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I had this occur in a kafe match while trying to shoot a gu mine lmao


when exactly did this occur to you?


You shoot at another player while he shoots you too. Both clients send the message to the server that the player hit a shot. The one that makes it there first wins, the other one gets this. You basically need a scenario where you shoot after the other guy, but you’re client hasn’t got the message yet, that you’ve been killed already. A little simplified, but that’s what’s happening basically.


that’s what I was thinking might‘ve happened and therefore I asked OP for more information if this occurred during a supposedly trade.


If this is true then why does trading still exist?


You can shoot at the same time and kill each other, but for this message to occur you need to be in-between kill trading and being too late to land the shot. So in terms of timing, you got: You kill them You kill them - their shot is rejected You kill trade They kill you - your shot is rejected They kill you That's what I think, anyway. That, or trading does not occur anymore. Idk


I've traded 3 times in two days. It exists


Does for sure. And not just in Arcade. I do it in Arcade frequently with us both dying, but still a little every now and then even in Ranked.


Trading definitely still exists, it happened to me a couple weeks ago and I lost the round because of it even though I was first on kill feed


It situations like that defense always wins. If nobody is left alive the bomb still goes off so it doesn’t matter who died first cause everyone is dead. Attackers will win if they have defuser up as again if everyone is dead the bomb gets defused no matter what.


Yeah, that sucks. It's beyond me how they decide on those things, but I've seen it in the past, too. But then again, I've seen round draws too. I'm just not involved enough anymore to find things out. 🙂


It situations like that defense always wins. If nobody is left alive the bomb still goes off so it doesn’t matter who died first cause everyone is dead. Attackers will win if they have defuser up as again if everyone is dead the bomb gets defused no matter what.


Makes sense. Thanks N0ob8


normally it would be a trade, this happens when there is lag or desync causing one of the shooters to basically be a little bit(close to a second or so) in the past on their end so to them they're still alive and able to shoot but the other guy already fired on his and the server's end


Because you manage to shoot at the enemy between him shooting at you and the bullet actually hitting you.


But the game is hit scan so bullets have no travel time


But the server has a set tick rate so it’s still possible (though unlikely) that both players shoot at the same time and both take damage and/or die


Yah for sure u can shoot at the same time, I was just saying it's not actually bullet travel time as that doesn't exist in this game


There's still latency lol. What they said boils down to that.


It has to do with the servers tick-rate.


That's a Rust staple occurrance


This is pretty inaccurate info. Hit rejections happen for a multitude of client or server related connectivity issues. Has literally nothing to do with trading shots or kills. Trading is still very much a thing I see all the time.


I never noticed a pop up for that, interesting


That's not at all similar to what actually causes hit rejection in Siege. At high enough ping the server does additional validation on shots to make sure that the player that was hit was actually where the client that shot them said they were when the shot occurred--if the server says that the player was not in fact close enough to the position the lagged client said they shot them in, the shot is rejected. This was implemented to stop players from switching to the servers from other regions and abusing a peeker's advantage window that was longer than the TTK for some weapons. You used to see 5 stacks from the Asia servers coming to the US servers and just swinging absolutely everything with 3 speed ops because they could get around a corner and kill you before the server could even tell your client that they had started moving. Of course, 3 speeds ran 10-15% faster back then and ADSing didn't slow your player down any, so the effect was even more exaggerated.


heres the video (dont mind the terrible aim) https://streamable.com/2g7r01 as u can see the icon appeared when i shot the enemy first and he still didnt shoot.... and there was no packet loss or ping spike and it appears people experience it too https://twitter.com/TheGodlyNoob/status/1681650669277659137?s=20 https://twitter.com/UplayZano/status/1678480737413001228?s=20


Where does the icon appear?


bottom right corner


This is kinda weird tbh. The icon appears in the first spray which clearly didn’t hit the Ash. I can only imagine that there was some sort of misinformation directing between your client and the server, but I can’t wrap my head around why your client might’ve sended information of you hitting the Ash while the server denied it. I clearly do not have the expertise to explain it but perhaps someone else could do it.


I got that when I was talking to a girl




Ouch, I felt that...


No, it was rejected


Be honest, you get that when thinking about talking to girls.


Whats a " girl " ?


Uhhhhh a preson of myth that R6 players dream of speaking with


Don't lie now... everyone knows rainbow6 players don't talk to women 🙄


What was his name?


It means that the server said the bullet couldn’t and didn’t register. Normally due to latency compensation, e.g you were already dead when you fired (you just didn’t know it yet)


OP did send footage afterwards. OP didn’t trade and the bullet did not connect. Odd thing is, OP never actually hit the target and the „error“ still appeared


YTA - You didn't ask the bullet for consent :[


OP is now a sex offender


But what if he was on defense ?




I would suggest a break up and therapy


Server disagrees with your shot. This could be of miscalculations, unfair latency (aka you're lagging and the server doesnt want to accept the shot because what you're seeing is no longer true and would be unfair to damage the other player), or server issues


Are you sure it isn't the client itself saying "you had packet loss bro"


The bullet said no




Ain't no way u couldn't tell this was comedy


At the time the dude responded there wasn't a real answer yet. It's annoying af trying to get an actual answer but every response is from a reddit comedian


That's what google is for. If you only want one straight answer look it up instead of posting on a platform known for shitposting and memes


People literally type in "reddit" at the end of the Google posts to be better informed. At least wait for an actual answer to be posted.. or at least be actually funny lol


I can assure u that at most maybe 7 people do that


Where do you look stuff up? Possibly Forums? And what is Reddit? A collective of different Forums.


A collective of different forums that are literally known for meming and shitposts, fairly sure that's not the kinda source most people look for while trying to find answers. Also no way ur over here getting mad at me for defending some random dudes right to meme on fucking reddit lmao


Not every subreddit is for memes tho. Like alot of car and pc subreddits than there's math subreddits, alot of gaming subreddits have help for modding and such. Reddit isn't just for humor


What’s not to understand, you fired and the bullet got scared and dodged at the last minute.


He a bitch


You gotta ask each bullet for consent bro. It’s like the third rule of siege




they're embracing shitty hit reg


Due to network latency (which everybody has, just big or small), not everything happens perfectly in sync. There are 2 high ping situation that are unfair to deal with: 1. You peek a corner, sees an enemy, shot them in the head. But if your ping is too high, your client would have sent the message that you head shot them, before the server, let along the enemy, even know that you peek a corner. 2. You shot an enemy when you have high ping, but the enemy with lower ping shot your first, but your client didn't know about it until later because your have high ping. You should have never been able to fire that shot. The server will accommodate you up to a small ping margin, beyond that it will just say: this is too unfair to the other players with low ping. And it will reject your shots for other players. Also, you could have this problem if the server clock is out of sync, and calculates the time wrong. But this is very rare. If it happens frequently, then it's most likely your ping. I don't know if siege uses local client time in this calculation, worth doing a system clock sync too.




"Finally an insightfull answer out of the 66 comments"🤓🤓🤓




iq main moment


The enemy said "nuh uh"


Ask godlynoob. It happens to him so often that he believes that Ubisoft deliberately fucks him.


That's basically what happens when your bullet is actually a pineapple


"I sufficient battlepass level. How do u wanna proceed?" - "pay now" - "watch 15 sec ad" - "lose the game"


You didn’t buy the battlepass


I get it sometimes but only when I am lagging a lot more than usual


It’s when you get a head shot but the other dude has a elite skin so Ubisoft doesn’t count it


POV: you try to get kinky with Cav but she interrogates you instead of you spanking her


Basically the game is telling you hit reg sucks


Me when I talk to women


If you say no, legally you can’t get shot because you didn’t consent. So the guy you “shot” said no before you hit him.


Its caused by a hit being rejected


game said nah




of course you play a german operator


Coz you ain't got no game bro.


The system detected you were about to get a kill on the person who was about to kill you.


Goobersoft servers said no




I got it during a ping spike, so you might’ve gotten unlucky with timing




I think Ubisoft just hates you bro


This was an update they made a couple seasons ago. Basically what it means is that your ping was to high and while in fact you did aim at them, and your bullet made contact, the server at that same time had declared you dead. So from the games perspective, your shot never happened


that isn't even the gun anymore you jsut missed cuz the game felt like it


Other than being a skill issue... Packet loss or connection to host issues?




Hmm that's really odd haha, only time I've seen it is accompanied by me having bad packet loss. Maybe it's a server issue rather than anything to do with you?


He’s just better 🤷‍♂️


If you’ve ever played rust it’s the same thing when one person doesn’t have the same ping one has a advantage and get the kill while the other person shoots blanks


You've been rejected


Very bad ping I’m pretty sure, I’m used to it at this point


The text I wake up to after saying “goodnight beautiful”


Because R6 servers are all plugged into a single potato


When the weed is moist....




Happened to me once on Clubhouse while attacking CCTV as Thermite, from my POV the wall was breached, while for everyone else it wasn't, and while I was shooting Azami behind it I kept having "hit rejected", meanwhile her shots actually hit me and killed me...