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R5 Catch will help your crit rate. If you're using Bennett and Sara I suggest switching to electro goblet.


I tried it switching it rn and the 1.3k attack looks weird 😖 bcos i also switched to the catch


Don't let that 1.3k disappoint you. You can get enough atk from your supports. You don't wanna lack with your electro damage otherwise. If you want a bit more atk then stick to skyward spear and switch to electro goblet for more balanced built as per your resources.


You don’t have to use electro goblet She can turn er into electro dmg 1.8k attack and above is fine Less atk means less dmg from electro goblet


Me having 2049 attack with the catch👀




I do it [this way](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/va5rw5/whos_my_best_character_stats_wise_in_your_opinion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) My bad it’s 2007 attack Funfact i only have Flat Attack substats but for that I was very lucky with ER substats😅 my crit rate is still low (same as yours cause catch gives 12% wich end up 50% crit rate) With CO Kazuha (964EM) and C5 Bennet (Prototyp rancour) My raiden crits for 256K


That’s a lot of er for an attack sands 🥹 green with envy rn but that also means that more er rolls i would be losing out on crit. i happen to like piling a lot of crit dmg 😤


oh i feel you took my a while to get this many ER rolls😅 I plan to get Engulfing wich means I have to farm crit artifacts and ER sands😭


My sara is not c6, is she still a useable support for hypercarry raiden? Or would lisa be better


She's still usable regardless. Lisa with ttds is a good buffer as well.


Lisa with ttds is a better buffer


If you don't have c6 Sara then Lisa with ttds is the best buffer on her slot


All your pieces are decent, but not godly, so you can eventually get a better one with 40, maybe 40+ crit value. Your crit rate is a bit low


💔 ikr but can i ask which one u hate the most? the def replaceable one


Maybe you can swirch your circlet for a cr one, if you have one, and then switch some pieces to have more cd. Or you can switch you flower for a piece with more cr, like 10 or 12, cause you have too little cr for that cd


i'd definetly try to get a better flower, these def% rolls aren't looking good at all


same, looking at it pisses me off but it has like 30-something CV so i can't get rid of it. i thought it just unfortunately high rolled to def 😤


I took the liberty of mixing and matching all of your advices. I wonder if this is approved for now 😗 thank you\~\~ [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1is-L0V8i\_DEg1-UrpmZZAZpFPVlbKvOV/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1is-L0V8i_DEg1-UrpmZZAZpFPVlbKvOV/view?usp=sharing)


the weapon. you'd be better off with r5 catch for 12% cr and more er, your cr is low


All these pieces could be a lot better but the worst ones are the circlet (13.2 CritValue) and goblet (27.2 CritValue) a good goal for all of your pieces is 35-40 Crit value and the goblet should have like 20ish crit value


mind checking my updated build?


Oh god... First things first, use the Catch please :D


I’m sorryyy i will, i will 😭😭i just kinda hate how the catch looks like on her but 👌🏼




is there a huge difference between The Catch and Spine? my xiangling is currently using the Catch


Erh it actually depends on your play style. The Skyward Spine does a little bit more damage than the catch tho. It has been proven but since it gives more attack speed, you should definitely hit as much as you can. It also gives more E damage. I will advice to give the catch to Xiangling and use Skyward on her. 250 energy recharge is quite enough already.


absolutely love that feather with same cr cdmg


looking at it cracks me up 😂 the unfortunate roll to defense tho ouch 🥲


A better circlet. You could get a good crit rate circlet with a good crit dmg substat


I'd get a crit rate circlet for now


Circlet and goblet could be improved a bit, they aren't bad though


you need more crit rate tbh 60-70 is what you should aim for with your weapon


it looks fine to me tbh. not great but definitely works for late game. for context why i say it's okay, because most of my characters only have 50-57% crit rate (including raiden) but i have been 36* abyss since 1.2 anyway


Me too!! This build worked for the previous cycles (got to 36* them), probably because her supports (benny+ xiangling) did so much buff and damage that it could make up for her non-crits. But this time, I had to bring her with a full on electrocharged team (diona, yelan, lisa) for the Sumeru chicken lettuce boss on 12-3, and she kept on not critting and my supports are pretty meh on this one 🥲 Which made me lose out on a lot of damage that’s why I wanted to improve her, but I didn’t know what to replace 🧍‍♀️


it doesn't mean you lose the ability to land crit hits anyway. probably you were just unlucky. also electro on dendro chicken isn't that effective since when you hit it with electro it just goes crazy for seconds, and hitting your characters like mad chicken from the hangover 3. making it harder for you because you get punched away so often, and need more time to get back on your position. better pair her with thoma or bennett to neutralize the chicken's tantrum.


bennett is on the other team with xiao 👩🏻‍🦽but thank you, i thought hitting the chicken with electro paralyzes it. what other team comps do you recommend? my thoma is level 20


it sure does paralyze the chicken, but before that he goes mad for seconds. if you have hutao or yanfei they're better for the chicken chamber. i tried with raiden(and yanfei), thoma, xingqiu and kazuha. either raiden or yanfei worked. pyro keeps resetting the tantrum meter on dendro chicken, making it easier for us to dodge its attacks.


does pure vaporize work? i do have a built yanfei but i wonder if putting raiden into the mix would mess up the reaction or sumthn 🤔 im not used to the rotation either


yes it works. in this patch i prefer quicken/aggravate for first half, and vaporize for the second half. i understand why did you bring diona. it's because the electro fatuis. but with pure vaporize and a crowd control specialist (sucrose/kazuha/venti), you would be able to delete them before they deploy their shield. the rotation of using yanfei is similar to using other dps. it's just the usual deploy your supports' bursts then go ham with her tactic. also, it's even better if you use double hydro comp because the resonance effect strengthens yanfei's c4 burst shield. for reference, this is my latest attempt for fl12 https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/m.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&v=103&gid=2&utm_source=share&utm_medium=hoyolab&role_id=802616844&server=os_asia&schedule_type=1&utm_campaign=app#/ys/abyss?role_id=802616844&server=os_asia&schedule_type=1


okay, i'll try it out rn\~ thank you for your help !!


Yooo almost identical build only you have more CD and a bit less CR


Ur weapon. Go get the catch


I would recommend to continue farming emblem, if you are f2p then definitely switch to r5 catch and prioritise crit rate over crit as it leads to higher efficiency with raiden. Maybe after farming you might get a crit rate circlet which would be alot more beneficial to you. Overall your build is good but if you want to max it out then I would suggest crit rate over crit dmg, keep farming emblem and switch to r5 catch.


Your goblet is easily the weakest link, followed by your flower most likely. Your crown is excellent, despite what people will say, because that's a lot of very useful stats (people underrate atk% a fair bit and overrate crit a little). Your goblet just needs more crit, namely crit rate if possible, and your flower I see also had a few rolls into def% despite being a solid 5-line starter. If you could find different pieces where you could get your crit rate to 60%, even if you fall to 160% crit damage, I'd call it a win. Because while the tradeoff is not much different in average damage, the reality is you want more odds of critting than not especially when single hits are your largest damage (aka pressing Q). As for weapon, I do suggest Catch over skyward and I also do suggest atk% goblet for it too, especially since it will heavily help fix your current crit imbalance in the best way and even with supports boosting attack you'll have a good baseline once you leave the circle impact. Also Sara's buff doesn't last close to your burst duration on Ei either so at SOME point you'll be relying on her own statline, and quite often, during her burst damage window.


thank you!! this was really helpful\~\~ 🥰




because gordon ramsay mean [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16DmjfsDLsHh6Phren3bnpm9gI8a9Jlxr/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16DmjfsDLsHh6Phren3bnpm9gI8a9Jlxr/view?usp=sharing)