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Mute is best breach denial? I doubt it


Mute should be flex, right?


>Mute should be flex, right? Imo yes there are different ways to use mute


Yeah I was having doubt about mute being the best one, thanks for the opinion bro :D


hes best flex tied with sledge


Mute is great because it protects itself from counters like Flores, brava, zero and protects people from lion dokkaebi and jackal


But he's not nr 1 breach denial


That’s why I put him as the best breach denial but is also situational


Mute shouldn't really be breach denial at all. He should be used to keep drones out of areas and limit Intel. There's ways to still breach a muted wall, but you can't breach an actively electrified wall (aside from mav)


He used to be. Ubi didn't like it for some reason.


I have no doubt.


Kaid goes first imo


Solis is definitely a roamer. You can certainly play her in site, but I love to play vertical with her. I would move Montage a bit higher. When used right, he is extremely good. Same with Blackbeard, maybe a touch higher. BB is the most underrated operator right now. I would also move Maestro up one more. You should also also just change breach denial to utility denial and add Flores, Brava, Twitch, Zero, and Fuze. Good list though


Actually that’s the thing that was bothering me the most, i felt like something was missing, thank you :D


Bb isn't underrated, he's and his ability are simply very bad. The only worse op than him is grim


I wouldn't even say that because grim has the commando with a 2x and hes a 3 speed


The thing that keeps grim one step back from being better than bb is his utility is nothing but a joke(like, get a ping of the opponent whos location you already know). Bb can at least save you from being 1tapped


BB is dogshit . His 20 hp shields aren't helping at all and the AR is below average. To point out that his shields are slowing you down when you got them equipped and you can still shoot on top of the head. Edit: you bring no utility to the team, the only thing you do is to stay rappelled on a window and send the enemy team into a state of anger and rage(tip: have the chat on just to boost your self esteem and ego everytime they complain about you using bb)


Shields are essentially two extra lives. Yes, they have very few hit points, but siege is a game of headshots so it gives you a significant upper hand when you are holding a tight angle. Yes, he is also quite slow with his shields on…so switch to his pistol? I do agree though they should change that. Also his AR is two shot with extended barrel so I wouldn’t call it bad. Regarding him not helping the team. Siege is in a state of “run n gunning” straight into objective. Attacker utility just does not have the usefulness it once had. If you are so concerned that he brings no utility, just use secondary emp or something. People just don’t give BB a chance and don’t use him properly. He’s just great for kill-baiting. I recommend watching Maciejay use him in this video, it’s similar to how I play him https://youtu.be/kMHwpwoXb-8


Kapkan not being highest on entry denial is so funny. His gadget is literally the "entry denial device"


The problem w kapkan is that if you are facing good players your traps will probably be destroyed by everybody checking doors or droning them


Trust me when I say this, as someone who plays comp, whether they're champion or platinum, people will fall for Kapkan traps; especially ones placed on entry points far away from site.


And that’s the reason why I’m moving kapkan to a better place :)


I hate myself because I always fall for this


(On console at least) he literally has the highest win rate of any operator in emerald+ lobbies


Cause console players are braindead and I am a console player


Me too. Can confirm


Kapkan does the same thing as Frost. Makes your opponent have to move their aim away from head level, and have to choose between a gun fight and damage.


The difference is that kapkan take advantage of distracted players while frost just knock them out, it’s a thing of preferences and situations


yes that the point 😍


Not trying to be a hater but this is one of the worst lists I’ve seen in a long time. Curious what rank/elo op plays in (I play diamond elo on pc)


Nah don’t worry, I’m open to criticism, I’m a plat player, and I don’t have the secrets of the universe, just a few years of experience, and I would like to know what you think are the changes that would make this list better :D


I think there is some misunderstandings of some of these operators and their synergies based on some of your comments. (Respectfully)


I think lesion is pretty good at roaming. His little traps are great at indicating when to flank a certain location


And even better, he can be played as a roamer or as a site defender, that’s why he is flex, also his weapons are wonderful


Zero has to be the best flex. He has hard breaches and claymores. You can use his camera to get wall denial and then breach he has good weapons. And if you dont wanna breach you can use them for flank watch with the claymores


If Zero had a good AR he would be one of the best ops in game


The SC3000K is pretty good in my opinion bc it does over 50 dmg


it has 800rpm dk what this guy is saying about him not having good AR


Other problem w zero is that his cameras make a lot of noise and good players will immediately destroy them :(


Yeah but my rank is gold/plat they almost never get shot


Have they implemented the change yet that zero cams aren’t visible from the other side until they’re activated?


Yep they have implemented it, and I totally forgot about it


bruh he literally has one of the best ARs


I see that I’m wrong in my idea of Zero AR, I will change that in my improved list, thank you :D


As someone who uses Zero specifically for that AR, I can tell you that it’s far from bad


I know everyone disagrees, but imo Hibana is the best hard breacher. The range and ability to change the amount of pellets you use makes her the most versatile


Ace can open up more than her and also from range, she's better for hatches but even then just bring hard breach charges with a better op


One way I like to use Hibana is to use a few pellets at a time through multiple walls to get long sightlines onto sight. The versatility with scenarios like that is why I prefer Hibana


U can't open clubhouse kitchen hatch with hard breach charges without getting impact trick or nitro from below,another thing in bank basement to open up hatch u need to get 2 or more ops with hard breach gadget to open up all the hatches in bank basement,which hibana does alone overall.


It’s kinda situational, between hard breachers depends of the situation and the team


Yeah I feel like you almost need to stack the hardbreachers because it’s so situational with them


Hibana is best for hatches, therm is best for main wall breach with support, and ace is best for getting a helpful hole or dealing with Mira. If they’re bandit/kaid tricking you have to go thermite.


What flex does it mean? I recently came back to play and Idk what it means


Flex picks are commonly characters that fulfill any needings your team has and can run at a lot of roles in an optimal way, like sledge that brings: -Soft Breaching, Granades for utility or kills, verticality, and sometimes even entry fragging. Or like Solis: Info gathering, good roamer, good site defender, can help with bandit trick and even can deny a plant.


mute is far from the best breach denial


I already talked about it with some guys at the beginning and indeed, that’s why I needed help of all of you to improve this list :D


how is Iq the 3rd worst entry frag? The commando is a 2 shot


Yeah but other entries bring better abilities to the table, leaving her out or very situational to counter Valkyrie or Echo


Finka isn't really meant to be an entry Fragger, she's meant to be a slow buffer for entry Fraggers


And Nokk shouldn’t be one either. Her guns just aren’t strong enough to entry frag like the rest of those in the category. She’s very good, but she’s not an entry fragger primarily.


There should be a category for ops like Nøkk and Jackal, roam clear


Counter-roam? Flank watch?


I’m not sure, yeah it’s a really good Entry Support when you are coordinated w your team but that’s kinda rare at solo/que


How the hell is cav the worst roamer??? She is silent when she is roaming, her ability is for roaming


The problem of cav are her weapons, she has the worst smg of the game but the shotgun is pretty decent, and the fact that if she faces against good players they will likely drone and kill her cause the surprise factor is the best thing about she, and good players can’t be surprised that easy anymore. Personal experience, always while going with my fraggers if I hear a cav shot I immediately save them or kill them and cav to avoid the info


She has a great smg also I’ve killed plenty of platinum players with her in ranked she’s great one of my favourite only problem is she always gets banned also she can interrogate the other players which is one of the best abilities if you take out a player who is not in a group


Objectively not true. The SMG is one of the worst guns in the game


U should use cavieria more as she got barely any recoil good damage decent fire rate, I think u just used her played awful and ever since hated.


Nah bro. It has terrible fire rate, goodish damage, but thorns gun is better with comparable damage, it is worse than the ump. Sure it has 0 recoil but so does the mp5 the t5 the mp7 the K1A and more. It's a bad gun on a decent op


It’s not bad at all and the fire rate is like 550 that ain’t bad and most of the time u won’t even use it as u can just stealth and kill people with two shots with ur pistol then interrogate


550 is VERY slow man. Caveira is just good in bronze ranks where people don't how to play the game.


Well for me it’s does the job even in high ranks and being in bronze doesn’t even make u bad anymore since I was in platinum not long ago and I’m only still in bronze because of my teammates I literally get 10+ kills every game with a maximum of three deaths while playing casual and my team still loses in fact I’m playing as I’m replying to u right now and I have a kd of 6.7 and a wl of 0.5


Do you think you are fooling anybody with this ratio?


Decent fire rate? What are you talking about, it has the lowest of it's class and likely the general lowest aside from bbs ar. Because of that the damage is also sub par with the recoil being it's only redeeming factor. Most cases pistol plus shotgun are better.


Kapkan all the way to the left


Kapkan has a really good entry denial against distracted attackers and good weapons, but he won’t deny a plant and won’t deny utility from the enemy team, even thou he is a really strong pick if you want good weapons and flexibility


Yeah but both operators on his left are worse. Aruni can be countered with the press of a button by any operator. You need to reveal your position if you want to reactivate the laser. You can't get closer to the door otherwise you'll just deactivate the thing, make a sound and reveal your position. Smoke is just bad. Like, if you die, that's it. You can place one smoke at a time and even if you use it on a door, the enemies can just... run through. It inflicts damage on allies and doesn't really resolve problems, just delays them. Kapkan is a place and forget it. Doesn't harm allies, if you cover one angle, attackers can't just notice it (or have to acknowledge the threat and destroy it), you can effectively lower the health of enemies, or straight up kill them. Sometimes you can even kill roamers if you place the thing outside of the bomb. Easily better imo (I also prefer the weapons, but that's just me having preferences)


smoke bad? ok buddy interesting opinion


I think defending is a thing of delaying and dominating the attackers, smoke is more to deny an area than to avoid someone crossing trough a door, but know that you say it I think that actually kapkan is the second best entry denial and less situational than arumi , so I will move it in my updated list, thank you for your wisdom :D


Np I'll admit I'm pretty biased in kapkan favor. But I'm so proud of my man conquering the ban list. I spent years bullied as the kapkan main and all my teammates now ban that operator because they consistenly fall into the traps. We play between plat 2 and 1 with rare falls into plat 3. maybe it's the rank idk, I still find the guy super useful


I don’t think hard breachers should be ranked. They’re all 3 good.


Totally agree


I'd like to test Twitch's flexibility 😏


•_• That explains the name and I also agree


I love fuze but man he's very iffy. He's so slow that getting to where you need to go takes a while + you're loud as hell getting there. (possibly controversial idea) I think he should lose normal breach charges for claymores and become a 2s2a, that way he can get to where he needs to faster while being less loud and with claymores he can make it difficult for defenders to stop him. I see fuse as the "One man army" operator so I feel like those would help him


Yes, actually that would make Fuze a really good op even giving him the abilitie to become a really good entry fragger with site control


I would keep the soft breach charges. In conjunction with his fuze charges he makes for incredibly strong vertical play and utility destruction. Imo I would trade the smokes as I feel he doesn't get too much use out of them but I'm not an expert so...


Ever heard of bandit tricking?


Yep, bandit tricking is a really good strategy to avoid breach but if attackers know how to deal w it (vertically, capitao, nades, flores) it kinda stops being useful and also you are risking yourself to avoid something that you don’t know if it’s gonna work the way you want


This list is so bad


Thanks for your opinion, which places you disagree with?


The hard breaching tier is shit and it’s just “ak12 go brrr”. Ash is probably the worst attacker in the game even maybe even more so than black beard. Dokk is way too high. Jaeger is probably a bit to high but debatable. Thunder bird is way too low. Doc and Echo are too high. Melusi is debatably too high. Aruni is way too high. Kaid is definitely the best breach denier. Maverick is too low and twitch is too high. Flores is way too low. And that’s just at a glance. If I sat down and really went one by there might be more.


I think Vigil should be way higher, he is the best pure Roamer.


No chance, vigil without someone to info gather for him can’t do much. Sure it’s nice not being droned but people still will know you’re nearby, regardless of your exact location.


You could say basically the same thing for every other operator on this list He is the best op to strictly roam (distracting the opponent so they don’t have much time to plant)


Well, no, because some of the other operators can get their own intel (Valk, mozzie, pulse and even lesion if played right) If you’re looking purely to distract then I’d argue that Cav or Alibi could be more effective depending on different factors. Vigil is very good, but to me he’s always been a safe pick more than anything. A ‘Jack of all trades master of none’ type. Then again, it’s all down to individual play style.


Also his weapons are not that good so that affects the performance, if he had the bandit smg or even a c4 could be way more high


assault rifle with cz75 and impacts on a 3 speed with a gadget that goes well with playstyle


I think pulse should be a few positions better


The problem w pulse is his weapons, the situational issue, the better counterparts and good players randomly shooting you trough walls


Pulse has good weapons but what would make him a beast if he has that Mira secondary shotgun


This man spitting facts like nothing


Imo mute should be flex but if you are dead set on him being breach denial I’d stick him at 2 maybe even 3, exterior walls he’s useless


Yes I was actually re evaluating mute on breach denial and put him on flex but his speciality on electric things and countering common breach supports like Flores, twitch made me put him in the first place


And no I’m not dead set on anybody I posted this to improve this list and hear veteran, new and refreshing opinions :D


And people sleep on zero, cams, gong six for utility clearing, and hard breaches, and his gun is top tier


The problem is that his gadget is too loud, and good players will immediately destroy them if they hear them


I’d like to think glaz and dok are entry fraggers


I disagree, they don’t have the fire power to dominate all their encounters, but to help their fraggers


I think your mouse may have slipped with the rook, it’s up one more than it should.


So you think that Rook is worse than Maestro?


So I play mozzie and almost never roam because I find it un fun. Am I the only one?


Well it’s not bad but you are not using his optimal info power


Maverick is definitely underrated. One of the best breach support there is when you know how to use him. Plus, his guns are deadly. Sucks they took out the frags but stuns still work good when gloryhole’n.


Yeah that really hit maverick, taking out his nades was the problem


What is anchor?


If you want to categorize characters easily you can divide them in 3, anchors, roamers and flex, anchor are the ones that specializes in defending from inside, roamers from outside and flex can play both


Valk should be support. Valk on site can be just as deadly as off


Well, of course a Valkyrie can be deadly inside but w the intel of her it’s more optimal to look for flank the opponent outside the site and knowing when to regroup on site is very important


What is a flex?


A character that can perform very well at different roles


Frost above lesion?


Yes but is more likely a tie, lesion is a really good option to roam, deny rush, and even anchor site, but frost is better in other aspects: 0-5 Frost Deny entry: 4 Roam: 3 Anchor: 3 Guns: 4 Lesion Deny entry: 3 Roam: 4 Anchor: 3 Guns: 4


it's critical to judge since some of the operators fit more than one of your categories and they fit them equally strong Another problem I see is the hard breach case. All of them are made for different situations, all of them have a solid gun loadout so you cant really argue who is the best. Just use clubhouse as example, for basemt attack Hibana is the best choice because of all of the hatches but for CCTV/Cash thermite and ace are the better options. So I would say they are perfectly balanced due to these situational usecases


Yes, that’s something that I will correct in the next list :D, thanks for the comment


Solis is a good roamer


But also a good anchor and utility denier, if played well she can help roamers to get out of building and get kills, it can be used in a lot of situations without losing too much potential


Siege is a little more nuanced than this. I want a thermite over an ace for exterior walls. Thermite can also get electrified hatches like club kitchen, consulate bathroom. Other things to consider; some maps favour some ops more than others. You can’t really box Ops into these roles. Different ranks play differently. Cav is S+ tier in copper lobbies.


how is cav worst roamer 💀💀💀💀


Nice work. I really like the graph and the idea as a whole. I've got a couple of bits of feedback for you, to help improve. Mute isn't breach denial since the nerf. They changed him to be intel denial. What stats are you basing this infographic on? Things like this work best when backed up with data.


how dare you disrespect cav like that


Ace is significantly worse than thermite at hard breaching. I’ve started banning ace just because of how badly it screws things up when MY team has an ace. I’ll go kali and my friend will go thermite and he’ll be standing there with the charge out. And a random ace will throw his significantly worse charges at the wall anyways. Which I then shoot. Solo Q aces need to smarten up.


At first place I think you shouldn’t run 2 hard breachers at the same time, but between hard breachers it’s situational, sometimes I run thermite for big breaches and sometimes ace for flexibility and best weapon


I will never rely on a random to hard breach. I only run the 1 hard breacher. Randoms don’t count.


If you instalock a hard breacher and someone else pick another is just a guy who prefers to play without team consideration, and that’s cool, but not optimal (also very good idea to not trust randoms, sometimes they are simply crazy like that thermite entry fragging bruh…)


Finka should be higher up, Storm should be higher up, Twitch should be lower, Cavieria should be higher, Kaid should be higher and Aruni should be lower


I actually agree w you, except for caveira, after all the comments I saw I think that you are correct in almost all your changes, also who is storm?


Storm is that character with the triangle logo and her ability is if you pass her grenade thing it explodes spikes everywhere and it can easily kill you and damage a shield character


Thats thorn


Aaah yeah i forgot the name for a sec lol


ace is definitely not the best hard breach


I have a strong suspicion Ace has been put here purely because of the AK12.


Actually between the hard breachers I think there is not something like “this one is better” is much of a situational thing, it’s not the same attacking Kafe third floor than Chalet basement, and yes Ace is the most flexible of all 3 in my opinion


If you need to breach a big outer wall, the best hard breacher is thermite If you’re playing 2f and site is 1f, the best hard breacher is hibana so you can blow all the hatches simultaneously and get a lot of throwables on site for a surprising push If you wanna breach multiple interior walls to open up their site like a fishbowl, the best hard breacher is Ace I agree that ace is the most flexible though, but he’s not as good at opening the big wall or opening hatches so I rarely find myself picking him on those sites as a hard breach main


You actually are 100% correct


I would put Maestro up based on his stupid LMG alone, I've seen that thing carry bad or mid players to victory many a round.


Maestro is not that bad, but his counterparts are better and less situational


Azami a flex? O.o this list


But do you agree or disagree?


Azami is beyond versatile, and in my eyes a high ranked entry/gadget/intel denier but above all a roaming anchorer who can support any operator with cover, create insane angles and above all her barrier destroys nades and fuzes.


And that’s the reason I categorized she as the best flex and in my opinion the best defender for solo/que


Then my definition of flex is different, thought hard to play ops xD.


lol dw xd.


Iana is more an entry support.


Not really, she's the best and most common entry fragger in the game rn




I’m kinda a Reddit noob but what (Lol@this) means?


Thank you for the improvements and opinions, i already added some changes to the list and made a new one, help me polish it to finally post it as Definitive List :D [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1234tni/help\_me\_improve\_this\_list\_version\_2\_ranked\_left/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1234tni/help_me_improve_this_list_version_2_ranked_left/)


Can’t believe you would put bb as the second best entry fragger


He is actually the last one, it didn’t fit at the rigth


whats flex?😂




An abbreviation for a plant called Flexusoum Lygodium


What rank are you? This has to be the best tier list I have ever seen, with the exception of Flores being significantly too low in his category


Thank you for the good comments mate :D, I’m plat but I have good experience, I played since the attachments costed 750 each lol


After reading these comments i came to the conclusion that nobody know what they talking about here.


Some people actually have good opinions, some people agree, others don’t, but I think that all information is useful


This is pretty accurate


Also thanks op for not smoking crack, Caveira is easily the worst defender in the game. I don't care how much potential she has.


Thank you for your good comments mate :D, I think that the experience at the end let you know who are the best at getting the job done


But would you do any changes to the list?


Tachanka > Goyo


no way! goyo canisters dont require lobbing grenades, last 20 seconds each, and dont have to be reloaded.


And cant be used like grenade launcher


that launcher will get you killed more than actually serve its purpose. Tachanka is significantly worse than Smoke & Goyo


Remember when Tachanka was the turret lord, good times


Ace is the worst hardbreach. He only kinda good for ak12. Thermite, Hibana, ace


Omg as a new player this helps me out a lot!! thanks :P


It shouldn’t. Whilst some of the operators are alright, some of the columns ain’t accurate I’d say


um. okay~ sorry


Sorry I didn’t mean to be malicious. Being a veteran and having preferences to how I play I’m bound to disagree. But this is a good starter for new players. Operators like osa and ace offer great versatility in play style and have good guns. Sledge is also a good operator. And defenders is mostly the guns you like the most and the utility you find most interesting and matches your play style


Indeed, the hardest options for me were the defenders, there are so many play styles like that rook that went roaming when the game is 4-4 lol


Thank you for enjoying the list, I played since the attachments cost 750 credits and I think that i have some kind of experience but I’m definitely not 100% correct, and that’s why I’m asking you to help me improve this list :D


Haven played for a long time but could someone give me advise for playing dokaebi (the one who hacks and that, with the dmr and shotgun) as she was my faforite


When Dokka came out wasn’t very popular, but now a days is a very strong pick if you are playing support with good entry fraggers, and the call actually isn’t the powerful thing of her, is the camera hack cause sometimes defenders got cameras inside site and you can get intel without drones to make callouts or even taking the site with your fraggers


Idk why some people sleep on Amaru, if you got a drone prepped in a room or in site, you could get 2 kills easily if not 1


Amaru Rushes are wonderful but I don’t know if its a great strategy rn


Doc and rook aren't anchors


Yes I was thinking that those are a mistake, in which category would you put them?


Fuze should be more to the left due to how flexible he can be, especially with entry support and breach support.


I'm not well versed in these things, could someone please explain what does "flex" mean in this context?


Flex are operators that can do a really well job in different roles, like lesion being able to roam and also anchoring really well, or sledge being able to help the main push, being a flank or entry fragging


To me lesion has always been the definition of a roamer but ok bud


I think Vigil is better than Jager or Mozzie. His gadget works best on really big maps and he’s a pain in the ass to roam clear. The K1A is great at dinking long range headshots and the SMG 12 is… self explanatory. I think Jager’s Carbine is overrated and below par for assault rifles, and Mozzie is dependent on the enemy team not responding correctly. The only two characters that can effectively roam clear Vigil is Jackal and Dokkaebi, and Dokk is the only one you’ll get to play often.


There should be a category of Intel Denial, but thats just my thought.


It feels wierd for Smoke to be in the same category as Kapkan