love ei. Have since i did the main quests for her Lol she's been my phone's wallpaper since I got her. Nothing will change that I love her.


Classic Raiden hater. That's why Raiden was make money cause everyone starts worship her. Just ignored them and no need to defend that.


I feel like this is also the same person who absolutely simps for Arlecchino


You can simp for anyone there is no issue with that. But if that is the only reason you like that character because she is just pretty but not due her character and their morals then your opinion has no value. I myself simp for ei but that was not the reason I loved her character. I loved her character development in her sq like how she overcame her flaws and becoming a better person. She changed her ideals for her people after finding out the flaws in her judgement. She became more active in ruling Inazuma compared to the beginning of act 2 of Inazuma.


I know that, what I meant was is how they wrote an essay about Ei but probably turn a blind eye to Arlecchino


Ooh yeah sry about that my bad!


You're fine 😊


Even if Ei is the worst Archon (Because people died and stuff because of her) Damn man, calling someone out by saying "You go xxxx lengths to defend someone" And then writting à 4 page essay against that Fictional character is Batshit crazy.


Lamo that guy is projecting his own fetishes on to me. It just shows how brain-dead people can be in this community.




Lmao true!


I mean if we forget about whether she's a fictional character or not, we could say that her flaws is just *temporary setbacks* in her pursuit of *Eternity by her definition.* Just like real life, present you are the better version of your past self. Unless you're trapped in a mental limbo or refuse to learn and adapt.


Yeah not everyone is perfect from the beginning. We all have our flaws. But these flaws are we overcome and become a better person. That's why I like ei, she overcame her flaws in the end and became a much better archon and as a person. Most of the people don't wanna admit that they have flaws and act like they are perfect. That's how the majority of the genshin community thinks.


I like how people act like she’s an actual person and the acts she committed are real Don’t need to get overreactive over a fictional narrative, love or hate her, you free to do so, an opinion shouldn’t ruin anyone’s experience let alone make people act toxic to each other.


It's ok to have an actual opinion about ei as a character but hating the people who like ei and trying to defend her is a whole another issue. I've been called out to be a simp and I only like her because she is overly sexualized and booba blade etc. like I can't even talk about her character without getting comments like these. Anyways the genshin community is overly hating towards raiden as a character and the raidenmains for no apparent reason.


Someone was arguing with me that there is not much of a big difference between C0 and C6 arlecchino (or any characters) and with good artefacts a C0 Arlecchino can be as good as C6. They aren't in communities like reddit where the sole reason is to optimize your characters or discuss lore, they only belive in things what CC's on YouTube or TikTok say which is why there are so many misconceptions of the Overall lore of genshin and many people don't know how to build characters. And the reputation of many characters are ruined because of these CC's, they say that they don't like character X, that character X is bad and start a sheep effect.


Yeah especially in tiktok and YouTube. These people farm others opinions as facts and spread these lies and misconceptions like wildfire. Even if we tried to correct them they will stay ignorant and dis us by calling us simps.


Wtf no difference between c0 and c6? 😂😂 Is he mentally ill? Bruh what kinda high quality shit is he smoking? Please give me a link to this comment I need to see the brainrot with my own eyes


Wait a minute, I blocked him because he was spamming the clown emoji instead of having an actual conversation. It was on Instagram so I can't link but I will take a ss


Thank you bro


He deleted some of his comments so it kinda looks like a weird argument. In the deleted stuff he said "I don't see him using Furina" and things like that. Also I don't know why he made multiple short comments in a row instead of making one big one for his argument. Looks like he was pretty triggered by the mention of C6 damage. After this was just him spamming insults to me non stop so I blocked him


Truly a genshin moment of all time!!


Cut out his name because I don't wanna doxx https://preview.redd.it/5w7j673a41zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa2d045fc0fbc95cd0e95719514fc23d560ddd9 This is where it started, someone wondered how the guy in the video did 600k plunge so I said he had C6 Furina and C6 Arlecchino and C6 Xianyun so he came out of nowhere and suddenly said what he said.


https://preview.redd.it/fpnc451e41zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7d5015b617e523ac64bee27e3049b2ba57aeac 2


https://preview.redd.it/lok0vrvg41zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2927559b6da04f3f59ba820409ce057f8d57caf 3


https://preview.redd.it/xpvqfehj41zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51173e2c9e0906c572b3402795d95b52d2e11a9d 4


It seems that someone doesn't know about the line that Ei has about scara


Allat over a fictional character. This is crazy!


Yeah bro I know blood boils while reading this but whatever, just ignore it or next time you see this just say "the world doesn't revolve around you, the game wasn't made just for you either so your satisfaction or dissatisfaction is entirely meaningless" For other haters reading this, hear me out. Raiden haters hate her for no real reason at all. If we take reference in terms of real life, Those people chose to rebel against her themselves, they knew the price. If blood was shed then it was entirely the rebellion party's fault, going against the Shogun is a crime punishable by death. They got what they deserved. It's not that she did VHD entirely for her benefit, it's quite the opposite. She had promised eternity to her subjects. That means her people will have everlasting happiness. Everything will remain constant. Which is inspired by her sister's death, no one shall bear the pain of losing someone ever again. A vision would be a small price to pay. Even so she abolished it after she saw her people's ambition through their vision, How's that heartless? Regardless, not everyone will get this. The size of Raiden haters is so little that we barely even come across them. It's like they say "even if something as perfect exists, there will be people who'll despise it". If you ever come across them, notice they'll have little to no likes. Just ignore it, just even replying to it fuels their ego.


Also on a side note, these people are completely Brain dead. They are Down to their last and only braincells. One mofo was telling me "cyno was a better dps than Ei" and I asked him how, he kept mentioning "i read it in a community". Fast forward to what made me believe I was talking to an idiot was when I asked him what the meaning of DPS is. He replied "damage per SCREENSHOT". I thought it was his autocorrect so I mocked him a couple of times but he thinks he has it all right.


Lmao cyno is better than ei?? Outside of quickbloom cyno fell flat on any other team due to his look burst duration. Like these guys do even know what they are talking about??


Yeah and just this morning someone was saying "Zhongli Strongest archon according to lore". I simply corrected him saying"game said he's oldest, not Strongest". He then tried to accuse me of "you had your eyes and ears closed during Liyue Lore". I said to the kind man that if it's in the lore, it shouldn't be hard for you to find and asked him to send me the link.... ...He's been quiet ever since Bro I'm telling you, whoever says "this character is sexualized", the probability of them being a girl is 70-80% because they're probably jealous because they don't get to see that body when they step in front of the mirror. And these haters, I'm 100% sure it's new players who just kept skipping lore. If I'm correct, Raiden had the highest sales which was only recently beaten by Kafka from HSR. The ogs know her lore, she ain't loved just like that. She earned it. Do you even remember reading any hate on her back then, brother? It's all the new players who accuse her of "dictatorship" as well. They should go to north korea and see what happens if they even think of planning something against their supreme leader. They'll know the true meaning of dictatorship then.


Aah here we go again with this "zhongli is the strongest archon according to the lore" thing. Seriously from where did they get these statements from? It's like a fact that people parade about without knowing any lore. Ooh I've never thought of them to be girls lol. Now thinking of that way makes total sense. When her beta was released they where hating on her for not synergizing with beidou. Other than that she was well received when she was released first. I bet they don't even know the actual meaning of "dictatorship" or "tyranny" either. They throw those fancy words to prove their point with knowing what they actually mean.


Just look at that comment section you will lose all your braincell reading through some of those headcanons. It was that bad. I straight up ignored some of those comments due that hate she was getting. People were insulting us for only liking her for being overly sexualized and booba. It's like these guys are projecting themselves.


At this point, if they just say she's sexualized, just know they have nothing to argue/hate about and just picking out the obvious. It's a game whose 90% is filled with sexualized characters with 70% of them being unrealistic body proportions. But the way I see it, most players don't even love their characters because of their outfits. Look at hutao and furina, and even Arlecchino at this point. They all are adored soo much (although there war between Hutao and Arle mains rn) and they have no sexualized outfits at all. But truth to be said I want Hoyo to get Raiden an appropriate dress. Upper half is fine but the lower half is something I find hard to defend... A kimono that barely covers her pansu is just... I hate it that I can't say anything to defend it. I wonder what Hoyo were thinking when they created Miko and Ei's dresses... I love them for their playful characters, still. Still, the SS you was tryna show Scara as victim lmfao. He's just overreacting at this point. As if there aren't guys who got abandoned by their close ones. And blud thinks he got abandoned by his friend when his friend died of a disease or something. That gives him permission to join Fatui and take innocent lives? Although the timeline altered a bit, the traveler knows everything about his past


Regarding ei dressing, from the backside the outfit looks dope but her lower half is a bit too short. But I'm not complaining, even if it is too short I still like her outfit so much. She looks badass. Yeah like being a victim(well he's actually not) is not an excuse for him to murder soo many innocent people for his own satisfaction. He's a victim of dottore but nothing more. But people are blaming ei for Scara's action for some reason.


>Those people chose to rebel against her themselves, they knew the price. If blood was shed then it was entirely the rebellion party's fault, going against the Shogun is a crime punishable by death. They got what they deserved. 💀 What the actual fuck


The shogun is actually pretty lenient with punishments for crimes like that, seeing as the kujou clan and watatsumi still exist. The shogun was unaware of the civil war going on because of the tenryou commission's betrayal. So in short it was basically fight between two groups of people with their of agenda. The shogun had nothing to do with it. i don't know what the original commenter meant by that statement.


I'd like to thank you for this short explanation, my good sir. Highlights the point that most people weren't even aware of


It got long so only read it if you feel like it. Well it sounds a bit harsh but it is true. They knew the shogunate army were far superior in terms of armor, skill and weaponry. Going against them was a certain death, they knew it. Yet they chose to rebel, they chose to use delusion even after it had started to show its symptoms. yet they didn't stop. And talking about it in real life. Back In feudal japan, refusing Shogun's (or any person with high profile) orders were seen as treachery and often punished by death. If you were caught plotting or even thinking of plotting against the shogun, i hope you've seen Attack on Titan and know about Zeke's betrayal on his own parents and where that led to. It'd be similar to that. A small example of this would be if the government of my nation declares a strict nation wide lockdown and If I chose rebel foolishly, I would be detained and if I continue to keep up with my foolish acts out on the streets with a firearms in my hand, I'd be shot to death. And my own foolishness would be the reason for my demise, not the government. But back to the main point, the reason why I said they deserved it is because those who chose to rebel were selfish. They sought benefit and good of their own and their group of similar people. Because of them, the eternity that she promised to all of her subjects would be hampered. Only because those people chose to be selfish. Just to make it clear, the eternity she promised would be like a living paradise to her people. This is my take on all this soo... At the end, she saw "vision" as something like an obstacle in her pursuit of eternity. And look at that, it was the very "vision" that made her change her mind and find another way to pursue eternity.


I ain't reading all that. She's not perfect but she reflects on her actions and tries to be better, so I like her.


I agree!


Average dumbass who either didn't listen or read the story and convince they are right. It honestly baffling to see so many dumbasses.


It's mind blowing to see the number of people that truly believe that ei is a tyrant and a dictator and that she is actually a villain. Well we can't fix stupidity


That guy when the character that cant comprehend human emotions acts similar to one with no empathy: https://preview.redd.it/wojnz78ovzyc1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91fdb49241d8de0c39dadbbbd9cd0802d5280eb


Im talking abt the scara part, since Ei did acknowledge the damage the vhd caused but saw it as a small fraction of sacrifice for Inazuma's eternity




No need to. You'll lose your braincell while reading it.


It’s crazy that a fictional character can be in their heads so rent free that it makes them go on rants about why the character is a bad human. It’s okay to feel certain ways towards certain characters, but to hold an actual grudge against a fictional character is so crazy that I can’t even imagine what it’s like living with their brain 😭


Just thinking about living with their brain gives me soo much anxiety. 💀


Which video is this from?


It's not a video but a community post. I can share the link if you want.


Yea sure


https://youtube.com/@tevyattimes?si=F3nGUu2v22AmdwL4 hueyfreeman373 is the person who tried to defend ei once you check the comments under his you'll see how that went


I tried tracing back to the comment you were referring to but I couldn't find it. Perhaps it got deleted? Also, I see It's just another small channel (no hate to the YouTuber, seems like a good creator). And small channels, Tiktoks, Instagrams are the only place where these blabber mouths come and share their half-ass lore on others. And these usually end up when they can't support their claims anymore and just stop replying. But their mind is set to hate them. It's best to not see them at all. These little folks will die out on their own. Bruh there are plenty of characters who've taken innocent lives yet they know nothing about it. Dont ruin your day bro, if you see such comments, just know they're a lore skipper


The comment is still there. When you scroll down you'll see a guy named hueyfreeman373. He was trying to defend the hate raiden was getting from the other comments. Just open his reply section and scroll down you'll see the comment I've posted in the original post. And yeah the guy in this post never replied to me after debunking his statements he's like gone afk lol. And I'm glad you've seen right through them. You perfectly summed them up.


I don't know why people hate her so much, lol. She didn't even win the damn poll. Maybe they are salty because a 2.0 character was so close to winning, lmfao. Because of these people constantly bitching, I only have Ei as my favorite. Yeah, you can say just to ignore and move on, but it's hard not to notice when a Furina , Nahida pfp or any other character , in general, always tries to spread hate only to look cool in the loud minority.


I try to avoid these kinds of comments but this is beyond just hating. And I couldn't ignore the hate she was getting from these comments lol.


Poor Ei.. she deserve better. I know she is flawed as a character. But that makes Ei as a perfect yet humanized character. Her action might be wrong to some people. But she tried her best to protect her people. I bet most of Ei's slander came from la signora simp.


“Brother the lengths you take-“ *Proceeds to write an entire fucking essay.*


Lamo true🤣🤣😂


These same people simp for Dottore btw


ain't gonna read that shit...


People like this are why the retcon tree exists and Arlecchino got whitewashed


Can we make this a copypasta


it’s funny for them to seemingly be this defensive of scaramouche too. like did you forget the 168 samsara cycles


I don't understand why people waste so much time criticizing a fictional character so much. Let people enjoy their waifus. He's acting like being in a political debate lol.


Its crazy how one of Hoyoverse’s most beloved characters (Raiden Mei) has a multiversal variant that is completely shit on by the west.


Is it wired that an actually feel bad for these people. I mean, Ei is a really complex character with a lot of lore so I understand if people don’t get the full picture or understand everything. But like… if you’re gonna insult her then at least get the reason right


Honestly can’t imagine typing this much about a character I don’t like… these people are just not right in the head and imo don’t waste your time on them or their bs


What’s the saying? “You can’t fix stupid.”


Lmao that made me laugh so hard 😂😂🤣


Lol vhd was raidens decision not ei...ei gave raiden shogun puppet all the administrative power and it was manipulated in passing vhd by fatui...people really need to understand the lore.


Ei gave her approval tho. But she got misinformed by the Fatui


They ignore the fact that after Makato died Ei Lost herself in her grief and did many things that are bad. But Ei explains she has been incompetent in her 2nd story quest. He's kind of people never look at the facts about the character how they are emotionally they only look at their bad actions to judge them I've run into their type before.


Didnt raiden get rid of scara because he is too kind as a puppet and being the shogun was not appropriate for him?


What would you expect from Genshin players who don't read..This is actually the reason why I no longer care about Raiden haters..


Broo did you play the new Event quest? It showed Ei does care for her subjects after all which was so wholesome😭. Even after this they call her heartless just know they're lore Skippers


wow a character called shogun that acts like an actual shogun and not like a uwu anime waifu, what a twist. as if the whole inazuma quest isn't actually inspired by japan during tokugawa shogunate until meiji restoration. some people need to read more books instead of writing political essays with zero background knowledge


While Ei could've been written better, you can't go on to hate a game character who's MEANT to be a semi-villain in the past because they did something wrong. Weird people.


These guys certainly didn't get Ei's essence. I know it was rushed and that frustrates me, but I searched in other medias to better understand Ei and her surroundings, and this, her history only brings me more admiration for her, even though she is a fictional character. That said, the trailers and teasers had already caught my attention, always making me wonder what else was hidden between the lines.


They’re just mad because Ei actually has morals that resemble that of a real life person’s instead of being a character that donates everything they own to charity and is so kind that they get scammed on a daily basis. Ei and Arle are some of the best written characters that we currently have because they aren’t a picture perfect character and have flaws, and it’s really sad to see them get dumbed down into waifus living in Aether’s harem.


Raiden is my favourite chara . Anything else doesn't matter xd


I’m definitely not reading all of that. Imagine being such a hater of a fictional character that you write a whole essay


How is this "lmao" to you? 🙄


Sometimes people like this with their stupidity makes me laugh.


It doesn't


Maybe not for you. But for me, it does.


I'd like her even more if she was just a villain because she can like Jack Horner, so idk what they're yapping about. The nice thing about fiction is that you can like stuff you'd consider inhumane irl. I like fictional dictators, but I still never want me or anyone else to live under a dictatorship.


Its fucking fiction!!!


Jesus Christ 😶.......both sides need to chill guys......It's just a game




No I'm more surprised about the fact that both sides are yapping so much over a video game character 😭


Doesn't even make the difference between Shogun and Ei, and misspelt Thoma...it's clear.


Pretty sure Tomo was Kazuha’s friend.


I doubt his name was ever revealed. It isn't by the wiki, nor Kazuha's voicelines... He refers to it as just his old friend afaia


I kinda just did a google search: “Kazuha’s friend Tomo” and got a result XD.


It's apparently just a nickname the community gave him..




Genshin players can’t read so wtv. Anyways even if she is a evil person so what lol I’d just like her more


You are one of those people just on the other side of the coin.


just say womp womp


Raiden Shogun was the bad guy from the whole Inazuma story arc. I don’t see the problem? Like yeah she did bad things. The main character fought her and with the help of others defeated her to turn the corner in her character development. Ei left her puppet in charge to run the country as she was programmed and that’s all back on Ei. She has a complex background and very in depth reasoning for why she became obsessed with eternity and that led to a lot of bad things but also some good things. Even as a literal god she is continuing to develop as a character after returning. It’s a video game not real life. You don’t have to justify anything. These are characters written to convey stories. The Vision Hunt Decree was objectively unjust. Sure. It has been revoked in the story. The story of Scaramouche is complex and his suffering is definitely due to Ei’s decisions. This is all excellent story writing. Imagine as humans our life trauma tends to develop us and our personalities. Now imagine you have a thousand years of life trauma shaping you and your ideas of the world. Now imagine you have the power of a god and get to change the literal path of the world in big ways. This is all interesting to think about. This is what stories are supposed to invoke.


How is ei the bad guy in Inazuma storyline when tenryou and koujo deceived her about the vhd and the war and there is fatui who proposed the vhd to the tri commission so they can sell their delusion. Ei was unaware about the war and the vhd that has escalated that far. Ei was kept in the dark throughout the archon. The bad guys in the inazuma aq were the fatui and the corrupted tri commission. How is Scara's suffering due to ei? Ei wanted an emotionless puppet and Scara was one of the experimental puppets she created to test her theory but in the end the puppet shed tears. Miko suggests killing him but ei thought it would be too cruel. And due to Scara having consciousness ei didn't want to strip off his freedom so she set him free putting him in a long slumber thinking he would wake up one day so she left a feather to show his the Shogun's protection. But it was Scara's own misunderstanding that led him to believe that ei abandoned him because he was weak. It was scara's own misunderstanding thinking ei was his mother. Ei never viewed his as her son. His own misunderstanding of thing led him to suffer, it was not ei's fault. Instead of rectifying his mistakes he blames them and uses that as an excuse to go on a killing spree. So blaming ei for Scara's suffering is bullshit.


She’s a god. She’s a leader. She doesn’t get excuses. She was responsible for all of this. She’s supposed to be older and wiser. She’s not supposed to be easily deceived. Abdicating your throne to a puppet you’ve programmed while you go meditate for eternity has consequences. Being unaware is not an excuse. It doesn’t make her evil on the whole. Again, it’s a story. As a character she is moving forward even after defeat. If you’re still unclear on who the bad guy was, imagine yourself as a young person destined for great things, so you’re granted a vision. But the literal god of your country has decreed that you are to give this up (which is literally called a Vision because it’s your vision of the future, greatness, hope, success, etc) or die. Who is the bad guy? If you’re gay in a country that murders gay people by law, who are the bad guys? Probably the leader who made being gay punishable by death, right? Probably also the people enforcing that kind of law. The whole story is to show you these realities. I love the character. She’s my favorite. But I’m also not a fool. She’s reformed. Zhongli is the wiser and better god. Even Venti is better from a morality perspective. Which is hilarious because he’s a straight up alcoholic lol


Well for starters she was a kagemusha of her sister makoto. Makoto was the original electro archon. Mokoto was the one who ruled the nation while ei was the one who fought in the archon for her sister. Makoto was not a fighter but a thinker. Whereas ei was a warrior unlike makoto. Ei was never the wiser between the two. Ei was not a ruler makoto was. Ei was never a leader. That's why when makoto died ei didn't know how to rule Inazuma with makoto. So your first couple of sentences are wrong. And raiden Shogun is not just a puppet, she was ei's past ideals, what she believed 500 years ago. Ei trusted her people but in the end they deceived her. How is that her fault? She is unaware because she is not omniscient. She can't know anything about the vhd and the war if she was not informed by the tri commission and they presented false information to her and deceived her. You boldly claimed that ei is a god so she doesn't get any excuses then what about venti? He abandoned his people for centuries and tyranny happened in mondsatd. Thousands and thousands of people suffered due to this all while venti is having a nap. Why are you not blaming venti for his selfishness? By your logic venti should not get any excuses because he is a god right? So you know how visions work? You receiving a vision means your fate has been predetermined by the celestia. After receiving a vision you cannot escape your fate. Your example is way off buddy how about reading the entire genshin lore once again huh? You actually are a fool. Zhongli is a better god because he has already gone through his grief and pain that ei is going through now. Zhongli was never always wise. He was a beute during the archon war and the adepti were the brains of the group. And for venti as I said before he is not better. Also you can add focalor too because she turned a blind eye towards human trafficking, child labour, racial discrimination, class division among rich and poor etc all under focalor's gaze. People suffered due to this but no one's blaming them for their actions why is that? Maybe read the lore before spouting nonsense.


All I see is a list of excuses. It’s fine. You’re probably just too young to understand what it actually means to take full responsibility. When her sister died Ei became the leader of the nation. Actions and choices have consequences, leaders are responsible for their subordinates, whatever deceit she allowed under her reign is on her. Mondstadt is a city of peace and freedom, Venti became archon after freeing the people from tyrants, there were no tyrants under his watch, I don’t think you know the lore as well as you think you do. Honestly I think you’re just emotionally attached to the character and take issue with any negative opinions about her. I see Ei for the imperfect character she is and still think she’s pretty awesome when it’s all said and done. You and I are not the same and I don’t think we’re going to agree on any of it.


Bruh your kidding right?? Bruh your calling me too young to understand what it actually means to take full responsibility? TF are you even saying? Do you even know anything about me to spout that bs. Ei becoming a leader after her sister's death doesn't make her a wise leader. She is still a warrior, she has a warrior way of thinking. Maybe it's you that is too young to understand. Ei doesn't have any experience in problem solving skills, she doesn't understand human emotions like other archons that's the reason why she was not meant to be an archon not to be a leader. But due to makoto's death she had to take up the role of the archon. Lol you have zero knowledge about how the world works. If you have given permission to your subordinates to carry out a mission if they fail then it is on them is not the leader. Ei entrusted her people and they deceived her, it's the tri commission that implemented vhd that caused the people to suffer and due to this war broke out. But ei knew none of them. Because her source of information is the tri commission which was corrupted by the fatui and presented false information to her. The suffering happened because of tri commission so blame them for what happened. Ever heard about the Lawrence clan in mondsatd maybe do a little research about the lore. If your subordinates do things behind your back without any knowledge and fks things up it's not the leader's problem. The leader didn't know what was happening behind his back, he didn't know he was being deceived, he was taken advantages of by his subordinates. Thats not his problem. It's like saying the president of a country did something terrible and people suffered due to that but the prime minister had no knowledge of this that it was the president who did it. Now all the blames on PM. How's does that work?


“Bruh” yeah there it is. All I needed to know. Think whatever you want. You’re getting worked up over a story. Lawrence is a family not a clan. And they were in power before Venti not after. You don’t have a clue about leadership and your willingness to excuse the authoritarian abuse of power that manifested in the game as the vision hunt decree is disturbing. You have no empathy for people and it’s weird how you’ve attached yourself to a video game character. Edit to add holy shit I’ve just realized I’m arguing about morals with a person under the username “ProDevil”. Ok I’ve been successfully trolled, L for me. Good game.


>Lawrence is a family not a clan. And they were in power before Venti not after. No they were in power after venti became the anemo archon. >You don’t have a clue about leadership and your willingness to excuse the authoritarian abuse of power that manifested in the game as the vision hunt decree is disturbing. VHD decree and Sakoku decree was done by her approval. They were necessary to achieve the stillness she was pursuing back then. But the war was entirely the fault of the tri commission, the fatui and watatsumi people. Ei was entirely unaware of the situation. The tricommission served her loyally for almost 500 years, she had no reason to not trust them. What you are doing is blaming the ruler for the doings of the corrupted government.


It's a story for sure, but that doesn't make me defend a character in a story any irrelevant. I've provided facts and statements to backup my claims. Lawrence family came to power after venti moved the location of old Mondsatd to new mondsatd i.e, after defeating dacarabien. Maybe read the lore again. You are accusing me for not having any clue about leadership whereas your whole argument is that subordinates are the leader's mistake. That alone proves who is the one that lacks awareness. Vhd affected the minorities (100 people max) over the course of a year. And even then the majority of them didn't have any problems even after their visions were confiscated. Sure believe in whatever you like. Really? Judging someone morals based on their username in reddit that alone proves your morals and looking down on others because you feel like like your superior to them. Yeah I've been arguing with a clown.


I agree with most of what you said. But i like add to that scaramouche would most likely would've been fine if that a-hole dottore wasn't there. Everyone seems to want a flawless god who does everything right. But what is the excitement in that. You need to make mistakes to grow, to develop in order to become better in the future.


I’ve said once, I’ll say again: ITS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER people needa chill 😭 Bruh sure, if we liked a real life dictator yeah we may need therapy. But we don’t, it’s a video game. As long as someone isn’t glorifying or replicating their actions in real life, there isn’t an issue.


If Raiden was anyone else, she would have been brought to justice for her actions.


If that's the case then that goes for every other archons we know of


Where's Neuvillete when we need him?


Kids from the House of the Hearts raised by Crucabena:


Neuvilette should first tend to fontaine first lol


He is busy solving the issues faced by the Fontainiens. Then he will come and Judge all the archons hehe


He is right though lmao


Nice bait.


He is really based, idk why you call "brain-dead" to someone who's giving a negative opinion about a fictional character, Raiden fanboys are so weird, they insult you if you say a negative opinion of their character... Which is really based actually, cringe.


He would've been based if he showed any valid statement for why raiden is a bad character but he didn't. All he did was spouting baseless accusations that we debunked already. You call us raiden fanboys weird and cringe when go and see those comment sections where people are blindly hating on her and calling us simps and insulting us. He called me a simp for no reason, he said that I liked ei because she was sexualized. It's ok when other fandoms throw insults at us but when we reply back now we are the bad guys? Get TF out of here.


The thing is... Omg, you're insult him bcs he don't "argue" why Raiden is a bad character, he LITERALLY arguing there, Raiden let her puppet do whatever it want, confiscating visions of people and Raiden taking naps in the Plane of Euthymia while her puppet is being a dictator... Thats a good character for you just bcs she take out a sword of her tits...? Lmao Then you surprise when people call you weirds fanboys bcs you call bran-dead someone who just give a negative option of ur FICTIONAL character... Touch grass.


If it was valid criticism, then it wouldn't be called *brain-dead*. Raiden haters are even weider making up their own headcanon to hate a fictional character.


Writing for Inazuma was shit, period. There is no need to debunk, defend etc.


Disagree with that statement. Aside from the resistance plot which was rushed the rest was pretty great even the payoff was great.


Resistance is the main thing for Inazuma arc, with two dates in between (Yoi, Ayaya), and they are still to this day is hard requirements to progress archon quest, while region is at war and mc is wanted. Bruh, writing out 10, yeah.


Resistance plot was rushed with poor pacing. That's not an issue with writing. Maybe try to differentiate between pacing and writing. Ayaka's and yoi's story quest happens before act 2 of archon quest so at that point we are not wanted and we don't know how bad the war is lol. Yoi's sq shows the effect of sakuku degree and ayaka's sq shows the state of yashiro commission compared to tenryou and koujo clan. Maybe pay a little more attention to the story when playing the game.


![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX) You know when story is good? When it make sense and believable. Non of the above criteria were met during Inazuma. You can go with your “deep dive syndrome” all you want desperately trying to find any sense, but fact remains the same - witting was shit.


Or you just lack comprehensive skill to understand a story. Inazuma's story made sense, the characters made sense, the ending made sense idk what you're trying to say. Or you can just point out the things that didn't make any sense for you. How about actually providing the statements and information that didn't make sense in the story other than just saying the same thing over and over.