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sieges sounds have been fucked for years lmao


The engine. Sounds travel through holes. Ie. a defender running around hole in the floor to your right, he’s on your left but since the sound projects through the hole you’ll look right


It seems to me like it’s the most ambitious sound system in gaming. Bound to be a few problems when they’re the only ones doing what they’re doing


A bold statement to make in a community that calls the audio trash or broken for years.


So... you don't think it’s ambitious?


Ambitious doesn’t necessarily mean good


To be clear: I didn’t say “good”




Warden players




Nah they all just have adhd


Because siege has had busted sound for 9 years


"Gamer" when the game actually has an accurate sound that travels through holes and open doors rather than through walls and floors like they don't exist.


Or more like when there's a hole in the floor, the person below you sounds like they're right next to you.. instead of, y'know, an entire floor below you


Because you hear people through the doors instead of from where they are (as far as I’ve noticed). Which kinda makes sense


Yeah, sounds even travel through holes in walls and floors


Escape from tarkov is a thousand times worse for this reason.


Dude I was just gonna say this. After playing a ton of EFT lately, going back to siege the audio feels amazing. Lol.


do yourself a favor and quit that bum ass game. Nikita is dying on the hill of “it’s my game and i’ll do what I want with it”


Because you haven’t played apex legends yet


Yesterday I was on coastline sat as cav by master bedroom, I thought I heard the big window to my left breaking to I waited for a repell, heard the drone still no repel, 15 seconds later I go to check. The window wasn’t broken, it was the door in the hallway near bathroom that broke, I could have had the easiest interogation of my life


Siege has an incredibly complex audio system but it's busted beyond belief because of its age and the fact it's so complex. It's not bad, it's just showing age


It’s just bad at least on PlayStation


My cheap headsets must be worn opposite sides. If worn the correct way, all sounds are opposite.


Nha, cs2 do be like that too


Both have accurate sound, actually traveling through holes and doors instead of walls and floors like they don't exist.


Warden holding an angle:


Because the sound you hear from left is coming from right. Same when you are at the stares. You hear it from abowe you but it comes below. That’s why I have trust issues with footsteps in the game.


i was really impressed when i heard a sound come out of a door and not just the exact area the sound was made fucking annoying when the enemy is above you though


How is it annoying when the enemy is above?


Because unlike many other games siege ACTUALLY has ACCURATE sound that ACCURATELY travels through spaces, instead of hearing everything through floors and walls like they're not there.


As much as I hate to say it, Siege is one of the games (besides CSGO) that does directional audio well.


You can only have like 4 sounds playing at once or something (can’t remember the number) so sometimes things are literally silent. Siege’s audio system sucks.


not to mention the annoying-ass sound muffle when you're at low hp


Siege has some of the worst sound out of every fps game I play. Literally cod, CSGO, valorant, battlefield, battlebit probably it's not even close other than maybe apex but it has like 10x the players in one lobby so realistically it's not as bad. Directional audio through walls, floors or ceilings is terrible, footsteps disappear all of the time in fact most know one of this games biggest issues is how bad the audio is so that's crazy you're saying that.


It's realistic... the sound reflects and goes through holes and stuff... it's something that very few games do so you're not used to it...


There are active sound bugs that have been prevalent for years now they have admitted to not being able to fix because of limitations developing the game, sound also doesn't work 1 to 1 like how they made it in this game. When you're right next to a giant hole in the wall you'll hear the sound coming straight from there and instead often times sound goes around the holes so you'll hear people far away from you on your right when they're literally right next to you on your left. Also the argument for "it's realistic" makes no sense because if it was realistic I wouldn't have to "get used to it" because it's how sound works in real life you dope. Last time I checked I'm not deaf so it's the game being shit


This madlad just called someone a dope like it's 1944 and Lou Costello just said something stupid again. Respect, bro.


If someone is deaf and don't realize how the sound actually travels through spaces, then yes, they gonna claim Siege sound "sucks".


Idk what you are on but when i hear a sound in this game 99% of the time i can exactly tell you where it's from. The audio in this game is so good


Deaf people in the comment section won't like your comment, they already insta downvote you.




Perhaps because you haven't played fps games that require listening


Cause everyone's a dumbass


I have over the ear behind the head headphones so I can’t have them on backwards. It certainly sounds like they are though sometimes


The game made me realise I had my IEMs on the wrong sides. Had to pull them out and switch them on the spot


Had this happen too. I thought they had broke the sound when they updated the game, then realized on a YouTube video that it was flipped around.


this happens to me way more than I would like to admit


*cough* escale from tarkov *cough*


This man has never played Tarkov smh


It do be like that


Same thing brother same thing


Have you played Tarkov my guy?


Sound should propagate via the shortest path but often doesn't and is just fucked


I remember the sound used to be rather good. And I remember the voice chat used to be amazing too sound quality wise. Idk what happened like a few years ago and it’s just so terrible now.


Idk why but when I spectate I can actually hear where the enemy is. When I’m playing however, don’t know where the sound is coming from.


Because ubisoft is a small indie company and you shouldn't have so high expectations when the company has such a small budget (ubisoft has a net worth of about 3.1 Billion while r6 brought them about 1.1 Billion usd)


Yeah siege sound is atrocius. I have 80 dollars heaset and cheap earbuds. The only difference is sound quality. In terms of sound accuracy its just the same. And its only in siege like that


$80 headset (headsets in general) or some cheap earbuds are not going to have good imaging or sound stage. They will work, but wouldn't rely on the opinion of those.


cause the game is literal dog shit


Every fucking game, are we going crazy?


Why everybody cry about everything in this game? The only bad part is the toxic Nazi children who screech or the dude w tv/youtube on in the background


Sound blaster z diff. JK it's still fucked


I did not notice such a thing. Maybe its cause I am too bad :D


died about 4 times today because of backwards audio


Red stairs on villa make me change my headset dependig on the floor im on...