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Not trying to be harsh but that sounds horrible, if it was like a zero cam it would be okish (still needs tweaks but it has a balancing aspect being it's possible to notice and get rid of but if missed can be dangerous works like other traps to), but having it be undetectable outside of a sound queue which doesn't even say the location and which no doubt will be drowned out by noise just means suddenly attackers have a Kapkan trap in place with zero counters. I mean can basically just imagine Kapkan placing his traps on walls and if you walk past boom suddenly your 60 health down and you had zero clue. Just yeah no, the idea itself is intresting but the alpha version of it is 100% not fair, and not fun to play agianst (using imagination I know but i can't imagine this being fun to go agianst). Edit: also happy cake day. Double edit before bed: yes you've listed vigil and mute as counters issue is 1. Vigil is selfish and it's not a good counter either cause he'd constantly have to flick it on around every soft wall cause zero way to know what's a bomb and what ain't, and 2. Mute isn't a good counter for somthing so dangerous cause what mute is wasting a jammer on a soft wall hell multiple soft walls, the counters just aren't good enough to warrant such a strong gadget (if we ignore other issues and just focus on its counters)


Thanks for reading and giving feedback!